UnderWorld In GW2
one question, how is this gonna fit in terms of lore?
the 5(6) abandoned the world quite a bit, would you allow someone to enter your realm if you want nothing to do with them?
You don’t need to explain much here actually. Mad King Realm is a specific portion of UW. Shadow Behemoth and the swamp also represent a place where the borders between the mortal plane and the nether also are weakening.
So yeah, we could cause a rift in Godslost using magic or asuran magitech. We could ally ourselves with the Mad King. The Mad King could “prank” us by sending us to the UW. Priory could be experimenting with “past magics” which opens up a portal.
Plenty of easy ways to crowbar in explanations and they’re all going to be more believable than Scarlet making a giant metal air balloon larger than the black citadel in the sky.
The sense of entitlement is to strong in the mayority of the playerbase.
Sadly A-net caters to those
Tamoko Chan ~ (Necro)
[PYRO] #MagSwag
one question, how is this gonna fit in terms of lore?
the 5(6) abandoned the world quite a bit, would you allow someone to enter your realm if you want nothing to do with them?Lorewise there’s not an issue with that. Grenth responded to prayer in the heart of his cathedral in Orr, and sent an avatar to speak with the priestess. Kormir, Dwayna, and Lyssa also answer prayers (Human racial skills).
So it’s not they “don’t want anything to do with the world”, they simply stepped back. And the reasons or that are either more theologically appropriate (“Gods help those who help themselves”) or . . .
. . . fear of being caught by the Elder Dragons and devoured or destroyed like Owl.
giving a power is one thing, showing a portal to their own world is another.
as you said, they are afraid to be devoured or destroyed (maybe), i don’t think you would let everybody in when there is a chance it can go wrong.
There are already portals from the UW — see the swamp in Queensdale. If there’s a portal from there could be a portal to.
“Suggest a way that they can make a horde of gem sales off it.
They don’t respond to being bugged or majority of voices, just look at the Fractured failure.
They just ignore ya and laugh in their board meetings.
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This was respectful. This was constructive, I was advising that OP state a way to encourage Anet to implement it via BEING constructive.
I’m kittening posting this again, infract me more. Hide behind your keyboards that’s all you do.
What if I have no friends or guild? How am I supposed to do Elite Instanced content?
That’s so stupid to say. Do you solo instances as they are now? Do you take down world bosses single hardly?
It’s what hardcore and endgame is about. So no, you don’t get to do instanced ""group""(look the word group up) content if you don’t have anyone to do it with. And the facts that someone like me has to break it to you like this is frighting. kittenmit, some people.
I would love to see uw and fow back.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
ANet would be most likely to visit underworld when they start focusing more on the human gods and that lore.
The best thing to do would be to bug ANet on human god lore then once they start working on that bug them about Underworld, FoW, and Kormir
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
one question, how is this gonna fit in terms of lore?
the 5(6) abandoned the world quite a bit, would you allow someone to enter your realm if you want nothing to do with them?Lorewise there’s not an issue with that. Grenth responded to prayer in the heart of his cathedral in Orr, and sent an avatar to speak with the priestess. Kormir, Dwayna, and Lyssa also answer prayers (Human racial skills).
So it’s not they “don’t want anything to do with the world”, they simply stepped back. And the reasons or that are either more theologically appropriate (“Gods help those who help themselves”) or . . .
. . . fear of being caught by the Elder Dragons and devoured or destroyed like Owl.
giving a power is one thing, showing a portal to their own world is another.
as you said, they are afraid to be devoured or destroyed (maybe), i don’t think you would let everybody in when there is a chance it can go wrong.There are already portals from the UW — see the swamp in Queensdale. If there’s a portal from there could be a portal to.
There’s still an existing Grenth monument in Lornar’s Pass, as well. Since the asura already figured out how to connect gates to the Mists, they have plenty to work with to break into the Underworld.
So you guys actually believe the only reason we don’t have FoW, UW etc. is because of lore?
Look at the more “difficult” new fights in the game. They’re all open world and fail 99% of the time just because of that. They try to cater to 2 audiences at the same time: the casual open world mob-taggers and hardcore players who desire meaningful content, messing up both in the process. Organised groups could melt through tequatl, worms, marionette without any issues.
Casuals fail those same events because they’re too hard for them and they’re there just to get gilded strongboxes and APs. They even made a lot of the world bosses less afk-mode. Just let people enjoy their thing without these silly overlaps.
Their heart might be in the right place, their logic certainly isn’t.