To the Guild Wars 2 Community

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robert.4197


I know a lot of people are upset with the way things are right now. I am too. I don’t play this game nearly as much as I used to. As a matter of fact, I last logged in to the game the first day of Dragon’s Reach part 1 and played the episode. I’m planning on logging in this weekend just to unlock part 2. What bothers me most is the lack of expansions and the lack of communication.

For those that don’t know, posts that include extreme negativity and attacks against devs are deleted. I’m really not sure if the devs can read those posts or not but I do know that awhile back someone created a thread in support and then later deleted his/her post. The support liaison noticed that the post was deleted but could not read the post. So just an FYI, for everyone, if you want the devs to notice your post, please be as constructive as possible.

Also, last but not least, I see a lot of people are upset about the lack of SAB. I never bought the infinite continue coin but if I did, I would be pretty upset as well. I tried SAB, really wasn’t that good at it, got frustrated and gave up. I know giving up probably wasn’t the best thing to do but maybe a lot of other people did the same thing. Raging on the forums is not going to help if the posts/threads get deleted because as mentioned above, devs may not be able to see deleted posts.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I really agree with this. People are upset sure but they are coming across as throwing a hissy fit in public so mom and dad get embarrassed and give in to threats. Sorry guys won’t happen.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robert.4197


I really agree with this. People are upset sure but they are coming across as throwing a hissy fit in public so mom and dad get embarrassed and give in to threats. Sorry guys won’t happen.

Agree, also btw, found the post where the support liaison (and possibly devs) can’t read deleted posts.

SirD — you deleted the first post, so I’m not sure exactly what it is I could share with our IT Team in trying to get the “blocked e-mail” issue addressed.

Shall I consider this a “never mind?” Or is there some number of details I should pass along?


To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExAstris.8527


I really agree with this. People are upset sure but they are coming across as throwing a hissy fit in public so mom and dad get embarrassed and give in to threats. Sorry guys won’t happen.

Some of the hissy fits are regarding features that mom and dad mentioned more than a year ago. Precursor crafting has elicited the exact same response in August 2014 as it did in the second quarter of 2013. “We are aware that this is a desired feature; we can’t say anything.” At some point, you begin to feel like a rube for believing mom and dad in the first place.

Other than that, the explanations given were utterly insufficient. First-person camera has long been requested, but apparently it doesn’t work with combat. Uh, yeah. We know that. Can we have it anyway and just toggle back to third person for combat. I mean, this isn’t a new feature. The mechanism ALREADY EXISTS in the dev build. Can ArenaNet just trust me to toggle the camera as needed?

The SAB stuff? Yeah, it smacks of a hissy—but I get it. It’s beloved content, and again the explanation is really lacking.

Mostly, I am sick to death of being told “we know you want this feature; it’s technically feasible—but no, and erm, yeah we can’t talk about it.” The coy routine is getting real old.

Gwen Dlynn; human engineer (1st class)
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: adubb.2453


Frankly this rage that’s slamming the forums and /r/GuildWars2 has been bubbling for awhile. Frankly, the rage never stops on the forums, but the subreddit is usually a calmer, more upbuilding forum for conversation. But when you have an interview where the answers to every single question are:
“No new FoV options”
“No First person view camera”
“No updates to precursor any time soon. But "Soon""
“Maybe no more SAB”
“No developement of tengu”

I understand that they have to prioritize certain things over others. But come on. This is just ridiculous. And frankly, the sudden and unannounced turn towards not interacting with us in any way is disconcerting. Think about it, we went from having a new CDI every two weeks or so where each post would literally have thousands and thousands of posts with a dev responding and having conversations with us, to not having any interaction other then random support ticket posts.

Why? We have no way of knowing. But, in the hopes that they’re still listening many posters continue to make posts on the forums and subreddit with suggestions on things we would like to see in the game. But, after months of suggestions and really good conversations among fans, things we had hoped for are completely ignored. Not only do they not get implemented, they aren’t even addressed.

