Time to nerf SW farming and more guild stuff
Totally disagree about SW farming. Its the reason prices of t6 mats went down so much (anyone remember when powerful bloods were almost at 1g?), and its also keeping the price of ectos at a good level from all the rares you get. Yea its more than other zones but those other zones are getting new rewards too so i think it wont be as big of a disparity in a month.
Your guild ideas seem fine though, cant see why anyone would argue against more ranks.
The effort you put in SW justify the farm there. No need for changes at all.
Thanks anet for taking my advice on “Raid” concept despite many people objected my idea. and thanks anet for incorporating wvw into guild missions despite so many people objected my idea.
Now that HOT is coming, isn’t it time we end the insane farming and drop loot in silverwaste. it really inflated the game economy and it’s off balance with other areas of the map.
well comparing to rewards in wvw and pvp is another story!
also guild needs more ranks with the release of the HOT. because we want to have silverwaste master, HOT master, raid master and so on
so expand the number of ranks in guild panel. another suggestion is that if some of the guild buff price and cooking time be adjusted, that would help a lot of guilds and players.
what do you think people!
Another cry baby in the forums because they cant have they way.. sigh*
The effort you put in SW justify the farm there. No need for changes at all.
I farmed nonstop for 2 days. I made 40g. (Not my best 2 days lol)
If it got nerfed it would be a dead map. The outcome of what you get there can vary so much. You could get 2 exos from 1000 bags. or 10 exos from 250 bags. It’s luck and hardwork and I see 0 reason to nerf something that isn’t unnaturally rewarding. The reward is just and fine as is.
The effort you put in SW justify the farm there. No need for changes at all.
I farmed nonstop for 2 days. I made 40g. (Not my best 2 days lol)
If it got nerfed it would be a dead map. The outcome of what you get there can vary so much. You could get 2 exos from 1000 bags. or 10 exos from 250 bags. It’s luck and hardwork and I see 0 reason to nerf something that isn’t unnaturally rewarding. The reward is just and fine as is.
You either did something horrifically wrong or you aren’t factoring in material drops. I can make 40g in about an hour and a half in the Silverwastes just from the events when using a full liquidation strategy (which I’m totally fine with).
(edited by Isarii.2804)
Your forgetting it’s the most popular/profitable end-game farm and how games like this work. You have to have such areas, nerf it and people will just QQ and then congregate on to the next most profitable area to farm ad nauseam. It’s how games like this work and it’s pretty obvious SW was designed from the ground up purely for this purpose.
Thanks for getting us raids in the game though OP.
The effort you put in SW justify the farm there. No need for changes at all.
I farmed nonstop for 2 days. I made 40g. (Not my best 2 days lol)
If it got nerfed it would be a dead map. The outcome of what you get there can vary so much. You could get 2 exos from 1000 bags. or 10 exos from 250 bags. It’s luck and hardwork and I see 0 reason to nerf something that isn’t unnaturally rewarding. The reward is just and fine as is.
You either did something horrifically wrong or you aren’t factoring in material drops. I can make 40g in about an hour and a half in the Silverwastes just from the events when using a full liquidation strategy (which I’m totally fine with).
I’m not full on t6 mats and I am also leveling my crafting professions so the income I could receive via mats is MIA. xD
Disagree for the following reasons.
1) Good place for new players to get some gold, items, mats, whatever
2) Good place for veteran players to stock up for HoT
3) Pretty boring grind for the rewards(Trains only)
4) The rewards from SW may not be as useful for HoT if youre stocking up. Due to time gated crafting, specific rewards for accomplishing X(whatever that may be), ascended salvaging, areas having specific materials, ect. Some of these are just guessing.
5) Good way to reward casual and hardcore players
6) The TP seems fine but thats just my opinion
If they were considering nerfing SW i would rather see them increase VW difficulty and/or increase dry top rewards.
Thanks anet for taking my advice on “Raid” concept despite many people objected my idea. and thanks anet for incorporating wvw into guild missions despite so many people objected my idea.
Now that HOT is coming, isn’t it time we end the insane farming and drop loot in silverwaste. it really inflated the game economy and it’s off balance with other areas of the map.
well comparing to rewards in wvw and pvp is another story!
also guild needs more ranks with the release of the HOT. because we want to have silverwaste master, HOT master, raid master and so on
so expand the number of ranks in guild panel. another suggestion is that if some of the guild buff price and cooking time be adjusted, that would help a lot of guilds and players.
what do you think people!
Its going to become less common when more people move into the HoT content. No need to nerf it.
“Your Ideas and Advice”
They should nerf SW chests to 100 per account per week
They are already nerfing SW farming by requiring shovels for guild upgrades …
They are already nerfing SW farming by requiring shovels for guild upgrades …
You noticed that too?
