What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


Hello dear dudes and dudettes,

Having observed this game and other MMORPGs for quite a while, some things became apparent to me, and I’m sure they became apparent to most of you aswell. Most of the point that I’m about to make are points that have had their own threads often enough, showing the fact that everyone knows about most of these things.


A simple feature where two people agree to fight, and they start a battle to either 1hp, or death with immediate revival. Advanced options like max range to flee from starting point and maximum duration of battle can be added as an extra.
Why this isn’t there already is totally beyond me. How can the company that made this game, with all it’s awesome aspects, it’s awesome graphics engine, it’s very-well working ‘physics’ engine, not create a simple dueling function. They are either incompetent or unwilling, and as incompetence is no excuse for ArenaNet. Why don’t they want to create a dueling function? What’s so hard about it? There’s seriously no reason to not allow it, besides spamming, which can be easily countered by offering a ’don’t allow duel invites (with an optional ‘from this person’) again’ checkbox on duel invitations. It’s not that hard to develop.

Also, there are enough times in the game that you will fight a friendly NPC for ‘training’ reasons, so I don’t really get the lore-problem. Also, the chance of spamming is quite minimal. In many games I’ve played duel invites aren’t spammed, and there is no text-spam with it either.

Talking about rushed feature, LFG seems like it is indeed a very rushed feature, though we know better than to think that’s actually the case.

Here’s how an LFG tool should work in my opinion, which I’ll defend later:
You check the checkboxes on a list of instances, you click search, and it searches for people who want to do the same, completely at random, possibly favoring parties with no duplicate classes unless a premade-party queued as a whole.

Compare this then, to our current LFG tool. In the current LFG tool you don’t just enter a queue, you look through a list of parties with their message: “Need one more of this class, or else gtfo”.

This system takes a lot more time to go through, though party-quality seems rarily to be improved upon.

The only possible objection that could be raised is the following: Special needs can’t be catered too.
In that case, just keep the old tool and have a new one with it. Special stuff can still be done, while people who just want their too-small party, or just themselves as an individual, to join a group to run instances with, can actually do so in a nice, streamlined manner. Some possible objections could be:

But herr-derr, this teleporting to dungeon (that will most probably accompany this new LFG tool) will break immersion.
In that case just require people to have the waypoint at the entrance before they can queue up, and you basically have the same breaking of immersion you have with waypoints in general.

As far as LFG goes, in my opinion only one true objection can be made: the social ascpect. And you know what? I wouldn’t even be that much against the removal of LFG. However, I think we can agree that we should have a quality tool if any at all. Not this disgrace to game-designers worldwide.

The (Player Driven) Market

The market isn’t all that bad. However, it could easily be improved upon. If we look at the game wich has an awesome concept of a player market, EVE Online, we see a system that at it’s core is very much the same. The ease of using it though, is much worse in GW2. For those who never played EVE, I’ll offer a screenshot:


I want to focus the attention to the right side of the screen. The big list. What’s so hard about getting some GW2 artstyle to this and get in the game? It would offer a much clearer view of what the buy- and sell-orders are.

(edited by Darklight.5047)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


I’m not really talking about how the searching fuction works, or the controls you use to sell and/or buy, but the way we view existing orders. If it fits the taste we could have the option of a simple interface, which shows just highest and lowest unless you ask for more, while having the system described for those who want it (basically everyone who does any trading beyond grabbing the lowest sell- and the highest buy-orders now and then.

Gear Progression
Gear Progression is a very easy concept:

-Make gear progressively better, better-looking, or harder to obtain (add more prestige)
-Make obtainment of said gear harder the better it is

Instead, ArenaNet seems to wish to ignore this, and have only visual progression, while visually-superior and -inferior gear should somewhat share stats.
However, they still implement gear now-and-then in a way that ignores this design-philosohpy completely.

Just embrace it: Progression is a part of MMORPGs, either via prestige or stats. To mix up difficulty-of-achieving, stats, and visual appeal, is not a great idea (Once you have stat progression, you cannot create harder content rewarding lesser stats but superior visuals). So once you start with the stat progression, you have to stick with it.

Also, there’s no need to invent new currencies all the time (though it is not that bad at this point). It is also a possibility to have better gear drop instead of having you buy it, so shared currencies still don’t allow you to get hard-content grade rewards with easy content. Like, you know, most MMORPGs…

Please bear in mind I’m not taking about progression WoW-style, where you have to keep grinding gear to be able to grind better gear to be able to grind better gear etc.
Rather, new instancereleases featuring gear in the theme of the instance, while getting harder continuously, is a way that one can have gear progression without the eternal grind being required of players.

Of course this is a lot trickier than I describe it, but when a design-philosophy fails: instead of trying to salvage every bit of it you can just change it. (From the current philosophy to either prestige/visual-appeal/stat progression philosophy, or a combination. Their previous acts show two things about ArenaNet: They have to implement certain aspects of it because their current philosophy fails as it seems, but they still don’t want to change. In some sense: they change while resisting it at the same time)

The Store

Seriously. Come on. The abililty to buy armor-skins in a game that is supposed to be about visual-progresision when it comes to armor, is just totally insane. Armor obtained this way offers no prestige and it’s a kick in the face of people who want to work for good armor. This hitting two targets at once, friendly-fire mode.

That is mere opinion, which people can differ quite a lot on.

What is also mere opinion, but which I think most people don’t think differ a lot on, is that it’s a good idea to not mix-up kinds of stuff you get by completing hard content or spending a lot of time with stuff you buy with real-life money. That’s an easy principle. Why? Because prestigious armor loses prestige when supposedly-prestigious amor can just be bought.

Other than that, I really like this game. It’s awesome, there’s lots to do, lots to explore, lots of content to complete. But I see some basic mistakes being made.

This post will probably have no impact at all, but one can always hope.
Please discuss my ideas if you have the time.

