(edited by Lafiel.9372)
Thoughts on the March 26th Patch
Overall, I think it’s a pretty solid update. Nothing gets nerfed into oblivion, a few buffs here and there, a long list of bug fixes and the living story finally starts to sound a little bit more interesting.
But I’ll wait with my final judgment until I have played it
I was looking forward to it before the patch notes (Mainly for the WvW Progression).
Now I’ve read the Patch Notes? I’m really really excited! Can’t wait to see what these instances are like (Solo or Co-Op?) and I’m still looking forward to the WvW Progression as I’ve been going off it recently for feeling like I’m not achieving much.
Overall, I think this’ll be the best Flame and Frost patch yet
I can’t believe they aren’t adding MF recipes to infuse amulets… kitten
So now that the patch notes are up, what are your thoughts on it. I notice that name change contract has/will be added into the gem store. That seems like a nice addition. Furthermore, living story seems to have added a a new instance so that will keep a few players busy.
I think there are several other issues I would have hoped that they had addressed too, such as precursor prices but I mean it’s not bad for a march update. Also it seems the achievement leader-board won’t useable until they gather enough data if my understanding of it is correct?
That is correct. So right now it’s recording but we won’t be able to see the rankings.
I think a lot of people will be disappointed by the changes to quickness.
But people also should take a look at the buffs the warrior banners provide now.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Yeah, I am looking forward to the WvW update but SoS has been performing so bad lately and a lot of guilds are leaving, so it’ll be a rough beating for us at least for another week or two.
I wonder what kind of rewards this new instance will be bringing
I’m curious why they did this: “Weapons sold by vendors are no longer salvageable.”.
I know karma vendor items weren’t salvageable (even though I think we should be able to at least salvage upgrade items from them).
Haven’t finished reading the notes yet, so I may add more.
Just like this one: “Disabled the use of some consumable items in dungeons.” What consumables? (I’m assuming portal gun and the likes, but actual item list would be helpful)
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
Oh and that new group booster item? Very interesting.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
I’m curious why they did this: “Weapons sold by vendors are no longer salvageable.”.
I know karma vendor items weren’t salvageable (even though I think we should be able to at least salvage upgrade items from them).Haven’t finished reading the notes yet, so I may add more.
I believe using 30 tokens to buy rares and salvage them was not intended by anet.
I’m curious why they did this: “Weapons sold by vendors are no longer salvageable.”.
I know karma vendor items weren’t salvageable (even though I think we should be able to at least salvage upgrade items from them).Haven’t finished reading the notes yet, so I may add more.
I believe using 30 tokens to buy rares and salvage them was not intended by anet.
Can you put them in the forge? I wonder if that will change in the future.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Some of the bug fixes kind of surprised me that took so long. For example, the weird Elementalist auto attack bug on changing elements. That has been around since launch but the issue kind of disappeared for me and I haven’t really had any noticable issues with it since.
Overall it seems pretty good, classes seem to remain in tact. And with that some interesting additions to Living Storyline as well as existing content (WvW) and the leaderboards next week.
I kind of hope the Living Story dungeons are solo-able for story times sake (I’m thinking more personal storyish as opposed to the story mode dungeons, but now that I think about it it probably would be more story mode dungeon with nice artwork cutscenes I hope).
It does look like a really big update and contains some really good stuff good job all in all.
80-Guardian /80- Mesmer
Time Warp has been nerfed by 50% yet the duration and affected targets remain the same??!!! And still no improvement to The Minstrel? And still no Ritualist?!!!! Bad patch. :X
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Some of the bug fixes kind of surprised me that took so long. For example, the weird Elementalist auto attack bug on changing elements. That has been around since launch but the issue kind of disappeared for me and I haven’t really had any noticable issues with it since.
Overall it seems pretty good, classes seem to remain in tact. And with that some interesting additions to Living Storyline as well as existing content (WvW) and the leaderboards next week.
I kind of hope the Living Story dungeons are solo-able for story times sake (I’m thinking more personal storyish as opposed to the story mode dungeons, but now that I think about it it probably would be more story mode dungeon with nice artwork cutscenes I hope
it just stated weapons, but not armor , so i think it is still possible , or else what we can do of the excessive tokens?
also , quickness boost has been reduced from 100% increase speed to 50%
this gonna affect some of the gameplay , especially final boss fight at citadel of flame
I’m curious why they did this: “Weapons sold by vendors are no longer salvageable.”.
I know karma vendor items weren’t salvageable (even though I think we should be able to at least salvage upgrade items from them).Haven’t finished reading the notes yet, so I may add more.
