Tripple Wurm = Impossible
1. kind of defeats the purpose of the event.
2. would be slide screen mode if you where lucky, otherwise server crashes.
First, it’s an event made for preorganized groups. Some of that content is okay. Nothing stops you from joining those groups.
More to the point, showing up in time will guarantee you fail. You need to be at that event an hour or so before it starts to get on one of the organized servers.
Yea, I’m pretty sure Teq and Triple Wurm are meant to be done with organized groups. So it sounds like it is working as intended?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Triple Trouble is made and working as intended. That and Tequatl are both made to be formed with full near map capacity groups as a mass organized feat and accomplishment. Different guilds run this on a weekly if not faster basis just look for TTS or EG or something similar.
Join a community dedicated to events like this, show up in time for the attempt and you won’t have any trouble. Teq is almost laughable now, even pugs can do it, but for Wurm you need a bit more organization. It’s definitely working as intended and we ckittene some more events like these. The only bad part about it is that it’s not instanced – if a guild spawning a world boss could get a locked OF (or more) of its own where people can enter only if they are taxied in by the guild that spawned the event, that would be the greatest thing since the Wardrobe and account-bound dyes. Just have the officer who starts the guild event thingie be automatically transported to an empty, locked OF and he can start taxiing people, who can taxi more until the map is full.
All content isn’t meant to be done by everybody.
One of the big things people were asking for in the forums almost since the game started was harder content meant to be done by large organized groups (AKA Raids), which is why we have Tequatl and Triple Wurm. They’re meant to be done by organized groups, to need preparation time, and to be difficult, and they’re not meant for everyone to just show up and succesfully complete them.
And personally I think it’s perfectly ok, and that comes from someone that is yet to succesfully kill triple wurm (I’ve been in fights were we get to second phase but yet to kill it there). And yes, I do agree that showing an hour early to be able to get to the correct map is annoying, but don’t see that much different from all the preparation and organizing (AKA cats herding) that I’ve seen on other MMOs with more formal raids before they can get going.
Actually, I’d like to see more events needing the kind of organization that triple wurm and tequatl need… after all, we really only have 2 fights needing that kind of organization out of the 24 that give bonus chests so far.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Even if you get into the map an hour early, there is no guarantee that you will get into an organized run. In fact I guarantee it would not be a TTS run since they always find empty maps to avoid these very same people who have no interest in coordinating and leeching.
That may work with Teq, but not so with wurm. Wurm to this day still fails in organized TTS runs, while Teq, even though it’s still challenging, is still defeated with high frequency, even among semi-organized fights.
In the past 2 weeks I’ve just started doing tequatl daily, and every single time I’ve completed it! I don’t know what triple trouble is like since I’m going to move onto that after I’ve got all the achievements for teq but I always arrive at the area 20-30 minutes before the event is meant to start. Also use the LFG tool to find servers with large groups and commanders. I think the main rule is to turn up early though.
They have to fix boses in gw2
If you are fighting with 10 people against strong boss he should be weak.
If you are fighting with 80 people against strong boss he should be stronger.
Boss needs to adapt on his environment.
And boss needs to move more and have more spells. That should remove stacking…
If you can call boss and pushim in the wall he should be able to run away and throw some range spell on people… Common make monsters smarter… Let them live a little.
They have to fix boses in gw2
If you are fighting with 10 people against strong boss he should be weak.
If you are fighting with 80 people against strong boss he should be stronger.
Boss needs to adapt on his environment.And boss needs to move more and have more spells. That should remove stacking…
If you can call boss and pushim in the wall he should be able to run away and throw some range spell on people… Common make monsters smarter… Let them live a little.
Depends on what you mean by weak/stronger.
If by difficulty you mean the stronger boss has more skills then no.
That would result in players wanting fewer people to participate.
And boss needs to move more and have more spells. That should remove stacking…
If you can call boss and pushim in the wall he should be able to run away and throw some range spell on people… Common make monsters smarter… Let them live a little.
You can’t push the huge WBs into walls. What are you even talking about?
