What If There Was No "DPS"
what would happen if there was no dps? it would be hug wars and handshakes to the enemies. you must be aligned with seperatists
I like OP, cannot see it happening but the idea has merit.
I believe Zerker needs a counter so people realize its not the only option to use.
Sadly there aren’t any real roles in this game so you feel like just a number..
Once they introduced the dodge mechanic, it was inevitable player would go full offense. I mean, are you suggesting an encounter where dodge is useless so you would have to soak the damage? There is no skill in that, just a gear check.
Blind, Weakness, Aegis, Death Shroud, Mist Form, etc.
You haven’t been paying attention, then. This suggestion has been made many times, some of them in this thread, by suggesting that mobs behave more like players.
While I personally would LOVE to see mobs have an AI that plays more like a player would… Arena.net had better, more complex AI in place during the betas. The general consensus was that players despised it, and made combat too frustrating.
Bringing it back to that earlier level now would kitten off more people than it pleased, of that I am certain. So the solution is to find alternate ways for enemies to deal damage while keeping the enemy dumb.
You might be right. However, one of the ways in which players behave differently than mobs is that their auto-attacks are faster, and do more damage.
I would kill for Barbarian stat gear in PvE…
Just because you cannot or refuse to play a dps character does not mean that others who do enjoy or have the skills required to play said gear should suffer. Shame on you.
Just because you cannot or refuse to play a dps character does not mean that others who do enjoy or have the skills required to play said gear should suffer. Shame on you.
Not sure who this is directed towards.
I play nothing but zerker builds, and occasionally condition stuff in pvp.
I enjoy glass cannon, but I don’t want it to be the only thing worth playing. There’s no point to anything else.
This is one of the most shallow MMO’s I’ve ever played in this regard.
Just because you cannot or refuse to play a dps character does not mean that others who do enjoy or have the skills required to play said gear should suffer. Shame on you.
Where is the high skillcap tank/support role? It doesn’t exist and simply isn’t supported by this game outside of PvP. I’m quite franky tired of seeing the glass cannon playstyle pushed in every game in the MMO genre. Quite frankly I find the playstyle one dimensional and childish. “Kill really really fast before you die.” but the moment someone is able to out tank/heal this punishment here comes the nerfbat, because god forbid the 1337 deeps!!1 developer golden children not be the optimal build…
Yes, this is frustration built up over multiple MMOs…
I posted similar ideas about removing “dps” from the equation and providing more utility in an equalized damage style of gameplay.
My ideas were inspired by the skill videos that were doctored up by the PR department, but I still saw more interesting ideas there than the stat/gear fest that we have now that seems to be lopsided to certain setups.
On a side note, I was playing Kingdom Hearts recently and I thought….omg this has it. While rudimentary and not MMO/Group oriented, it has action combat, gear upgrades, and “build diversity” (I use that lightly, but I mean how you can pick skills to change your combat some).
The damage doesn’t matter as much as “landing a hit”.
Just because you cannot or refuse to play a dps character does not mean that others who do enjoy or have the skills required to play said gear should suffer. Shame on you.
oh stop this game is so dumbed down, you are over exaggerating the skill required to play the dps spec.
You haven’t been paying attention, then. This suggestion has been made many times, some of them in this thread, by suggesting that mobs behave more like players.
While I personally would LOVE to see mobs have an AI that plays more like a player would… Arena.net had better, more complex AI in place during the betas. The general consensus was that players despised it, and made combat too frustrating.
Bringing it back to that earlier level now would kitten off more people than it pleased, of that I am certain. So the solution is to find alternate ways for enemies to deal damage while keeping the enemy dumb.
Not so much that the AI is more complex, particularly in terms of movement. But that it makes more use of boons rather than simply being health fat for survival. Right now mob boon usage is so rare that i easily forget that i even have anything specific to counter it while running around.
And a sizable portion of all processions skill set is dedicated to dealing with enemy boons in some way or other.
Until they make control / conditions worth using this topic is at best a pipe dream, as far as PvE goes.
You haven’t been paying attention, then. This suggestion has been made many times, some of them in this thread, by suggesting that mobs behave more like players.
While I personally would LOVE to see mobs have an AI that plays more like a player would… Arena.net had better, more complex AI in place during the betas. The general consensus was that players despised it, and made combat too frustrating.
Bringing it back to that earlier level now would kitten off more people than it pleased, of that I am certain. So the solution is to find alternate ways for enemies to deal damage while keeping the enemy dumb.
You might be right. However, one of the ways in which players behave differently than mobs is that their auto-attacks are faster, and do more damage.
More often, yes. More damage, dunno. One example of how much slower mobs attack in general can be found in the confusion condition. In PVE it hits twice as hard as in SPVP, because mobs perform actions less frequently. This also makes confusion spewing mobs (reef drakes, clockwork horrors, wintersday dolls) much more dangerous than perhaps ANet intends.
By increasing the action frequency of mobs to be more in line with characters, said damage can be brought in line with SPVP. And at the same time it would make retaliation that much more effective against mobs.
Until they make control / conditions worth using this topic is at best a pipe dream, as far as PvE goes.
One option for PVE control could be to introduce a second effect stage on non-defiant mobs. In most other MMOs, CC effects have a long duration but can be broken by doing damage to the CCed mob. ANet could have something similar for hard controls in PVE on top of the existing unbreakable durations.
Just today i tried using necro warhorn #4 on some skritt while doing my daily. I barely had time to register that they were dazed, and start attacking one of them, before they all woke up again.
IMO that makes GW2 control skills useless as PVE CC, and once again reinforce DPS as the way to go (in particular AOE DPS when facing down multiple mobs).
Control skills in GW2 are, IMO, designed more as SPVP combo breakers (to borrow from fighting games). Something you slam in a attackers face to stop him from pulling off a damage chain.
Problem is, CC, conditions and bunker (vit+def) are useless in PvE.
CC is hard countered by defiant, Conditions by 25cap, bunker by one-shot mechanics.
DPS gear is not the problem, the problem is other specs simply do not work in PvE.
Just because you cannot or refuse to play a dps character does not mean that others who do enjoy or have the skills required to play said gear should suffer. Shame on you.
Where is the high skillcap tank/support role? It doesn’t exist and simply isn’t supported by this game outside of PvP. I’m quite franky tired of seeing the glass cannon playstyle pushed in every game in the MMO genre. Quite frankly I find the playstyle one dimensional and childish. “Kill really really fast before you die.” but the moment someone is able to out tank/heal this punishment here comes the nerfbat, because god forbid the 1337 deeps!!1 developer golden children not be the optimal build…
Yes, this is frustration built up over multiple MMOs…
We are not discussing other MMOs here. This is about GW2.
Which was designed to have NO tanks and no dedicated support class.
Problem is, CC, conditions and bunker (vit+def) are useless in PvE.
CC is hard countered by defiant, Conditions by 25cap, bunker by one-shot mechanics.DPS gear is not the problem, the problem is other specs simply do not work in PvE.
Because conditions and defiant have to be fixed – when and if they are fixed – the game will be alright.
Blind, Weakness, Aegis, Death Shroud, Mist Form, etc.
That’s how zerker players are surviving at the moment. 4 warriors with mes hardly works decently in fractals for instance.
This sadly would never happen. Only way I can really see a fix to the zerker nature of people is to either eliminate the zerker armor (never gonna happen), or give the mobs undodgeable attacks that scale with that particular player’s Power and Precision, with Toughness and Vitality preventing the brunt of the attack. Full zerker spec? Grats, you’ll be downed in 1-2 hits. Tank spec? It’ll take 7-8 hits.
This too will probably never happen though. But we do need something to fix the zerker mindset. Nothing short of giving mobs some undodgeable attacks or nerfing the zerker builds will do this, I’m afraid.
just because you’re bad at this game and has the inability to press dodge, so you want gw2 to become a turn based game while you and the mob afk hits each other until one dies?
Just because you cannot or refuse to play a dps character does not mean that others who do enjoy or have the skills required to play said gear should suffer. Shame on you.
Where is the high skillcap tank/support role? It doesn’t exist and simply isn’t supported by this game outside of PvP. I’m quite franky tired of seeing the glass cannon playstyle pushed in every game in the MMO genre. Quite frankly I find the playstyle one dimensional and childish. “Kill really really fast before you die.” but the moment someone is able to out tank/heal this punishment here comes the nerfbat, because god forbid the 1337 deeps!!1 developer golden children not be the optimal build…
Yes, this is frustration built up over multiple MMOs…
We are not discussing other MMOs here. This is about GW2.
Which was designed to have NO tanks and no dedicated support class.
So all the stat combos but ’zerkers and rampagers are just there for low-skill baddies? Otherwise why do they even exist? That is the core problem.
So all the stat combos but ’zerkers and rampagers are just there for low-skill baddies? Otherwise why do they even exist?
Ps.: Rampager is only really useful while soloing stuff.
DPS = High damage, mild support and buffs
Tanks = High control, mild damage and buffs
Healers = High support, mild damage, control and buffs
Do the math on which is expendable…
(edited by Primernova.5791)
So all the stat combos but ’zerkers and rampagers are just there for low-skill baddies? Otherwise why do they even exist?
I’ve seen this before and will agree based on the current state of the game you are correct. But is this right? I feel this is being looked at by players from the perspective of maximizing their effectiveness in the world (zerk or bust is completely valid from this perspective), but without considering that maybe the system itself is an issue. Those of us who question the system itself are ridiculed for obviously being baddies who can’t handle zerker gear. The concept that we want more options as to make an actual gear choice within an mmoRPG is somehow foreign- that we have considerations other than taking the path of least resistance for the quickest reward.
People keep looking at berserker gear like it’s the problem and needs to be fixed. In reality, berserker gear is the solution to the lack of interesting mechanics in fights.
The way to “fix” the current meta isn’t to make berserkers gear untenable, it’s to make content and character building mechanics have a purpose for other playstyles.
If a support character can buff the rest of the party so the other four players are making up for the lack of a max DPS build, people will start playing that too. If combat encounters change to the point that support is useful to counteract near constant damage (like the floor mechanic in Aetherpath, or per a retaliation), so DPS can go balls deep all out, then people will play that too.
Likewise, if content is designed so control specs are able to boost the DPS of the party (herding, special boss mechanics that require the boss to be in one spot for a length of time) and reduce the damage the party takes by preventing mob actions, then people will start playing that too.
Of course, the flip side to this is that you’ll have people complaining that groups now must have a support and a control before going to an encounter. But I’d personally prefer more well defined roles as opposed to character design for every class consisting of a selfish way to deal damage and a selfish way to prevent or recover from damage.
This sadly would never happen. Only way I can really see a fix to the zerker nature of people is to either eliminate the zerker armor (never gonna happen), or give the mobs undodgeable attacks that scale with that particular player’s Power and Precision, with Toughness and Vitality preventing the brunt of the attack. Full zerker spec? Grats, you’ll be downed in 1-2 hits. Tank spec? It’ll take 7-8 hits.
This too will probably never happen though. But we do need something to fix the zerker mindset. Nothing short of giving mobs some undodgeable attacks or nerfing the zerker builds will do this, I’m afraid.
just because you’re bad at this game and has the inability to press dodge, so you want gw2 to become a turn based game while you and the mob afk hits each other until one dies?
Read the other posts after that.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
So all the stat combos but ’zerkers and rampagers are just there for low-skill baddies? Otherwise why do they even exist?
I’ve seen this before and will agree based on the current state of the game you are correct. But is this right? I feel this is being looked at by players from the perspective of maximizing their effectiveness in the world (zerk or bust is completely valid from this perspective), but without considering that maybe the system itself is an issue. Those of us who question the system itself are ridiculed for obviously being baddies who can’t handle zerker gear. The concept that we want more options as to make an actual gear choice within an mmoRPG is somehow foreign- that we have considerations other than taking the path of least resistance for the quickest reward.
I don’t really mind people playing how they want, i mean, as long they’re reading the ads and what not there’s nothing wrong in having fun while playing cleric guardian, for example, but if you’re troubled because someone called you a baddie (to be honest, i’m yet to met a skilled guy in PVT while running my dungeons) then maybe you should slowly change to zerk? I for once believe that in PvE there is plenty of variety (well ok not so much) on traits and utilities, there is a pretty huge gab between playing S/F+GS or Hammer guard.
As for quickiest rewards, i swaped to zerk simply because i didn’t needed any defense anymore, and that’s kind what i was expecting when i brought the game and heard it didn’t had dedicated tanks and healers.
pretty much what i see here is just a simple divide of certain crowds.
Usually those who prefer tanky/support/heal-y builds are people who exclusively play mmos/ card game-like stuff/ rpgs most of their time, the traditional spank n tank games.
People who prefer to maximize dps in gw2 are usually gamers who play a variety of games that require good reflexes and hardcore action game fans.
this is a generalization i’ve made
(edited by Bread.7516)
So all the stat combos but ’zerkers and rampagers are just there for low-skill baddies? Otherwise why do they even exist?
I’ve seen this before and will agree based on the current state of the game you are correct. But is this right? I feel this is being looked at by players from the perspective of maximizing their effectiveness in the world (zerk or bust is completely valid from this perspective), but without considering that maybe the system itself is an issue. Those of us who question the system itself are ridiculed for obviously being baddies who can’t handle zerker gear. The concept that we want more options as to make an actual gear choice within an mmoRPG is somehow foreign- that we have considerations other than taking the path of least resistance for the quickest reward.
I don’t really mind people playing how they want, i mean, as long they’re reading the ads and what not there’s nothing wrong in having fun while playing cleric guardian, for example, but if you’re troubled because someone called you a baddie (to be honest, i’m yet to met a skilled guy in PVT while running my dungeons
) then maybe you should slowly change to zerk? I for once believe that in PvE there is plenty of variety (well ok not so much) on traits and utilities, there is a pretty huge gab between playing S/F+GS or Hammer guard.
As for quickiest rewards, i swaped to zerk simply because i didn’t needed any defense anymore, and that’s kind what i was expecting when i brought the game and heard it didn’t had dedicated tanks and healers.
Not in the game- no problems there. But on the forums, when one suggests that something besides zerker be made viable you’re ridiculed for it, and told you’re pursuing this for the exact opposite reasons you are. I’ve tried zerker, excelled at it, and find it incredibly dull and one dimensional.
Not in the game- no problems there. But on the forums, when one suggests that something besides zerker be made viable you’re ridiculed for it, and told you’re pursuing this for the exact opposite reasons you are. I’ve tried zerker, excelled at it, and find it incredibly dull and one dimensional.
I don’t like most ideas that are thrown on the forums because most of them, like i said earlier in this thread, would require some core mechanics from this game to change, making it a totally different game. When someone asks if X build is good for dungeons over the forums, i’ll tell the truth, there is no way a healing bomb engineer is actually good at running dungeons, but some people take it like i’ve killed their mothers.
As for zerker being dull and one dimensional, i find defensive gear the same, mostly because it cover up too many mistakes while dragging fights for way too much time. But then again, i can’t force you to not eat peanuts just because i don’t like it.
We could get tanky/supportive meta in pve. But it would be really close to wvw meta. And I shouldn’t need to tell you how wvw-ers love their meta.
We could get tanky/supportive meta in pve. But it would be really close to wvw meta. And I shouldn’t need to tell you how wvw-ers love their meta.
I’m not trying to kick zerker to the bottom of the pile, but what if different fights rewarded different builds/gear sets? There have been some rare cases in dungeons where I survive in my hybrid gear set + death shroud + lifesteal and the rest of the grp dies. I proceed to solo the boss and win the day. But that is incredibly rare compared to the norm of “zerk zerg”
i think they need to put diminishing returns on stats or if they have that implemented already then bump it up to the next level.
What purpose would that serve?
get a more variety of builds out there besides “Zerker or GTFO”.
That really is a very interesting suggestion.
How about instead of nerfing/removing berserkers, they actually make content that is hard so you cant do it in all berserkers.
What do you guys want? Berserkers meta? Trinity? Because as soon as you make healing and pvt gear viable we are right back where we started. The trinity.
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
If you want that fixed runeblade, you’re going to have to ask for collision detection so multiple players cannot touch the same spots.
PvP does not have collision detection. Devs doesn’t need to put collision detection on PvP to know that stacking doesn’t work. If somehow that statement is false and sPvP players can actually defeat zergs through stacking, then we may have to go that far.
I don’t care how it is done. You might say on your next post saying “there are no other ways.” You and I probably don’t even know and every suggestion on how to fix stacking is speculation. But, sPvP/WvW is the probably the best place to research on how to destroy stacking since the enemies are not bounded by AI and it is great material for out-of-the-box thinking. After the dungeon team, if it exist, played enough sPvP, they can use their observation and research to destroy stacking.
There is a difference between stacking and using exploits. Stacking in melee is used for two reasons: support/buffs — offensive, healing, and defensive — have very short range. If you don’t stack, you don’t get others’ buffs and they don’t get yours; and melee does more damage than ranged, so if you’re going to stack to gain benefits, you might as well be doing more damage. One only needs to look at two facts to see that stacking was intended in dungeons. One, buffs are short range. Two, dungeons were originally aimed at coordinated groups of skilled players. If you don’t use those short range group performance enhancements, you’re not being coordinated.
If you are talking about how effective stacking is, then I agree. It is too effective. You can make all the arguments in the world how stacking is effective. That is not my point, stacking destroys challenges and fun.
Second, I agree dungeons were originally aimed at coordinated skilled players. However, stacking doesn’t encourages coordination. Instead, it decreases coordination. You don’t need to move around in stacking, you don’t need to defend healers, you don’t need to CC, you just need to pump out the best dps possible.
I rather have coordination where a mob tries to escape and then a player immobilize the mob while the other player finishes him off. I rather have coordination where mobs is about to finish a player off and you interrupt it from happening, I rather have tanky players getting in the way of the mob attack to save low hp players than garbage tactics like stacking.
What you fail to see is that these mechanics are trivialized through stacking because players do not enjoy the content.
Nobody likes the spider queen fight, the Colossus Rumblus for the heck of it. People trivialize it through stacking in various spots because they want to get it done quickly.
If you want a group that doesn’t – find like minded individuals.
I agree, dungeons are not fun. Destroying stacking itself won’t fix dungeons by itself. I have other suggestions that can make dungeon requires coordination. But before that, stacking must go away. Even if developers redesigned dungeons so that it is fun, all of their hard work to make the dungeon challenging disappear because stacking trivializes the content.
In a counter intuitive way – stacking is keeping dungeons alive – without it I doubt they’d see much activity since the difficulty would be increased severely.
And then what would happen with the overall health of the dungeons and the hard work the devs would put in? It’d go to complete waste – with dungeons becoming ghost towns.
False, Stacking isn’t what keeping dungeons alive.
What keeping dungeons alive is that risk vs. rewards doesn’t exist. If you nerf champ farms rewards, people would migrate to dungeons. If you nerf dungeons, people migrate to champ farms. If you buff champ farms difficulty, people migrate to dungeons. If you buff dungeon difficulty, people migrate to champ farms.
Champ farms have low risk, therefore must have low reward.
Dungeons have higher difficulty, therefore must have high reward.
People like hard content. Dark Souls is an example of that. People just don’t like not being rewarded for that.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
How about instead of nerfing/removing berserkers, they actually make content that is hard so you cant do it in all berserkers.
What do you guys want? Berserkers meta? Trinity? Because as soon as you make healing and pvt gear viable we are right back where we started. The trinity.
The trinity (not the classic dps/tank/healer, but damage/control/support) was always supposed to exist in this game. It’s just it was not supposed to be tied to specific classes – so if a role was needed, anyone should be able to step up and fill it.
That was the theory however. Control went out of the window the moment they introduced defiant. Support, while conditionally useful, was never as important as ending the encounter as fast as possible – which is achievable only through damage. And of course damage itself never managed to find balance between direct damage and conditions.
Thus, the multitude of options that were supposed to be here were all narrowed to singular approaches with barely any variation.
To solve this problem, several things are needed first:
1. condition damage must be made equally viable. That means doing something to condi cap, but will likely not end with this alone.
2. defence must regain some value. I understand that Anet doesn’t want facetanking, but at the very least the number of oneshot mechanics that down even bunker builds must be reduced significantly. At the same time, pressure damage might be brought up a notch.
3. Control must be brought back as an important part of the battle tactics. That means defiant must go, and get replaced with something else, that, while still preventing mass cc from trivializing encounters, will allow control to be used with visible effects.
While this wouldn’t likely be enough to fully balance the different builds, it should lessen the differences and make the choice between stats far less obvious than it is now.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Face it, condition damage is a PvP stat. It has almost no place in PvE, like many utilities or weapons. Warrior mace is a PvP weapon. Engineer toolkit is a PvP utility. Condition damage, healing power, and to a lesser extent, toughness and vitality are PvP stats. Sure, you can USE them in PvE, but they’re intended to be used against players.
GW2 doesn’t have a trinity, it has Damage, Control, and Support, and every class does all three. Control is PvP centric. It may be useful in some PvE situations, but it definitely serves a much bigger purpose when going against players. Damage reigns supreme in PvE. Since condition damage is not a PvE stat, that leaves Power, Precision, and Critical Damage as the most desired stats for PvE. Guess which set has all 3 of those stats? Condition and boon duration could also help, (Givers for Engineers), but they aren’t as available, or give stupidly bad compensation for the stat amount they’re replacing on equipment as the other three.
(edited by Xhyros.1340)
Tie endurance to a stat that isn’t on berserkers gear. Maybe vitality, maybe something new. Doesn’t matter. Now people who are in full berserker can’t dodge much at all.
the problem is not the “DPS”
but the problems is answered only by DPS.
if DPS wasn’t the answer to all questions in this game, then we would have some kind of variety…
the encounters should be made that way that party of zerker DPS would have the same chance and speed of winning as party of condition DPS, party of healers or party of tanks.
in reality party of healers will fail all the time, party of condition damage will fail most of the time (as 3/5 of the party members will be mostly useless) and party of tanks will take too much time to finish the content.
TLDR: nerf dodge, buff healing power and toughness, fix conditions.
Tie endurance to a stat that isn’t on berserkers gear. Maybe vitality, maybe something new. Doesn’t matter. Now people who are in full berserker can’t dodge much at all.
Vitality, toughness and healing power. So, full bunkers could dodge the best, hybrids a bit worse, and zerkers would have to be very careful not to waste their dodges on something that wouldn’t kill them outright.
It’s actually a pretty neat idea.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
No it’s not. The point of berserker gear is risk vs. reward, and the point is that by being able to react properly and quickly enough, you can maximise your damage output. Why should we be punished for having good reflexes? Why do people hate competent players so much and want to punish them? If you can’t handle it, use defensive stats. If you can, then well you get rewarded by killing stuff faster.
People asking for dodge nerfs don’t quite understand the impact it would have on the game.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
@rune – you’re way off.
If champ farms are nerfed players will not like it – they won’t agree with it – sure they might go to the dungeons by force but is that really what you want to do with the players? Force them out of one grind into another?
Dark Souls is a good game – yet I fear it is a poor example. People who like Dark Souls are probably not playing GW2 and vice versa.
People in this game like rewards – not a challenge. You can flip that over any side you want but it makes it true and you need only log into the game and see how dungeons are run – see how players do champ trains to see what the player base really wants.
My question to you is this – why would they change the farm dynamic ( dungeon stacking, champ trains) for every player just because a FEW are feeling upset with it – feeling there is no challenge.
If Dodge is nerfed – and other toughness and healing stats are buffed – as the poster above implies the backlash will be huge.
You’re asking to be rewarded more for being worse at the game. Why?
nerf dodge No, thanks
buff healing power and toughness Fine as is in PvP, ergo not going to happen
fix conditions in PvE, please
Responses in italics.
Nerfing dodge would negatively impact PvP, and players who already struggle in dungeons, other (relatively) hard content and the open world game. The players whose play style you are targeting would just adapt, whereas many others would just struggle more than they do now.
HP and toughness are used to create bunker builds, already much maligned in PvP. Can you see ANet buffing them, when all they’ve done for the past year is nerf them? I can’t.
No it’s not. The point of berserker gear is risk vs. reward
And the current mechanics make it so the risk is the same for everyone, but the reward is greater for zerkers. Something’s obviously not right.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
And the current mechanics make it so the risk is the same for everyone, but the reward is greater for zerkers. Something’s obviously not right.
Is assumption that you don’t run with zerker gear correct?
Hey guys, clearly zerkers can facetank 3 red circle spams from subject alpha in a row without dodging. It is the same as if they were using Pvt gear!
Yeah, nah.
And the current mechanics make it so the risk is the same for everyone, but the reward is greater for zerkers. Something’s obviously not right.
Is assumption that you don’t run with zerker gear correct?
I have both a zerker and a bunker char, and i run both.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
No it’s not. The point of berserker gear is risk vs. reward
And the current mechanics make it so the risk is the same for everyone, but the reward is greater for zerkers. Something’s obviously not right.
Zerker guardian gets one-shotted by Lupicus, PVT guardian can take two hits.
The risk isn’t the same for everyone at all, using defensive gear lets you take more hits while zerker requires you to be on your toes since you’ll be able to take less hits, or only a single hit.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
No it’s not. The point of berserker gear is risk vs. reward
And the current mechanics make it so the risk is the same for everyone, but the reward is greater for zerkers. Something’s obviously not right.
Zerker guardian gets one-shotted by Lupicus, PVT guardian can take two hits.
The risk isn’t the same for everyone at all, using defensive gear lets you take more hits while zerker requires you to be on your toes since you’ll be able to take less hits, or only a single hit.
Very true.
In full Knight’s I can take 2 or 3 " one shot" hits that would have instakilled me in zerker. And it’s not even PVT.
The risk is much lower. It’s basically handing out free dodges.