According to what’s on the forums, ANet’s company communication policy is pretty much “don’t tell them what’s in development until we’re sure its going to happen.”
I feel like this has a very fundamental flaw, which I’d like to explore and ask for other opinions on. Basically, the policy presupposes that the playerbase would be more disappointed to know that something has left the development cycle, than they would be excited to learn that something is currently in the cycle.
But this is clearly false. When we hear about the devs doing something and stopping, we are maybe personally disappointed for a short while, but still come away reassured that ANet has looked into the problem thoroughly and there was a legitimate reason for whatever decision was made.
When we hear nothing, all we can do is assume the worst, that ANet is ignoring or oblivious to critical problems.
Not talking about development actually reduces our confidence in ArenaNet as knowledgeable observers of the game’s state.
In addition, by reducing player confidence the Arenanet developers end up with long-term negative images amongst the playerbase. The scorn we have for a developer who flat out doesn’t know what they’re doing, is alot higher than what we have for one who simply makes a decision we don’t agree with. I think the currrent state of the forums and reddit are pretty clear indicators that this non-communicative policy is harmful to both players and Devs.
One of the arguments against discussion of ongoing development is that players will feel betrayed if you say that something is going to happen, but then it does not. Please do not insult our intelligence. If you tell us that things are up in the air or not decided yet, a veritable legion of nit-pickers will correct anyone who dares ignore that statement.
Far more serious is the sense of betrayal that happens when things are discussed late in development, when you’re already sure they’ll be happening. Often times it feels that we need to go to drastic measures to be heard in time, and most times we are not. I commend arenanet for taking quick action on the commander tag issue, but would point them towards things like the mesmer torment buff. When you talk about things that are already set to happen, it gives us the sense that you only want to look like there’s discussion going on. What’s the point of telling us these things before patch day, if we’re not going to be given the time to give our reflections?
I’ve seen Colin’s suggestion that devs begin posting broad outlines of development goals, and I think that it’s a good one. However, please understand that in order to restore player confidence, we’re going to need to see more than what the devs are asking themselves. Those are the same questions we’re asking every day. Instead, just be frank with us. We can take it. If you’re thinking “kitten healing signet is OP” put that on the forum, not “We want to address sustain imbalances”. Saying that you’re thinking about something or “it’s on the table” means nothing. What you’re doing on the table means everything, and we’d take a lot more than a little disappointment for a peek up there.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
(edited by Linnael.1069)