(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Visual nerfs [Merged]
i don’t think the projectile was the problem, it’s when bosses are engulfed with particle effects as a result of skills
This is the issue.
Simply put they need to add a slider bar for each individual player to change particle effects. If you want to see a huge splash of colors and have no idea what’s going on in a fight to see your flashy skill ok, but I want effects from other players turned down. Need an option to select what we see.
Maybe even do options like just show parties effects, just show own effects, squads effects, no effects.
I do not understand all this fuss. The new auras are much better. The old ones were too inconsistent. They were too small on Asuras and too big on Norn for example. The new ones finally scale properly on the character’s size. The next thing, they need to do, is updating the Light Aura as well.
That is your opinion, other people like myself and many others from this thread think the new auras are kitten near invisible, specially the strongest ones like magnetic aura. We are asking for a toggle option so that the opinion of one side of the playerbase doesn’t get shoved down the throat of the other side.
I personally can’t stand the new chaos armor, it’s a lot harder to see and it doesn’t look all that great now to begin with, wish it’d get reverted
So here I was, sitting on the forums all day again, looking at all the “Thank you for an awesome patch” threads, and how quickly someone from ANet was responding to some of them.
This is great. This is how you are supposed to communicate with people. You read what they are saying and you respond to their feedback.
I know you can’t respond to every single thread there is, but there is something I simply don’t understand.
I see you responding to random threads that have been made ~10 minutes ago, have 0 replies, and not many people even care about the thing the thread is talking about. (This is good communication though, and you should keep doing it.)
Threads about gamebreaking issues and bugs also get responses rather quickly, which is great.
But then there are threads about slightly less gamebreaking things. Threads that have been made a long time ago, already have ALOT of replies and still get more every day, and they are constantly on the front page of the forums, or atleast on the first few pages. They might not make the game completely unplayable, but a majority of the playerbase still heavily dislikes the issues talked about on these threads.
These are the kind of threads that you really should be responding to, but somehow these threads get very few, or in some cases zero replies from ANet.
For example, there’s over 1000 posts on this 5 months old thread, where everyone is asking for pretty much the same things, and there isn’t a single reply from ANet. Not to mention that questions about this same topic were asked in the AMA and they were completely ignored. They could have simply been missed, or they could have been ignored on purpose, but once again, not a single reply from ANet. Meanwhile you are responding to things about sponges and dank memes.
What kind of customer service is that?
I know someone has read atleast the first few pages of that thread, since Fireball’s effect was restored, which was nice. But you completely missed the other stuff that people were complaining about. The other complaints are buried under the Fireball complaints, because the original thread was about Fireball only, and the new threads, complaining about all the other visual nerfs were merged with that thread.
We can’t tell if you are still reading that huge thread after restoring the old Fireball effect, because you aren’t talking to us. You might be thinking that the problem is gone now and theres no longer need to talk about it, or even look at that thread.
But that’s not the case. You only fixed one of the things people were complaining about. People are still not happy, the thread keeps getting bigger and bigger, and people just keep getting more upset because of the lack of feedback. This is how things like “ANet only cares about E-Sports” start.
You could have said “Hey, we are going to restore the Fireball effect!”, and then alot of people would have asked you “What about the other effects?”, and you would have noticed that people are asking for more things than just Fireball.
But instead you decided to not say a single thing, tried to fix it without talking to us, and ended up only fixing a part of the issue. And theres still a bunch of rather dissappointed and upset people waiting for you to do something about the rest of the effects.
This is why you need to talk to us.
You could atleast tell us that you aren’t going to restore the old effects, so we can stop asking about it. It’s really not nice to leave people waiting for somekind of response for MONTHS, without even giving them a reason why you can’t answer them.
I feel like you should change the title of the thread as it is mostly about how they treat the visual nerfs forum thread…
I dont know how long have you been on the forums but people tend to complain, spam and bandwagon on anything that theres to Q_Q about… over and over and over and over and no matter what change, what buff or nerf happens they always find a “thing” to complain about and off goes the Q_Q train yet again.
And im not over exaggerating… im actually making a list of dumb things people qq about.
here are a few snippets form the list:
-lvl 80 boosters will probably end up in the gem shop (they wont…they confirmed this on the AMA reddit, and even on some forum posts about it…but people still hammer this idea over and over and over)
-Legendary armor will be a DLC (im not making this stuff up..)
—2 gold for dailies will inflate the economy and ruin the entire game for everyone.
-Daily log in rewards will inflate the economy and will ruing the entire game for everyone. Also, free stuff for everyone is bad because of xyz (too many various nonsence reason to count on this one…)
As for them not replying…
1) have you actually read the thread? It originally began on the famous fireballs and people ,later on auras, but after that it just got bandwagoned on qq about everything that was true and that wasnt.
It got necroed so many times even grenth is facedesking everytime someone posts a new post on it.
2) the posts that date back up to 3-4 months ago have nothing constructive or helpful what so ever. They started arguing and quoting one another and telling each other they are wrong about xyz and that they think it should be zyx. Not to mention they just stopped showing screenshots with the nerfst and started posting gifs and memes…
Colin replied here 2 months ago about the issue,yet people kept qqing and complaining about it all.
4) Numerous changes happened to fireball, auras as well as other visual nerfs trough the last 5 months but hey. Its much easier to keep on the qq train rather than actually do some gameplay or read the patchnotes…
5) Currently elementalists got to keep their fireballs but only for them self, if i see another ele casting fireball i will see a pingpong ball. So they are actually exploring those systems where YOU get to see the good stuff from your skills, but not as much from other 150 people around you.
In conclusion: Yes it would be nice to get a response from someone out of anet DIRECTLY at that 5 months old thread. But in the end it wouldnt make much difference as people will just continue to complain whine quote one another and post gifs and memes….
1) have you actually read the thread? It originally began on the famous fireballs and people ,later on auras, but after that it just got bandwagoned on qq about everything that was true and that wasnt.
It got necroed so many times even grenth is facedesking everytime someone posts a new post on it.
Maybe someone form ANet should reply to things before the thread gets completely derailed. And it’s getting necroed because basically nothing has happened to the actual issue.
2) the posts that date back up to 3-4 months ago have nothing constructive or helpful what so ever. They started arguing and quoting one another and telling each other they are wrong about xyz and that they think it should be zyx. Not to mention they just stopped showing screenshots with the nerfst and started posting gifs and memes…
There are posts like this in every big thread. That doesn’t mean that the issue isn’t real and doesn’t need a respone.
Colin replied here 2 months ago about the issue,yet people kept qqing and complaining about it all.
This post wasn’t in the actual thread. And only fireball got changed back.
I actually didn’t post on the big thread until after I saw the patch notes and realized that none of the other effects were changed, even though that posts from Colin kind of says otherwise.
4) Numerous changes happened to fireball, auras as well as other visual nerfs trough the last 5 months but hey. Its much easier to keep on the qq train rather than actually do some gameplay or read the patchnotes…
Auras got changed a little. Orbital strike was accidentally reduced too much, and it was fixed. Fireball was changed back completely.
Those are the only things that were changed if I remember correctly. What about the rest of the skills?
5) Currently elementalists got to keep their fireballs but only for them self, if i see another ele casting fireball i will see a pingpong ball. So they are actually exploring those systems where YOU get to see the good stuff from your skills, but not as much from other 150 people around you.
They COULD be exploring that system. Or they might just think that they are all done now. We won’t know until we get an answer from ANet themselves.
It’s not listed on the known issues tracker, so I’m guessing auras aren’t part of the new fix
Wow… Merged…
Was using this thread as an example… xD
(edited by Josa.5067)
Hey all,
I noticed a thread about a thread, and yes, I merged them. Seems reasonable, as soon we could have threads about threads about threads… until the cows come home. (Sorry, Josa, but it really makes sense to have all the comments here.)
But.. on the topic at hand: I noticed the addition of the toggle, too, and I recall the comments that Colin made a couple of months ago. I’m actively trying to identify who can answer a question or two about visual effects. I hope to be able to get you some info soon.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Throw a paper aeroplane into the office. Whoever picks it up, gets to answer the question for you Gaile.
You can always hide a small biscuit inside as bait
Hey all,
I noticed a thread about a thread, and yes, I merged them. Seems reasonable, as soon we could have threads about threads about threads… until the cows come home.
(Sorry, Josa, but it really makes sense to have all the comments here.)
But.. on the topic at hand: I noticed the addition of the toggle, too, and I recall the comments that Colin made a couple of months ago. I’m actively trying to identify who can answer a question or two about visual effects. I hope to be able to get you some info soon.
Well it got your attention, and I got the kind of response I was hoping for, so I guess it’s fine… =D
So here I was, sitting on the forums all day again, looking at all the “Thank you for an awesome patch” threads, and how quickly someone from ANet was responding to some of them.
This is great. This is how you are supposed to communicate with people. You read what they are saying and you respond to their feedback.I know you can’t respond to every single thread there is, but there is something I simply don’t understand.
I see you responding to random threads that have been made ~10 minutes ago, have 0 replies, and not many people even care about the thing the thread is talking about. (This is good communication though, and you should keep doing it.)
I’ve said pretty much this same thing many times:
Then there is this, highlighting your point about how this thread goes/went “ignored” while so many around it get responses, here.
There are plenty more, too.
My posts go ignored no matter where I post them, how constructive they are or how polite I try to be. If I’m not here screaming “thanks!!!” and grinning like the Cheshire Cat, it’s like a pootie in the wind. I did say thanks earlier in this thread when Colin said the FX were returning and I took him at his word (as it had always been pointed out that “Colin says” was a good thing), and turns out that was premature, so I won’t make that mistake again. I hope we get answers instead of non answers which seems to be the new policy, as they don’t want to discuss anything that isn’t on the table, but I am so tired of holding my breath…
and … this is just silly… Nope, nada.
(edited by Siobhan.5273)
If I’m not here screaming “thanks!!!” and grinning like the Cheshire Cat, it’s like a pootie in the wind.
This made me laugh. =D
BTW, thank you Gaile for letting us know you’re still there and hunting for answers. It’s really appreciated! As you know, this topic is super important to me and many others here.
Gaile Gray I could bloody kiss you right now, FINALLY an Anet comment in here!
Hey all,
I talked to some dev team members and they gave me a little more insight into this subject. So here goes…
As y’all know, some months ago, we changed the visual effects for a number of skills. The reason for this was explained at the time—it was an initiative to reduce visual clutter. What that meant is that some of the skill effects looked great when viewed individually but they ended up being somewhat less-than-great when seen in a PvP match, a WvW battle, or just out in the wild when used by multiple players. In addition, some skill effects were inconsistent (I saw some mentions of that in this thread) or in other ways the effects simply required visual adjustments.
After players expressed concerns about the visual changes, we added the Effect LOD Toggle in the Spring Update. This toggle leaves your own effects the same at all times—a player’s skills should always look the same to that player—but it will reduce certain effects related to your allies or enemies.
Now, I think what you’re most curious about is how things will go moving forward. And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past. However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now, because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.
The team will continue to review and analyze effects that had previously received straight-up reductions (prior to the Effect LOD initiative) and they will restore some of the effects, when appropriate and over time.
I hope this info is helpful and I want to thank you for your patience while I rounded up these details to share.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
:\ Quite disappointing.
Regardless of how I feel about what has been stated, thank you for your effort and communication on this topic, my dear Gaile.
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I would like to say ‘I quit’ but I already did 5 months ago when the changes where made. It was simply not the same class I had fallen so in love with. Glad they fix the pea shooter but sadly I really can’t stand the ridiculous egg looking aura’s. Not after using the old frost aura. This eggs are a sad joke.
Seeing has aura’s are still going to be silly looking eggs then there’s no more reason for me to be coming over to check this thread anymore. Thanks for the reply Gaile and good luck to all o/
very disappointed.. the flashy skills is one of the reasons why i love/loved gws2. now its like we are going back to gws1.
I’d go into an in-depth reply, but it’s obvious after 6 months of posting those, it’s a waste of my time.
Auras being “loud” is the best thing about them. Old aura effects are one of the reasons for why I find GW2’s combat to be so pretty.
In addition to that, there’s not a big problem with auras being “loud” in pve, because party characters aren’t focused by 50-100 players like boss enemies are. There’s very little happening on the players themselves, so who cares?
Just give us the option to turn ON the old effect.
Please at least bring the Chrono’s wells back?
Now, I think what you’re most curious about is how things will go moving forward. And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past. However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now, because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.
I really hope they do change the auras again to something more noticeable. They used to be fun visual rewards for pulling off an appropriate combo – both giving and recieving. And right now… they’re way too invisible. I mean… I might be able to notice one of them if I manage to activate the combo without any other distractions (Such as combat)… but who gets an aura when they’re not in combat?
The loss of the Fire Shield’s “Bubble of FIre” around my character really took all the fun out of the Longbow/Sword warrior I used to run.
Now, I think what you’re most curious about is how things will go moving forward. And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past. However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now, because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.
I really hope they do change the auras again to something more noticeable. They used to be fun visual rewards for pulling off an appropriate combo – both giving and recieving. And right now… they’re way too invisible. I mean… I might be able to notice one of them if I manage to activate the combo without any other distractions (Such as combat)… but who gets an aura when they’re not in combat?
The loss of the Fire Shield’s “Bubble of FIre” around my character really took all the fun out of the Longbow/Sword warrior I used to run.
I agree, there was a lot of visual satisfaction with old auras. They fulfilled a visual fantasy that new auras do not.
Bring them back for PvE at the very least.
Now, I think what you’re most curious about is how things will go moving forward. And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past. However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now, because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.
I really hope they do change the auras again to something more noticeable. They used to be fun visual rewards for pulling off an appropriate combo – both giving and recieving. And right now… they’re way too invisible. I mean… I might be able to notice one of them if I manage to activate the combo without any other distractions (Such as combat)… but who gets an aura when they’re not in combat?
The loss of the Fire Shield’s “Bubble of FIre” around my character really took all the fun out of the Longbow/Sword warrior I used to run.
I agree, there was a lot of visual satisfaction with old auras. They fulfilled a visual fantasy that new auras do not.
Bring them back for PvE at the very least.
I say bring them back for PvP and WvW as well. Right now, they’re invisible, yet have important on-hit effects.
Please at least bring the Chrono’s wells back?
In exchange you can gut/change alacrity visual effect. THATS visual noise.
Hey all,
I talked to some dev team members and they gave me a little more insight into this subject. So here goes…
As y’all know, some months ago, we changed the visual effects for a number of skills. The reason for this was explained at the time—it was an initiative to reduce visual clutter. What that meant is that some of the skill effects looked great when viewed individually but they ended up being somewhat less-than-great when seen in a PvP match, a WvW battle, or just out in the wild when used by multiple players. In addition, some skill effects were inconsistent (I saw some mentions of that in this thread) or in other ways the effects simply required visual adjustments.
After players expressed concerns about the visual changes, we added the Effect LOD Toggle in the Spring Update. This toggle leaves your own effects the same at all times—a player’s skills should always look the same to that player—but it will reduce certain effects related to your allies or enemies.
Now, I think what you’re most curious about is how things will go moving forward. And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past. However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now, because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.
The team will continue to review and analyze effects that had previously received straight-up reductions (prior to the Effect LOD initiative) and they will restore some of the effects, when appropriate and over time.
I hope this info is helpful and I want to thank you for your patience while I rounded up these details to share.
That’s a shame, maybe they can at least make the new aura borders a little thicker? They’re near invisible as it is. And I still don’t know why frost aura got reduced, it was a lot less noisy than the bubble styled auras.
In any case, thank you so much for breaking the silence Gaile, we all really appreciate it.
Auras are the biggest thing I want back. Really, they’re the only thing I want back. I can’t even tell when I have them anymore.
A heretic’s voice in your head
A stargazer, releaser
I think we need elaboration on why it needs to be consistent. The “because it is supportive” doesn’t make any sense to me without further explanation.
We have a slider, it is our choice whether we want to see them or not. The auras are a big reason why a slider was implemented so quickly and when it was stated we could have our effects back, there was no insinuation this would be at the exclusion of one of the main effects that was nerfed.
Can we get further detail on why the need for consistency? Right now, it doesn’t make any sense.
Thanks for the continued discussion. I really think it’s valuable for the team to see your comments and to know how you feel about the subject — in general and on a specific level. Clearly, the team is open to your input, so do share your thoughts.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Thanks for the replies Gaile, and auras are also something that I would love to see returned somehow as well. It was nice to see Fireball returned to its original look too.
This is a smaller issue compared to those but it would be nice to see Kudzus projectile effects returned. They originally left a nice flower trail but it seems to have been removed over time and now you only see the golden spear if it shows up at all. Especially considering that both short bow legendaries have large and easily seen projectiles when compared to the longbow. I’m grateful for the effects update that it got but it would be nice to see one of the main skill part of it again, if it was added to the effects LOD option that would be fine too.
I’ve been testing it both on highest and low/medium settings with the lod off but it still does not show it.I used the highest possible settings when I took my screens.
