What are devs working on ?
The devs are probably working on that Husk Minipet that i requested a month ago here!
It is less Company Policies, and more Company Policing. We used to have some fun, energetic, vocal and interesting people to talk to (see: Josh Foreman)
But it seems whenever someone over there wants to talk, someone higher up pulls out the duct tape, and who knows whatever else behind the curtains to stop them…maybe even being fearful of keeping their job or not, or how their job will be effected (see: Martin Kerstein)
This Company Policy seems incredibly inclusive and anti-transparency, like they are actively trying to stop us from knowing anything ever…
If this was some fictional fantasy setting, the GW2 community are now part of a city-state, and Arena Net are the black veiled government abducting people and killing ideas behind the shadows. :P (ok maybe that was a little strong >.>)
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
So are we ever going to get any of this ?
After the end of the tournaments, the game will be the same since it was released!
Players really want:
New Dungeons/Fractals
New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
PvP modes/maps
Guild Halls (GvG)
New Legendaries
New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
Precursor Crafting
Its easy to see that Anet wont stop with the livingstory , So this means we are never going to see anything of that list ?? because of the lack of time to develop all the original main areas of the game ? maybe confirming that you no longer are interested in those areas would put an end to all this endless forum rage and complains .
So are we ever going to get any of this ?
————————————————————————————————————————————————————-After the end of the tournaments, the game will be the same since it was released!
Players really want:
New Dungeons/Fractals
New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
PvP modes/maps
Guild Halls (GvG)
New Legendaries
New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
Precursor Crafting
Its easy to see that Anet wont stop with the livingstory , So this means we are never going to see anything of that list ?? because of the lack of time to develop all the original main areas of the game ? maybe confirming that you no longer are interested in those areas would put an end to all this endless forum rage and complains .
Except that they can’t tell you any of that, because if they did, you’d stop buying gems.
So are we ever going to get any of this ?
————————————————————————————————————————————————————-After the end of the tournaments, the game will be the same since it was released!
Players really want:
New Dungeons/Fractals
New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
PvP modes/maps
Guild Halls (GvG)
New Legendaries
New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
Precursor Crafting
Its easy to see that Anet wont stop with the livingstory , So this means we are never going to see anything of that list ?? because of the lack of time to develop all the original main areas of the game ? maybe confirming that you no longer are interested in those areas would put an end to all this endless forum rage and complains .
to be honest this is the wrong question, because the answer is they definately want to work on those things and intend to.
when time permits
What you really want to know is when you will see some major developments on those fronts, and the current stance is, they wont tell you about anything like that whether one way or another
Now that China has launched we’ve freed up a lot of development resources back to get to those things. We also have a lot of people at ArenaNet and you’ve only seen what some them are working on this last year or two. Since we can’t share a road map of what they’re doing per our company policy, all I can answer is I hope when we’re able to show you what all we’ve been doing in total someday in the future – you’re as excited as we are about it.
Does this mean you are working on something much bigger then just LS2 and feature packs?
Now that China has launched we’ve freed up a lot of development resources back to get to those things. We also have a lot of people at ArenaNet and you’ve only seen what some them are working on this last year or two. Since we can’t share a road map of what they’re doing per our company policy, all I can answer is I hope when we’re able to show you what all we’ve been doing in total someday in the future – you’re as excited as we are about it.
I’ll keep that one in mind!
Some updates were, let’s face it, pretty bad/useless, while the quality of the game has made a huge step forward with LS2. Therefore, I assume if more people are into the same things, we might see interesting things upcoming.
Also, kudos for the new communication surge, it’s much appreciated.
Son of Elonia.
After the end of the tournaments, the game will be the same since it was released!
Sorry, I call BS….game has many significant changes since 2 years ago.
You might not like them all nor they might not be what you “wanted”, but it HAS changed and LOTS of content has been released.
Blatant exaggeration in these complaint threads are half the problem with “communications” around here. If you are going to post a “rant” try starting it without building your entire post on a flat out lie.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
They have to be working on an expansion and it’s taking longer than expected. It’s the only reason I can see on why it’s taking so long for new content to be released.
After the end of the tournaments, the game will be the same since it was released!
…..Sorry, I call BS….game has many significant changes since 2 years ago.
You might not like them all nor they might not be what you “wanted”, but it HAS changed and LOTS of content has been released.
Blatant exaggeration in these complaint threads are half the problem with “communications” around here. If you are going to post a “rant” try starting it without building your entire post on a flat out lie.
Nope. The content I wanted wasn’t added. Therefore, NO changes have been made. How dare you suggest otherwise!
Seriously though, completely agree with you.
They have to be working on an expansion and it’s taking longer than expected. It’s the only reason I can see on why it’s taking so long for new content to be released.
I do recall reading an article that NCSoft have given ANet the “Go Ahead” / Funding for an expansion, but then heard nothing more on it… So it is more than possible that they have a large section of the team working on an expansion and the Living World team are there to provide us with a little bit of content to keep us preoccupied (and in most cases, complaining.) To distract us from what is really going on.
I’m hoping this is the case and ANet are reading the forum complaints and haters and just sitting there thinking “LMAO… If only you knew. MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!”
Who knows!?
… it’s taking so long for new content to be released.
What new content? Examples are fine, I would like to better understand what hasn’t been added.
What are we working on right now? Feature Pack 2 (in ~two more weeks), Season 2 of the Living World (coming back this fall), the WvW Fall Tournament, and the World Tournament Series PvP global tournament are just some of the things we are currently working on that we can tell you about right now.
After the end of the tournaments, the game will be the same since it was released!
Players really want:
- New Dungeons/Fractals
- New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
- PvP modes/maps
- Guild Halls (GvG)
- New Legendaries
- New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
- Precursor Crafting
Please, stop tournaments and living story, We want more permanent content!
We’ve spent years asking and you don’t listen us!Thanks for reading and responding.
Why are you complaining… WvW has been waiting for this WvW Feature Pack for over a year and we get a Hue Change on Commander tags, a siege mastery line that wasn’t needed, and a freaking grenade. No QoL changes that we have needed forever. In the WvW CDI we talked about different color tags, visibility to guild only, enhanced squad commands, enhanced commander commands, etc.
The chance to get an ascended in WvW is horrible, Badges of Honor are hard to come by if you do not play in Edge of the Mist… Ascended and Exotic backpieces cannot be gotten in WvW. They have 1 guy working on WvW and that is only when he isn’t working on PvE crap. That is the WvW Team, 1 guy.
… it’s taking so long for new content to be released.
What new content? Examples are fine, I would like to better understand what hasn’t been added.
more than 2 new skills per class
new weapons per proffession
more than 2 new maps
new proffesions
new dungeons
more than 5 new traits per class
lots of dynamic event chains
new game modes
more difficult content (because people who keep playing tend to improve at it)
basically an evolved version of all the type of things that were introduced on release of the game, and some new things that werent there
especially since this year started really little has been added, first year had a couple big ones like fractals, guild missions, a number of new jumping puzzles, and some dynamic events.
i understand that you are satisfied, but most players expect, within 2 years to get some order of content on the level of a GW1 campaign/expansion or FFXI WoW expansion.
I think Anet’s Company Policy should change and talk a lot more about what they’re doing. Marvel Heroes for example; I like how they make “in development” post all the time and pretty much lay out most of the major things they’re planning for the next 2 years pretty much. o.O GW2 makes me feel like I have nothing to look forward to or plan ahead for when I’m left in the dark all the time.
… it’s taking so long for new content to be released.
What new content? Examples are fine, I would like to better understand what hasn’t been added.
more than 2 new skills per class
new weapons per proffession
more than 2 new maps
new proffesions
new dungeons
more than 5 new traits per class
lots of dynamic event chains
new game modes
more difficult content (because people who keep playing tend to improve at it)basically an evolved version of all the type of things that were introduced on release of the game, and some new things that werent there
especially since this year started really little has been added, first year had a couple big ones like fractals, guild missions, a number of new jumping puzzles, and some dynamic events.
i understand that you are satisfied, but most players expect, within 2 years to get some order of content on the level of a GW1 campaign/expansion or FFXI WoW expansion.
And I would call those players unrealistic.
New skills would be nice, if there weren’t already balances made every update and threads clamoring for bug fixes. They can wait.
I agree, underwater could use a new weapon or two, but I can’t think of an appropriate item. But I’ve heard there’s even more balancing/bug issues there, and they removed my favorite SPvP map because of it.
Now you’re just being silly, we’ve had at least half a dozen new maps.
More professions, huh, just pile them on, the bugs and balances will just fix themselves if they reach a critical mass.
We’ve had a few new dungeons, too, c’mon now, this list isn’t standing up.
I am patiently waiting for new Traits, they clearly didn’t want to just toss new ones at us and are playing with the idea of unlocking them. I think we’ll get more, but they’ll likely compound the bugs and balances.
I remember reading that they added some simple Dynamic Events quite a while ago and they went unnoticed. In my experience, most people can’t be asked to stick around for a chain unless it’s a World Boss. So that’s pretty demoralizing.
More modes in SPvP would be nice, I’m waiting on that. Seems like they’re testing the waters with that Team Deathmatch they introduced.
There’s definitely harder content being introduced, quite recently but not only just.. Now? If the difficulty is just ramped up, it’ll fall into exclusive territory and this is an inclusive game. So players will have to acclimate.
And who told you this lie that I’m “satisfied”? You’ve erred greatly in this understanding.
To put it simply… you cant break promises you never make.
Unfortunately for you Anet, you can no longer fulfill any either with this policy. Silence gives me nothing to look forward to and really… no base to rebuild trust on.
… you cant break promises you never make.
This is true, I support this statement.
… you cant break promises you never make.
This is true, I support this statement.
Carrots on a stick
Yes, ANet loves empty words
This is all we get
Dont forget an official GvG option. I wouldnt mind an instanced OS with spectator mode enabled, at least it would be something.
… you cant break promises you never make.
This is true, I support this statement.
Carrots on a stick
Yes, ANet loves empty words
This is all we get
Is that haiku on purpose?
… you cant break promises you never make.
This is true, I support this statement.
Carrots on a stick
Yes, ANet loves empty words
This is all we getIs that haiku on purpose?
maby you should than not make a blogpost with things you will give us this year BUT
a blogpost with things you work on
i guess people would be happy to read things like: we work on housing but far from release, we have 3 dungeons in beta status, we had to restart work on precursor crafting and its back to alpha status ………
something like this
That would also break the company policy of what we’re allowed to discuss in regards of what is in development
Though I wonder if we went a little more broad and kept a rolling “top categorical issues” the community team communicated or owned that summarizing high level things the development team is aware of and might or might not be working on, but see’s as core fundamental issues to address, and players just had constant brainstorm threads on those topics – if it’d at least get us halfway there.
You know Colin, this is kinda funny, considering fractals and dungeons have been ruled out from the recent interviews. So either this new project(s) you are working on are completely revolutionary or there is nothing being worked on besides the Living Story, and we all know how successful that has been so far.
Take companies like Blizzard, they announce months ahead for even minor changes or content being added. There is info about content patches also months in advance before they are released. Usually the community there is fully aware of what’s being worked on instead of being completely in the dark.
Any average player who read the interviews last weekend when asked what they think Anet is working on will give the following 2 answers:
- I have no idea
- They are working on nothing
Now you tell me Colin, how does this whole mess look like in the eyes of the player base?
If all they have is Living Story, then I’m done for good.
Players really want:
- New Dungeons/Fractals
- New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
- PvP modes/maps
- Guild Halls (GvG)
- New Legendaries
- New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
- Precursor Crafting
Actually, I don’t want any of those things. I do want Living Story.
These are the venomous threads that make sure Anet will never be open about what they ARE doing….good job.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Players really want:
- New Dungeons/Fractals
- New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
- PvP modes/maps
- Guild Halls (GvG)
- New Legendaries
- New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
- Precursor Crafting
Actually, I don’t want any of those things. I do want Living Story.
Guess what? People aren’t asking them to stop doing LS, you literally would lose NOTHING.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
Players really want:
- New Dungeons/Fractals
- New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
- PvP modes/maps
- Guild Halls (GvG)
- New Legendaries
- New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
- Precursor Crafting
Actually, I don’t want any of those things. I do want Living Story.
Guess what? People aren’t asking them to stop doing LS, you literally would lose NOTHING.
Developers time is a limited resource. As one basketball coach said when asked why player X doesn’t get more time, “who do you want me to pull out to put that player in?”
RIP City of Heroes
Any average player who read the interviews last weekend when asked what they think Anet is working on will give the following 2 answers:
- I have no idea
- They are working on nothingNow you tell me Colin, how does this whole mess look like in the eyes of the player base?
Answer three: “Another game.”
At NO point have they said that this “big stuff” they’re working on has anything to do with GW2.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
@Colin … one word…. EXPANTION … period. It’s been asked so many times it’s actually funny how desperately ppl want to throw money at u and u don’t seem to want to accept it.
For a guaranteed successful mmo model…LIVING STORY should be considered a BUFFER (nothing more) between major expansions. LS should NOT be considered the only type of content we receive because it’s simply not enough..altho LS2 is 10x better then what we got in LS1.
Game release – LS – Game expansion – LS – Game expansion and so on.
This way u not only give us a ton of content in one go which will keep us playing and discovering, but u also give us small stories/content like LS provides us now to make the time between large expansions not seem so painful.
Anything other then this i am personally 101% positive will never satisfy the community however much u work on it.
Players really want:
- New Dungeons/Fractals
- New Dungeon/Fractal Rewards
- PvP modes/maps
- Guild Halls (GvG)
- New Legendaries
- New Weapon and Armor skins (No RNG)
- Precursor Crafting
Actually, I don’t want any of those things. I do want Living Story.
Guess what? People aren’t asking them to stop doing LS, you literally would lose NOTHING.
What rock have you been hiding under? Plenty of people on the forums have asked (or demanded) that the Living Story be stopped for something else.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
If all they have is Living Story, then I’m done for good.
You keep saying that. Hope you put your money where your mouth is. Your posts aren’t constructive at all. They’re doomsaying negativity that frankly no one needs. You’re not even helping your own cause.
What rock have you been hiding under? Plenty of people on the forums have asked (or demanded) that the Living Story be stopped for something else.
Actually most people haven’t. Most people are asking for MORE, as in New Skills, New Races, Many New Zones, New Legendaries, New Dungeons, etc. You know, stuff that is usually in an Expansion(most of the people I have seen asking for this would happily pay for it myself included). I also understand that maybe they don’t have to resources to do both, but I wonder how that is. The last time we heard there was only around 20 people working on the LS at any 1 time. I know there are a lot of non dev workers at Anet, but still Anet has over 300 people working for them, where is the real content? 2 New Zones, 2 New traits for every class, “2” New healing skills, and Fractals. 2 years and this is what we have? Yes there have been new “features” added, and stuff have been replaced(not new), but EVERY game has stuff like this added.
Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m posting anymore because I’ve given up on this game. I’m only here till I find something better(sadly ArcheAge isn’t very good imo). I know I’m not going to change the minds of the people who think Anet can do no wrong. I know my guild and I won’t be here any longer than till a better game comes around, which is sad for me because I love many many things about GW2, but I also can’t play the same stuff for years and years again(I already had to do that in GW1 while waiting for this game).
Edit: Also EoTM was added(6 months to create a single map makes me sad)
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
(edited by sirflamesword.3896)
Didn’t you get the memo, this is a PvP focused ESport game!
If you disagree then Anet wants you to leave.
They care far more about living story than they ever have about sPvP, let alone WvW.
Please, stop tournaments and living story, We want more permanent content!
We’ve spent years asking and you don’t listen us!Thanks for reading and responding.
Please don’t.
I don’t think much of the WvW tournaments because they’re being run on a broken game mode, but the living story releases over the past two months have been very popular with a bunch of old fans I know. Actually brought them back to the game.
Not that a more diverse range of new activities wouldn’t be appreciated – I’d like to see ANet put some effort into things like the guild halls, home instance and even those minigame areas that have been sitting blocked off since launch. But all this is content I’d want to see being developed on the side at whatever pace is realistic, not developed instead of the main story which is really the only engine giving GW2 a sense of movement at this point in time.
Dry Top might not have been everyone’s cup of tea but it was kitten good to see a new map again. Even if it’s a daily reminder that charr footprints are still facing backwards.
What rock have you been hiding under? Plenty of people on the forums have asked (or demanded) that the Living Story be stopped for something else.
Actually most people haven’t. Most people are asking for MORE, as in New Skills, New Races, Many New Zones, New Legendaries, New Dungeons, etc. You know, stuff that is usually in an Expansion(most of the people I have seen asking for this would happily pay for it myself included). I also understand that maybe they don’t have to resources to do both, but I wonder how that is. The last time we heard there was only around 20 people working on the LS at any 1 time. I know there are a lot of non dev workers at Anet, but still Anet has over 300 people working for them, where is the real content? 2 New Zones, 2 New traits for every class, “2” New healing skills, and Fractals. 2 years and this is what we have? Yes there have been new “features” added, and stuff have been replaced(not new), but EVERY game has stuff like this added.
Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m posting anymore because I’ve given up on this game. I’m only here till I find something better(sadly ArcheAge isn’t very good imo). I know I’m not going to change the minds of the people who think Anet can do no wrong. I know my guild and I won’t be here any longer than till a better game comes around, which is sad for me because I love many many things about GW2, but I also can’t play the same stuff for years and years again(I already had to do that in GW1 while waiting for this game).
Edit: Also EoTM was added(6 months to create a single map makes me sad)
Plenty, not most. I wouldn’t know what most people want, only what the some people who post on the forums want.
I have to agree that now, after two years, a few more things could have been added. I’m hoping that some of those extra staff are balance people who are working on traits and skills. These could be added during the LS and not have to wait for Feature Packs. I feel like I’m marking time at the moment and I don’t play for as long as I used to, but I’m still having fun here and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
The company policy about communication will not change, but what about the implementation policy: we have a plenty of lists of feature and content wishes; how about taking them as your roadmap?
(And sure ANet thinks how to get money from this game: I have purchased gems and feel good in doing so – not because of the purchased virtual products, but because my money hopefully keeps ANet developing this game or GW3. Buy gems!)
Add: If the wishlists are taken as roadmaps, then we need not hear what they are working on because we know it already…
This here all of it i think its pointless Colin not gonna care to listen and im struggling to understand why they wanna sink their game when they already got content as expansion done in background and still not for sale maybe china dunno but this here is not in favor of the player base people are LEAVING gw 2 Colin wake up !!!
This here all of it i think its pointless Colin not gonna care to listen and im struggling to understand why they wanna sink their game when they already got content as expansion done in background and still not for sale maybe china dunno but this here is not in favor of the player base people are LEAVING gw 2 Colin wake up !!!
I bet he is laughing hard because everyone impatiently so nervous and want to see what they have hands on. :]
off topic – players are leaving to games with more clunky" combat becouse it has much more mechanics and freedom, think that’s a serious problem in terms of future to a product to compete off where its engine doesn’t handle much besides new instance map and new skins (tablet games can do that to), like i said in a thread its way to much theme park.
Their to do list must be really huge, also gw2 is a fork, to achieve the level of some mmo’s would require huge work reason they must have to explore a better way to deliver something for both sides i.e devs working on game and players playing.
The problem i see in this game is that the company being it ncsoft or anet went on full graphics and forgot all about the mmorpg exploration of endless possibilities(as in game design) to hold players on the game.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
… it’s taking so long for new content to be released.
What new content? Examples are fine, I would like to better understand what hasn’t been added.
more than 2 new skills per class
new weapons per proffession
more than 2 new maps
new proffesions
new dungeons
more than 5 new traits per class
lots of dynamic event chains
new game modes
more difficult content (because people who keep playing tend to improve at it)basically an evolved version of all the type of things that were introduced on release of the game, and some new things that werent there
especially since this year started really little has been added, first year had a couple big ones like fractals, guild missions, a number of new jumping puzzles, and some dynamic events.
i understand that you are satisfied, but most players expect, within 2 years to get some order of content on the level of a GW1 campaign/expansion or FFXI WoW expansion.
And I would call those players unrealistic.
New skills would be nice, if there weren’t already balances made every update and threads clamoring for bug fixes. They can wait.
I agree, underwater could use a new weapon or two, but I can’t think of an appropriate item. But I’ve heard there’s even more balancing/bug issues there, and they removed my favorite SPvP map because of it.
Now you’re just being silly, we’ve had at least half a dozen new maps.
More professions, huh, just pile them on, the bugs and balances will just fix themselves if they reach a critical mass.
We’ve had a few new dungeons, too, c’mon now, this list isn’t standing up.
I am patiently waiting for new Traits, they clearly didn’t want to just toss new ones at us and are playing with the idea of unlocking them. I think we’ll get more, but they’ll likely compound the bugs and balances.
I remember reading that they added some simple Dynamic Events quite a while ago and they went unnoticed. In my experience, most people can’t be asked to stick around for a chain unless it’s a World Boss. So that’s pretty demoralizing.
More modes in SPvP would be nice, I’m waiting on that. Seems like they’re testing the waters with that Team Deathmatch they introduced.
There’s definitely harder content being introduced, quite recently but not only just.. Now? If the difficulty is just ramped up, it’ll fall into exclusive territory and this is an inclusive game. So players will have to acclimate.
And who told you this lie that I’m “satisfied”? You’ve erred greatly in this understanding.
why is it unrealistic to get what most other MMOs deliver within the first two years?
Waiting on balance and bug fixes to do anything, means never doing anything, keep in mind in two years some bugs havent been fixed from beta. Another two years before getting new skills/etc would probably be a very bad idea imo.
the new weapons probably wouldnt be underwater, because a great amount of people dont like underwater combat, and it wouldnt change the game much, because underwater is a pretty limited amount of content
we have had only 2 new maps southsun and dry top
we had no new dungeons, and one new path in one dungeon
we did have fractals, which imo is one of the best things they have done, so i will give them that.
as for balance/bugs before new proffesions, then you may as well wait forever, because their is still balance going on in WoW 10 or something years later. Waiting for perfect balance before making new classes is not really a thing that is done. Even look at fighting games, they add new charachters while alos rebalancing old charachters.
they did try to add new dynamic events, but they made them fairly self contained and random. The best dynamic events tell a story, or lead up to some interesting areas/events. And Even then they need some systems for tracking/lore unlocking in conjunction with dynamic events. To be honest dynamic events are one of their best features, and they have not really evolved the system very well at all. The world is actually using less/simpler dynamic events as time goes on.
they had really good expandable, evolvable idea and content on release and most of it has stagnated.
We don’t want you to “stay within company policies” – we want you to change the policy and communicate the direction you’re going in more.
Yup as I said, I’ll pass that feedback up the chain!
As for your company policy saying such, how about then with NCSoft, your own holding company, and investors issuing investment briefs that tend to bring up alleged expansions and create wild player expectations, this last time an investor just putting out there that NCSoft is indeed preparing an xpac for GW2 for 2015…
I’m holding my breath that’s why we don’t see the “fruits” yet of the entire ANet team (per your own words), that indeed you have about 100+ people dedicated to the first xpac which will actually be announced at some point during this autumn (or fall, as you call it)
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
We don’t want you to “stay within company policies” – we want you to change the policy and communicate the direction you’re going in more.
Yup as I said, I’ll pass that feedback up the chain!
As for your company policy saying such, how about then with NCSoft, your own holding company, and investors issuing investment briefs that tend to bring up alleged expansions and create wild player expectations, this last time an investor just putting out there that NCSoft is indeed preparing an xpac for GW2 for 2015…
I’m holding my breath that’s why we don’t see the “fruits” yet of the entire ANet team (per your own words), that indeed you have about 100+ people dedicated to the first xpac which will actually be announced at some point during this autumn (or fall, as you call it
honestly, your post shows a huge problem with this policy, it leads to more baseless expectations, and wild predictions. Left without any information, people will assume, and guess, thus creating expectations(the optimist), or on the other side giving the feeling expectations arent ever going to be met (the pessismist) both of which are bad for the reality of whatver is going on.
Both of which also have very little to do with the realities.
the realities.
This got me thinking: what would a reality TV show about game developers look like?