Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]
Is it REALLY that hard to just make Howler’s wolf howl completely overwrite the normal warhorn effect
Also yes this new sound is utterly horrible please change it back.
This new horn sound has to be a bug. There is nothing in the patch notes about it. There is no reason for ArenaNet to not include it in the patch notes. Unless they are afraid of what we would think of this horrible sound!
I made an in-game bug report to make sure at least someone from ArenaNet reads about it.
Please fix this!
Sounds like a tuba attached to a toilet and the ensuing sounds sounds badly synthesized.
I know right. My necro sounds like its farting.. big time. Is this a bug??
It is a very annoying bug. I wish we could get some confirmation that they are working on a fix.
Ah come on, it can’t be that bad….. You all must be exaggerating.
→ listens for the first time
W-what was that?
→ again
→ again
I can’t explain what I hear, but this is not the sound a horn usually makes.
→ again, again
Ok, sounds like a crashing helicopter with farting propellers and some weird echo in the background.
I don’t want to troll anyone, but ten years ago, Rurik could do better with a horn ~.~ (yes I know this is a cutscene :p)
Why do they keep moving this from bugs to general as if this was somehow intended?There is no way this sound was intended, it sounds distorted and buggy and needs to be moved back to bug reports so the devs can actually see it and fix it.
Haha just tested the horn and bursted out laughing. That’s just.. something. Not that the old one was good, but this one is just hilariously bad.
Umm, It sounds like a tuba that got run over by a schoolbus, what caused the sound of the warhorn to change? Is this what we are really stuck with? It doesn’t sound very war horn at all.
I didn’t make this legendary to sound like a farm animal passing gas.
I was planning on making The Howler, but maybe I should wait a little…
My Ranger: I must rally my comrades to battle! * armpit fart noises * So inspiring.
It’s………… I don’t even know how to respond.
not a fan. i thought my sound card was going…
Hmm. All the more reason to keep all the audio muted. Nice job Anet. Keep that clusterkitten train a-rollin’.
Both of the sounds suck. The old one was like an old man failing to raise the spirits of his comrades. The new one doesn’t even sound like a warhorn.
So many examples of better warhorn sounds:
(of course they would have to be shorter duration but yea)
(of course they would have to be shorter duration but yea)
Short duration ruins it completely. I mean, the initial blast can be shorter but it needs to echo for a good 5+ seconds or it’ll just be weak.
I hate this new horn sound, sounds nothing like a horn! please change it back
Please fix this. It’s pretty obnoxious. :/
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I half like the new sounds. It does remind me of the music accompaniment in a horror film where a creepy person is revealed to be standing right behind someone or something like that, though.
Exactly what im hearing all the time… Anet Is0 fix…
Please revert original warhorn sound back. This one is very annoying and definitely does not fit. I get the attempt to make it sound different, but previous sound is just perfect and suitable.
What I could say about this change has already been summed up in this post. It sucks, REALLY sucks. Change it back please.
Order of the Blue Heron [OTBH]
Arathorn Cirdon – Warrior | Ariana Cirdon – Mesmer
Don’t know if anyone mentioned it but cannons at mai trin make farting noise too.
My Ranger: I must rally my comrades to battle! * armpit fart noises * So inspiring.
Hahaha ;d
Clearly people weren’t paying attention during the Tempest preview when they said they were going to update the warhorn sounds. This is intentional, not a bug.
I’m a little amused no one has brought up the vuvuzela yet.
Begging ANet doesn’t seem to be working. I think we need to shame them instead. Somebody needs to make a music video featuring the new sounds and put it on YouTube. (I’m surprised this hasn’t already been done.)
The warhorn notification for a PVP match beginning is perfect; exactly what I would expect from a warhorn.
The new sound is obviously a prank by a disgruntled employee.
The warhorn notification for a PVP match beginning is perfect; exactly what I would expect from a warhorn.
Hey, that’s a good point! I always thought that was a fantastic horn call. How did they manage to drop the ball so badly on this?
Sounds like a cross between a truck horn & someone passing wind. Either change it back to the original or make it sound like King Toad horn.
Thanks for trying to make warhorns sound like they’re supposed to finally.
Unfortunately it wasn’t well executed and sounds comical. lol
It shouldn’t be difficult. Here are some examples I searched up on youtube real quick.
See, what you want is a majestic echoing sound that seems to carry for miles. It doesn’t actually have to be heard for farther away than normal sound effects, but that’s the effect you should have.
Also, it would be cool if commanders using a warhorn skill would sound around the whole map.
Really liked this collection
I agree, the actual sound is terrible.
It sounds so bad i had to change to shield. WTF was anet or who ever changed to sound thinking. WEnt to toilet and took a selfi there and though the sound his kitten made was so great he has to share it whit rest of the world.
i thought my sound file was corrupted it sounded so disgusting. apparently this is intentional?
anet: nobody wants this. please either change it back or make it into something that isnt awful.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
I can’t even…this sound. Please change it. It sounds exactly like what everyone says. I don’t even want to touch my Howler now, it too painful to listen to. It’s grates my ears.
