Thoughts on Leaked Armor/WvW map?
can you link me the armor and the map please
I love the way people post stuff like this but give no indication of what they are talking about. I’d like to see this as well.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Deleted due to lack of reading. lol
(edited by Vayne.8563)
I love the way people post stuff like this but give no indication of what they are talking about. I’d like to see this as well.
Just give it time – maybe he’ll realize it. :p
Link/attachments please.
The name of the file looks like this is an early concept from 2011. What makes you say this is new leaked content?
My bad, I did a google search and didn’t check the date. lol
(edited by Vayne.8563)
No idea if this is against the rules or not, but here’s at least one image.
makes some1 wonder if you ppl actually did WvWvW once in your life.
this is nothing else than southern EB map with different names for Towers and camps …. probably from some ealy beta stage.
heh i like the edit
I’m really REALLY tired. I was up all night doing Arah path 4. Left the dungeon to switch characters at the dwayna, without remember I had started the dungeon. Needless to say, my guidies were not happy campers (and since one of them was my wife…gah lol).
I need a new life, mine is broken.
I’m really REALLY tired. I was up all night doing Arah path 4. Left the dungeon to switch characters at the dwayna, without remember I had started the dungeon. Needless to say, my guidies were not happy campers (and since one of them was my wife…gah lol).
I need a new life, mine is broken.
Convert to Buddhism.
I’d like to see that new map too
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
some new maps for WvW would be very nice!
maybe 3 “in-between” borderlands? perhaps?
at the moment, we have.
eternal battlegrounds (3-way battle)
green borderlands (green’s home land)
blue borderlands (blue’s home land)
red borderlands (red’s home land)
lets add in …
cyan battlegrounds (in between green’s and blue’s home land)
magenta battlegrounds (in between blue’s and red’s home land)
yellow battlegrounds (in between red’s and green’s home land)
if eternal battlegrounds would be a 3-way battle then the cyan, magenta, yellow battlegrounds would be a 2-way battle.
for cyan battlegrounds (in between green’s and blue’s home land) :
- green and blue each get their own keep kinda like in eternal battlegrounds where each color have their own keep though that keep can be taken over by others. same case here, their keep can be taken over.
- red will not have a keep
- etc
I do agree that some new WvW maps would be nice. As it is now, the current map is giving me nuketown flashbacks…. shudder
P.S. ANet, fix your language filter, it’s drunk again.
(edited by spconder.2489)
some new maps for WvW would be very nice!
maybe 3 “in-between” borderlands? perhaps?
at the moment, we have.
eternal battlegrounds (3-way battle)
green borderlands (green’s home land)
blue borderlands (blue’s home land)
red borderlands (red’s home land)lets add in …
cyan battlegrounds (in between green’s and blue’s home land)
magenta battlegrounds (in between blue’s and red’s home land)
yellow battlegrounds (in between red’s and green’s home land)if eternal battlegrounds would be a 3-way battle then the cyan, magenta, yellow battlegrounds would be a 2-way battle.
for cyan battlegrounds (in between green’s and blue’s home land) :
- green and blue each get their own keep kinda like in eternal battlegrounds where each color have their own keep though that keep can be taken over by others. same case here, their keep can be taken over.
- red will not have a keep
- etc
or just make each borderland have its own map instead of 3 duplicate maps.
looks very good, but i prefer to wait and see what will happen, as more maps means less population on lower tiers due low ww crew, ill wait to see how the maps will be put together or there will be a huge new map.
P.S castles still are like shrines with walls and map still to kitten small …..
If castle or tower had interior structures, there would be a good place to place traps, more choke points, and AC actual range would make more sense.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
So, So, So, So glad they did not use those names – totally horrid!
Largos waters, west this, east that, Castle Bailey………….eww eww ewwwwww.
so where’s the leak?
Here are the leaked stuff. I just like building suspense (justkidding, i actually wasn’t sure if it was against the rules. Hopefully not)
Helm #2:
Full Armor Set :
Full Armor Set #2:
WvW map:
WvW map:
Oh my goodness. There’s a Moogle in the corner of the map. So cute!
The first map goes way back, before the betas, before we knew anything of WvW, the second map doesn’t really look that good, to confussing, might be something else.
The first map goes way back, before the betas, before we knew anything of WvW, the second map doesn’t really look that good, to confussing, might be something else.
another map that was found.
chat codes for wvw map for points of interested or keeps.
[&BPsGAAA=] – Hub 01 Keep
[&BP4GAAA=] – Hub Forest
[&BPsGAAA=] – Green Entry
[&BPoGAAA=] – Blue Entry
[&BP0GAAA=] – Red Entry
the heck is with the cat/bat looking thing with a cheeseburger?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
the heck is with the cat/bat looking thing with a cheeseburger?
It’s a Moogle.
Um…How do we know that those armor/hair things are gw2? Lol
Here are the leaked stuff. I just like building suspense (justkidding, i actually wasn’t sure if it was against the rules. Hopefully not)
Helm #2:
Full Armor Set :
Full Armor Set #2:
Hairstyle: map:
This WvW map image is old as hell. I remember seeing it a long time ago. I dont know about those armors, though. But they just seem random 3d models. Where did you find it?
Why does it say it was uploaded 2 months ago?
Here are the leaked stuff. I just like building suspense (justkidding, i actually wasn’t sure if it was against the rules. Hopefully not)
Helm #2:
Full Armor Set :
Full Armor Set #2:
Hairstyle: map:
This WvW map image is old as hell. I remember seeing it a long time ago. I dont know about those armors, though. But they just seem random 3d models. Where did you find it?
Helm 1: Looks like the Twilight Arbor helm.
Helm 2: It’s either the Molten Alliance helm, or it’s the Sorrow’s Embrace helmet.
Armor set #1: Looks like Molten Alliance or Sorrow’s Embrace armor.
Armor Set #2: I do believe that is either Brutus’ Chestguard or the Barbaric coat.
Hairstyle: That is definitely not in the game. This could be incoming material.
Here are the leaked stuff. I just like building suspense (justkidding, i actually wasn’t sure if it was against the rules. Hopefully not)
Helm #2:
Full Armor Set :
Full Armor Set #2:
Hairstyle: map:
This WvW map image is old as hell. I remember seeing it a long time ago. I dont know about those armors, though. But they just seem random 3d models. Where did you find it?
Helm 1: Looks like the Twilight Arbor helm.
Helm 2: It’s either the Molten Alliance helm, or it’s the Sorrow’s Embrace helmet.
Armor set #1: Looks like Molten Alliance or Sorrow’s Embrace armor.
Armor Set #2: I do believe that is either Brutus’ Chestguard or the Barbaric coat.
Hairstyle: That is definitely not in the game. This could be incoming material.
armor set 1 doesn’t look like any of that at all.
Those maps arne’t leaks and they aren’t new: they’re ancient maps that were DAT mined back in beta by those of us who knew how to do it. They’re almost certainly not completed maps and will never show up ingame. It’s up for debate as to whether or not they’re even WvW maps, it’s fairly commonly thought that they’re maps of the mists as a whole (WvW + HoTM + Fractals + any new stuff).
As for the armor skins, they showed up in the DAT files after the last patch. Those are just the models (tracking down the textures to go with them is a pain but its being worked on) but there are a few associated text strings that imply an air-flight themed zone to go with them.
Would be much better if you actually researched the posts on reddit from a year and a half ago where they were released instead of reposting them on the official forums sigh.
Fun fact, Google image features a reverse image search. just drop an image on it and you can often find the source is seconds.
for instance the “leaked wvw map” links back to this:
The post that this was first posted. apparently its been in the game files since March 26th with the SAB content.
The chances of this being a wvw map are very unlikey, the chances of us even seeing it are even lower.