WvW Roaming movies!
"This is maybe just not the game for you"
WvW Roaming movies!
I agree.. i feel gw2 is more for a mature audience i love playing at my own pace
Yup its not the game for me, pity I bought it thinking I could enjoy the pve content and the pvp equally but thats not the case.
PVE is just boring tedious grind now with very little reward, PVP on the other hand, is fast pace, ever changing and dynamic.
I just wish they hadn’t lied about what the game was actually focused on.
And yeah I played the PVE content, it was fun, my pace of gaming is faster than most “average” people even if I consider myself average player. But theres no way I was rushing, thats like being in a marathon and saying anyone who isnt walking as slow as you is rushing to the finish line, they’re running it at their own pace.
So now what do I have?
A heavily voice acted persistent world version of League of Leagends.
Oh and being rewarded for doing something challenging is part of games being fun.
Otherwise you’re just wasting time.
Grinding is wasting time… see where this is going….?
(edited by Rizzy.8293)
I’ve seen these exact same type of threads in every recent MMO released.
And every one of them end up being a ghost town.
I enjoy the game, but I’m worried about the population of players doing a mass exodus in the end.
Telling people to leave is not the answer.
I love how much efford OP put in the post just to hide one simple message: “you’re a WoW kiddie, we’re better than you because we enjoy the game more”.
Its funny how nothing changes from MMO to MMO in terms of forum posts. The same camps of people push the same positions and you see basically the same posts. Not that there’s no validity to it, its just a never ending back and forth which repeats itself identically in each new MMO
Oh and being rewarded for doing something challenging is part of games being fun.
Otherwise you’re just wasting time.
Most games are wastes of time. It’s why they’re games instead of jobs.
There is really nothing useful about having a Thor’s Hammer Of The Heavens with it’s +100 AOE lightning damage and 35 second stun.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
I’m really enjoying the game and I’ve a handful of friends (both new and old) who feel the same way. Let’s not beat around the bush here, since the thread title is very valid. A lot of people seem to be demanding that core game mechanics change to fit what they want in a MMO. If people turn around and counter their points, they tend to get very vocal and nasty, spewing their bile across numerous threads and ranting about how GW2 is supposedly going to die.
It’s an illogical mindset that has unfortunately been common for as long as MMO’s have become mainstream. It’s not the genre for many people, yet they insist on jumping into it.
I’ve seen these exact same type of threads in every recent MMO released.
And every one of them end up being a ghost town.I enjoy the game, but I’m worried about the population of players doing a mass exodus in the end.
Telling people to leave is not the answer.
The exact same complaints come up for every MMO released too. Lack of content/endgame, too much of a grind, not enough/too easy rewards, too hard/easy content. The list goes on. I think people have too high expectations on what a MMO can offer. Not just GW2 but any game. People expect to buy the game, get exactly what they want from day 1 and be entertained indefinitely.
No themepark type game will ever be able to please everyone and keep them entertained for ever. All you can do is play the game you enjoy the most. Doesn’t mean you can’t have a opinion on things. Just don’t expect devs to tailor the game after YOUR needs as something you like/dislike may not be the same for everyone.
Oh and being rewarded for doing something challenging is part of games being fun.
Otherwise you’re just wasting time.Most games are wastes of time. It’s why they’re games instead of jobs.
There is really nothing useful about having a Thor’s Hammer Of The Heavens with it’s +100 AOE lightning damage and 35 second stun.
I dont get why some people dont get this… I play because I enjoy playing… Not because I have some need to work for some illusionary reward (though getting something special like a cool weapon skin is nice for those who put the time in).
basher : <<This game sux , but it sux hard . I wants raid – gear progretion- arenas or this game will die , and its dying each sec>>
fans :<<The game in not for>>
fans :<<I dont agree with u >>
fans : <<why are u here ?>>
killtherhealersffs : u shouls watch ur stupid mouth , u stupid kid , if u want us to get ur post seriously …
basher: <<omg fanbois>>
We arent the ones , who start the flamewar :P
And in other games , there arent bad ppl . But instead , there are flying unicorns and fluffy animals everywhere :P
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
I’ve seen these exact same type of threads in every recent MMO released.
And every one of them end up being a ghost town.I enjoy the game, but I’m worried about the population of players doing a mass exodus in the end.
Telling people to leave is not the answer.
I’m taking a break from GW2 for the time being. I’m going back to play GW1, which I’ve been playing since 2006, as well as other fun games out there. I don’t like where they are headed with the all-around nerfing, cumulative high cost of travel and armor repair, or even collecting a useless boatload of black lion chests I can’t open.
Maybe Anet can live off with the self proclaimed “mature” and intellectually superior type of players that are left after the dust is settled. Or maybe the fun meter can be broaden and improved – which I hope it will.
After playing more MMO’s for more years then I care to admit (16 years) I’m very happy with the route they took with this game, and the direction it’s headed.
@Deith, I’m sorry, but that’s not what I’m trying to say, nor the point I want to make: My point is, we ain’t all agreeing about what’s a good game! sure, if you get your fun with games that use Skinner’s Box to give you “fun”, then that’s fine with me. But, this game ain’t one of these, and we are players that want these kind of game aswell, so please let us have it!
WvW Roaming movies!
More so now than 5-10 years ago, MMo gaming crowds are like dogs. It does not matter who is offering the food, they will run to it and eat it. Someone else will then produce food, and they will run to them and eat it too. They never get full, they just keep running to the next food source, pooping as they go, leaving nothing but a mess behind them.
MMo gamers used to be so much more, now it’s just “who can give me my fix quick enough while we wait for the next one to pop up and do the same”.
Guild Wars 2 tries a lot of new things, as well as taking tired concepts and breathing new life into them. There is however only one thing that can destroy this game right now, and as always, it’s the players.
I am starting to think there is a secret club of awful and vile people that go from game to game bashing it into the floor on the forums, and trolling through every channel they can type in ingame, trying to convince people who are genuinely enjoying themselves that the little tiny things that they didn’t get bothered by are enough to end their world.
I just see it as a cloud of locusts, moving constantly, and devouring everything in their paths.
Someone get the bug spray pls.
@Deith, I’m sorry, but that’s not what I’m trying to say, nor the point I want to make: My point is, we ain’t all agreeing about what’s a good game! sure, if you get your fun with games that use Skinner’s Box to give you “fun”, then that’s fine with me. But, this game ain’t one of these, and we are players that want these kind of game aswell, so please let us have it!
What EXACTLY you lose if the “non-rewarded” players will get their rewards?
Its a good game; best out there. But we still push the envelope of needs, is all. Like the complete lack of rewards for effort that do give those that put forth more effort a more rewarding reward that offers a slight advantage over a general item.
Its a good game; best out there. But we still push the envelope of needs, is all. Like the complete lack of rewards for effort that do give those that put forth more effort a more rewarding reward that offers a slight advantage over a general item.
Chain grinding a dungeon isn’t that much more effort.
Tarnished Coast
The argument that “this is not the game for you” can be true for some. In other cases the argument can be “improvement from criticism”.
The difficulty is figuring out if this game is really not for you or if the game with a few tweaks is the game for you. Few people like or hate absolutely everything in a game.
What is a bit annoying is this group of people that were 80 since the first week, all in exotic gear and me just turning 80 in level 75 yellows wondering if these people will even allow me in their groups cause I am “poorly geared”. The difference is just too big. I don’t mind taking time to get my gear together. But if there’s a core group of people who are fully equipped in exotic then it is annoying to take that patient stance because I am stuck in the middle between a small overgeared group and a big group of people who aren’t near 80 yet.
Pugging dungeons is atrocious because it takes 4 hours which I don’t usually have on weeknights and I am undergeared for the speed clear groups.
I don’t want to do most dungeons in explorable mode because the tokens are useless to me since I only like 2 of the armour sets (TA and Arah).
So I have to wait till more people are 80 but I figure that the problem started by allowing people to get Exotic gear too quickly and it will take about another month before the higher level population is more balanced.
So yeh for the answer is alts but at the moment it’s tough not being a hardcore and being level 80 at the same time.