(edited by Darklight.5047)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


1) The entire point of the open world in GW2 is cooperation, not PvP. There are Arenas in the Mists that allow you the dueling you claim you want.

2) One on one trading was the bane of GW1 with Arena.net having to deal with constant complaints of scams. They washed their hands of it. We are why we can’t have nice things.

3) And there’s just as loud of a frenzy from people who can’t stand achievement points being used as a gauge of players. They’ll be even more kittened off by gear-related elitism. No thank you.

4) Gear progression is an inane, empty, stupid treadmill to keep you playing. I don’t want it in the slightest. It can stay away from this game, thank you.

You ask for those things and never get them BECAUSE “everyone” DOESN’T want them. In fact, I’d wager not even a significant minority want any given three of those things.

(edited by chemiclord.3978)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

Sounds like a refugee from another game. This game probably isn’t for you.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


For all the suggestion OP made, seems the game need complete overhaul.

Looks like there are thousands of games are doing it right which GW2 is doing it wrong. So it is obviously that, you should play those games.

I do dearly hope though, that OP will take this criticism to heart, and act upon it.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


- Dueling
- One-On-One Trade
- Gear Inspection

- This game is about coming together and working as a team, a unified body to rise up and destroy our common enemy: the Elder Dragons. Charr and humans, who have been at war for hundreds of years are even at peace right now. Duels just don’t fit into PvE. Hence why there is PvP. You can easily go into the Mists and PvP duel in an empty room or go into WvW and duel another person by using /bow.

- Nobody wants to stand around for hours spamming S>ETERNITY 5K OR BEST OFFER. Seriously, we get on the game to play, not to barter. Not only is it annoying having to stand there and spam your clever message to get anyone interested, but it’s annoying trying to find anything with the ridiculous amounts of spam other users are creating trying to sell their wares as well. Nobody can read the chat when it’s moving at 100mph full of S>OMNOMBERRY PIES or B>FROSTFANG. The trading post gets rid of this altogether. There is no scamming through the trading post, and there is no spamming through the trading post. Trading post is better.

- Why do we even need gear inspection? It’s very obvious someone sucks when you are scraping their butt off the floor every 2 minutes. Even a character with godly armor and weapons on can still be an awful player.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


1) The entire point of the open world in GW2 is cooperation, not PvP. There are Arenas in the Mists that allow you the dueling you claim you want.

2) One on one trading was the bane of GW1 with Arena.net having to deal with constant complaints of scams. They washed their hands of it. We are why we can’t have nice things.

3) And there’s just as loud of a frenzy from people who can’t stand achievement points being used as a gauge of players. They’ll be even more kittened off by gear-related elitism. No thank you.

4) Gear progression is an inane, empty, stupid treadmill to keep you playing. I don’t want it in the slightest. It can stay away from this game, thank you.

You ask for those things and never get them BECAUSE “everyone” DOESN’T want them. In fact, I’d wager not even a significant minority want any given three of those things.

1) I don’t see how seeing who’s better (for fun, against a friend for example) is something you want to do in a 5v5. Dueling can be a lot of fun, and there’s no drawback.

2) This is just bad policy. They can easily ignore it. People can learn from their mistakes and learn not to be scammed via trading, without having big brother babysit them. ArenaNet could just as easily have said that it won’t deal with crybabies who want ArenaNet to reverse the effects of their stupidity. Instead, they removed a nice feature.

3) I don’t really know what to say about this. It is bad to give people the option to show off their achievements because others may get jealous?

4) Everything you do within this game is inane and empty. I also don’t see the problem with people investing a lot of time while others don’t. We see that for many people such a system is already what keeps them playing. It’s how MMORPGs work. If you think getting progressively nicer-looking gear is stupid, you don’t have to participate in it. You can just laugh about the idiots that do.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


For all the suggestion OP made, seems the game need complete overhaul.

Looks like there are thousands of games are doing it right which GW2 is doing it wrong. So it is obviously that, you should play those games.

I do dearly hope though, that OP will take this criticism to heart, and act upon it.

I’d rather say that GW2 is doing a betterjob at many things that make GW2 GW2. It is, in my opinion, a lot better than other games in many aspects, which is why I’d rather stay with GW2. I’m just trying to say that GW2 is both lacking some easy-to-build, not game-chaning at all features. The other stuff is about improvements of already-existing systems, and a possible design-philosophy for the future. I don’t see how my suggestions would need a massive game-overhaul to be implemented. To state it simply: what I would like to see is:

1) Trade Function
2) Gear Inspectation Function
3) Duel Fuction
4) More Streamlined LFG function
5) Better Market Interface (my suggestion was a very, very small change)

After making those points I stated some of my ideas of how ArenaNet could continue their development of the game. That is all.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


- Dueling
- One-On-One Trade
- Gear Inspection

- This game is about coming together and working as a team, a unified body to rise up and destroy our common enemy: the Elder Dragons. Charr and humans, who have been at war for hundreds of years are even at peace right now. Duels just don’t fit into PvE. Hence why there is PvP. You can easily go into the Mists and PvP duel in an empty room or go into WvW and duel another person by using /bow.

- Nobody wants to stand around for hours spamming S>ETERNITY 5K OR BEST OFFER. Seriously, we get on the game to play, not to barter. Not only is it annoying having to stand there and spam your clever message to get anyone interested, but it’s annoying trying to find anything with the ridiculous amounts of spam other users are creating trying to sell their wares as well. Nobody can read the chat when it’s moving at 100mph full of S>OMNOMBERRY PIES or B>FROSTFANG. The trading post gets rid of this altogether. There is no scamming through the trading post, and there is no spamming through the trading post. Trading post is better.

- Why do we even need gear inspection? It’s very obvious someone sucks when you are scraping their butt off the floor every 2 minutes. Even a character with godly armor and weapons on can still be an awful player.

I don’t see how testing your skill is against the idea of working together. You even duel a lot of NPCs with the reason being to test your skill often enough.