While game forums will always have complainers, I would argue that when the devs keep the lines of communication open, the fanbase in general tends to be happier and have a brighter outlook for the future of the game. Just give us hints as to what’s coming next. Start a CDI where we can discuss a certain aspect of the game. Give us, the fans, something to talk about with you. Calm our nerves because dangit, our nerves are collectively frayed.

We are all passionate about this game. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t be posting here! Just resume communication with us so we at least know something. If the game is on it’s last legs, tell us. If an expansion is coming, TEASE IT! Bring back the CDI! Bring back red posts.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Trying to justify a hissy fit is just another indication of a lack of maturity in my opinion.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


Frankly this rage that’s slamming the forums and /r/GuildWars2 has been bubbling for awhile. Frankly, the rage never stops on the forums, but the subreddit is usually a calmer, more upbuilding forum for conversation. But when you have an interview where the answers to every single question are:
“No new FoV options”
“No First person view camera”
“No updates to precursor any time soon. But "Soon""
“Maybe no more SAB”
“No developement of tengu”

I understand that they have to prioritize certain things over others. But come on. This is just ridiculous. And frankly, the sudden and unannounced turn towards not interacting with us in any way is disconcerting. Think about it, we went from having a new CDI every two weeks or so where each post would literally have thousands and thousands of posts with a dev responding and having conversations with us, to not having any interaction other then random support ticket posts.

Why? We have no way of knowing. But, in the hopes that they’re still listening many posters continue to make posts on the forums and subreddit with suggestions on things we would like to see in the game. But, after months of suggestions and really good conversations among fans, things we had hoped for are completely ignored. Not only do they not get implemented, they aren’t even addressed.

While game forums will always have complainers, I would argue that when the devs keep the lines of communication open, the fanbase in general tends to be happier and have a brighter outlook for the future of the game. Just give us hints as to what’s coming next. Start a CDI where we can discuss a certain aspect of the game. Give us, the fans, something to talk about with you. Calm our nerves because dangit, our nerves are collectively frayed.

We are all passionate about this game. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t be posting here! Just resume communication with us so we at least know something. If the game is on it’s last legs, tell us. If an expansion is coming, TEASE IT! Bring back the CDI! Bring back red posts.

I’ve been saying all along that the Living Story is their main priority and how it’s affecting everything else, but the fanboys always had some weak defense for Anet. The Living Story was too experimental to be used, especially shortly after launch where it basically restructured the entire design of GW2 Before the LS, they were adding dungeons (fractals), new zones (southsun cove), new events (over 100 of them!), and many other things, but then the Living Story changed all of that and we got the temporary stuff. Don’t get me wrong, the LS is amazing, but they should have waited at least a year or longer, and kept the game stable while fixing/updating all the things you mentioned.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


At least City of Heroes had a protest emote. Or torches. Sorry, no pitchforks.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


there’s actually a starter story where the worker class asurans are protesting with signs and everything.. it’s kind of funny, unlike the complaining on this forum.. do people even play this game? what’s most unsettling is arena net gets the most flak when they buckle down and do their job.. it’s late and to be quite honest i think i’m simply writing this post out of disgust.. mmo solutions aren’t always simple, but with the company and the player community it just seems they’re digging the hole deeper and deeper. . .

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Frankly this rage that’s slamming the forums and /r/GuildWars2 has been bubbling for awhile. Frankly, the rage never stops on the forums, but the subreddit is usually a calmer, more upbuilding forum for conversation. But when you have an interview where the answers to every single question are:
“No new FoV options”
“No First person view camera”
“No updates to precursor any time soon. But "Soon""
“Maybe no more SAB”
“No developement of tengu”

See this is what I don’t understand. I’m looking at the same list you are. Anet never said, or even implied that FoV options or first person camera view were being worked on. We’ve known this since launch. It’s not on their agenda. It’s a bit late to act all surprised about it now.

