We need more armor skins with PoF
There are at least 5 sets being added.
Here’s a link to a preview of the upcoming stuff, unfortunately it’s not great news regarding trenchcoats and buttcapes.
Some of the ugliest armor ever seen in an MMO.
Some of the ugliest armor ever seen in an MMO.
Not even close.
Here’s a link to a preview of the upcoming stuff, unfortunately it’s not great news regarding trenchcoats and buttcapes.
Wow that’s pretty bad, why can’t they make stuff like the Black Witch Set (witch hat with hairstyle still rocking is a must) or Shira set in Dark Souls 3?
Here’s how the black witch set looks like
stop the buttcapes… i cant take it anymore… it… hurts…
please fire the person behind this already. it’s causing me physical and emotional harm, and they’re probably doing it on purpose to troll and feed on our anguish at this point. no one can possibly be this cruel on accident… the designer is like the Uwe Boll of fashion.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
There hasn’t been a good armor design since carapace for heavy.
Everything since then has been just awful.
I also have to say that the upcoming armor sets are looking worse than the HoT ones. I mean HoT got at least one animated armor (Ley-Stone Armor), a huge batch of legendary weapons and all that minor side skins. If HoT was “only” a feature addon it is kinda sad that PoF, which has been advertised as content addon, barely offers more than HoT.
From what I can see in that datamined items, there are at least two cash shop weapon skin sets, 3 actual armor sets that are looking… okay… and some back pieces that are also not that special. C’mon. Creating such low level quality armor and weapon models such as in GW2 doesn’t require that much time in these days where some games are hitting a photo-realisitic level. What happened then? Did they run out of money or are they just cash grabbing?
I also have to say that the upcoming armor sets are looking worse than the HoT ones. I mean HoT got at least one animated armor (Ley-Stone Armor), a huge batch of legendary weapons and all that minor side skins. If HoT was “only” a feature addon it is kinda sad that PoF, which has been advertised as content addon, barely offers more than HoT.
From what I can see in that datamined items, there are at least two cash shop weapon skin sets, 3 actual armor sets that are looking… okay… and some back pieces that are also not that special. C’mon. Creating such low level quality armor and weapon models such as in GW2 doesn’t require that much time in these days where some games are hitting a photo-realisitic level. What happened then? Did they run out of money or are they just cash grabbing?
Don’t forget legendary armors, it took them two years for a buttcape, a trenchcoat and a bulky when it takes like 1-2 months to release several gemstore items with glowing parts that you can dye like you want…
Why do you need more buttcapes, buttshields and buttcarpets?
Why do you need more buttcapes, buttshields and buttcarpets?
I should have said I wanted good looking ones, my bad xD
My god those armor sets are…. we’ll I don’t want to be rude but they’re just not good. For the love of god can we get light armor pants without a butt-cape and medium armor without a trench-coat?