Your criticism of one-on-one trading is a very good point indeed, I guess you are right about that.

Inspection is not really needed, it’s just nice to know where someone gets their armor. I’d like to emphasize that I don’t see inspection as a dire need, but as a convinience.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


I took exception to your “agreed on” statement, because the simple fact is no, those things are NOT agreed upon. Gear inspection (and the elitism that inevitably comes with it), would start a RIOT on these forums. Open world dueling is nearly as reviled (I for one find it more of a nuisance than something enjoyable). At the very best, that idea is 50/50 in support.

There are large portions of the community that look at your suggestions, and would HATE them. For example, your gear treadmill can take a hike. I came to this game BECAUSE it promised no gear treadmill, and I was not particularly happy when they went back on that initial philosophy with Ascended gear.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


Sounds like a refugee from another game. This game probably isn’t for you.

I played quite a lot of other games, dunno if I’m a refugee though. I don’t really know why you think this game isn’t for me. I like most things about it, but I don’t think you’d like to read 5+ posts about how awesome this game is. If you do, I will start working on it.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Dueling? I’m OK with it with restrictions on where it can take place (not in cities except for specific arenas) and with a default option of Accept Duel Requests Off (those wanting the feature should have to make the effort to enable it, those who don’t want to should not have to act).

1 v 1 trading? Don’t care. I also don’t expect to ever see it because the biggest gold sink in game is TP fees, and allowing players to bypass said fees is not a good idea.

Gear inspect? What I’m wearing is not your business. I’m fine if you want to inspect the gear of those who join your party, but ping works fine for that.

Gear progression? We were promised at one point that, “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.” That’s already gone by the wayside, but so far ANet has avoided an actual treadmill. Any additional statistical gear progression would be extremely unwelcome to me. As to cosmetics? I agree there should be more skins gated by hard content than is currently the case. Making those look “progressively better” rated on difficulty is not possible, though. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ANet could make what they perceive to be “really cool looks” but some people are going to hate them. Just look at the reactions to gem store skins — unless you think ANet made them look bad (in some peoples’ eyes) so they wouldn’t buy them.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


I took exception to your “agreed on” statement, because the simple fact is no, those things are NOT agreed upon. Gear inspection (and the elitism that inevitably comes with it), would start a RIOT on these forums. Open world dueling is nearly as reviled (I for one find it more of a nuisance than something enjoyable). At the very best, that idea is 50/50 in support.

There are large portions of the community that look at your suggestions, and would HATE them. For example, your gear treadmill can take a hike. I came to this game BECAUSE it promised no gear treadmill, and I was not particularly happy when they went back on that initial philosophy with Ascended gear.

I guess I may have been a little too enthousiastic to immediatly claim the vote of the majority, that’s a mistake on my part.
I do not see the problem with a duel function though. If you can just turn it off for yourself (can’t challenge or be challenged) and would only see other people do it now and then, would you really care about that? I guess I’m asking whether you have a fundamental disagreement with the concept of dueling, or you fear that it would bring problems with it like massive spamming.

When it comes to gear progression, I may have stated it wrongly.

I do not mean to say that we absolutely need gear progression. We could just accept that there is an ultimate gearset that people will aquire in time (the ones available before all the special, more grindy gear), after which the challenge of gear is over and people can focus on the other aspects of the game.

However, I do say that when gear progression is introduced, as it somewhat is with just a small amount of gear, it needs to be accepted and acted upon. My suggestion here is that we may aswell get even harder dungeons with even more prestigious gear on a constant basis, rather than inventing new currencies, names, and vendors all the time.

That is only if gear progression is being ran with of course, but it seems that we somewhat need it, at least to a lesser extend.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


1) Dueling and the reasons for NOT having them are covered in multiple threads, with new ones popping up every other week. As stated, the very concept of the game doesn’t allow for it. Also it would create a very toxic and annoying atmosphere that no one wants. If you want to duel, go to the mists.

2) No. The TP is not only secure and fast, but is a MAJOR gold sink which help tremendously in keeping the economy in check. As far as scamming, there will be complaints, and Anet will have to devote resources to deal with each one. Even if its just to reply with a general, “sorry not our problem” lette. (and before anyone starts on the economy is broken, go read John Smiths, the games economist, comments on the matter.)

3) An inspect will just be another reason for elitists to feel more superior. It won’t serve any purpose other than that. If someone is curious they can ask you to link it it chat. There literally is no good thing that can come out of having gear inspection. Period.

4) gear progression. That would imply a very heavy grind. This game is about horizontal progression. Do you remember the outrage over ascended? It was too much of a grind, it was vertical progression, it was going to ruin the game etc. But the game would require a complete over haul. Everything, with the exception of high level fractals, can be done with exotic level armor. There is no need for a gear grind/gear progression. It doesnt fit into how this game is built.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


Dueling? I’m OK with it with restrictions on where it can take place (not in cities except for specific arenas) and with a default option of Accept Duel Requests Off (those wanting the feature should have to make the effort to enable it, those who don’t want to should not have to act).

1 v 1 trading? Don’t care. I also don’t expect to ever see it because the biggest gold sink in game is TP fees, and allowing players to bypass said fees is not a good idea.

Gear inspect? What I’m wearing is not your business. I’m fine if you want to inspect the gear of those who join your party, but ping works fine for that.

Gear progression? We were promised at one point that, “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.” That’s already gone by the wayside, but so far ANet has avoided an actual treadmill. Any additional statistical gear progression would be extremely unwelcome to me. As to cosmetics? I agree there should be more skins gated by hard content than is currently the case. Making those look “progressively better” rated on difficulty is not possible, though. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ANet could make what they perceive to be “really cool looks” but some people are going to hate them. Just look at the reactions to gem store skins — unless you think ANet made them look bad (in some peoples’ eyes) so they wouldn’t buy them.