Currently on the wiki page it still shows the old projectile trail: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Kudzu_projectile_trail.jpg
Currently ingame trail/projectile: http://imgur.com/a/35o9B
It’s alright if this can’t be fixed but it would be nice to see it back in for Kudzu wielders.
I have been lurking this thread quietly for the past several months and I want to voice my thoughts on this subject now.
I have been playing an Elementalist and after the patch in November that killed the fireball effect I was quite peeved. Then the following patch killed the beautiful auras and I stopped playing altogether.
I have been playing GW2 on and off since launch and do nothing but PvE but these visual changes have killed all my remaining excitement to continue logging in at all.
Obviously the fireball effect has been restored with the latest patch (which I am happy about) but I don’t see why the auras (and other effects people have complained about here ad infinitum) will stay the way they are.
I remember all the various trailers before launch showing all the skills in their amazing visual glory which made me buy this game and now that they are no more, I don’t see any incentive to play anymore.
Making it all optional would be the best solution. Other games have such an option which keeps your skills visible but mutes those of others. GW2’s visual style is unique and one of the main reasons why I play this game. The world is very immersive and the effects contribute to this aspect immensely.
So please reconsider restoring auras and all remaining effects to their former glory and then make it optional so those who have no problem with visual clutter can enjoy the game the way they purchased it.
I think most of the people here kind of would like to have ALL of the visual changes made completely optional.
The only thing that I think was really too flashy originally, was that one Dragonhunter trap… I don’t remember it’s name… Light’s Judgement maybe?
EDIT: Yeah it was Light’s Judgement https://youtu.be/Ypl3N-lQsNg?t=632
(edited by Josa.5067)
People have stated all through this thread that they bought the original GW2 based on the graphics, and continued playing based on them. They have also stated that they purchased the expansion, partly due to the graphics advertised in trailers for the game (post with trailer) (like this post here or graphics experienced during the beta weekends here). People, myself included, have shown many screenshots in this thread with their new effects at work (nice aura, bro) to show that things are just as cluttered now as they were before.
People feel the timing on the visual nerf was no coincidence either. Money in hand, done deal. Take some time….almost a month after the expansion launched, which was October 23, 2015- (first nerf was Nov. 17, 2015), then the rest about 3 weeks later (second nerf was deployed December 1, 2015) after the first one, off and away they went for the holidays, rarely popping up to discussing anything, so we all got the major brush off. Again, great timing. People feel bait and switched.
We’re all just getting answers almost 6 months past, and well over 1000 posts to this thread. 2 AMA’s were had with zero answers. I wasn’t surprised because well, it would have been rain on their parade to address the elephant in the room they’d been avoiding for almost half a year. But I did think it poor form of them, especially in light of how Colin left this particular portion of the community hanging with his FX return comments on Reddit on February 22, 2016. that was overlooked till it was shared with Gaile last month. Some of us hoped it would be a topic we could stop chasing, and someone would just graciously address. At least it did finally see some attention here this week.
Look at these screenshots from 3 months ago… nerf in full effect. Hot mess. Look at these auras on my character and my husbands character. Look closely or you may miss them.
So, alas, we get that response, now that we’re all primed with “delight” from the Spring Quarterly Update and dank memes.., they tell us though, " And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past." We will likely not get our auras back because, “ However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.” …. I’m sot even sure what is meant by being more consistent..? Anyway, we will surely get more shiney armors and auras from events or wherever, that you can get, in part, by purchasing something off the gem store to assist you (a coin or something) and “the team will continue to review and analyze effects that had previously received straight-up reductions (prior to the Effect LOD initiative) and they will restore some of the effects, when appropriate and over time.” so that carrot is still there for us if we’re interested.
I’m not personally because like the communication thread, it’s an uphill battle. I don’t play this game to feel like I have to wave my hand to be heard and I’m certainly years past that age. To be ignored for months and then suddenly told, “I really think it’s valuable for the team to see your comments and to know how you feel about the subject — in general and on a specific level. Clearly, the team is open to your input, so do share your thoughts.” This thread was here and was just as useful a tool then as it is now… and no, I don’t feel anything was ever relayed to us about the team caring for, or about our input, “clearly” or otherwise..
I hope folks are up to the task, because I am not. Good luck to all of you, and have fun fighting the good fight, because it will indeed take one. My ears (I can only “listen” to so much) and eyes are wrecked having to search out stuff to help the plight, not to mention my fingers.
*edit- fixed a link that got kerflooied.