The development of the Tengu is not something they’re going to talk about. That doesn’t mean it’s happening and it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It’s not ready for release, that’s all. They can’t talk about it because it’s still under wraps.

That leaves SAB and precusor crafting. Anet did tell us before the last feature patch that they were back to square one on the feature patch because what they were planning wouldn’t have worked with some stuff that’s upcoming. They’re not ready to talk about it. It’s their modus operandi and has been pretty much since day 1.

That leaves only SAB. All they really said was that the whimsical nature of SAB wasn’t really compatible with the story telling they were doing. It means it won’t be coming out now. Not that it would never come out. There’s no reason it can’t come out between seasons.

It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

That’s a reason to become a mob?

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

That’s a reason to become a mob?

There’s always a “reason” to become an angry mob, really. All it takes is for people to decide that’s the only solution to their problems . . . or for it to work once for it to become a tactic which can be returned to. After all, it worked before . . .

Honestly? I don’t see anything on the list of things they said “no” to which isn’t something which hasn’t been said “no” to consistently for a long while now. Especially the visual things (Field of View, First Person).

The content stuff, they won’t comment on because if it’s slipped they have something they are working on it becomes like the precursor crafting or such – “when is it coming out?!” . . . when I bet what we see with this Mysterious Seed progression was a sketched idea for said thing which was either not chosen or “let’s test and see how this works for the players”.

Especially given how precursors are a cornerstone of the high-value market, they’re going to be really darn careful about anything regarding their availability. They’d have to be . . . as incompetent as a lot of the forums thinks they are in order to overlook “hey, you can craft Dusk now, why don’t you flip it to the TP in the first hour for a crapload of Gold?”.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueZone.4236


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueZone.4236


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

Yeah, so basically it didn’t matter who gives the response, because they’d all give the same answer.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

Yeah, so basically it didn’t matter who gives the response, because they’d all give the same answer.

Sometimes it’s not what you’re saying it’s how you say it. When it’s your area of interest, you’d have spent more time thinking about how to present your answers. When you’re answering out of your comfort zone you’re going to stumble. Basic human psychology.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueZone.4236


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

Yeah, so basically it didn’t matter who gives the response, because they’d all give the same answer.

Sometimes it’s not what you’re saying it’s how you say it. When it’s your area of interest, you’d have spent more time thinking about how to present your answers. When you’re answering out of your comfort zone you’re going to stumble. Basic human psychology.

They weren’t stumbling. They were trying to sound like they had a lot to say about something even though they knew that ‘something’ is nothing.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


The interview wasn’t really poor pr, it was just a bunch of questions with unsatisfactory answers. The reason the community is reacting poorly is not based on one thing, mobs and mass anger is rarely over one thing. Its because they are generally tired of the status quo. People are dissatisfied, they have been disatisfied. They are just reaching the boiling point.

Barring some really good news sometime soon, you can expect more of this

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

Yeah, so basically it didn’t matter who gives the response, because they’d all give the same answer.

Sometimes it’s not what you’re saying it’s how you say it. When it’s your area of interest, you’d have spent more time thinking about how to present your answers. When you’re answering out of your comfort zone you’re going to stumble. Basic human psychology.

They weren’t stumbling. They were trying to sound like they had a lot to say about something even though they knew that ‘something’ is nothing.

They stumbled, not in the sense of talking in a stumbling manner. They were talking in circles, feeling their way. These weren’t polished answers. They were people thinking as they were talking as opposed to pre thinking. It seems that way to me.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Claudius.5381


It is a bad interview because if you accept to be interviewed (as a professional) you do that only if you have a message to convey. That can be a denial, a confirmation or a piece of good news (preferably the latter). It is an absolute no-no to say nothing or nearly nothing as the poor souls did when interviewed by guildmag. An explanation why is not necessary anymore, the reactions do that job already.

I read the interview just when it appeared, before the “storm”. As one who worked 10 years for persons who were very much watched by the public in my country I could only shake my head in desparation. That interview must slipped by the PR department of Arenanet.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pigdog.9215


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

Yeah, so basically it didn’t matter who gives the response, because they’d all give the same answer.

