Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonar.1342


The game is active, but the ‘open world’ is almost empty (some exeptions).

Lvling an alt is imo just one big nightmare now. Many players lvl their alts by switching character at the end of a dungeon. That can’t be ’’right’’.

This is a mmorpg, you need other players around you for more fun.
In guild wars 2 there is even a bigger need for this, because of the dynamic event system. There are more active events when there are more players in the area.

Introduce them. Please.
I would call that the biggest ‘’quality of life’’ change ever in this game.

PS: Yes, i know this has been discussed before. I can’t necro that thread because the “search the forums…” function is useless/broken/bugged.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wafflepacman.9817


Yeah, I tried leveling an Elementalist by exploring, and just gave up.

Snowden Drifts? Lornar’s Pass? Forget that, why bother when the maps are empty and you can grind the Harathi Hinterlands chain for massive exp?

So much for the dynamic events and global group interaction that was hyped up pre-release.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


Then you can also remove all servers and make it 1 server with this system. Thats how ESO and Star Citizen do it.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I can honestly say the open zone is quite empty, with exception of a few server.

Most of the time you can help yourself by guesting though.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I always see people running around in the various maps. But then since I don’t craft, play TP, do dungeons or fractals, stand around in LA, do champ trains or world bosses, and spend only a bit of time in wvw for a change of enemy I’m more likely to see people.

How long do you guys spend in the open world before giving up?

I’ve been thinking for a while that after all this time the server populations have probably really started to gather like-minded players. Maybe some servers just don’t have a lot of people running around the maps because the players there don’t like to. There are lots of things to do. Just a thought.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


Yes. Would really like to see some cross realm zone technology used here.
All the open world zones should get merged into 1 server. I only see people in the queensdale champ train and lions arch.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


I ran across a person in open world. I was successfully ressing him but when I got him up to 75% he used vengeance.

After that I never saw him again.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

Yeah, I tried leveling an Elementalist by exploring, and just gave up.

Snowden Drifts? Lornar’s Pass? Forget that, why bother when the maps are empty and you can grind the Harathi Hinterlands chain for massive exp?

So much for the dynamic events and global group interaction that was hyped up pre-release.

Except at release I was constantly thrown into overflows until I hit lvl40+ zones while I was leveling my warrior. Granted most people would rather just sit in LA and sit there and play the market because it’s about the only legitimate get quick rich scheme.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Yeah, I tried leveling an Elementalist by exploring, and just gave up.

Snowden Drifts? Lornar’s Pass? Forget that, why bother when the maps are empty and you can grind the Harathi Hinterlands chain for massive exp?

So much for the dynamic events and global group interaction that was hyped up pre-release.

Except at release I was constantly thrown into overflows until I hit lvl40+ zones while I was leveling my warrior. Granted most people would rather just sit in LA and sit there and play the market because it’s about the only legitimate get quick rich scheme.

This game would be great if Leveling wasnt a major factor in the PvE,

and the Crafting system wasnt fixed system like the current way it is done.

That way Mats wouldnt be as lush as currently is on the market.

Also we would have more goals to play and complete.

Currently the game seem so guided in terms of goals. Goals in the game seem pre-selected for us.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ben K.7329

Ben K.7329

Curious thing is that if they used GW1’s town district system for the GW2 PvE zones, it would help immensely.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ClansFear.2597


There are literally dozens of topics concerning the issue, and there is still no answer from ANet whatsoever. I’m really curious why the game that shines in terms of interactions with other players didn’t develop such simple and effective method to make leveling alt much much more enjoyable.

Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I really would like to see RIFT’s Instant Adventure feature modified to gw2. It helps solve the low world pop, unfinished de chain and empty map problems, as well as give a more guided tool for pve leveling (I know I’m sick of going for zone exploration).


Underflow servers (yeah, I know..)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: perilisk.1874


Underflow is something I hope they work on, as it would make the open world a little more appealing.

One thing that could also help a little would be reforming the overflow system to redirect players to underutilized core servers before standing up overflow servers. It would only really help if there is a population imbalance across servers for a certain map, not if it’s universally a dead zone, but it would have a marginally beneficial impact, and it seems like it shouldn’t be hard to implement.

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