Soon as someone can’t type the extra two characters to spell you is when they go on my blocked list.
basher : <<This game sux , but it sux hard . I wants raid – gear progretion- arenas or this game will die , and its dying each sec>>
fans :<<The game in not for>>
fans :<<I dont agree with u >>
fans : <<why are u here ?>>
killtherhealersffs : u shouls watch ur stupid mouth , u stupid kid , if u want us to get ur post seriously …
basher: <<omg fanbois>>We arent the ones , who start the flamewar :P
And in other games , there arent bad ppl . But instead , there are flying unicorns and fluffy animals everywhere :P
I am a guy who plays Minecraft. Minecraft is a game with zero story, zero incentives, zero carrots on a stick. However, it’s actually fun. I’ve played it for a year already and I’ve never had a moment where I felt I had ran out of things to do. There was always things to do, and you could set goals for yourself to do. Want to build the tallest tower in the world made out of wood? You could do that. Want to make a really elaborate maze out of ice? You could do that.
Guild Wars 2 on the other hand rubs me the wrong way and I realized why.
Of course people would say Minecraft and GW2 are completely different games, apples and oranges… Yes the gameplay, graphics and goals are different. But as much as they are different, you should not forget these PC games in general share common concepts and family features. One of those, is respecting the player’s time and the effort they put into something.
In Minecraft, if you want to start on your massive project, it would involve you mining and gathering all the necessary materials, this could involve getting lots of wood, to getting rare things like diamonds. Some might be grind, some might be not, but the concept here is that the game never punishes you for doing it.
You want to strip mine an entire mountain for diamonds? You will find at least 20-30 ores for your efforts, and you can keep doing it again and again until you get your supplies.
Maybe you prefer to take it easy and walk around caves to look for them? Will probably net you 5-10 diamonds, but it’s slightly easier as diamonds are easily seen in the walls.
Minecraft does something right in the sense of it rewards you proportionally for the amount of effort you put into it. You spend more time, work harder, the game gives you what you legitimately earn.
Guild Wars 2 lacks this. In between anti-bot farming code (which isn’t perfect) comes the dungeon nerfs to the rewards. Making a dungeon hard is fine, but the rewards doesn’t reflect on the effort you put into it.
The anti-farming code doesn’t stop bots from farming events. Bots have infinite stamina. They never grow tired, they never need to eat, sleep or handle any other thing in real life. They exist solely to hit the same mob over and over again 24/7. They don’t care if they are getting 1% of drops anyway, they’ll just keep trucking on.
Human beings simply cannot compete with this, the time we spend on running DE is real, we spend real effort, real time, into doing events and dungeons. However, the harder we work, the less we are rewarded.
Bots however, cannot do dungeons, so why the rewards for dungeons are reduced and a 30 minute timer cap placed on them makes no sense to me.
- “But you don’t need to get that gear because normal gear gives you the same stats!”
That is a comment I hear often. Guild Wars is a game without a carrot on a stick, much like Minecraft. That’s why people complain there’s no endgame, because the game doesn’t provide them with that direction.
So what do people do in games where they’ve (somewhat) finished? People will make goals for themselves to give themselves something to do, it lengthens their game experience. People in Skyrim mod their games, some people start a new building project in Minecraft, some people start in harder game mode, or some people try to drive that motorcycle to see how high it can go off a ramp in GTA. People create goals for themselves in games all the time, and there is nothing wrong with that.
However, Guild Wars offers these goals, but they are from two extremes with no intermediates. It is either regular gear and stuff that you can just get from levelling up, or extreme time consuming frustrating unrealistic time sinks.
There needs to be an intermediate spread of things to do that isn’t crazy easy or crazy hard (gear, vanity items, goals) that can be reached in intervals. What is wrong with having something of medium difficulty and others slowly scaling up to being hard, really hard and then to legendary hard?
Once a player realizes he can finish one goal, he will try for a harder one and so fourth challenging himself to do better.
I think Anet has the wrong idea of making things too expensive and scarce because they think that making people work longer for them will increase the lifespan of the game. It likely won’t, because there are human limits to patience, attention span, and interest. The game needs to sprinkle a bit of reward for a player’s effort to encourage him forwards, to know that all his effort isn’t completely for nothing, instead of punishing people for putting honest effort into something.
I know my post is kinda wishy washy, the preview window is small and I’m kinda sleep deprived…. But that’s my 2 cents on it all.
I’m not mad at the game or anything, but I’m getting the feeling of ‘meh’ and ‘why put effort into it?’. It doesn’t come from boredom, it comes from too many restrictions on what I want to do in game.
