Watchwork Portal Device
i think you missed this : This is a one time use item….. they go Poof ! after use.
Not worth the price of the charged lodestone.
. Finally we will get rid of those excess charged lodestones that have been clogging our inventories since launch.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
. Finally we will get rid of those excess charged lodestones that have been clogging our inventories since launch.
Yes. Sorry. I thought that was clear. It’s a ridiculous price to pay for a 1 time use item. Why even bother including it at all if it’s going to be prohibitively expensive?
Most likely since champs will be dropping lodestones…
5G for a one-time-use teleport? Is ANet off their rocker on this one, or are we just misunderstanding? That seems…..mindblowingly wrong.
Why would they waste time making junk like this???
On top of that a charged loadstone? Really?? There was no other loadstone to use??? (Looking at you useless crystal loadstone)