Sometimes it’s not what you’re saying it’s how you say it. When it’s your area of interest, you’d have spent more time thinking about how to present your answers. When you’re answering out of your comfort zone you’re going to stumble. Basic human psychology.

They weren’t stumbling. They were trying to sound like they had a lot to say about something even though they knew that ‘something’ is nothing.

Thus treating us like idiots? If they honestly said “if we have more support from the community about this than what we’re currently doing it then it’ll happen” then people wouldn’t complain. They literally told us that there is no first person view because you lose vision therefore not fair? If you treat people like morons by making empty promises and lying then its obvious people will get upset.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


In all honesty its a half.of an interview. The other half could have good stuff
In theory

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In all honesty its a half.of an interview. The other half could have good stuff
In theory

You know…I’m not getting my hopes up. lol

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueZone.4236


It’s just a bad interview because the two guys answering those questions aren’t actually involved with anything asked about.

Bad interviews happen. Those guys shouldn’t have been the guys answering that interview.

I don’t see how it’s a bad interview, at all.
Having guys in the “right” department saying ‘no/nothing’s off the table’ will make it a better interview? Hint: It doesn’t.

No because the questions asked were fan questions about stuff they’re not really working on. They’re not working on FoV and they’re not working on First person stuff and they never pretended they were. They don’t plan on bringing SAB out during this season and fans want it. Well you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Anet brought it out, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

There’s really no good way to have an interview with rabid fans who expect THEIR concerns to be the major concerns.

Precusor crafting is the one thing I could see people getting really riled up about, because they’ve been waiting a long time.

I’d still rather see the rest of the stuff coming out in the patch before I start lighting torches and carrying pitchforks though.

Yeah, so basically it didn’t matter who gives the response, because they’d all give the same answer.

Sometimes it’s not what you’re saying it’s how you say it. When it’s your area of interest, you’d have spent more time thinking about how to present your answers. When you’re answering out of your comfort zone you’re going to stumble. Basic human psychology.

They weren’t stumbling. They were trying to sound like they had a lot to say about something even though they knew that ‘something’ is nothing.

They stumbled, not in the sense of talking in a stumbling manner. They were talking in circles, feeling their way. These weren’t polished answers. They were people thinking as they were talking as opposed to pre thinking. It seems that way to me.

Having a prepared and polished ’nothing’s off the table’ response is exactly how we got here in the first place. Doubt they’d come up with something better.
Look at Microsoft’s XBox One’s prepared PR on being superior to PS4’s specification as a fine example of how all the preparation in the world couldn’t stop them from saying silly things.

In all honesty its a half.of an interview. The other half could have good stuff
In theory

The article writer hasn’t hinted that the second part would be any better, so I think it’s a bit doubtful.

(edited by BlueZone.4236)

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Trying to justify a hissy fit is just another indication of a lack of maturity in my opinion.

Yup – it is a bloody game for pete’s sake. It is not like your life will end if the game isn’t as great as you expect it to be. I think the big problem is the ‘Entitled’ mentality in today’s society. It is prevalent everywhere.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pigdog.9215


Trying to justify a hissy fit is just another indication of a lack of maturity in my opinion.

Yup – it is a bloody game for pete’s sake. It is not like your life will end if the game isn’t as great as you expect it to be. I think the big problem is the ‘Entitled’ mentality in today’s society. It is prevalent everywhere.

Yup – it is bloody food for pete’s sake. It is not like your life will end if the price of food isnt as great as you expect it to be. I think the big problem is the ‘Entitled’ mentality in today’s society. It is prevalent everywhere.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


Trying to justify a hissy fit is just another indication of a lack of maturity in my opinion.

Calling the expression of anger a hissy fit is unfair. Sure, some people are being immature, but simply being angry isn’t. The lack of communication has been a problem that has become worse and worse. People have become increasingly upset, and the latest interview pushed a lot over the edge.