(edited by Levelord.5746)
Yup its not the game for me, pity I bought it thinking I could enjoy the pve content and the pvp equally but thats not the case.
PVE is just boring tedious grind now with very little reward, PVP on the other hand, is fast pace, ever changing and dynamic.
I just wish they hadn’t lied about what the game was actually focused on.
How odd, GW2 is exactly how I expected for it to be.
But hey, GW1, EvE Online / DAoC / Warhammer players know how a game like GW2 is going to be.
It’s not ArenaNET fault if the other “conventional” MMOs are different and their players expect GW2 to be different.
I can only imagine if the original ultima online was released now with the ability to loot player corpses, steal houses, and completely SCREW over other players how the community would react now after playing all the soft and fluffy MMO’s that the genre has turned into.
@Deith, I’m sorry, but that’s not what I’m trying to say, nor the point I want to make: My point is, we ain’t all agreeing about what’s a good game! sure, if you get your fun with games that use Skinner’s Box to give you “fun”, then that’s fine with me. But, this game ain’t one of these, and we are players that want these kind of game aswell, so please let us have it!
What EXACTLY you lose if the “non-rewarded” players will get their rewards?
If you guys get your “reward” you gear with your numbers on, I loose the ability to “do what I want”, without “farming for the numbers, to do what I want”. That is what I loose, they remove the fun, and replace with with reward…
WvW Roaming movies!
but all game forums are about people complaining incessantly about how much the game they can’t stop playing sucks. The people who truly believe a game sucks don’t rant on forums. they silently slip off and play a game they don’t think sucks.
It’s a weird phenomenon that I just don’t understand.
It’s a game where we don’t have to do anything at all, to do everything there is in the game.
Well, you sure got that right.
I can only imagine if the original ultima online was released now with the ability to loot player corpses, steal houses, and completely SCREW over other players how the community would react now after playing all the soft and fluffy MMO’s that the genre has turned into.
It’d be like playing EvE Online or Darkfall Online: 30-40k (yes 30 – 40 thousands) players who accept the freedom and the challenges that come with those games.
The remaining 14M are just not “enough” to play those games.
@Deith, I’m sorry, but that’s not what I’m trying to say, nor the point I want to make: My point is, we ain’t all agreeing about what’s a good game! sure, if you get your fun with games that use Skinner’s Box to give you “fun”, then that’s fine with me. But, this game ain’t one of these, and we are players that want these kind of game aswell, so please let us have it!
What EXACTLY you lose if the “non-rewarded” players will get their rewards?
If you guys get your “reward” you gear with your numbers on, I loose the ability to “do what I want”, without “farming for the numbers, to do what I want”. That is what I loose, they remove the fun, and replace with with reward…
I never said I want epic gear as a reward. Here is your problem, you assume too much, you assume I’m a Wow player because you think I want gear. But in Witcher 2 or Dragon Age they don’t give me epic gear and I still feel rewarded for my efford. You got it now or you’ll still talk about gear?
I think MMO’s shouldn’t teach people if somethings not fair whine till “you” feel that it is. It should be more like real life, as in if its not fair, adapt. LIFE ISN’T FAIR, deal with it and be happy, because if you can’t even do it in a video game you will be miserable in life.
This is an amazing post and everyone that is “anti-reward” should read this. This is exactly the same kind of feeling I’m getting from GW2 about dungeons. Doing story mode and explorable paths the first time was fun and challenging and that in itself was a good enough reward. But now that I’m aiming for an armor it’s really become a mindless time and gold sink and much more of a chore than anything else.
With mega-grinding being the only thing left to do for me (besides PvP) I might be putting down GW2 for a good long while.
The argument that “this is not the game for you” can be true for some. In other cases the argument can be “improvement from criticism”.
(Bla bla bla a good post, just no need to quote that much)
Tha’ts where GW II shine Gehenna… You don’t need to gear up! It won’t matter. It ain’t about you gear, it’s about your skills and the teamwork you have with the group you go to the explore dungeon! Yes, you will get a little higher stats with full exotic, but it haven’t stopped me from doing anything yet!
WvW Roaming movies!
I think MMO’s shouldn’t teach people if somethings not fair whine till “you” feel that it is. It should be more like real life, as in if its not fair, adapt. LIFE ISN’T FAIR, deal with it and be happy, because if you can’t even do it in a video game you will be miserable in life.