I mostly agree with what you stated there. I would just like to emphasize though, that with progression I mean prestige progression: harder tasks getting added on a regular basis with new loot to show off. Whether this has better stats is something I don’t care about but is certainly an option, whether the looks are better is indeed something subjective, but it shouldn’t be hard to make something that’s themed the same way as the instance you obtained it in, thereby giving visual appeal not so much in ‘coolness’ off the looks, but in ‘coolness’ of having gear that visually represents your achievements in the game. We already have this, just not on a regular basis.

A lot of people seem to fear that gear progression brings the world-of-warcraft-model of having to get gear with better stats all the time. But image the WoW with gear that stays mostly the same as far as stats go: you get gear that shows your ingame achievements through looks, while not requiring others to do it to because otherwise they can’t complete all the content.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


For all the suggestion OP made, seems the game need complete overhaul.

Looks like there are thousands of games are doing it right which GW2 is doing it wrong. So it is obviously that, you should play those games.

I do dearly hope though, that OP will take this criticism to heart, and act upon it.

I’d rather say that GW2 is doing a betterjob at many things that make GW2 GW2. It is, in my opinion, a lot better than other games in many aspects, which is why I’d rather stay with GW2. I’m just trying to say that GW2 is both lacking some easy-to-build, not game-chaning at all features. The other stuff is about improvements of already-existing systems, and a possible design-philosophy for the future. I don’t see how my suggestions would need a massive game-overhaul to be implemented. To state it simply: what I would like to see is:

1) Trade Function
2) Gear Inspectation Function
3) Duel Fuction
4) More Streamlined LFG function
5) Better Market Interface (my suggestion was a very, very small change)

After making those points I stated some of my ideas of how ArenaNet could continue their development of the game. That is all.

1) Why risk players being scammed and have to waste more resources to clean up the mess than to simply prevent it?

2) Gear inspection is a must for a game that provide vertical progression, because low end geared player will become a great burden to the team. GW2 is different, high end gear is easy to obtain, full rare gear is as viable as full ascended in 99% pve content. What makes it different is the hand behind keyboard. Most of the players don’t care their pug member geared, as long as they can finish whats they want to finish.

3) Duel function is already there, in the mist, custom area. I am totally against dueling with PvE gear and build. GW2 have reduced a lot of class balance issue by removing sub class. Yet we still got tons of balancing issues complain while a huge amount of these complains are under leveled players in PvE circumstances. These complains mostly involved with wrong gear spec or lack of understanding to their class. When these kind of gear and level issues are involved in 1 vs 1 (where the game is not balanced around 1 vs 1), we can foresee a lot more complain about class balance than now. Why should Anet do something to increase the balancing difficulty rather than to eliminate them? Not to mention it is impossible to make balancing decisions when over 80% of complains are player issues.

(edited by Crossaber.8934)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


1) Dueling and the reasons for NOT having them are covered in multiple threads, with new ones popping up every other week. As stated, the very concept of the game doesn’t allow for it. Also it would create a very toxic and annoying atmosphere that no one wants. If you want to duel, go to the mists.

2) No. The TP is not only secure and fast, but is a MAJOR gold sink which help tremendously in keeping the economy in check. As far as scamming, there will be complaints, and Anet will have to devote resources to deal with each one. Even if its just to reply with a general, “sorry not our problem” lette. (and before anyone starts on the economy is broken, go read John Smiths, the games economist, comments on the matter.)

3) An inspect will just be another reason for elitists to feel more superior. It won’t serve any purpose other than that. If someone is curious they can ask you to link it it chat. There literally is no good thing that can come out of having gear inspection. Period.

4) gear progression. That would imply a very heavy grind. This game is about horizontal progression. Do you remember the outrage over ascended? It was too much of a grind, it was vertical progression, it was going to ruin the game etc. But the game would require a complete over haul. Everything, with the exception of high level fractals, can be done with exotic level armor. There is no need for a gear grind/gear progression. It doesnt fit into how this game is built.

1) Please describe said atmosphere
2) I guess I’ll have to agree with that.
3) Someone convinced me of that, as did you.
4) I feel this is relevant:

“A lot of people seem to fear that gear progression brings the world-of-warcraft-model of having to get gear with better stats all the time. But image the WoW with gear that stays mostly the same as far as stats go: you get gear that shows your ingame achievements through looks, while not requiring others to do it to because otherwise they can’t complete all the content.”

I’m talking about getting more and more prestigious gear. Whether that entails stat-increase is for the mods to decide (though it seems like they have decided pro-stat-increase)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


For all the suggestion OP made, seems the game need complete overhaul.

Looks like there are thousands of games are doing it right which GW2 is doing it wrong. So it is obviously that, you should play those games.

I do dearly hope though, that OP will take this criticism to heart, and act upon it.

I’d rather say that GW2 is doing a betterjob at many things that make GW2 GW2. It is, in my opinion, a lot better than other games in many aspects, which is why I’d rather stay with GW2. I’m just trying to say that GW2 is both lacking some easy-to-build, not game-chaning at all features. The other stuff is about improvements of already-existing systems, and a possible design-philosophy for the future. I don’t see how my suggestions would need a massive game-overhaul to be implemented. To state it simply: what I would like to see is:

1) Trade Function
2) Gear Inspectation Function
3) Duel Fuction
4) More Streamlined LFG function
5) Better Market Interface (my suggestion was a very, very small change)

After making those points I stated some of my ideas of how ArenaNet could continue their development of the game. That is all.

1) Why risk players being scammed and have to waste more resources to clean up the mess than to simply prevent it?

2) Gear inspection is a must for a game that provide vertical progression, because low end geared player will become a great burden to the team. GW2 is different, high end gear is easy to obtain, full rare gear is as viable as full ascended in 99% pve content. What makes it different is the hand behind keyboard. Most of the players don’t care their pug member geared, as long as they can finish whats they want to finish.

3) Duel function is already there, in the mist, custom area. I am totally against dueling with PvE gear and build. GW2 have reduced a lot of class balance issue by removing sub class. Yet we still got tons of balancing issues complain while a huge amount of these complains are under leveled players in PvE circumstances. These complains mostly involved with wrong gear spec or lack of understanding to their class. When these kind of gear and level issues are involved in 1 vs 1 (where the game is not balanced around 1 vs 1), we can foresee a lot more complain about class balance than now. Why should Anet do something to increase the balancing difficulty rather than to eliminate them? Not to mention it is impossible to make balancing decisions when over 80% of complains are player issues.

1) Though I think that point sucks, someone already convinced me of it being a bad idea to have one-on-one trading.

2) Then what is the problem? Isn’t it nice to know what kind of gear someone has when you see him/her walking with awesome-looking gear?

3) I was talking about non-competitive, or at least completely unranked dueling. Really simple, to do against friends. I don’t think such a thing would lead to more balancing problems.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


1) Dueling and the reasons for NOT having them are covered in multiple threads, with new ones popping up every other week. As stated, the very concept of the game doesn’t allow for it. Also it would create a very toxic and annoying atmosphere that no one wants. If you want to duel, go to the mists.

2) No. The TP is not only secure and fast, but is a MAJOR gold sink which help tremendously in keeping the economy in check. As far as scamming, there will be complaints, and Anet will have to devote resources to deal with each one. Even if its just to reply with a general, “sorry not our problem” lette. (and before anyone starts on the economy is broken, go read John Smiths, the games economist, comments on the matter.)

3) An inspect will just be another reason for elitists to feel more superior. It won’t serve any purpose other than that. If someone is curious they can ask you to link it it chat. There literally is no good thing that can come out of having gear inspection. Period.

4) gear progression. That would imply a very heavy grind. This game is about horizontal progression. Do you remember the outrage over ascended? It was too much of a grind, it was vertical progression, it was going to ruin the game etc. But the game would require a complete over haul. Everything, with the exception of high level fractals, can be done with exotic level armor. There is no need for a gear grind/gear progression. It doesnt fit into how this game is built.

1) Please describe said atmosphere
2) I guess I’ll have to agree with that.
3) Someone convinced me of that, as did you.
4) I feel this is relevant:

“A lot of people seem to fear that gear progression brings the world-of-warcraft-model of having to get gear with better stats all the time. But image the WoW with gear that stays mostly the same as far as stats go: you get gear that shows your ingame achievements through looks, while not requiring others to do it to because otherwise they can’t complete all the content.”

I’m talking about getting more and more prestigious gear. Whether that entails stat-increase is for the mods to decide (though it seems like they have decided pro-stat-increase)

Yeah saw your responses that popped up as I was writing that :P

As far as 1) toxic and annoying atmosphere. In several MMOs that ive played that allow dueling, chat is filled with “who wants to duel me?” Spam. Of course there is the option to decline when an invite comes, but trolls will be trolls, and do, and will, harass people for not accepting a duel. Calling people out in chat for not dueling, constant tells about dueling, following them, initiating duel requests every few seconds, etc. Of course there can be measure taken to avoid those things, but giving people the mechanics to harass others would go down hill quickly. Again duels are fine, in the mists. There is a mechanic specifically designed for just that. Just not in PvE anywhere.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


For all the suggestion OP made, seems the game need complete overhaul.

Looks like there are thousands of games are doing it right which GW2 is doing it wrong. So it is obviously that, you should play those games.

I do dearly hope though, that OP will take this criticism to heart, and act upon it.

I’d rather say that GW2 is doing a betterjob at many things that make GW2 GW2. It is, in my opinion, a lot better than other games in many aspects, which is why I’d rather stay with GW2. I’m just trying to say that GW2 is both lacking some easy-to-build, not game-chaning at all features. The other stuff is about improvements of already-existing systems, and a possible design-philosophy for the future. I don’t see how my suggestions would need a massive game-overhaul to be implemented. To state it simply: what I would like to see is:

1) Trade Function
2) Gear Inspectation Function
3) Duel Fuction
4) More Streamlined LFG function
5) Better Market Interface (my suggestion was a very, very small change)

After making those points I stated some of my ideas of how ArenaNet could continue their development of the game. That is all.

1) Why risk players being scammed and have to waste more resources to clean up the mess than to simply prevent it?

2) Gear inspection is a must for a game that provide vertical progression, because low end geared player will become a great burden to the team. GW2 is different, high end gear is easy to obtain, full rare gear is as viable as full ascended in 99% pve content. What makes it different is the hand behind keyboard. Most of the players don’t care their pug member geared, as long as they can finish whats they want to finish.

3) Duel function is already there, in the mist, custom area. I am totally against dueling with PvE gear and build. GW2 have reduced a lot of class balance issue by removing sub class. Yet we still got tons of balancing issues complain while a huge amount of these complains are under leveled players in PvE circumstances. These complains mostly involved with wrong gear spec or lack of understanding to their class. When these kind of gear and level issues are involved in 1 vs 1 (where the game is not balanced around 1 vs 1), we can foresee a lot more complain about class balance than now. Why should Anet do something to increase the balancing difficulty rather than to eliminate them? Not to mention it is impossible to make balancing decisions when over 80% of complains are player issues.

1) Though I think that point sucks, someone already convinced me of it being a bad idea to have one-on-one trading.

2) Then what is the problem? Isn’t it nice to know what kind of gear someone has when you see him/her walking with awesome-looking gear?

3) I was talking about non-competitive, or at least completely unranked dueling. Really simple, to do against friends. I don’t think such a thing would lead to more balancing problems.

2) All the beautiful appearances are skins only. Like Kasmeer’s dress, it is illusion. Skin =/= stat. The player with a legendary on hand, it could be a legendary tier or it could be a white tier item. What is the point of looking at the stat behind the skin if “Look” is what you matter? Just whisper that player politely, tell him or her to stand still for while, you can run around taking screen shot.

3) Yes, there are always players love to complain even they got beaten by a close friend 1 vs 1. Same reason, it is wise to prevent an issue than to create one and solve it later.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rainynoble.6531


3) An inspect will just be another reason for elitists to feel more superior. It won’t serve any purpose other than that. If someone is curious they can ask you to link it it chat. There literally is no good thing that can come out of having gear inspection. Period.

I have to disagree on this one. Since there is no vertical progression on gear stats (exotic is sufficient enough for end game) , the only thing players look for is what kind of stat mix certain someone is wearing. and by asking them? well i have seen people link different gear than what they are wearing.

This is only really matters in dungeons where some people going out of their way to make other people carry them.

Also, i don’t think AR infusion shows up in chat link either, unless it is infused then you know they have at least that much.

As for “feeling superior”, i don’t think it would matter that way because the end game is all about cosmetic.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


Ah, I see what you mean by gear progression. Unfortunately, I’m not sure either method would be particularly embraced by GW2.

1) Exclusive looks… well… that tends to draw ire on both sides of the issue. I, for one, really am not particularly enamored with the idea of “exclusive” armor skins (like Account Bound things). I’m really not the slightest bit concerned with how someone got their look, and honestly, there are times where I’d rather just crack open my wallet and pay $10 either for a skin in the gem store, or transferring it to gold and buying it off the trading post rather than spend hours grinding it out.

Call that lazy if you want, I really don’t care.

On top of that, you’d be amazed how varied opinions are on what “looks good.” Horizontal prestige armors like you suggest wouldn’t have any guarantee of hitting the target for even a sizable amount of players, even less if there were “tiers” of progression that they had to jump through to get to the level they want.

It would fall victim to the same failing that instanced raid content does in other MMOs; fewer and fewer people engaged to the point that you’re wasting resources on content that only a handful of players will be interested in.

2) Considering the absolute seething and near violent rage that erupted just by the small increase in stats Ascended gear provides, continuing down that path of vertical progression would almost assuredly kill the game. I know I’d quit.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirby.9138


All I want is duelling.

Also complaining about the store in a free game is…. uh…

Please go write asinine walls of text somewhere else please.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blakdoxa.7520


Only thing I want is the player2player trading. The rest can hightail it outta here.

I mean I’d love to give things or trade with my friends. People spending all day selling stuff are invited to my block list.

Scamming? It’s more a trust thing, kinda like how I only expect tp prices to continue sailing upward till the bubble bursts. I’m definitely more open to various trading options cause tp warring just doesn’t cut it.

Devona’s Rest

(edited by blakdoxa.7520)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


- snip -

I mostly agree with what you stated there. I would just like to emphasize though, that with progression I mean prestige progression: harder tasks getting added on a regular basis with new loot to show off. Whether this has better stats is something I don’t care about but is certainly an option, whether the looks are better is indeed something subjective, but it shouldn’t be hard to make something that’s themed the same way as the instance you obtained it in, thereby giving visual appeal not so much in ‘coolness’ off the looks, but in ‘coolness’ of having gear that visually represents your achievements in the game. We already have this, just not on a regular basis.

A lot of people seem to fear that gear progression brings the world-of-warcraft-model of having to get gear with better stats all the time. But image the WoW with gear that stays mostly the same as far as stats go: you get gear that shows your ingame achievements through looks, while not requiring others to do it to because otherwise they can’t complete all the content.

Ideally, the Gw2 cosmetic endgame would have involved a wardrobe feature that allowed for free and easy switching between entire looks, with the costs shifted to buying the wardrobe slots rather than nickel and diming every time one wants to change. The current system discourages multiple looks on the same character, which should be the bedrock of a cosmetic endgame.

As long as stats stay the same, I’m in favor of more tied-to-content looks, though I’m less likely to pursue them because wardrobe design has encouraged me to settle on one look per character.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRyftLord.5820


“Please describe said atmosphere”

Said atmosphere would include things like those people that whisper you saying.
“Why don’t you accept my challenge?”
“Why have challenging off? You noob?”

And people amongst the RPer crowd would hardly ever see a break from them.

It just puts people in a bad mood and adds another reason to use the block list. I’d rather not see that here in GW2 like I have in other games.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jerus.4350


None of this is “missing” it’s just not there.

1 on 1 Trading, that would allow people to avoid the BLTC which avoids the tax, which means less gold sink and more inflation in the economy. I fully support their decision to avoid it. If you truly trust someone you can mail stuff and money, but that’s a risk you choose to take.

Dueling, that creates a focus on 1v1 PVP, in every game I’ve played 1v1 focus has been detrimental to team vs team PVP, so again, I support their avoiding it. The game was designed for 5v5 as we see with tPVP. As soon as you start balancing towards 1v1 the entire idea of team PVP is going to start circling the drain. I’m not a fan of GW2 PVP, I think it has major flaws so i do my PVP elsewhere, but I can see why they avoid it.

Gear Inspection, I think this is a controversial topic in any game. Pinging gear works fine as a workaround, takes all of 10s to ping your gear and check it so it’s really not a big deal and I’d hate for them to waste time on something we have a completely reasonable workaround for. Sure technically you could ping one gear set and wear another, but honestly how many idiots do that? Waste money just to lie to people?

Also isn’t there a workaroudn for dueling with private PVP maps? or do I understand those incorrectly? Again, I don’t really PVP much, I’m just not a big fan of the system they have in this game.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Dueling, one on one trade and gear inspection. Have you ever even read these forums.

Any time someone says dueling, the resistance to it in each thread is stabstantial. There are usually more people posting against dueling that for it. It’s not a universally desired feature by any means. I wouldn’t mind it if they made specific areas for it I never had to go near, but don’t think the crowd that are against it are wrong just because you can’t see their point of view. There’s an over all feeling from the crowd that doesn’t want it, that having it would encourage more people to play the game of the type we don’t want in our PvE. Many of us are not looking for a more competitive PvE experience in this game. And many of us have experienced dueling in other games, even games you can turn off requests in, where some kid dogs your stops, jumps up and down and starts dissing you in map chat because you won’t duel him. There are reasons people don’t want it in game and it’s not just to ruin your fun.

1v1 trading was the #1 way people got scammed in Guild Wars 1. Between that and the cash sink, it’s a good move. It takes cash out of the economy which helps control inflation.

Of all your suggestions op, gear check is by far the one that most doesn’t belong in this game. This game is all about the playerbase coming together. The design decisions made in the game were about allowing people to play as they want. Gear score has one affect and one affect only. It gives elitists the tools they need to be elitist in game. It sanctions their behavior.

It should never be allowed in Guild Wars 2, period.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


while ur on it add the DPS meter as well

Owner and creator of http://www.gw2score.com
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Open world dueling and the ability to inspect other’s gear adds less good to the game and more unsavory elements such as elitism and harassment. As well in WvW if you know before the fight begins that the runes/sigils your opponent is using and his gear set up you can easily avoid the fight or gank him or change your gear accordingly. Not knowing is a part of the mechanics of WvW.

Theftwind (HoD)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Dueling would be nice.

One on one trade might be nice, though it’s unnecessary. A better mail system for sending items to players would be cool.

Inspecting would be awful.

Stat progression on gear? Runs completely counter to the foundations of the game and only fuels a self-destructive cycle. No.

More armor skins obtained by playing would be cool. I’m forced to find little issue with Anet providing plenty of skins on the gem store, though; I think it’s one of the devils we have to accept if we want a B2P game.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Thank you for making yet another thread to request features that have not only been requested in the past but literally beaten to death by a very vocal minority. I am grateful that you put in the request for these three features within a single thread so it makes it easier to say:


What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


No thanks to any of those suggestions.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

My feelings? It does not need to be said over and over again. There’s a reason these things are not in-game.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


Dueling, one on one trade and gear inspection. Have you ever even read these forums.

Any time someone says dueling, the resistance to it in each thread is stabstantial. There are usually more people posting against dueling that for it. It’s not a universally desired feature by any means. I wouldn’t mind it if they made specific areas for it I never had to go near, but don’t think the crowd that are against it are wrong just because you can’t see their point of view. There’s an over all feeling from the crowd that doesn’t want it, that having it would encourage more people to play the game of the type we don’t want in our PvE. Many of us are not looking for a more competitive PvE experience in this game. And many of us have experienced dueling in other games, even games you can turn off requests in, where some kid dogs your stops, jumps up and down and starts dissing you in map chat because you won’t duel him. There are reasons people don’t want it in game and it’s not just to ruin your fun.

1v1 trading was the #1 way people got scammed in Guild Wars 1. Between that and the cash sink, it’s a good move. It takes cash out of the economy which helps control inflation.

Of all your suggestions op, gear check is by far the one that most doesn’t belong in this game. This game is all about the playerbase coming together. The design decisions made in the game were about allowing people to play as they want. Gear score has one affect and one affect only. It gives elitists the tools they need to be elitist in game. It sanctions their behavior.

It should never be allowed in Guild Wars 2, period.

Well said, Vayne, you are speaking every words in my mind.

I guess “What Needs To Be Said Over Again and Again” is NO to Open world dueling, Gear inspector, 1 to 1 trading.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


They don’t need one-on-one trading. They just need to have a C.O.D. option for the mail. That would sort that problem out. If such a feature is even needed at all.

As for the other two… don’t need it don’t want it.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


They don’t need one-on-one trading. They just need to have a C.O.D. option for the mail. That would sort that problem out. If such a feature is even needed at all.

As for the other two… don’t need it don’t want it.

Wouldn’t a COD feature be the same as p2p trading??

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I played quite a lot of other games, dunno if I’m a refugee though. I don’t really know why you think this game isn’t for me. I like most things about it, but I don’t think you’d like to read 5+ posts about how awesome this game is. If you do, I will start working on it.

Because you basically want to change it to a completely different game?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I would not mind to a duel on a pve map, would be fun.
But seriously this game needs some work besides LS….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Tagus Eleuthera.7305

I find myself agreeing with many of these points to some degree… except for the lfg tool criticism. That thing is about as simple and flawless as I can imagine.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


Again duels are fine, in the mists. There is a mechanic specifically designed for just that. Just not in PvE anywhere.

Maybe I missed it, but afaik there is no option to 1v1 duel people in the mists.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Fun facts:
- gear progression is already in the game (Ascended is hands down BiS)
- 1v1 is cool, no idea whats with the whining, but it should not really be a priority
- people get scammed even without a one-on-one trade option (as nicely demonstrated by a thread in this forum section I read recently); if anything, Anet removed it so they don’t have to deal with extra tickets, but it was a step backwards to remove such a practical feature

Some of the arguments against the OP are just so laughable I don’t even feel like commenting on them individually (dueling is supposed to be bad because randoms might whine if you refuse a duel? really? )

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darklight.5047


Ah, I see what you mean by gear progression. Unfortunately, I’m not sure either method would be particularly embraced by GW2.

1) Exclusive looks… well… that tends to draw ire on both sides of the issue. I, for one, really am not particularly enamored with the idea of “exclusive” armor skins (like Account Bound things). I’m really not the slightest bit concerned with how someone got their look, and honestly, there are times where I’d rather just crack open my wallet and pay $10 either for a skin in the gem store, or transferring it to gold and buying it off the trading post rather than spend hours grinding it out.

Call that lazy if you want, I really don’t care.

On top of that, you’d be amazed how varied opinions are on what “looks good.” Horizontal prestige armors like you suggest wouldn’t have any guarantee of hitting the target for even a sizable amount of players, even less if there were “tiers” of progression that they had to jump through to get to the level they want.

It would fall victim to the same failing that instanced raid content does in other MMOs; fewer and fewer people engaged to the point that you’re wasting resources on content that only a handful of players will be interested in.

2) Considering the absolute seething and near violent rage that erupted just by the small increase in stats Ascended gear provides, continuing down that path of vertical progression would almost assuredly kill the game. I know I’d quit.

1) What about sets in the theme of the instance? Have an instance where the ground breaks open under your feet, which you have to dodge, and drop gear with lava effects to just name an example

2) I agree with this. A game which advertises with ‘no gear progression’ may aswell have no gear progression, but this is just not the case.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRyftLord.5820


- people get scammed even without a one-on-one trade option (as nicely demonstrated by a thread in this forum section I read recently); if anything, Anet removed it so they don’t have to deal with extra tickets, but it was a step backwards to remove such a practical feature

Are people missing the fact that you can just mail things to other players? .-.

(edited by TheRyftLord.5820)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


They don’t need one-on-one trading. They just need to have a C.O.D. option for the mail. That would sort that problem out. If such a feature is even needed at all.

As for the other two… don’t need it don’t want it.

If C.O.D. mail system is created:

1) it will create the same issue of old GW1, player will spam WTS on world chat.

2) TP works as a gold sink by taxing, if there is a C.O.D. mail, player still should pay the same or more tax than the TP to avoid players skipping the gold sink mechanics.

Therefore it is not necessary imo.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


- people get scammed even without a one-on-one trade option (as nicely demonstrated by a thread in this forum section I read recently); if anything, Anet removed it so they don’t have to deal with extra tickets, but it was a step backwards to remove such a practical feature

AreaNet disabled trading with other players so that transactions would only be secure when processed through the Trading Post. This was to keep gold relevant to their economy. In Guild Wars 1, players traded items; not gold. By removing the trade window, the Trading Post becomes the primary means of carrying out transactions. Furthermore, from their point of view, it’s healthy for the game since it’s removing gold from the system due to the TP’s cut of the profits. Remember, gold generation has a direct influence over the price of gems which are ArenaNet’s primary source of income.

Think of the TP as a way for them to destroy tons of gold, and as long as it keeps doing that it keeps gold precious. Inflation occurs when gold generation outpaces gold sinks. Selling items on the TP is not gold generation, but looting gold off of a creature or at the end of a dungeon is.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Gold generation has a direct influence in overall inflation of goods on the TP. Gold generation has an indirect influence over the price of gems because it only matters when players use it to buy gems. Only buying gems with gold drives up the price.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


- people get scammed even without a one-on-one trade option (as nicely demonstrated by a thread in this forum section I read recently); if anything, Anet removed it so they don’t have to deal with extra tickets, but it was a step backwards to remove such a practical feature

Are people missing the fact that you can just mail things to other players? .-.

Point being? The scam happened via mail under a false pretext of profit, iirc.

- people get scammed even without a one-on-one trade option (as nicely demonstrated by a thread in this forum section I read recently); if anything, Anet removed it so they don’t have to deal with extra tickets, but it was a step backwards to remove such a practical feature

AreaNet disabled trading with other players so that transactions would only be secure when processed through the Trading Post. This was to keep gold relevant to their economy. In Guild Wars 1, players traded items; not gold. By removing the trade window, the Trading Post becomes the primary means of carrying out transactions. Furthermore, from their point of view, it’s healthy for the game since it’s removing gold from the system due to the TP’s cut of the profits. Remember, gold generation has a direct influence over the price of gems which are ArenaNet’s primary source of income.

Think of the TP as a way for them to destroy tons of gold, and as long as it keeps doing that it keeps gold precious. Inflation occurs when gold generation outpaces gold sinks. Selling items on the TP is not gold generation, but looting gold off of a creature or at the end of a dungeon is.

You’d trade anything you wanted in GW, including gold (well platinum). It was just more convenient to trade items, especially when dealing with highly expensive items.
I agree with the rest, I suppose.
Though from what I’ve been reading, the game economy is not in a very good shape atm with gold-to-gem ratio constantly soaring together with the prices of BiS/popular items.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.7523


They have to fix auction house. You cant even search for specifically heavy armor, light armor, medium armor. Or anything. If I want to buy some skin, I cant search for them, I have to know their names. So I have to find all skins on google, and then copy and paste that name in to auction house.
And what if I want to buy some dye that I dont have? You cant search like that. Auction house just shows you all the things that you have and you dont have.
And the lag in auction house, how slow it is… you have to wait 1 or 2 seconds just to go on another page… Well at least give us option to show 100 items at once if you have to wait 1 or 2 seconds to go on another page…
What are developers doing? Are they even trying to develop this game?
Guild Wars 2 looks like its in alpha state. Common at least write on your store that this game is still in alpha because you are misleading people.

If you want to trade with someone, well messaging people with more than 3 mails suspends you, Where is the exchange button ? To open the window and exchange the items ? If someone wants to exchange things you have to do it in 5min instead of instant.

What Needs To Be Said Over And Over Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Civilis.2547


1) What about sets in the theme of the instance? Have an instance where the ground breaks open under your feet, which you have to dodge, and drop gear with lava effects to just name an example

Yeah! You could have, like, catacombs from old Ascalon! And the items you’d get would look kinda like the armor and weapons the ghosts had! Or you could have a citadel that belongs to the Flame Legion! And the weapons and armor would have a fire effect!

Sorry for the snark… too obvious to resist. Seriously, your idea seems too close to the current dungeon token system. I understand liking random drops instead of tokens, but I’ve seen too much RNG wackiness to prefer that to the token system.

The other issue is that any elite gear would turn out to be too much like the current legendaries. I know if I see someone with a legendary weapon, that person A) likely put a lot of time and work into getting it and has a lot more tolerance for flash and sparkles than I do. True, legendaries can be bought with money, but having an alt-legendary requiring content to unlock will also turn up the same way, as people will just use money to pay for assistance unlocking like they pay for dungeon runs.