ANet have demonstrated that they are willing to simply ignore their customers. Polite discourse has failed (and many, many people have been polite. The people who behaved badly do not justify ignored the majority of a consumer base), so being louder is the only practical alternative.

Of course, it is possible to express anger in an immature way, and I do not defend that. But the expressions of anger I have seen recently seem largely sensible enough.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Trying to justify a hissy fit is just another indication of a lack of maturity in my opinion.

Calling the expression of anger a hissy fit is unfair. Sure, some people are being immature, but simply being angry isn’t. The lack of communication has been a problem that has become worse and worse. People have become increasingly upset, and the latest interview pushed a lot over the edge.

ANet have demonstrated that they are willing to simply ignore their customers. Polite discourse has failed (and many, many people have been polite. The people who behaved badly do not justify ignored the majority of a consumer base), so being louder is the only practical alternative.

Of course, it is possible to express anger in an immature way, and I do not defend that. But the expressions of anger I have seen recently seem largely sensible enough.

So calling for riots is mature, spamming in every thread is mature, spamming new threads on the same topic is mature. Or are we reading different forums?

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alice.8694


Calling the expression of anger a hissy fit is unfair. Sure, some people are being immature, but simply being angry isn’t.

What is an immature expression of anger if not a hissy fit?

The lack of communication has been a problem that has become worse and worse. People have become increasingly upset, and the latest interview pushed a lot over the edge.

Arenanet aren’t even that incommmunitive, it’s just that people don’t hear what they want to hear amnd use the excuse thay there is a lack of communication to try and bully an anwser or response out of Arenanet.

ANet have demonstrated that they are willing to simply ignore their customers. Polite discourse has failed (and many, many people have been polite. The people who behaved badly do not justify ignored the majority of a consumer base), so being louder is the only practical alternative.

You speak with such certainity yet I don’t feel they’ve conclusively demonstrated anything of the sort. A lot of changes made to the game since release have been things people specifically asked for. If anything I’d say theres more evidence to the contrary. But ultimately we are obviously measuring this on different scales.

The very assumption that because you ask nicely for something the developer should buckle and give you what you demand is a little entitled don’t you think? Because it implies that anything you ask for, you are somehow entitled too.

The only thing you are entitled too here is a good experience and ultimately if you aren’t having it you can say so to the developer or leave.

But the idea that the playerbase is entitled to any changes they request is absurd in any game, not just this one.

Of course, it is possible to express anger in an immature way, and I do not defend that. But the expressions of anger I have seen recently seem largely sensible enough.

This SAB or riot idea does not come across as sensible at all as it puts across the worst message possible. That the playerbase is more concerned about trivial meaningless filler minigames than actual coherient and long lasting content.

What a backwards message to be pushing.

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kta.6502


I really agree with this. People are upset sure but they are coming across as throwing a hissy fit in public so mom and dad get embarrassed and give in to threats. Sorry guys won’t happen.

I don’t see it as a hissy fit. There are legit problems with the game, and fans have taken time out of their day to communicate the problems to the devs. Just like last April, we’re all getting ignored while the devs implement another giant patch. There is no confirmation that the devs have heard every one of our opinions. In-game, many of us are getting slaps in the face despite our patronage. Let me count the ways:

the 800 gem($10) SAB infinite play coin. SAB fans can’t use it because there isn’t any more SAB.

No moderation since megaserver was implemented. I’ve gotten kitten threats (aka sexual assault threats) since the megaserver was installed. One person even told me to go commit suicide! I’ve also witnessed Anti-American messages being posted, and the devs do nothing about it. When a parent came on the forums recently to ask if this game is appropriate for her 11 year old girl, I had to say “NO.” I would hate to see a kid getting the same messages I’m receiving in the game. FYI — Both RPers and non-RP guilds are getting trolls harassing them all the time. I’ve seen my guild and our allies getting trolled alot.