This isn’t about the game being fair, it’s about it being fun and rewarding in a dopamine kind of way. That’s pretty obvious at this point.
The argument that “this is not the game for you” can be true for some. In other cases the argument can be “improvement from criticism”.
(Bla bla bla a good post, just no need to quote that much)
.Tha’ts where GW II shine Gehenna… You don’t need to gear up! It won’t matter. It ain’t about you gear, it’s about your skills and the teamwork you have with the group you go to the explore dungeon! Yes, you will get a little higher stats with full exotic, but it haven’t stopped me from doing anything yet!
Did you play GW1? Do you know how insignificant items are compared to GW1? Don’t even mention them :P
I never said I want epic gear as a reward. Here is your problem, you assume too much, you assume I’m a Wow player because you think I want gear. But in Witcher 2 or Dragon Age they don’t give me epic gear and I still feel rewarded for my efford. You got it now or you’ll still talk about gear?
See, I never said anything about wow, I just talked about gear with bigger numbers, and you come to that conclusion yourself. You know what the main reward for many players, playing games is? It’s fun, you play these games because you enjoy they time you spent on the games! If you need some sort of reward for doing that, again, there is plenty of games out there giving you a reward. This game ain’t fun for you? then go to another. (and both game you bring are single players RPG’s, and Dragon age is loot focused a lot)
WvW Roaming movies!
This is my favourite MMO since DAoC. WAR almost got it right but just screwed up with city sieges, a bad gear grinding system and bugs and OP/UP abilities that persisted for months.
WvW is a blast (I REALLY hope they expand what you can do and make every borderlands map different) and I hope to start doing some dungeons soon.
I spend almost every moment I have in game in WvW though. I really hope they fix the queue system and make all loot in WvW auto-loot.
DAoC was a game that had much smaller rewards at endgame than most though. I personally enjoy that but I know a lot of people won’t.
Did you play GW1? Do you know how insignificant items are compared to GW1? Don’t even mention them :P
I never got to play GW I hehe, I gotta admit that!
WvW Roaming movies!
I never said I want epic gear as a reward. Here is your problem, you assume too much, you assume I’m a Wow player because you think I want gear. But in Witcher 2 or Dragon Age they don’t give me epic gear and I still feel rewarded for my efford. You got it now or you’ll still talk about gear?
See, I never said anything about wow, I just talked about gear with bigger numbers, and you come to that conclusion yourself. You know what the main reward for many players, playing games is? It’s fun, you play these games because you enjoy they time you spent on the games! If you need some sort of reward for doing that, again, there is plenty of games out there giving you a reward. This game ain’t fun for you? then go to another. (and both game you bring are single players RPG’s, and Dragon age is loot focused a lot)
It’s fun to kill a boss, what happens after that is dissapointing
PVE is just boring tedious grind now with very little reward, PVP on the other hand, is fast pace, ever changing and dynamic.
Boring and tedious is your personal taste going on. Tell it’s grind is not a fact, i cant even see why do you think that when that’s the less grind pve I ever seen. If you are talking about armors you do not NEED, then again its not grind at all, grind for what? cosmetic?
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
@Deith… I fail to see your problem then? So you went to a dungeon, you and your team fought together and got thekittenbosskittenin a fun boss battle! What more do you need? you had fun? ain’t that the entire point with the game? that you have fun? I just don’t get the idea of “well, nothing good dropped, this sucks”. Yes I do agree they should add a bigger money reward to dungeons. But I can’t see why we need more? Sure I wouldn’t mind a random chance for a cosmetic armor piece if that’s what would sail the boat for many. Or give the boss encounter different ways to be beaten, and then a title to brag about it with!
WvW Roaming movies!
Id rather waste my time having fun, than waste my time not having fun.
My job is fun, its by no means a game because if I were to treat as a game, people die, for reals, no spawn points.
i want to love the game… really do. put enough investment in the first game that i was really hopeing this game would live up to what they said. Right now my biggest problem is your not allowed to farm. and everything in the game is pretty much just another gold sink.
you know why people loved gw1 with less content? Because Anet didnt tell them how to play.
Also the thousands of personal stories thing is BS no mater where you start it ends the same. its mass effect all over again.
