Current Status Gaile gets it, and is pushing internally to relax some of the more draconian communication restrictions.
Original post:
Before I get a ton of “Well, I don’t have a problem with this, stop speaking for all of us,”, I’ll make it clear that this is my viewpoint, shared in the hopes that it will put some of my negativity towards this game in perspective.
Simply put, I just have no idea what direction the game is headed.
I love running dungeons. It’s really the only reason I play the game. Get a small group of players together, face a challenge, wipe a few times, learn the fights, and eventually succeed. I love that. You get to know people, you have fun, and develop a little social circle of people to just get on and hang out with. That’s what makes an MMO fun.
My guild is (was, most have left the game…) the same. We had a lot of fun learning the original dungeons in the game, and about 10 months after launch, we had them down pat. Not really much challenge left to them after that point, my “usual” group would clear them out in about 15-30 minutes without even paying attention to what we’re doing.
After we got to that point, we thought “Well, this is an MMO. Surely there will be new dungeons added as time goes on” and we waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing.
Not even a word about the possibility of new dungeons. One by one, my guild lost its core players as they got bored with the same content day after day. They stopped waiting and left for other games with higher content output. I didn’t give up hope and stuck around. Then, two years after launch, they let it slip in a gamescon interview: They aren’t working on new dungeons, and they have no plans to add more to the game.
I felt cheated. I spent more than a year waiting for content that they knew a lot of us wanted, but they knew it would never come. And we only found out because someone slipped up in an interview. To this day, we have no idea what they intend to add. New races? Professions? Opening up a new continent? More PvP maps? WvW improvements? We have no idea.
I don’t need exact details about what content is on the way. I (and many other vocal players on these forums) just want to know what sorts of content ArenaNet is even interested in developing. Basically: Will we ever see the content we want to play?
tl;dr What does Guild Wars 2 hope to accomplish in the next few years? What is ArenaNet’s development focus? Will we see more than new open world PvE zerg maps and “accessible to all” (read: impossible to fail) living story instances? From the overwhelming negativity on the forums/reddit (not to mention glassdoor), it sounds like ArenaNet would benefit greatly from sitting down, figuring out what their goals are, and communicating that with their customers.
BTW, I know we had a raiding CDI and that we can probably expect a few raids, which will make me happy. But that’s only one aspect of a large game that at the moment, feels aimlessly adrift.
(edited by dlonie.6547)