Gold sellers over-riding the game’s block system. I’ve gotten whispers from gold sellers who are on my block list.

Nothing is being done about the various exploits and bugs in Arah and Orr. If a new player unknowingly uses the exploits, they could get perma-banned from the game.

The possibility of the Sylvari race being erased from the game. If the Pale Tree dies, that means the Sylvari would go extinct according to the game’s lore, and it would also mean destruction of the Grove. I’m glad that I never bought the 900 gem Home Portal Stone from the gemshop (You can find it if you click the Services tab). It will be useless for me & other Sylvari players if the Grove were to disappear. Destruction of the Sylvari race will destroy the entire Sylvari RP community and discourage new players from rolling Sylvari.

Lack of Progression after lv. 80. The backpacks are cute, but they’re not enough to keep regular gamers playing GW2. Many of the folks I’ve known have left the game because they maxed out everything (including getting all the legendaries and high-level PvP / WvW ranks).

EDIT: I forgot a couple things…

Alliance chat. Our guilds need alliance chats to keep them together. This is needed esp. for the WvW guilds.

RP chat. Yes, we RPers could use Say chat and /me chat when no one else is using it. It’s a problem when others are using Say chat to communicate with regular gamers on the map. /ME chat is attached to say chat. If I deselect the Say chat, I won’t see any of the messages from /ME chat. Large groups of RPers (anything larger than 5 people) can’t use squad chat because non-RPers are trained to flock to the blue dorito. Having our own RP chat will cut down on non-RP distractions while still being a part of megaserver.

To me, these are the main problems atm.

If this keeps up, “This won’t end well.”

(edited by kta.6502)

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alice.8694


the 800 gem($10) SAB infinite play coin. SAB fans can’t use it because there isn’t any more SAB.

Fairly sure this is a none issue, they will definitely offer a refund if they conclude they aren’t going forward with SAB. I even seem to recall they said the life of SAB was solely based on how popular and useful it becomes. So you can’t say they didn’t warn anyone.

No moderation since megaserver was implemented. I’ve gotten kitten threats (aka sexual assault threats) since the megaserver was installed.

I don’t personally think Anet should be moderating chat outside of abusive behavior anyway… But if a lack of chat moderation is the price to pay for fuller and more viable areas in the world. I’m okay with this…

Gold sellers over-riding the game’s block system. I’ve gotten whispers from gold sellers who are on my block list.

It took them a few months to cut down on sellers and bots but when they did the effect was profound. Give them time on this one.

Nothing is being done about the various exploits and bugs in Arah and Orr.

Theres a lot of assumptions in this one so I pass.

The possibility of the Sylvari race being erased from the game.

I facepalmed pretty hard at this one… Never gonna happen, don’t be absurd.

Lack of Progression after lv. 80.

Finally something we agree on completely!

If this keeps up, “This won’t end well.”

The only serious thing here is the lack of progression and if i might add my own to your list…

A game with a focus so heavily on a perfect market that there is a destinct lack of reward for doing anything

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


The community was actually pretty quiet, We were all willing to sit back and wait for updates because lets be honest, These last few LS have been pretty awsome….aaaand then they dropped SAB. Something they already made, and that just blew our minds. A lot of players aren’t just raging to get what they want, they’re raging because things that they like in the game get removed and then…ya know what? Posting on this forum probably doesn’t even matter I’m going to go play (Insert some older retro game with jumping).

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arctinus.7824


The community was actually pretty quiet, We were all willing to sit back and wait for updates because lets be honest, These last few LS have been pretty awsome….aaaand then they dropped SAB. Something they already made, and that just blew our minds. A lot of players aren’t just raging to get what they want, they’re raging because things that they like in the game get removed and then…ya know what? Posting on this forum probably doesn’t even matter I’m going to go play (Insert some older retro game with jumping).

I didn’t hear anyone in the interview say the SAB is getting removed or anything. Just that it won’t return this time around. Which means it might come back next time/some time in the future.