Server: Maguma
Guild: Judgement [Eye]
i want to love the game… really do. put enough investment in the first game that i was really hopeing this game would live up to what they said. Right now my biggest problem is your not allowed to farm. and everything in the game is pretty much just another gold sink.
you know why people loved gw1 with less content? Because Anet didnt tell them how to play.
Also the thousands of personal stories thing is BS no mater where you start it ends the same. its mass effect all over again.
What ain’t you allowed to farm again? The only thing they have stopped you in farming is the same dungeon twice in a row?
WvW Roaming movies!
“This game won’t give you any motivation, but the motivation of the game being fun to play.”
Said it all. When people come here to compare it just make me sick.
They have payed what? 4 months of a subscription game (plus the fact you need to buy the box in the subscription TOO so gw2 is way cheaper), they do not have grind to max level, they do not have a npc telling them what they NEED to do or they cant keep going, they do not have only ONE line of quests in one map or few maps, they do not have endless raids for NEEDED gears, they do not have static combat nor a closed class system with defined roles, they do not have higher levels ruining all the experience for lowbies, they do not have a greed company using cash shop +subscription + buy the box, and yet, they still coming here to talk like if all their personal taste or illusions created by their own mind based on hype should become true. It’s just ridiculous…
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
PVE is just boring tedious grind now with very little reward, PVP on the other hand, is fast pace, ever changing and dynamic.
Boring and tedious is your personal taste going on. Tell it’s grind is not a fact, i cant even see why do you think that when that’s the less grind pve I ever seen. If you are talking about armors you do not NEED, then again its not grind at all, grind for what? cosmetic?
Oh so you’re telling me that when I’m in my rare gear and my crit damage just almost touches 2000 and when Im in my exotic gear my crit damage goes up to 2700 equipment doesnt matter?
Im not sure you understand how guildwars and guildwars 2 works but heres the basics on equipment.
Equipment is STANDARDIZED, it matters to a certain point but it doesnt give you an advantage that is unfair over someone else.
Wearing Rare armour at level 80 is like being a level 20 in guildwars wearing a gear for a level 17 – 19, yes you can still kill things and survive and but you’re not going to be as efficient a player as you would be in your level appropriate gear, you’re dragging the team down people are carrying you
And if you are level 80, please go check the price of crafted exotic gear, its called Emblazoned, the Beserker stats at TP
Do the maths on how gold it takes to get that full set, you’re telling me that 18 gold is something easy to come by, I’ve not even included the weapons or the upgrades.
And stop talking like everyone complains about how I DONT WANT TO DO DUNGEONS BECAUSE ITS TOO HARD AN I JUST WANT THE GEAR AT THE END
First of all, I personally think the end game medium armour is hideous that even a male lady gaga would not wear them. I had to transmutate my emblazone set to an outlaw skin because it doesnt look like a mongolian shredder.
If you think the armour looks AWESOME and you want it, its your choice, go get it.
My problem with the whole PVE is the fact that theres no rewards what so ever, What do I get after wasting 1 hour in a dungeon I dont need to do? 18 – 3 silvers?
Is that fun?
Well if you definition of fun is to do boring risky things that break your bank, yeah sure good for you, mine isn’t
I can level up from 1 – 80 solely by PVP why not.
I dont have to put up with the monotonous grind of ROUTINED events.
@Deith… I fail to see your problem then? So you went to a dungeon, you and your team fought together and got thekittenbosskittenin a fun boss battle! What more do you need? you had fun?
We had fun and we have no reason to go back there again, “same joke isn’t funy twice”.
i want to love the game… really do. put enough investment in the first game that i was really hopeing this game would live up to what they said. Right now my biggest problem is your not allowed to farm. and everything in the game is pretty much just another gold sink.
you know why people loved gw1 with less content? Because Anet didnt tell them how to play.
Also the thousands of personal stories thing is BS no mater where you start it ends the same. its mass effect all over again.
What ain’t you allowed to farm again? The only thing they have stopped you in farming is the same dungeon twice in a row?
Oh you don’t know?
Loot rates drop dramatically when you start killing stuff in an area after 15 minutes.
@Deith… I fail to see your problem then? So you went to a dungeon, you and your team fought together and got thekittenbosskittenin a fun boss battle! What more do you need? you had fun?