I believe using 30 tokens to buy rares and salvage them was not intended by anet.
Can you put them in the forge? I wonder if that will change in the future.
yeah, you could put them in the forge. Not sure about now though.
Edit, actually when I think about it more carefully, not sure you can get rare weapons from dungeons, rare armor definitely. You could definitely chuck exotic weapons into the forge though. I’ve done that before.
As a guy who has an 80 engineer, I’m pretty interested to see if a turret build is viable, at least in normal PVe (I’ve mostly given up dungeons on my engie).
All in all, looks pretty good. Of course, until you see stuff, who knows.
And even though I main a mesmer, I’m not sorry they cut quickness down. Timewarp was so OP.
Haste-nerf is cool.
Increased reveal-duration. not sure if necessary if culling will be gone (according to anet).
No major fixes/buffs to Necromancer, which i expected. but still really disappointing. Kinda funny how they fixed Spiteful talisman for Spinal shivers. Im pretty sure it will still be bugged for Reaper’s Touch…
The volume on the Greatsaw and the Chain Sword weapons has been increased.
wat? why?? why not “Greatsaw and Chain sword have been removed from the game and everybody who used them has been banned for having a terrible taste”?
Gunnar’s Hold
I’m curious why they did this: “Weapons sold by vendors are no longer salvageable.”.
I know karma vendor items weren’t salvageable (even though I think we should be able to at least salvage upgrade items from them).Haven’t finished reading the notes yet, so I may add more.
I believe using 30 tokens to buy rares and salvage them was not intended by anet.
Can you put them in the forge? I wonder if that will change in the future.
yeah, you could put them in the forge. Not sure about now though.
Edit, actually when I think about it more carefully, not sure you can get rare weapons from dungeons, rare armor definitely. You could definitely chuck exotic weapons into the forge though. I’ve done that before.
There are no rare weapons, just exotic weapons. Whether this update affects dungeon merchants is yet to be seen.
So their way to help fix the problem of people wanting only heavys in pve was to buff banners?
BL Chest weapon skins…
Couldn’t you just make them simple purchases? Do you have to add crappy gambling?
(edited by Neb.4170)
I thought Mantra mesmers would receive a buff :-/ so sad… and I thought the “no salvaging items from vendors” was supposed to be for white items to prevent ppl from buying their dailies… hadn’t thought about rares from dungeon vendors, really wanted to do that but hadn’t yet.
I thought Mantra mesmers would receive a buff :-/ so sad… and I thought the “no salvaging items from vendors” was supposed to be for white items to prevent ppl from buying their dailies… hadn’t thought about rares from dungeon vendors, really wanted to do that but hadn’t yet.
cheapest merchant sell whites for like silvers though while you can probably buy blues and whites to salvage for half a silver lol
The quickness nerf is the most devastating part of this patch. However the rest of the patch looks pretty excellent.
Now that quickness was nerfed to hell can you please buff Pistol whip back to its original damage? The only reason it was nerfed was because of quickness. Please put it back now.
The change to the outmanned buff looks like a huge win for WvW. Should encourage people to fight on even if they are outnumbered, and help more people to join.
The new living story instance should be interesting. Wasn’t expecting that, looks promising.
The improvements to the BLC are good, makes them a little more desirable.
I’m sure there is more, but those are what caught my attention the most.
When’s this update going Live?
Oh a side note, I’m quite surprised they made no changes to Cof p1. I had thought the way people farm it wasn’t intended.
When’s this update going Live?
It should be up in an hour or less.
I think a lot of people will be disappointed by the changes to quickness.
But people also should take a look at the buffs the warrior banners provide now.
- The quickness change was sensible. It was without a doubt the single most useful buff you could have and totally overpowered. Those warrior banner changes I don’t get. They seem to break the balance of PvE where Warrior is the most desired profession to dungeon parties already.
I’m confused. Did I imagine that the new weapon skins were supposed to come from the Guild Commendation vendors???
I’m confused. Did I imagine that the new weapon skins were supposed to come from the Guild Commendation vendors???
nop, but the patch isnt live yet, so ingame there is nothing to see yet
Oh a side note, I’m quite surprised they made no changes to Cof p1. I had thought the way people farm it wasn’t intended.
Or they could make the other dungeons like CoF 1 so that more people would run them. Look at what happened to AC. -_- Nobody wants to run it now.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Removed nonfunctioning sigils from several jewelry and accessory items sold by karma vendors in the Iron Marches.
Disabled the use of some consumable items in dungeons.
Anyone know what happened here?