‘’But they don’t have to make World 3, they can just release the SAB as it is now.‘’
Well, maybe the guys understood the question as that the players want SAB to return but with new features. Maybe they just didn’t think that the players would be completely ok with ’’old’’ SAB especially since a lot of complaints about the Festival of the Four Winds and the Crown Pavilion and how it’s just a recycled old content. Maybe now that a lot of players said that they just want the ’’old’’ SAB back with no new World or additions, maybe they’re rethinking it. shrugs

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kta.6502


Fairly sure this is a none issue, they will definitely offer a refund if they conclude they aren’t going forward with SAB. I even seem to recall they said the life of SAB was solely based on how popular and useful it becomes. So you can’t say they didn’t warn anyone.

Anet never offered refunds when they took away peoples’ town clothes and turn them into tonics. I was one of those folks who never got a refund. I doubt they will refund the money the SAB fans spent on the coins.

I don’t personally think Anet should be moderating chat outside of abusive behavior anyway… But if a lack of chat moderation is the price to pay for fuller and more viable areas in the world. I’m okay with this…

I disagree on this one. It’s not okay. There are minors that play this game, and it’s well known that online bullying does cause some kids to commit suicide. As an adult, I’m mentally and emotionally strong enough to handle bullies and trolls. A teenager is a whole other story.

It took them a few months to cut down on sellers and bots but when they did the effect was profound. Give them time on this one.

It’s true that I’m seeing a decrease in sellers, but I’m still getting gold seller whispers whenever I RP. Grrr…

I facepalmed pretty hard at this one… Never gonna happen, don’t be absurd.

Want to bet? Please see:

Six months ago, Anet did have plans to kill off Jory. See these links:



Then a bunch of fans (including me) complained. I made a list of every romantic couple that got killed in the game’s Sylvari storyline. I’m not a fan of the the human girls, but there were alot of folks who loved Jory & Kasmeer at the time. I do love seeing romance in a game story, and I was tired of seeing death cliches in the storyline. I remember how happy & surprised I was when I saw that my words had impact on the game.

I’m starting to see the attack on the Pale Tree as revenge for saving a human homosexual couple’s lives. The devs (esp. the QA and Programming devs) know that my main and second are Sylvari. I even had the opportunity to talk to them in-game, so many know that I’m a Sylvari fan / RPer. The current situation with the Pale Tree makes for great drama. On the other hand, I don’t want to see the Sylvari RP community die either. It’s a small community that has to rely on party, whisper, and guild chats to RP thanks to the megaserver troll.s

I’m glad you agreed with me on the Progression issue, Alice. Now if only we could get the devs attention to that particular issue…

To the Guild Wars 2 Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alice.8694


Anet never offered refunds when they took away peoples’ town clothes and turn them into tonics. I was one of those folks who never got a refund.

This is totally incorrect, they did offer refund and quite publicly infact. I should know, I got one. You had to actually show your dissatistifaction and request the refund but this was all clearly outlined in a stickied post in the forums.

I disagree on this one. It’s not okay. There are minors that play this game, and it’s well known that online bullying does cause some kids to commit suicide. As an adult, I’m mentally and emotionally strong enough to handle bullies and trolls. A teenager is a whole other story.

Disagree all you want, it’s not a major issue. It’s not Anet’s job to police the world nor is it their job to be surrogate parents.

Want to bet?

Sylvari is basically Anet’s love child, they have been gushing over them ever since the game released. The games initial story, Season 1 and season 2 are basically love letters to the sylvari lore. You know what they aren’t going to do?

Kill off the Sylvari race.

They couldn’t even bring themselves to kill off lions arch, their too attatched and sentimental toward it.

When the pale tree took damage and acted injured I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and groan. Because they picked the one character in that room who had plot armor. The pale tree isn’t going anywhere because by her very nature she is linked to a core game mechanic. So any dramatic build up regarding the pale trees well being is ultimately meaningless, since you already know the outcome.

(edited by Alice.8694)