I just sat there thinking to myself. HA. Not getting mine!
Sounds like the OP is bored with Silverwastes farming and wants to move on when HOT comes and take away from everyone else what he/she had access to?
How about not, it is a good place for veteran and new players alike to get the materials they need to progress and get the gear they need. It is equal to all parts of the community it just matters whether or not you want to do it. As soon as you remove it those with more wealth can control the trade post and make profit off everybody else who can’t get 100 bolts of silk a day or whatever they need to make end game gear.
People complain about too much loot: “waaaa nerf the loot plz”
People complain about not enough loot: “waaaa increase loot plz”
People complain about everything and anything.
You should just be happy you’re even GETTING loot in that place.
Why would you want Silverwastes nerfed???? You got your raids. Why can’t you be happy with that? Is it that you want raids to have the cornerstone on good loot?? Raids are already getting legendary armor and exclusive skins and minis…. Anet, please ignore the op suggestion!
Silverwastes absolutely needs to be nerfed reward wise. It’s just absurd that 1 single map is as lucrative for doing virtually nothing but autoattacking.
Even excluding how redonk the rewards are for actually doing the events is how redonk the rewards are for just mindlessly chest farming. If only other game-modes had rewards on par then maybe just maybe we could justify it. But given the current state of how utterly un-rewarding both PvP and WvW are for the same time spent playing there’s 0 reason for Silverwaste to be where it is as it causes the same problems the previous event and chest trains that came prior to it did. The feeling of it being mandatory to compete and a similar rate gold wise to catch up with the rest of the community. Which is one of the many reasons they cited for nerfing prior farming spots.
Yeah, let’s take a zone that is popular and nerf it. That really makes a lot of sense. It is one of the few zones that encourages teamwork across the entire map. Instead of calling for a reward nerf, how about asking that other zones receive an increase in loot? Loot shouldn’t be hidden behind instanced activities.
Yeah, let’s take a zone that is popular and nerf it. That really makes a lot of sense. It is one of the few zones that encourages teamwork across the entire map. Instead of calling for a reward nerf, how about asking that other zones receive an increase in loot? Loot shouldn’t be hidden behind instanced activities.
loot also shouldn’t just appear from a box on a floor and give more per hour than actually sieging a t3 keep in WvW.
Loot also shouldnt be guarenteed rares for pretty much showing up. Meanwhile 5000 wxp later, 25s and 2 greens. Yay ?
No, i’m sorry if you honestly think silverwaste is fine, then you have a serious problem with understanding time to reward scaling.
Yeah, let’s take a zone that is popular and nerf it. That really makes a lot of sense. It is one of the few zones that encourages teamwork across the entire map. Instead of calling for a reward nerf, how about asking that other zones receive an increase in loot? Loot shouldn’t be hidden behind instanced activities.
IMO the teamwork portion of the map is fine the way it is; very good in fact and promotes more or less friendly play. The portion that could use some “work” is the chest farming that goes on and it seems that ANet is aware of it by making shovels be something you need to upgrade your guildhall. How effective it becomes remains to be seen, but it is a start.
Edit: oh and OP I am sure that your voice may have been heard along with many others here. However, I am equally sure that using the word “my” in most of your opening sentences makes you look like a bit of an ego maniac; try using “our” instead.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
Why would they nerf it? It’s mostly blues and greens with the odd rare and dragonite ore.
I’m sick of everyone asking for things to be nerfed. Things need to be BUFFED. Loot on the whole is very poor. Nerf burning, nerf Celestial Ele, nerf DD ele, nerf PS Warrior, Nerf WHAO Ranger,
Just stop.
How is this thread at all constructive? Hopefully a mod can close it soon so we can be done with this…
I wouldn’t nerf content that people are happy with and isn’t toxic. Like cough Quuensdale cough champ train.
Thanks guys for all your ideas. I just wanted to address the sw farming issues because HOT is coming out. We’ve had a few farmings before, and they were nerfed for the similar reasons. Of course, players will move to HOT initially but rewards and farming issues can’t be overlooked. I just want to discuss it now than later.
I love when people throw out numbers about how much they can make from farming and then act like it’s the standard that everyone is making, all the time.
Take it as a compliment, if you’re making 40g an hour in SW, you’re probably in the top 10 percentile, if not top 2.
There may or may not be aspects that need nerfing, but you gotta keep in mind the above. Your standard of loot gain is not necessarily what everyone else’s is.
HoT will nerf Silverwaste all by itself, no action required. Good luck chest running with three people.
Yeah, let’s take a zone that is popular and nerf it. That really makes a lot of sense. It is one of the few zones that encourages teamwork across the entire map. Instead of calling for a reward nerf, how about asking that other zones receive an increase in loot? Loot shouldn’t be hidden behind instanced activities.
loot also shouldn’t just appear from a box on a floor and give more per hour than actually sieging a t3 keep in WvW.