(edited by Siobhan.5273)
Well, just noticed that Eruption (tiny eruption but big explosion) and Air Overload (where’s the nimbus cloud!?!) are not affected by the Effect LOD, they use the lowered visuals regardless of the setting.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
Thanks for your responses to this thread Gaile, it’s nice to finally have a dialog about this subject. That being said, i hope the dev’s are willing to consider giving the players back the full scale visuals, maybe for the aura’s we can compromise a little by making them more visually atractive without being as loud as they used to be?
But for the rest i would like to see it all restored,. Like other people said, Air overload is but a former shadow of itself, and waterblast combo just looks plain nasty now. And a petpeeve of mine Lightning surge is nothing atm, literally (sorry voor bringing it up all the time)
I my personal opinion classes like Elementalist and Mesmer are supposed to be visualy loud, they are magic users… i think it’s one of the main reasons people chose them, atleast it is for me
how long till we get our cool visual skills back? such as ring of fire for ele dagger skill. it looks lame now ._.
It’s always good to nerf peoples’ ego.
Well of Calamity, Well of Action, Well of Recall, and Well of Precognition: The visual effects of these skills have been restored to their original state for the player. The previous effects are now used as the lower level-of-detail versions.
Another victory, though it’s still missing Gravity well, that got hit the hardest.
I would like to thank the team for restoring the well effects to their full glory. Having YOUR wells look the way they were intended and keeping the nerfed version for the wells of other players is precisely what the community was asking for. I would’ve liked to be able to switch between the nerfed effects and full effects (I’d prefer to use the nerfed version in raids for example), but this is the next best thing. Again, thank you, Anet.
Up next – Engi effects and Gravity Well
(edited by Andulias.9516)
Please bring back the old water field blast and lighting overload.
The one thing I don’t get about the wells is why only the utility wells were restored, not Well of Eternity or Well of Gravity?
The one thing I don’t get about the wells is why only the utility wells were restored, not Well of Eternity or Well of Gravity?
Maybe they didn’t have enough time do it yet?
What are you talking about? Did you see those wells now? The clocks are still small, nothing near the way they were at the launch of HoT. They should have the same size Gravity Well has.
What are you talking about? Did you see those wells now? The clocks are still small, nothing near the way they were at the launch of HoT. They should have the same size Gravity Well has.
I think you might be remembering things a bit wrong.
Note that this is from the HoT beta, and Well of Recall was changed before the release. It lost the fast spinning clock hand but got more icy stuff.
My Well of Action for example looks pretty identical now in my opinion.
(edited by Josa.5067)
What are you talking about? Did you see those wells now? The clocks are still small, nothing near the way they were at the launch of HoT. They should have the same size Gravity Well has.
I think you might be remembering things a bit wrong.
Note that this is from the HoT beta, and Well of Recall was changed before the release. It lost the fast spinning clock hand but got more icy stuff.
My Well of Action for example looks pretty identical now in my opinion.
The visual change on well of recall was to match the balancing made to its stats, it’d be weird for the icy stuff to only appear at the end when chill is inflicted throughout the well duration, except at the end.
It seems I really did remember it wrong. I’m sorry.
Yeah, i’m not letting this slide.. you (A-net) still haven’t restored alot of the visuals. What are you waiting on, if i might ask? i thought all tools where in place?
Did i miss something?
Hopefully in the next patch we get a few more of the old effects back.
Honestly, the only old effects I really want back are Gravity Well, Orbital Strike, Fire Bomb, Overload Air and Dragons Maw. (And maybe Feel the Burn.)
Oh, and auras, obviously.
(edited by Josa.5067)
Hopefully in the next patch we get a few more of the old effects back.
Oh, and auras, obviously.
Auras will likely never be back.
Now, I think what you’re most curious about is how things will go moving forward. And it turns out, we do want to restore some of the skills that were reduced in the past. However, some effects, such as Auras, probably will remain as they are now, because the previous versions were considered to be too “loud,” and given the fact that their effect is supportive it needs to have a consistent visual effect across allies/enemies.
The team will continue to review and analyze effects that had previously received straight-up reductions (prior to the Effect LOD initiative) and they will restore some of the effects, when appropriate and over time.
I hope this info is helpful and I want to thank you for your patience while I rounded up these details to share.
However you can buy an aura for 250 gems and also get a great wormhole for 1000 gems. Why try to tone things down, when you can bring all the “visual noise” everywhere you go!