Only thing remotely close is positioning so that you can run the wurm heads into a wall but that’s hardly what I’d call an exploit, especially when the dps requirement is so high that it’s practically required to have to have the wurm head on a wall so you can kitten it with FGSes
You literally have no clue what you’re talking about. Please stop.
First, it’s an event made for preorganized groups. Some of that content is okay. Nothing stops you from joining those groups.
More to the point, showing up in time will guarantee you fail. You need to be at that event an hour or so before it starts to get on one of the organized servers.
Best way is to join a guild that runs a world boss schedule. I’m in [Att] and they spawn the wurm manually at a certain time. This helps avoid pugs and stuff. Last time we ran it I arrived on the map 15 minutes before start and didn’t even have to ferry.
It’s not impossible at all, I’ve done it once and completed it once.
A guild was hosting it, asked the other guilds in the server to help out, everybody got on teamspeak until we had 100 people in the channel. When this happened everybody jumped to the map at the same time and that seemed to create our own overflow instance. 100 people on the map, split into 3 groups with 1 comm per group, food and banners are dropped, everybody goes from main TS channel to individual commander channels who take everybody through a dry run to make sure they understand the concept of the fight, dry run complete, back to meet area where we start the pre-events, kill wurm successfully, naff loot.
It took about 2 hours 30 from start to finish (including organisation time) so it’s definitely not something you just ‘jump into’ at the time of spawn. Organisation could have been slightly quicker but I think it was one of the Guild’s first time leading it.
Certainly not impossible, definitely not made to be a walk in the park though. We don’t want all bosses to end up as auto-attack mashers with 100 people on the map. I miss the days when 15-20 of us would try to take down Jormag and it was actually a challenge and felt like an achievement. You could actually play with the settings still on max and see exactly what skills you were doing rather than just a mash-up of animation like it is nowadays.
The only problem with this encounter is that it is not instanced. You are not entitled to be able to complete this content. This is what hurts this game, people who randomly join the map of organized groups, taking a spot of one of the members so they can’t do the content, and then leaches the reward. I’ve watched these leaches several times at wurm.
This is the problem with difficult open world encounter, most player will not improve so the event will succeed. If it does succeed with them in it, they were carried by those who took the time to learn the event and get good at it. It will not get better because of Anets design philosophy:
“We have an idea of where the average player is skill-wise, and placed the bar where we hoped would just a tad above that, in the hopes that they would have to stretch a bit. That stretching creates tension, which is the sweet spot in event-type content as far as I’m concerned.”
Even though this comment was made toward the marionette, it surely applies to design decisions of most of the big open world content. Anet wants the general player base to learn2play, but it is at the cost of those who already do. Similarly how the education system in America spend most of their resources on bubble (borderline) kids, while their honor kids are left out to dry because they will succeed no matter what you do.
The good players are pretty bored of this game, and we keep getting popcorn content. And pvp is not the answer.
They have to fix boses in gw2
If you are fighting with 10 people against strong boss he should be weak.
If you are fighting with 80 people against strong boss he should be stronger.
Boss needs to adapt on his environment.And boss needs to move more and have more spells. That should remove stacking…
If you can call boss and pushim in the wall he should be able to run away and throw some range spell on people… Common make monsters smarter… Let them live a little.Depends on what you mean by weak/stronger.
If by difficulty you mean the stronger boss has more skills then no.
That would result in players wanting fewer people to participate.
It is impossible to fight with fewer people against boss… Because you have megaservers.. And 50 people will always come to attack some boss…
Maybe they will want fewer people to participate, but that will never happen because everyone will come to kill boss to get gold, and rewards.
You have gw2 timer, everyone are following that timer…
The wurm is not impossible, but it is much harder than tequalt and the reward is not that great.
Putting Wurm and Teq on synchronized timers was a good idea in theory. It still needs to be a little more random though, because having all the bosses synchronized still doesn’t stop the maps from overflowing. I suggested before, that world bosses should just get rid of the countdown timer, so PUGs have more time to organize if they fail. As it is now, PUGs do not even try because the countdown timer discourages people, after they fail the first time.
Wurm and Teq are meant to be done by skilled, organised groups.