[Ohai] – NSP
(Wants Howler fixes)
I can’t even…this sound. Please change it. It sounds exactly like what everyone says. I don’t even want to touch my Howler now, it too painful to listen to. It’s grates my ears.
You’d best stay out of Orr, then. Risen Subjugators have warhorns and are farting all over the Orr maps. One sort of loses respect for them hearing that. (But it is kind of funny when you run away from them immediately after hearing that “blaaaat”. If only there was an animation to make us hold our noses while feared … )
I much prefer these sounds to the old, much less obnoxious, but could still be improved.
I remember hearing the sound guys were going to rework the warhorn audio (I feel like this was when they were on Points of Interest? don’t quote me, but think that’s where I heard it) so I’m guessing this is working as intended. =/
This is really surprising as the audio guys do such an awesome job normally. but this is really just godawful. foghorn + out-of-tune brass section + bad gas = new warhorn audio. Please consider re-do’ing!
My concern is why are they changing things nobody asked for when they would have plenty to do with players’ suggestions ?…. And they pretend they don’t have any time to make a special birthday event cause of HoT’s development. So why would they change a nice warhorn sound with another that is uncertainly popular ? Risky bet they lost here. It would be weird if it was a bug.
Tempests are gonna be even happier now ! ^.^
I really hope a dev sees this thread. I sent an email to Anet support and was told to post my complain in the forums, so here it is:
I spent a lot of time crafting Howler. First I tossed hundreds of warhorns into the mystic forge for the precursor, then I crafted the different components – all of which required a lot of time. It took me MONTHS to do this. Finally, I got my legendary, and was very proud of myself. I got foggy footsteps, a cool “howl” as the sound effect, but to my dismay I found out that the day/night effect had been taken out. (The glowing moon that I thought looked AWESOME on the wiki.)
While I was disappointed, I figured it would be put back in at a later point. Probably just a bug! (Note: it was never put back in.)
Fast forward to this past week where my legendary has pretty much been ruined.
That sound effect… is hideous. It’s downright embarrassing to use my warhorn now, because people point out that I’m “farting”, and you can’t even hear the howl (for HOWLER) over the ugly noise.
For Anet to arbitrarily change the sound like that on an item I spend SO much time on is a complete letdown. I don’t even want to use the legendary I worked hard to create. First it the day/night effect was removed, now this. I wish I could trade in my legendary for another, or at least get all the gold I spent back.
If nothing else Anet, please change the sound back.
I finally got to hear the sound for warhorn and . . . I feel like a little kid. I laugh every time. xD
It sounds like. Well. Ehmm. I’m sure someone has already said it. xD
The sound effects sounds like the character was punched in the gut at the second he or she started to blow the horn – while chances are that’s precisely what’s happening while playing, that’s not what I want to hear. Our heroic, and possibly not so heroic, characters shouldn’t be struggling to play their chosen instrument. Imagine if all professions dropped their weapons at the end of their attack animations, this is the audio equivalent.
And if you insist on keeping this new noise, for kitten’s sake, make the howl sound replace it for Howler and amp it up a bit. I made Howler to howl.
So they actually changed it to sound like this atrocity on PURPOSE??? I thought this was a mistake it’s not permanent right?
So they actually changed it to sound like this atrocity on PURPOSE??? I thought this was a mistake
it’s not permanent right?
Not even a single line comment so they must have done it on purpose, so it obviously is permanent.
The only other option is that they have no idea they even changed it themselves. That can happen, right? Maybe the GW2 source code has become sentient. Children always like fart noises.
So they actually changed it to sound like this atrocity on PURPOSE??? I thought this was a mistake
it’s not permanent right?
Still no “official” word on it. I can only hope this was a test or a mistake, because this sound being the default warhorn noise (and especially the LEGENDARY warhorn noise) is ridiculous.
I’m glad it’s not just me! I’ve been laughing every time I use the Warhorn, especially since I use it to give a speed boost to my team mates. Run up behind them then, frrrrrrrrrrtttttt. lol.
Cirilaa – Druid, Galaxy Idol Tetora – Mesmer, Aintno Hoelbrakgirl – Guardian
With my son at daycare, I could finally turn up the effects without eliciting a small child ragefest at not getting to sing along to his own music.
I blew my Howler.
I stared.
Seriously, I’m a big ANet fangirl and I’m shaking my head.
It’s just a buzz.
It’s a nasty buzzy thing, not the sonorous extended tone that we’d expect emerging from a warhorn.
Please sample/replicate the Battle for Pelennor fields in LoTR and give us THAT.
Not this.. this.. whatever it is. Fart suggests amplitude or SOUND. Not a bzzzzt.
Lord Ahrwit Valdyr/Isambard FitzValdyr/many more…
Can we please get some official word that this warhorn sound bug is known and they are working on a fix? This sound is so irritating!