We had fun and we have no reason to go back there again, “same joke isn’t funy twice”.
Exactly ad now without the reward i the end, its like a joke but not funny, better off not hearing at all.
I’m not mad at the game or anything, but I’m getting the feeling of ‘meh’ and ‘why put effort into it?’. It doesn’t come from boredom, it comes from too many restrictions on what I want to do in game.
Levelord says it for me. The game is pretty but shallow and the problem is i am just of the players who needs to be progression. And challenged while progressing, i need the carrot to feel like i am getting somewhere , better gear, more stats, bigger shinies etc . The game does not provide it. I do not see how running COF 60 times to get a set of armor which looks different but has the same stats as the rest is any meaningful gameplay to me.
the dynamic events are ok but it is just a zerg fest for most part, i am not a hero in them, just part of the zerg.
the wvwvw feels the same, it is all about the zerg. You neither feel like your accomplished anything but holding the orbs. PvP is fun but you can get your pvp kicks cheaper and with less investment than here. The main problem with WvWvW is that i do not feel any connection nor ownership of the generic battlegrounds. One Place is just a carbon copy of another place, my teamsmates are just generic copies of my opponents but a slightly different shade. When i got ot WvWvW the first thing i ask is not who am i fighting but what colour today ? In DAoC you fought in your own zones and they were while not your own, there was an ownership of your relics and the ground, Emain Macha was different to the Midgard etc. Same for WHO , while that game was a terrible disappointment your team was different from the opposing team , the ground you fought on and the castles your fought in was different. It does not feel generic carbon copies/
all in all i am disappointed with Gw2. I was one of many hoping for a better mmorpg experience but it is a grind and a unrewarding one at that at 80.
oh regarding the Skinner box, alot of folk have been quoting it without really giving it enough thought. Many better read and better educated behavioural scientists have already discounted the Skinner box idea to be applied to gaming. A better reasoning is that humans are by nature living in a Skinner Box. Yes you all criticising all the WoW players while living the dream is quite the irony. Look around you, you are CONDITIONED to act in a certain way by society, by your upbringing, your friends, you work, your social circles , the media, the games you play, the work you do, the tv you watch etc. Human conditioning exists within you,as you are constantly trying to feel better, stronger, richer, less hungry etc. No, the hilarity of all those quoting the Skinner box without realizing they live in one shows you how blissful ignorance is.
(edited by Bloody.8769)
We had fun and we have no reason to go back there again, “same joke isn’t funy twice”.
But then go with another group of friends, go to another dungeon, or another route, do something else. it’s the great thing, you don’t need to do it again if you don’t want to? I don’t know about you, but the MMORPG’s I have played where I had to go to the dungeons again and again to get loot, that was even less fun, even with all the rewards. It wasn’t fun because I felt forced to do it
WvW Roaming movies!
So now what do I have?
A heavily voice acted persistent world version of League of Leagends.
Every piece of credibility your post could have was lost when you compared Guild Wars with League of Legends. Really they are so disconnected to each other that I think you were just trolling and in no way interested on posting something meaningful.
No game will be good enough for everyone.
No, they didn’t lie about a single thing. I followed A.Net development of GW2 since it’s first days and I’m playing exactly the game I was expecting. If you are not, then your expectations were way off and that is your problem and fault.
My problem is with people who think the developers should change the whole game to meet the players’ expectations. Actually, sorry, let me correct myself: to meet their own expectations. Like something that took years to develop was that easy to change, anyways. My problem is with this kind of gamer who think they deserve everything their way and feel entitled to come here on the forums to make demands for it.
It is really this simple: if you really disliked this game, just go play something else. That is what I did with almost every other mmo out there. I’ve played them all, with a few exceptions. You name it, I’ve played it. And I’m sure you will never or have ever seen any post of mine complaining about core features and mechanics of any of them, and still I paid the same money everyone else did.
Ask for minor adjustments, fine… I won’t be a fanboy saying this game is perfect. No it has flaws, and its ok, nothing is perfect. An MMO is an ever evolving kind of game. If you played any other MMO before you would know this by now.
I’m just tired of people turning this forum on a “I was expecting this! Why A.Net? Why didn’t you make MY own private and personal dream of a game come true. Why???” mural.
(edited by deriver.5381)