That said, I do think they should scale so they can be done by smaller skilled, organised groups, while retaining the same amount of difficulty as they do for large skilled, organised groups.
Wurm and Teq are meant to be done by skilled, organised groups.
That said, I do think they should scale so they can be done by smaller skilled, organised groups, while retaining the same amount of difficulty as they do for large skilled, organised groups.
It’s basically for raids. The same raids that GW2 players claim to hate in other MMOs. The only difference, is that it’s non-instanced. GW2 gets a pass though, for whatever reason. At least in that other MMO, it’s “flexible”, where you don’t need a full raid group. GW2 needs to scale them, like you suggested.
go to the event before it starts = win
you hit overflow problems because you’re joining in long after the big groups formed up and already maxed out the random player join. If you get in before them they join on you instead of you getting stuck in a tertiary overflow with 18 people in it.
I gave up on both shortly after they were released. I just don’t play at ample times to be part of the organized groups that they require. They’re both plenty beatable, but they aren’t everyone’s bag.
Its not impossible… But it takes a lot of things to get it done. To start with, the right Contacts and organisation just to get onto the right map/server.
- They (i Think some Guilds have specialised in this) usuallu gather on a different (like LA) map to jump to one Bloodtide map on countdown to fill up a low-populated server with as many “wurm-participants” as possible. Sometimes the jump have to be done a couple of times.
- Then the Event is usually TS-organised and takes quite a bit of time to prepare with “dry-runs” and all…
- Then u start and hope Everything turns out as planned. Sometimes its the World spawned Wurms, sometimes its the “Guild-World-boss mission triggered ones”
- Sometimes it suceeds – sometimes not. (I have got 2 tripple kills so far)
it IS a hard event, and its supposed to be! I would NOT want them to change anything…
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
go to the event before it starts = win
you hit overflow problems because you’re joining in long after the big groups formed up and already maxed out the random player join. If you get in before them they join on you instead of you getting stuck in a tertiary overflow with 18 people in it.
Players with this mentality are my biggest annoyance at THW. If you want to compete in those events and possibly succeed, join those communities as a member. Dont be a leech and live up to the label of “filthy casual.”
Quite frankly I’m shocked that THW isnt in an instanced area completely isolated from the rest of BC. Even moreso considering Anet’s stated they dont want Events that a handful of players can come along and kitten kitten up so the event fails. Well guess what happens at THW? Pugs kill the abomination at Amber wurm when the entire zerg has the debuff causing a missed burn, or at worst, a failed run. Pugs fill up the last extractor at Crimson wurm when they’re being screamed at (because they keep filling it) to NOT fill it until all wurms are ready, causing a failed burn and a failed run. Pugs run kegs at Cobalt wurm early, cause premature burns or cause failed burns leading to failed runs. Pugs intentionally screw with the husks dragging them onto the zerg causing a burn phase to fail miserably at all the wurms, and the zerg to fail to even reach a burn phase at Amber wurm. Pugs stand in the wrong spot in phase 2 so the wurms charge off into the sunset and dps hits rock bottom as people are trying to catch up.
Still think it’s “elitist” when guilds/communities do their best to keep such ill-mannered and unwanted people away from their runs? Step it up anet, you need to do something to fix this bull crap.
First, it’s an event made for preorganized groups.
Which is kind of funny given how the current system doesn’t really assist people in being organised, first with the overflows and then with having to taxi in a couple hundred people on to a specific shard.
First, it’s an event made for preorganized groups.
Which is kind of funny given how the current system doesn’t really assist people in being organised, first with the overflows and then with having to taxi in a couple hundred people on to a specific shard.
Oh, I agree, the current system for it sucks.
Half the battle is getting a shard empty enough to taxi a full group in
This wouldn’t be a problem if we had big instanced bosses, but I guess then it wouldn’t be a world boss. It’s a rough situation all around.
First, it’s an event made for preorganized groups.
Which is kind of funny given how the current system doesn’t really assist people in being organised, first with the overflows and then with having to taxi in a couple hundred people on to a specific shard.
Well 150 people anyway , but your point is well taken. Yes, the system as it stands it’s pretty lame. One of the big weaknesses of the game. 1