Loot also shouldnt be guarenteed rares for pretty much showing up. Meanwhile 5000 wxp later, 25s and 2 greens. Yay ?
No, i’m sorry if you honestly think silverwaste is fine, then you have a serious problem with understanding time to reward scaling.
None of your points counter anything he said. What does loot appearing out of the ground have to do anything with Silver Wastes being a popular map (on top of it happening in a fictional computer game which people play to enjoy)?
How does WvW loot compare to starter maps? You are litterally comparing apples to oranges (not to mention that you didn’t factor in WvW badges which while not having a gold value do have value in aquiring gear).
You are well in your rights to argue against Silver Wastes or argue that the map rewards are unbalanced compared to other areas of the game. If you do so though, use proper arguments.
I will laugh so hard when every new HoT map can’t compete with SW in regards to gold/hour earned so we r forced to farm there for another year pls dont do that… if that means u have to nerf sw, fine.
No!!!! Don’t nerf SW…. just make the HoT maps equivalent in loot….. Stop the nerfing!!! Don’t make closed instances the only way to get good loot.
I will laugh so hard when every new HoT map can’t compete with SW in regards to gold/hour earned so we r forced to farm there for another year
pls dont do that… if that means u have to nerf sw, fine.
No, buff the new areas instead.
Why would they nerf it? It’s mostly blues and greens with the odd rare and dragonite ore.
I’m sick of everyone asking for things to be nerfed. Things need to be BUFFED. Loot on the whole is very poor. Nerf burning, nerf Celestial Ele, nerf DD ele, nerf PS Warrior, Nerf WHAO Ranger,
Just stop.
The low quality loot adds up pretty quickly due to the amount of chests you loot per hour. There is something wrong with the game if such an easy task as looting chests is more rewarding than running dungeons or high lvl fractals.
Plus it also devalues crafting materials. I would prefer being able to sell my loot for more.
It really is disproportionate reward for the effort put in – its kept people logging in and playing every day but once HoT arrives they should nerf it.
No one is taking your ideas. Deflate yourself a bit.
Why would they nerf it? It’s mostly blues and greens with the odd rare and dragonite ore.
I’m sick of everyone asking for things to be nerfed. Things need to be BUFFED. Loot on the whole is very poor. Nerf burning, nerf Celestial Ele, nerf DD ele, nerf PS Warrior, Nerf WHAO Ranger,
Just stop.
The low quality loot adds up pretty quickly due to the amount of chests you loot per hour. There is something wrong with the game if such an easy task as looting chests is more rewarding than running dungeons or high lvl fractals.
Plus it also devalues crafting materials. I would prefer being able to sell my loot for more.
First of all you need some serious gold just for the silk bolts required to craft just one bolt of damask, second of all yes I agree that fractals and dungeons can give more though they’re still good for the special currencies they give, third of all the ease depends on whose around. I had a legitimate challenge with a big group since hardly anyone was on the flowers (typically it’s only a few who don’t) however, my shadow refuge traited for healing and others who stood on flowers saved a lot of people from downed. People in /map were already making fun of us for wiping. Sometimes challenge comes up, especially if people are new, areas understaffed, and the mobs have obsene levels of health except for the trolls and healers. Mobs in Silverwaste have cheap mechanics…or would for solo content, it’s designed for big groups.
Being stunlocked by teagarrifs is an instant death sentence while even if you’re standing on a ledge logcically untouchable by melees another mob can summon vines underneath you that keeps following you…and they have lifesteal fields but as a thief I can just shoot poison fields into them and hope nearby rangers are alert enough to rapid fire to stack up the poison to minimize the mobs’ healing abilities. I’m not built for conditions (though my celestial ascended dagger and triforge give some condition damage) yet the area lends itself to such builds due to heavy toughness and needing some damage to tick while moving about and countering their lifesteal and healing.
It really is disproportionate reward for the effort put in – its kept people logging in and playing every day but once HoT arrives they should nerf it.
The claim is it’s disproportionate for the effort. What exactly does that mean? And are you referring to chest farms only? Or any of the various other farms that people do? How much wealth is too much? How much effort is it really? What does the average person make? How much do the top 10% make?
Without discussing the terms, it’s not a very useful starting point for a productive discussion.
They might as well nerf dungeon rewards also… Players can speedrun dungeons in 5-10 minutes…. That would also be disproportionate loot for the effort… but I am against nerfing… how about boosting loot elsewhere… This is just seems like another attempt by the hardcore crowd to pidgeonhole all the good loot.
of course OP want it to be nerfed.. he farmed so much already, it’s time to stop the farming and hike the price so that he can get rich quick…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Doing SW via events rewards those who understand the map the most and can prioitize their routes. The greater the effort, the more rewards, exactly how it should be.