BL Chest weapon skins…
Couldn’t you just make them simple purchases? Do you have to add crappy gambling?
Gambling = more money to them, and I don’t blame them. They’re skins, nothing more so you’re not forced to purchase them to make your char great.
Don’t complain when you gamble and lose, though.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
“Updated Outmanned bonus to increase World XP, receive no armor damage on death, and increase experience.”
Well, gosh. I wonder why has no one else posted in the official thread to discuss all that juicy update info, even if there isn’t anything about rocket science in it?
(edited by Moderator)
BL Chest weapon skins…
Couldn’t you just make them simple purchases? Do you have to add crappy gambling?
Gambling = more money to them, and I don’t blame them. They’re skins, nothing more so you’re not forced to purchase them to make your char great.
Don’t complain when you gamble and lose, though.
My guess is you will see chests drop a lot more often now to encourage buying keys.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
My thoughts:
>Quickness nerf will mean a hard hit to Mesmers and Rangers. A bit sad to see in the PvE aspect since Rangers sorely need that bonus.
> Free server transfers to HoD, ET, and FC in the American Servers will flip WvW upside down (which will be the next Kaineng?). I’m not sure how that will project in the EU with vastly more Medium population servers.
> Living story finally looks like it’s getting interesting. That’s good to see. (I expected it may take time for it to “lift off,” hopefully this is finally interesting content).
> Engineer changes…I think I have to play my engineer and find out for myself. This looks like it could be good, it also looks like it could destroy my (and many other) builds.
(edited by Kentasus.5603)
I’m confused. Did I imagine that the new weapon skins were supposed to come from the Guild Commendation vendors???
It seems as though there are two new weapon sets being added to the game.
One set is being added to the Black Lion Chests, which is on par with most weapon sets added during these special events; the other is being added to the Guild Commendation merchants, so their maybe incentivising Guild Missions more I guess.
Very disappointed. So now with the quickness change, why are warriors left with a 50% increased damage while using the ability?
Why are all of the Warrior’s movement abilities the only ones in the game affected by movement impairing effects (Rumor is leap for Guardian is also affected, though I can’t verify).
We’re still waiting for the supposed AE debuff with much trepedition.
Nothing on boon hate, which is fine, as the video did imply it was something they’re considering for the future and all. But nothing for Warriors when they’ve acknowledged they’re awful other than nerfs and PvE boosts they obviously didn’t need to begin with?
Come on… I’m not convinced they play the same game or they cater only to the classes they themselves play.
BL Chest weapon skins…
Couldn’t you just make them simple purchases? Do you have to add crappy gambling?
Gambling = more money to them, and I don’t blame them. They’re skins, nothing more so you’re not forced to purchase them to make your char great.
Don’t complain when you gamble and lose, though.
My guess is you will see chests drop a lot more often now to encourage buying keys.
Chest was never an issue to gather anyways. They’re dirt cheap on tp too lol
Does anybody know what it means when they say “Instances”?
Do they mean like Mini-Dungeons or Personal-Story-esque instances?
BL Chest weapon skins…
Couldn’t you just make them simple purchases? Do you have to add crappy gambling?
People spent the last 3 months complaining about how the chests were worthless and had nothing good in them. They are starting to add better things to them to make them better.
I’m curious why they did this: “Weapons sold by vendors are no longer salvageable.”.
I know karma vendor items weren’t salvageable (even though I think we should be able to at least salvage upgrade items from them).Haven’t finished reading the notes yet, so I may add more.
I believe using 30 tokens to buy rares and salvage them was not intended by anet.
I thought they had said that it was allowed. If thats how you want to use the tokens.
Please give us a keyring…
I thought Mantra mesmers would receive a buff :-/ so sad… and I thought the “no salvaging items from vendors” was supposed to be for white items to prevent ppl from buying their dailies… hadn’t thought about rares from dungeon vendors, really wanted to do that but hadn’t yet.
you can buy salvagable items cheape in TP so that cant be the real reason
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
Does anybody know what it means when they say “Instances”?
Do they mean like Mini-Dungeons or Personal-Story-esque instances?
Personal story I guess. Would also explain this dev comment:
Ah okay either way. Should be good!
My thoughts:
>Quickness nerf will mean a hard hit to Mesmers and Rangers. A bit sad to see in the PvE aspect since Rangers sorely need that bonus.
> Free server transfers to HoD, ET, and FC in the American Servers will flip WvW upside down (which will be the next Kaineng?). I’m not sure how that will project in the EU with vastly more Medium population servers.
> Living story finally looks like it’s getting interesting. That’s good to see. (I expected it may take time for it to “lift off,” hopefully this is finally interesting content).
> Engineer changes…I think I have to play my engineer and find out for myself. This looks like it could be good, it also looks like it could destroy my (and many other) builds.
The transfer is meant to encourage overpopulated high lvl servers to leave and go to the medium ones so that in end, all servers will have high pop or better.
I don’t think this will boost t8 servers up any bit. They’re waaaaay behind in accumulative points.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
My thoughts:
>Quickness nerf will mean a hard hit to Mesmers and Rangers. A bit sad to see in the PvE aspect since Rangers sorely need that bonus.
> Free server transfers to HoD, ET, and FC in the American Servers will flip WvW upside down (which will be the next Kaineng?). I’m not sure how that will project in the EU with vastly more Medium population servers.
> Living story finally looks like it’s getting interesting. That’s good to see. (I expected it may take time for it to “lift off,” hopefully this is finally interesting content).
> Engineer changes…I think I have to play my engineer and find out for myself. This looks like it could be good, it also looks like it could destroy my (and many other) builds.
The transfer is meant to encourage overpopulated high lvl servers to leave and go to the medium ones so that in end, all servers will have high pop or better.
I don’t think this will boost t8 servers up any bit. They’re waaaaay behind in accumulative points.
Kaineng was able to pull off 200+ points a week sometimes. It would not take long for one of those servers to move along if they completely dominated in the same way.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
My thoughts:
>Quickness nerf will mean a hard hit to Mesmers and Rangers. A bit sad to see in the PvE aspect since Rangers sorely need that bonus.
> Free server transfers to HoD, ET, and FC in the American Servers will flip WvW upside down (which will be the next Kaineng?). I’m not sure how that will project in the EU with vastly more Medium population servers.
> Living story finally looks like it’s getting interesting. That’s good to see. (I expected it may take time for it to “lift off,” hopefully this is finally interesting content).
> Engineer changes…I think I have to play my engineer and find out for myself. This looks like it could be good, it also looks like it could destroy my (and many other) builds.
The transfer is meant to encourage overpopulated high lvl servers to leave and go to the medium ones so that in end, all servers will have high pop or better.
I don’t think this will boost t8 servers up any bit. They’re waaaaay behind in accumulative points.
It is to give people who have been complaining about overflows and too many people a chance to move to a lower pop server where they won’t be hit with the constant overflows and large crowds.
My thoughts:
>Quickness nerf will mean a hard hit to Mesmers and Rangers. A bit sad to see in the PvE aspect since Rangers sorely need that bonus.
> Free server transfers to HoD, ET, and FC in the American Servers will flip WvW upside down (which will be the next Kaineng?). I’m not sure how that will project in the EU with vastly more Medium population servers.
> Living story finally looks like it’s getting interesting. That’s good to see. (I expected it may take time for it to “lift off,” hopefully this is finally interesting content).
> Engineer changes…I think I have to play my engineer and find out for myself. This looks like it could be good, it also looks like it could destroy my (and many other) builds.
The transfer is meant to encourage overpopulated high lvl servers to leave and go to the medium ones so that in end, all servers will have high pop or better.
I don’t think this will boost t8 servers up any bit. They’re waaaaay behind in accumulative points.
Kaineng was able to pull off 200+ points a week sometimes. It would not take long for one of those servers to move along if they completely dominated in the same way.
The difference this time around is that there are no free transfers with no limit.
Once it hits high pop then I reckon it will shut down. Back when Kaineng was dominating people just hopped on the train.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
My thoughts:
>Quickness nerf will mean a hard hit to Mesmers and Rangers. A bit sad to see in the PvE aspect since Rangers sorely need that bonus.
> Free server transfers to HoD, ET, and FC in the American Servers will flip WvW upside down (which will be the next Kaineng?). I’m not sure how that will project in the EU with vastly more Medium population servers.
> Living story finally looks like it’s getting interesting. That’s good to see. (I expected it may take time for it to “lift off,” hopefully this is finally interesting content).
> Engineer changes…I think I have to play my engineer and find out for myself. This looks like it could be good, it also looks like it could destroy my (and many other) builds.
The transfer is meant to encourage overpopulated high lvl servers to leave and go to the medium ones so that in end, all servers will have high pop or better.
I don’t think this will boost t8 servers up any bit. They’re waaaaay behind in accumulative points.
It is to give people who have been complaining about overflows and too many people a chance to move to a lower pop server where they won’t be hit with the constant overflows and large crowds.
I understand what they are meaning to do, I just think there is a good possibility that it could backfire in a bad way.
[TC] Tarnished Coast