Take note that I am a french player who does a big effort to write properly in english. Im writting in the .com forum since it is more likely to be viewed and read by more people than in the .fr forum.
Last week I made this topic : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Am-I-the-only-one-being-disappointed/first
After a lot of replies with lots of different oppinions on why update bring in a huge disappointment, here is what I propose in term of possible content that could be added to the game.
I will start by saying that I mostly play PvE and this what I mostly did since Gw1.
In the past weeks, I read a whole bunch of threads. Many of them were talking about the lack of end game, lack of reward etc. I actually agree and disagree on this one.
What is already great with end game is first off all, 8 dungeons with many paths, fractal of the mists, world bosses etc.
Now here is where I think this end game content could be improved and what I think could be added:
1. Dungeon difficulty
2. Dungeon Rewards and Token Merchant
3. Dungeon titles
4. Unique Rewards
Dungeon difficulty
Here is my background regarding dungeons. I am currently a member of the Keep Running [Kr] guild, previously named We Are Unstoppable [WaU] in guild wars 1. We are specialized in speed clearing dungeons and constantly challenging ourselves to go faster and find better ways to finish dungeons.
In Gw1 we were specialized in speed clears of DoA. And that guys, was first of all extremely difficult and also extremely rewarding. We used to log in the game at 9pm and make groups to practice DoA and then attempt to finish it as quick as possible. The amount of time we failed was huge, but in the end we kept going back in for the challenge and also for the reward (reward being loot and beating our previous time).
In Gw2 we tried to challenge ourselves into finishing Crucible, Ascalon, Sorrow, Fractals, Arah etc as fast as possible. It is challenging, but not as close as challenging as what we were used to do in Gw1.
With what we have currently in Gw2, I think the paths in the different dungeons are good, but maybe a bit to easy. To be honest, I don’t have the solution for that, but maybe, if the bosses were not to linear, maybe if dodge would not make us completely invulnerable, maybe if the difficulty of the dungeon could scale on the level of the player
Note: By the level of the player, I mean that a team at max is composed of 5 players with maximum level being 80. Now suppose the dungeon scales in the following way: For a complete team (5 players), Sum(i=1 to 5) (player(i) level)= Total level of the team, now this gives you an Index which is at max 5×80=400 and at min 5x(the dungeon required level) and the game adjusts its difficulty with this index. Take for example: Player 1: lvl 50, Player 2: lvl 65, Player 3: lvl 80, Player 4: lvl 80, Player 5: lvl 35. Sum= 310. Max Sum = 400. (310/400)*100%=77.5% of the index. Now the dungeon could scale to 77.5% of its true difficulty in order to make the dungeon livable for everyone. And people that actually want to be challenged would go with 5 lvl 80 player and play at the maximum difficulty with is on index 400 hence at 100% difficulty. Now people will say that this is a bad idea because some team will take a low level player just to make the dungeon easier. The solution would be to also scale the reward with such index. Taking my previous example 77.5% difficulty could bring in also 77.5% total reward and 100% difficulty could bring in 100%. I know this is probably a bit to simple, but its just an example. And to add an incentive to play to the maximum difficulty add something more (I will discuss that in Unique Reward).
I personally think that I would see less people saying in the lfg: Only lvl 80, no noobs, no ranger. The elitist can do their thing at max difficulty for max reward and people that are low level can actually complete the dungeon with an equivalent reward to their level.
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals