

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

There’s so many I won’t even bother typing it out, so I’ll just recap my most recent one: the harpy event in fields of ruin near serenity temple on some broken walls. Anywho, the little asuran inventor is wanting harpy glands for a “magical purfume”. I get him some, he comments on how delightfully squishy they are and runs off to concoct his creation. Knowing the usual flow of events during asuran creations, nothing but shennannigans and mayhem will follow so I tag along. After a while he mixes up a sample and tries it out. … It works….sort of lol. A giant harpy matriarch flies down and spews love bubbles for a few seconds before it realizes there’s no Brad Pitt of harpies waiting for her, only a little snack sized asuran, and after a scuffle (blocked by lots of dust…I probably don’t wanna know what was going on in there) she carries him off in a bag. His hired charr bodyguard waves him off and wishes him a safe trip. I fell out of my chair laughing lol. I did eventually go and save him and after some more smart kitten remarks he went about his business to “refine the formula” but the whole thing was just a riot. I still laugh about it as I write this lawlz.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243


I actually enjoy a lot of the Skritt dialogue!

I have to attribute this to the ‘Escort Rikkiti’ questline, as Rikkiti was the first Skritt that made me appreciate them as more than just pilfering rats (it’s what I get for playing a human first).

I just get a kick out of pretty much everything that Rikkiti said/did during that quest. Especially the interaction with the Deputy Asura.

“Deputy, Deputy!”
“Yes, what is it Rikkiti?”
“Sheriff want shinies back. Rikkiti get shinies! Teach Hyleks stealing bad.”
“And did our ineffectual sheriff offer any thoughts on how precisely we might accomplish that?”
“Yes… no… what?”
“(sigh) Sheriff say how we get shinies back?”
“Oooh! Deputy talk like Rikkiti stupid! Rikkiti not stupid!”
“Sheriff not say how we get shinies back!”

Or, later on in the quest:

“Rikkiti! Procure the purloined goods!”
“Get shinies?!”
“Yes, yes, get shinies.”
Followed by that crazy adorable Skritt laugh.

Skrittsburg was pretty clever to find, also. I liked the random in love Skritt that didn’t quite know what to do about it.

I also enjoyed literally falling into my first jumping puzzle in Caledon Forest. I hadn’t done a jumping puzzle at all at that point and I was backing up away from some mobs, dodge rolled backwards, and literally fell into a hidden cave. Was pretty memorable for me.

As for memorable battles, that actually involved Skritt, too. I was playing as an Asura Mesmer and got to that event where you have to stop Skritt from dismantling a portal. I was the only one at that event and was getting swarmed simultaneously stopping runaway Skritt as well as defending against attacking Skritt. I was swapping like mad between Staff and Dual Blades using everything I had to hold them back. I lasted quite awhile actually, but eventually failed the event. I survived, though, and it was the first battle that actually made me feel like I had to use everything in my arsenal to get through. Which is weird, since it was just a low level encounter with Skritt. >.>

The Long Road
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NudelClan.7214


Unforgettable .. well there once was a lake i jumped into. I love to swim and dive so i went under. All those water creatures around me, friendly or hungry, everything was alive.
The lake was deep so i went down further. It was dark below but i kept going.
Suddenly i saw some lights and out of the darkness at the bottom of the lake a settlement emerged with evolved creatures calling it their home.
They had their joys and sorrows.
Life infront, to the sides, above and below you.
It was simply awesome and unexpected the first time.

Now when i see a lake or any other body of water that i can dive down into i just head down to see if anything is there, how trivial it may be.
Underwater world, best part of the game, for me.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrannyPwnage.3465


First time I saw a dragon, and the first time I saw a WvWvW “zerg”. x)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narcs.9418


What’s unforgettable to me…

- My first visit to Divinity’s Reach and Lions Arch.
- When I completed my first jumping puzzle (Caledon Forest, Morgan’s Spiral)
- The music that plays in the Asura and Sylvari lands.
- When the members of Destiny’s Edge came together for the first time after Snaff’s death in the storyline “Stealing Secrets” (I haven’t continued much further since this part and i’m very intrigued to see how things turn out!).
- Earning my first title – “Gladiator”.
- The sky during night time in Rata Sum.
- The time i’ve spent in Ascalon, Diessa Plateau. Being a cow, watching cow’s race (Go Hazel!) and watching them fly across the sky to reach harpy’s, has made this one of my most favourite zones at the moment. (Please release the betting feature!)
-What an absolutely gorgeous game GW2 is.

“Never leave a wrong to ripen into evil”.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

So far most of the game is unforgettable moments to me. There is just so much stuff that makes it memorable. Really the depth in game to the story, lore, and back story is much of that. And it can be missed if you aren’t paying attention. Sure there are some disappointments I have with the game but the quality of what we have outweighs that for me. And to me that is what gaming is all about.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


Definitely the shady cat selling red apples.
I mean there’s nothing shady about that right?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excelliate.7914


There were a few unforgettable moments for me. First time I ran up to Frostgorge Sound, I started exploring and when I got up north, I ran straight into a Claw of Jormag fight, with only me and four other people. Lasted several hours, but was incredibly fun.
Also, being a huge fan of lore, a few places in the game really stood out to me the first time I visited them, like the graveyard at Ebonhawke and the Vizier’s Tower. Also, the first time I noticed the glow on my sylvari.

Regnum Ascalon [RegA] ~~ Dragonbrand


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zimlobo.3962


First time killing the Brood Witch. Ok, I didn’t kill the Brood Witch. I was healed like 20 times and was in the melee when the Brood Witch was killed by much better players. That and the entire GW2 world are my favs.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legend.6103


Shooting fireworks at Zhaitan.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XXOwnsXY.9465


Something cool happened to me tonight, actually. Apologies for typos, all written from an iPad

I was doing map completion for lions arch today. I get to my very last POI and i find a waterfall, of sorts. I can hear chatter at the bottom, so i risk it all and jump down. I miss the pool of water below me and splat to my death. I go AFK for a few, and upon my return, find myself alive.

I continue up the rocks and jumps in this cave im now in, to find a maze with a spirit guiding my way. I follow the spirit through this maze, the whole time, enthralled with my surroundings. So into it, i had not realized that the spirit had left and i was left to finish the maze alone. Out of nowhere comes another player. He just passes me without saying a word. I realize that this must have been the phantom ressurector (and thank goodness for that, or i would have missed all of this…i mean, what are the chances that, in a place so seemingly desolate, i would be ressurected before leaving?).

Anyway, i follow this player through the maze and we end up at a cliff. Im not sure which way to go. It is obvious to me that he has done this puzzle before, but he stops and looks at me. He states “Are you following me?” I was shocked and scared that he was pulling the “do it yourself” card. Scrambling for an answer in my brain, i blurt out, “No, I.. Uhh.. Was following the spirit.” He replies “I think its best you follow me”. Relieved, i do just that. I follow him through the rest of this very cool puzzle that i was sure to blotch on my own. We get to the last part. Its a puzzle that involves one choice. He says “you choose the tunnel. One lets you live..the other two, you die”. I stop, i think…i run and jump to one with my eyes closed on the way down. I was aliiiiiive! He simply said “good choice”, and moved along.

Now THAT was awesome.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shingui.4197


Sooooo many things, but one thats at the forefront of my mind atm is:

When i first entered Gandaren Fields, from the norn side, i was doing events in the snowy area, also doing a few heart quests etc. I eventually did everything in the northern snowy part and i found a cave with a lot of ore in it, so yeah, i thought i’d grab all that. Whe mining the ore, i realised the tunnel kept going, with the prospect of even more ore i kept going, and i ended up on some random hill, mining ore at the bottom of it and i road going up the hill, i couldn’t see over the crest of the hill’.
I don’t really know why, but after collecting the ore, i felt intrigued to know what was over this hill, so i followed the road, and when i came to the crest of this random hill, i saw a gigantic fortress appear, seemingly out of nowhere. It was Vigil’s keep, my first time seeing it, completely randomly, and starting from wanting to colect some ore in a tunnel.

A little silly perhaps, but i thought it was awesome :P


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Igneel.2618


One word: Tybalt.
That.. funny, incomparable partner. That.. oh c’mon guys, just listen to his story.
Just listen with a ‘Land Restored’ Soundtrack on Air, thinking about Whisper’s Hero.

He saved our *ss.
Trust Him.
I still owe you an Aplee Cider..


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Div reach is really amazing. And I dearly miss Tybalt, he reminds me of Alastair in Dragon Age. The ever comic-relief-but-good-hearted sidekick.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ouroboros.5076


For me I have to admit that it was my first experiences in Diessa’s Plateau in BWE3 (I think ?). First of all I discovered my very first Jumping Puzzle on my own, that tower in the ruins full of ghosts. I figured it out alone and took me almost one hour in total … even though that JP is so short ! But with the trebuchets firing on me while I was making the jumps did not make things easy. I was so proud when I reached the top !

Then some minutes later I participated in the event chain to unlock the Flame Citadel mini-dungeon for the first time with some random people that I met there. The puzzles in there took us at least one hour and a half to figure out, but it was so rewarding to get to the end.

Unforgettable moments for sure.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


The very first time I stood inside a 5 hour queue to get into WvW or the first time I died a bazzilion times inside a instance. Well those are some of the more boring memories I guess.

Clearing the entire AC Paths 1,2,3 and this meant allot of teamwork which can result in hilarious things to happen specially with the dodge roll system. Finishing some of the epic world bosses like the gigantic shadow beast in Queensdale. I think those are more memorable and fun things I have seen. WvW when I did manage to play was taking the Stonemist Castle against all odds.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drauger.2158


One of the really high vistas over a sea (I guess it was in Orr) had a diving goggle. You could take it and jump down to sea with your swimsuit on. That was the best vista I guess.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexY.2350


Ohh!! It happend yesterday!

I was doing the eternal battleground jumping puzzle.
Atop of the well there were some enemy invaders camping – from team 1, chasing me beneath were enemy invaders from team 2.

I was like, ‘’what should I do!?!?’’ Im all alone and they were like 4 from team 1, and 4 from team 2. So somehow I managed to jump down the well, with team 2 not noticing me.

After a while I jumped upp again and saw both teams dead atop of the well, And I just run past them


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coin Flunk.3024

Coin Flunk.3024

Can i just say i’ve had so much fun reading this forum. I’m sick to death of the negative comments about this game & wish there were more threads like this to make the community weed out those negatives.

My fav was exploring divinity’s reach, it’s a massive area and i’m looking forward to doing it again. I would also say I love the dungeons, i try and do 1 a day and the community is great when you find a nice chatty group.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coin Flunk.3024

Coin Flunk.3024

Ouroboros.5076 i had trouble with that one also. :p


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redamz.5038


That one time I threw 4 dyes at the fountain and got a midnight Ice.
Then threw 4 more and got celestial.
I generally have terrible terrible luck with the RNG, so that time was truly epic.

Or that time in CoE front door path when someone left before the last part. We said kitten it and went with only 4 men to the alpha subject. In the end it was only me, downed, versus the boss, and the others not close enough to make it in time.
In the end I miraculously finished him before a final spike killed me.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


The first time I took an elevator in Caledon. It was stunningly beautiful.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


Something cool happened to me tonight, actually. Apologies for typos, all written from an iPad

I was doing map completion for lions arch today. I get to my very last POI and i find a waterfall, of sorts. I can hear chatter at the bottom, so i risk it all and jump down. I miss the pool of water below me and splat to my death. I go AFK for a few, and upon my return, find myself alive.

I continue up the rocks and jumps in this cave im now in, to find a maze with a spirit guiding my way. I follow the spirit through this maze, the whole time, enthralled with my surroundings. So into it, i had not realized that the spirit had left and i was left to finish the maze alone. Out of nowhere comes another player. He just passes me without saying a word. I realize that this must have been the phantom ressurector (and thank goodness for that, or i would have missed all of this…i mean, what are the chances that, in a place so seemingly desolate, i would be ressurected before leaving?).

Anyway, i follow this player through the maze and we end up at a cliff. Im not sure which way to go. It is obvious to me that he has done this puzzle before, but he stops and looks at me. He states “Are you following me?” I was shocked and scared that he was pulling the “do it yourself” card. Scrambling for an answer in my brain, i blurt out, “No, I.. Uhh.. Was following the spirit.” He replies “I think its best you follow me”. Relieved, i do just that. I follow him through the rest of this very cool puzzle that i was sure to blotch on my own. We get to the last part. Its a puzzle that involves one choice. He says “you choose the tunnel. One lets you live..the other two, you die”. I stop, i think…i run and jump to one with my eyes closed on the way down. I was aliiiiiive! He simply said “good choice”, and moved along.

Now THAT was awesome.

That reminds me of when I asked in map chat for help finding juvenile critters to charm on my ranger. I got a whisper, “I’ll help you, mate”. This guy invites me to group, and takes me to three different newbie zones so I can tame four or five different animals. I’d never seen him before in my life. And people say there’s no community in this game, pfft.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


The first time I arrived in Lion’s Arch I was speechless by its grandiosity and the amount of details in every corner.

Then I was working on LA map completion and there was this vista that I just couldn’t reach. I saw a couple of players hanging around a camp fire in the beach nearby probably roleplaying and asked if one of them could tell me how to get there. One of showed me the way but before I could thank her she was gone. Then as I approached the vista I heard this spooky laughter coming from a cave nearby. It was Sharkmaw Caverns. I didn’t know anything about it by that time and I was totally intrigued by it. I tried to enter carefully but ended up sliping and dying. After two more tries I finally made it inside.

[Spoiler below]

It was so awesome the way the pirate ghost lead me all the way, making jokes and taunting me. Then at the end of the puzzle you have to guess which is the right hole you have to jump into. I didn’t want to go online to see which one was the right choice but if I chose the wrong hole I would die and the closest waypoint was outside the cavern and I would have to do it all over again. I stood there for about 10 minutes trying to figure out the ghost’s riddle and finally I took the leap of faith. My heart pounded as my char fell all the way down and finally hit the water. The chest didn’t have anything special but the experience was more than worthy.

This was one unforgettable moment.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skolvikings.5132


There are many moments that come to mind. One fun one was discovering Meatoberfest and the fireworks with my Sylvari Ranger.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dra Keln.2015

Dra Keln.2015

First time I pulled up the old login screen. It changed from this vague concept to omg great. Then playing my human ele in beta was jut epic.

During a separate beta event, I was wandering around wayfarer when I found myself in over my head against a few Minotaur. I was about to go down when out of nowhere a purple beam starts blasting them right along with me. Being rescued in the middle of nowhere was unexpected and amazing

80 ele
Yaks Bend


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


I wish I had some too…
I’m not even disappointed since im an experienced MMORPG gamer. (after a while, you stop being delusional and stop hoping it delivers, you just expect it)

At least, this is the best game until the next big thing shows up

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


My favorite and most memorable time in this game so far was in Griffinrook Run, finding it and running it, I was awed by it and tickled that it was a part of GW2, or that a developer finaly had the gumption to incorporate anything like it in an MMO. I am thoroughly addicted to the jumping puzzles because of this one. This puzzle also has me conviced that Arenanet loves nothing more than trolling gamers …I can see you all there now, with all your troll faces on…./grumble

The second most memorable time I had was trying to get one particular PoI in one of the Norn maps that was hidden in a cave…well, it wasn’t hidden, just cleverly disguised to be easily missed if you were not paying attention, so I kept going deeper, only to find myself faced with a champion troll, and after he was dead I went deeper, and was confronted with a champion worm surounded by all it’s babies O.o I spent hours exploring that cave and killing champions that day. ..What fun indeed. Looking forward to more developer “troll face” moments.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Just me and a ranger spending 20 minutes to kill off a champion (gold) monster ettin just me and him.

Took a huge amount of time because his HP was so high, then the veterans bronze and silver ones respawned.

We killed those off too.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rebuc.6371


My best fight so far was the thunder troll in Sparkfly Swamp. Tried it solo: not a hope :-( Did some heart stuff and then went back. Two or three others had turned up and I joined in. We few, we happy few, spent about ten minutes slowly grinding him down. We kept our range, we did our thing: I poisoned and fired arrows from range, a mesmer(?) chained him down keeping him away from the rest of us. The team, which had come together by chance, worked as a good team should: we all fought to our strengths and there was real synergy. I felt a real sense of achievement in taking him down…. and then we went our separate ways.

^Same as mine

I stumbled across this area and noticed an adventurer taking him on, kiting away from his downed fellow. I jumped in the fray, drew my pistols, and began circling the troll…both of us on opposing sides, aggro switching back and forth as we kept the circle. This went on for ~15 minutes or so as we slowly whittled him down. When he finally fell, we both let out shouts of congratulations, high-fives, respectful bows, and commented on each of our tactics as we rezzed his friend…a few minutes later we said our goodbyes and headed off in different directions.

The thing I love the most about this game is the impromptu nature of groups, adventuring out into the unknown and coming across a random event, encounter, battle of some sort, where you may face things alone to start, but are joined by fellow travelers seeking the same thrill as you – you join together, work as a team, accomplish the goal, then part.

It doesn’t always happen, but when it does…this is why I enjoy playing.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aequitas.6402


The first (and to date only) time I managed to finish Goemm’s Laboratory.

It was my first jumping puzzle, I spent 4 hours at it and it felt rewarding as hell.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angela Ranna.5638

Angela Ranna.5638

One day I decided to get all my ranger pets…cue epic jaunt through zones 20+ levels higher than me. Learned the hard way that rangers are really, really good at spamming dodge rolls.

Getting the shark was particularly fun – fields and fields of krait, with some hostile sharks mixed in, that I had to weave through.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


So far, GW2’s memorable moments for me have been with my mesmer. I didn’t think I’d like the profession but in the beta I had a true ‘lightbulb’ moment in the first story chapter when I realized just how the class worked. It was amazing how fun they were.

Then there was another moment at early levels when I was getting faceplanted by river scales and I realized I had been playing using old MMO habits, never considering switching weapons to deal with a specific foe.

Then there was my kamikaze WvW leap off a cliff to prevent a group from killing my character only to have one of them follow me down and die as well

Then there was the time my mesmer ended up crawling through a sewer pipe desperately fighting through a a seemingly endless number of oozes (it was particularly funny since the character is a well-dressed noble).

And there are other moments as well – like the skin-of-my-teeth, 5 Health left, Volley rifle shot to kill the last charging Inquest when my asura was rescuing Zojja.

Or realizing I could talk to Garm when my norn had been transformed into a wolf.

Or discovering that annoying, yet still very fun, Shaman Rookery jumping puzzle.

I may not be 80 any time soon with all my alts, but I’m certainly enjoying this ride.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events http://goo.gl/JyB3J (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyr.2489


As mentioned by some of the other people, Divinity’s Reach was awe inspiring the first time I saw it back in beta. It actually was the deciding factor on which race my main would be.

A second memorable moment came when I was out leveling my main and I came across another played who was overwhelmed by a vet mob and a few adds. I rushed over to him in an attempt to do good and save his butt in spite the odds being against the two of us (what can I say I play a guardian for a reason). Unfortunately he was downed before I could reach him so I was left to protect his body by myself. At that moment I decided not to run to save myself but to stay and fight. I was on fire using every bit of skill I had, managing to fend off all the mobs and live. To top it off after I rezzed the guy he said, “whoa that was awesome!” I felt pretty epic at that moment haha.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reapee.5093


Well, I remember meeting some random people while I was trying to do the Weyandt’s Revenge jumping puzzle. We just met there and had a blast following the ball of light all the way to the end.

The second time was in the Provernic Crypt when I grouped with some people and we went in together and cleared the area.
Also, numerous times in dungeons. It mostly came down to meeting interesting and cheerful people and thankfully, there seem to be plenty.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cortechs.3265


One day I decided to get all my ranger pets…cue epic jaunt through zones 20+ levels higher than me. Learned the hard way that rangers are really, really good at spamming dodge rolls.

Getting the shark was particularly fun – fields and fields of krait, with some hostile sharks mixed in, that I had to weave through.

Haha, I couldn’t wait for my shark either. Worst part was that it took forever for me to find one in that terrible krait-filled gloom! One hit and I was going to be a goner!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reihert.1509


I had quite a few: awsome jumping puzzle at a wall at odessa plateau; some personal story events; some NPC dialogs (the fire squad in front of the black citadel)…

but the most memorable of them all was when at an Iron Legion advanced base, where they were testing some weapons against ghosts. In there, I heard some guards talking about a new balthazar’s cult and they were going there to check it out.

No event notification, nothing.
So i decided to follow those guards but I was sure they would disappear after going away from the base. To my surprise, they actually got to the cult’s site and a whole chain of events started.

No notification, nothing. Just the last one had a DE tag on the map.
To my surprise, I was rewarded for the whole chain. The game felt very lively.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Unforgettable goes both ways…

After the Battle for Fort Trinity was bugging out on me for a number of attempts, I finally got it to work, only for it to randomly boot me out just as I was putting the finishing touches on the quest (though I don’t necessarily entirely put that blame on Anet)

Another is remembering having to wait 2-3 weeks for this one SP to be fixed in order to get 100% map completion. Sure, I did other things but I won’t forget how annoying that was.

Another is Kudo and his golems in the SE story mode. I particularly remember the fire golem since he’s got an insane amount of health, heals from conditions (so forget you mr. necro or other condition built characters) and his fire attacks are not only completely unforgiving, but are almost impossible to dodge/strafe every attack (not to mention, some of those fire attacks still hit you even if they pass you). When I go through a lot of explorable mode dungeons, I think how easy these encounters are relative to that… I think Magg, Subject Alpha, and Lupicious are jokes by comparison.

I don’t want to be a total negative nancy…. there definitely have been fun moments as well. I was just trying to illustrate that OP’s title can be both good and bad moments.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silver Chopper.4506

Silver Chopper.4506

Nothing out of the ordinary so far, but if I was to choose my biggest surprise in the game, it’d be ….

….. discovering Gwen’s grave (accompanied by that short flute tune).

Or maybe that’s just nostalgia


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitsu.5193


yesterday, was doing some heaths with my ele alt (4x) at harathi hinterlands, then idontknowwhy i entered to a cave, found out i had to put stones on some spots to open the door, after that there was this huge room with rock floor, i started walking and guess what, the floor just fellt down and i was dead with a cute achiviement, i laughed for 5 mins.

i tryed 3 more times till i could pass it lol


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


This past Monday I ventured into WvWvW for the first time. I started the game 3 weeks ago and have been looking forward to it.

Being only a level 60 I was really aware that I was both low level and a complete noob about where to go and what to do. I wandered slowly away from the portals and tried to figure out where my team was.

After about 15 minutes of confusion another person from my team finally ran by….my chance I thought, stick with them.

My new found best friend proceded to run straight off a cliff and kill himself from the fall. I made my way down where he lay and of course it was right in the middle of a pack of wolves.

The next 5 minutes I spent running in a circle throwing bombs behind me as the 6 wolves turned into 12 as they doubled lol.

Finally with 10 percent health left the last wolf died. Expecting the higher level player to make a coment about how bad I was and how long it took me to kill them, I bent down and began rezzing.

I see the chat bubble pop up and the player tells me “that was the most epic Kiting I have ever seen, thanks for the great show”

My little Azura felt 6 feet tall

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeroali.2814


I was working on my chef and I couldn’t find strawberries for the life of me so I looked it up and found out there was a big patch in southern Kessex hills. I hadn’t been there yet (since I was leveling my Norn in the Norn areas) so I starting running south from Divinity’s reach for the long journey to the much needed strawberries.

When I finally got there and bent down to gather the berries . . . “No gathering tool equipped” (or whatever the fine print reads). Forheadsmackforheadsmackforheadsmack

Darn. Ok well where was the nearest town so I could buy gathering tools. The strawberry patch was on a cliff overlooking the ocean and a quick swim would take me to a vendor down there, so I got ready to jump, but I saw something called swimming goggles and out of curiosity picked them up.

How fun. My character was now suited up for her Olympic dive and my action bar changed to allow me to do tricks on my way down.

Best moment ever. Turned my stupid gaffe into a super fun moment.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


The idle animations for a skritt with a gun. Priceless

Seeing the Kodan ships in person for the first time.

The little asura child talking about wanting to see a purple Hylek who passes out candy…and then pointing out, “…but this is reality…not some fantasy world.”

The realization that after 10 years, I’d finally found another mmorpg to call home.

There’s many more, of course…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


Okay, really cool posts but I’m going to stop reading this thread.

Too many spoilers! :qq:

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events http://goo.gl/JyB3J (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

My most memorable moment was during BWE1.. I had the commander icon on and everyone thought I was an employee because they hadn’t seen it before. I was running around in the area about an hour before the event with a mob of at least 50-60 people (I’d say this was an exaggeration, but it wasn’t because I sat down and counted them clustering around me at some point xD).

Anyways, we traveled to an area where there was a local event to play with children and to protect them from bears and bees… except there were so many of us that the game spawned seemingly infinite bears and bees and if was just a huge mess that caused a bunch of people to crash lol. The children were buried somewhere underneath a mountain of pelts and dead bees.

I’d like to note as well that they’ve fixed this seemingly exponential enemy spawn rate since BWE1 :P

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zargnath.9524


Earlier today I was completing my last area in the maguuma jungle. After finishing I realised I had two areas left on the Maguuma explorer achivement so I checked thru the maps and saw an unexploered spot in the south-west of Brisban Wildlands.

So I checked it out and found a quite narrow entrance wich I enter. As I have walked a few steps inside a ghost from the shining blade aproaches me. He asks me for help to kill the White Mantle Demagouge wich is also a ghost. So I end up escorting a girl to get a crystal that would help kill the demagouge. That brings back tons of GW1 nostalgia and I was like “kitten yeah”.

As I saw it was a group event I was a bit nervous but thanks to my pet and many minutes of kiting a finally managed to take down the demagouge.

I was really happy to see it wasn’t a zerg fest, I just wish that there had been one other personon to share the experience with me. Otherwise it was totally kitten epic.

Gnarl Blackfur – Charr ranger
Bob – Four legged shapeshifter
HeXagonis [HeX]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Way way too many to list…
-First time Divinity’s Reach and Lion’s Arch.
-Ride the Lightning off cliffs, being a badkitten.
-Any of the huge meta-event bosses for the first time.
-The Iron Forge Man in Sorrow’s Embrace.
-The sacrifice of my mentor on Claw Island.
-Visiting Orr for the first time in the Dream.
-Cleansing Orr mission ending.
-Seeing Zhaitan for the first time, and killing him.
-Killing Giganticus Lupicus for the first time.
-Going around the Orr in one of the story quests with the UI off, and exploring without getting attacked by anything. It’s beautiful.
-Zerging the Balthazar event with like 50 people, and still failing it.
-Many many more…

Just who the hell do you think I am!?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silent Polaris.9301

Silent Polaris.9301

One of my favorite moments came after finishing an escort style DE into the middle of a swampy area. On the way back out, I noticed a flashing warning sign at the base of a mountain that read DANGER, as I walked up to it, naturally, I noticed another sign a little further up the mountain. Ooh! This looks exciting. I continued searching, finding sign after sign on my way up this mountain, building anticipation. “What could possibly require this much warning for adventurers? It must be something epic, I’m going to have my kitten handed to me!” I finally reach a clearing just below the summit of the mountain, and I notice the entrance to a cave tucked away behind a boulder. “This is it, moment of truth, adrenaline pumping, weapons at the ready!” I charged around the boulder and… There before me was the cutest little Asura you can imagine, completely surrounded by rabbits. I just about died laughing, because here I was prepped for a battle of epic proportions, and I discover this little nook hideaway belonging to a sweet little Asura with a very touching story about her rabbits. I sheathed my weapons and just sat next to her, enjoying the conversation and watching the rabbits hop around.

I love the moments this game provides.

Where did you find this? I really want to know!!!

Also, I am not sure I can list all of the unforgettable moments, but I too remember wandering into the grub cave in Queensdale with the warning sign. I was wandering around with my boyfriend when I saw some rune stone thing, and I was like “I wonder what this does…”. So I pick it up, and a giant cave troll comes out of nowhere. I immediately dropped the rune stone and freaked out, then I realized I was the one who called it there and felt really bad and anyone else in the cave was being helplessly slaughtered. >_<

This game is amazing, from the scenery to the random NPC dialogues, just…everything is awesome about this game and I see myself playing it for years to come.

Silent Polaris – Level 80 Ranger – Henge of Denravi


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: prenavo.3926


I have three. The first was when I ran into an escort event with a raccoon named Chief Churpa (Star Wars). The second was when I was doing another one with an NPC named Muldoon or something similar and he says, “Clever Girl” (Jurassic Park). My favorite has got to be the Goonies themed Jumping puzzle. Totally cool that this stuff was thrown into the game.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purf.9250


A whole chain of stuff that made me smile:

I was exploring the uncharted territory of Harathi Hinterlands yesterday and was at some point where I had started to avoid any fights and just wanted to find some human settlement or Seraph outpost or someplace safe to sell and salvage stuff and generally rest a while. Yeah, “someplace safe” in what seemed to be a full-blown warzone. Anyways, while in this avoidance mode, I notice a patrol of 4 Centaurs with 2 Warbeasts. And … taking on a group of 6? But then I also note Mr. Oaktree next to me. Harrr. Barrage into patrol, run behind Oaktree, sit down and enjoy the show.

Just after that, I eventually reached the Seraph base not far to the west, where, upon my arrival, the biggest event started I have participated in so far. So much for “make a rest”.

Last memorable thing of the chain happened upon my hike back to the base and it involved another of the aforementioned patrols, no Mr. Oakheart, the sudden demise of said patrol, a timeframe of no more than, estimated, 6 seconds and me discovering the potential kittenery of my ranger.

And then, I will just say:
• the ravine in the northwest of Brisban Wildlands
• Gotala Cascade Vista, a wrong step and “_h_m_io_” seen through the leaves, down there where I’m falling to