The only thing I agree with that was probably not intended originally was chest farms that literally go on for 2+ hrs on the same map, with no events ever being done. Easiest solution to that is make the bandit chest rewards mediocre.
Thanks anet for taking my advice on “Raid” concept despite many people objected my idea. and thanks anet for incorporating wvw into guild missions despite so many people objected my idea.
Holy christ please get over yourself
Nice attempt to coax more peple in content you like, OP. Like the effort, not the idea, still good attempt.^^
It really is disproportionate reward for the effort put in – its kept people logging in and playing every day but once HoT arrives they should nerf it.
The claim is it’s disproportionate for the effort. What exactly does that mean? And are you referring to chest farms only? Or any of the various other farms that people do? How much wealth is too much? How much effort is it really? What does the average person make? How much do the top 10% make?
Without discussing the terms, it’s not a very useful starting point for a productive discussion.
I was very obviously comparing it to every other method of making money in game (except TP). If you don’t know what disproportionate means type it into google – it has nothing to do with absolutes but is a RELATIVE measure.
Drooling on the floor is not a useful starting point for a productive discussion.
Coulter, your chickenkitten comments are not productive to the discussion either. You seem to be threatened when someone disagrees with you. Is that why you result to the catty insults? I can make insulting comments as well, but my reason for doing it is the outrage I felt at how you lashed out at someone asking a question.
Coulter, your chickenkitten comments are not productive to the discussion either. You seem to be threatened when someone disagrees with you. Is that why you result to the catty insults? I can make insulting comments as well, but my reason for doing it is the outrage I felt at how you lashed out at someone asking a question.
It asked those questions in an attempt to minimise the point I made, the questions were completely irrelevant and nothing to do with what I said – its a cheap debating tactic. I will not respect someone being deliberately obtuse.
SW Farm is disproportionate method of generating money based on effort required, it has kept people in game playing while we wait but once HoT launches its time to retire it.
Coulter, your chickenkitten comments are not productive to the discussion either. You seem to be threatened when someone disagrees with you. Is that why you result to the catty insults? I can make insulting comments as well, but my reason for doing it is the outrage I felt at how you lashed out at someone asking a question.
Still he is right, the reward is disproportionate to other areas.
Personally I disagree with his solution though. I’d prefer HoT areas to be on par with Silver Wastes, not have all the areas worse off.
Coulter, your chickenkitten comments are not productive to the discussion either. You seem to be threatened when someone disagrees with you. Is that why you result to the catty insults? I can make insulting comments as well, but my reason for doing it is the outrage I felt at how you lashed out at someone asking a question.
Still he is right, the reward is disproportionate to other areas.
Personally I disagree with his solution though. I’d prefer HoT areas to be on par with Silver Wastes, not have all the areas worse off.
I want the Chest Farm removed, they can instead implement their event and map bonus system in SW, it would still be a good area to farm because lots of events close together but the time of running around and it raining Champ bags with ZERO combat needs to end (I understand it was a good distraction from the wait for HoT but no reason for it once that isn’t an issue).
smart move OP.
It seems you want to play HoT after long time of farming SW and earned a lot out of it.
But their is the dilemma…
On the one side you want to play the new maps on the other side there is this loot on SW that others still can earn while you play the new maps
But thats not that big problem.
Just ask for SW nerf so the loot you cant earn nobody can earn
—> problem solved
(edited by Zaron.1987)
I still say you might as well nerf dungeon rewards if disproportionate rewards are your concern. Speed runners have no trouble taking dungeons down in 10 minutes. They got their meta gear and take advantage of all the exploits. So why not call for a nerf of dungeon loot?? …. Once again though I am against nerfing loot from any area. I am just making a comparison between another area that is being farmed. Instead of nerfing loot, raise loot chances in areas. If Anet does indeed end up nerfing the Silverwastes it could be seen as an attempt to coerce players that haven’t bought HoT by nerfing one of the few lucrative openworld maps.
Coulter, your chickenkitten comments are not productive to the discussion either. You seem to be threatened when someone disagrees with you. Is that why you result to the catty insults? I can make insulting comments as well, but my reason for doing it is the outrage I felt at how you lashed out at someone asking a question.
It asked those questions in an attempt to minimise the point I made, the questions were completely irrelevant and nothing to do with what I said – its a cheap debating tactic. I will not respect someone being deliberately obtuse.
SW Farm is disproportionate method of generating money based on effort required, it has kept people in game playing while we wait but once HoT launches its time to retire it.
And what are those that will not have HOT supposed to do?
“Oh, we nerfed SW rewards because those that bought HOT don’t want to visit zones outside of HOT and they don’t want those outside zones to have better rewards.”.
And what about dungeons and speed running them? Should they nerf that too?