What are people doing in this game?
Welcome back. DR FotM and PVE imbalance happened.
Welcome back. DR FotM and PVE imbalance happened.
I don’t quite know what those acronyms mean… except for PVE :P
The people you are looking for are gone like you were.
People are more scattered than they used to be, but if you check out the daily events scattered around, you’ll find plenty of people. It also may depend on your server and the time of day you play. Some servers are busier than others. Fortunately, guesting in PVe is free, and you can pop over to any server you want for as long as you want.
My advice to you is fine a guild of like minded players. A reasonably sized guild so there are always people around.
In before all the people telling you that you just aren’t playing the game right or in the right area to see people because, based off their experiences, people are everywhere and you are wrong.
Ok then, the population has dropped fairly significantly. There’s just no other way to say it or sugar coat it. You can try switching to a higher pop server, i.e. a server in the top 5 for wvw. Personally, I am just killing time until FFXIV is re-released. After that, I’m Outtie 5000 again.
In before all the people telling you that you just aren’t playing the game right or in the right area to see people because, based off their experiences, people are everywhere and you are wrong.
Ok then, the population has dropped fairly significantly. There’s just no other way to say it or sugar coat it. You can try switching to a higher pop server, i.e. a server in the top 5 for wvw. Personally, I am just killing time until FFXIV is re-released. After that, I’m Outtie 5000 again.
You have zero evidence of this. It’s literally unprovable. And there are always trolls on forums (not suggesting that you are one of them), that love to come in and say how bad any game is doing.
But it doesn’t make it true.
People will give you the checklist which is:
Join a big guild
Only do the world event bosses
Only log in at peak hours
Only go to peak servers
Some will say the game is dying, some will say it’s continually growing, while neither camp can prove it is correct.
I don’t know if the game is dying or not, but the way the population density is currently, it certainly makes it feel that way.
People will give you the checklist which is:
Join a big guild
Only do the world event bosses
Only log in at peak hours
Only go to peak serversSome will say the game is dying, some will say it’s continually growing, while neither camp can prove it is correct.
I don’t know if the game is dying or not, but the way the population density is currently, it certainly makes it feel that way.
Here we go again. Every positive post must be met with someone saying the game is dying or the population is low (as opposed to spread out or focused in specific areas). Every single world event I go to is packed. Every one. Even ones that happen at the same time. Doesn’t matter the time of day. So a lot of people are obviously doing world events.
That means those same people aren’t all in other locations, like Orr. Orrs population has dropped, where other places have gotten busier.
I still get queues for WvW on my server. I still see giant zergs there. I still get put on overflow servers if I get to world events too late.
Star Wars Tor, six months after launch was forced to lay off half it’s staff. That’s the sign of an MMO not doing well. TSW in less time had to lay off a third of its staff. Both matters of public record. There has been no major layoffs from Anet, in fact they’re hiring. Server caps have been expanded.
I’m not sure why people are so anxious to prove a game is dying with no evidence to back it up.
I’m trying to get my dungeon master and maybe try to get into high level fotm.
That being said, pretty much every mmorpg in recent history suffer from huge population decline after it’s initial release.
I actually think GW2 is one of the few that have a stable population. Being B2P probably is the one crucial reason why GW2 is still holding on it’s player.
So I took a break from GW2 because of school but now I want to play again… Boy, things have changed. First of all, where is everyone? The lack of population is slightly disappointing…. I checked out WvW, and it doesn’t have the hoards of people I remembered. I went to heart of the mists and again…. no one. I see some large groups of people just standing around in the cities but I can’t really see anyone doing much… So really… what is everyone doing now?
Lot’s of people taking a break untill anet figures out what theyre doing is destroying their game…See the Arrowcarts Thread in the Wvwvw section for starters…
I don’t know what the people in this thread are smoking. I have been playing since BWE2 and it has never been more packed.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
I’m not sure why people are so anxious to prove a game is dying with no evidence to back it up.
Ya but Anet won’t release it’s current player population. You can’t prove GW2 didn’t loss a significant amount of players too.
I don’t know what the people in this thread are smoking. I have been playing since BWE2 and it has never been more packed.
Pve/pvp/Wvwvw 3 different things.Playerbase on my server is highly declining each day,less and less people show up in wvwvw.Its happening on more servers.
I’m not sure why people are so anxious to prove a game is dying with no evidence to back it up.
Ya but Anet won’t release it’s current player population. You can’t prove GW2 didn’t loss a significant amount of players too.
I’m not the one making the claim that the game has increased in population. Others are claiming it’s dying. In theory, they should have some proof before making that kind of claim. I’m simply saying those people have no proof.
Had I come on first and said the population is increasing, you’d have a point. All we know for sure is that Anet IS hiring (that’s a fact) and that server caps have been expanded (that’s a fact too).
Beyond those two facts, we know nothing. So in your opinion, does those two facts suggestion a dying population or a growing one?
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change some things if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change somethings if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
Guest on over to Tarnished Coast, and open your eyes. There are tons of people playing since launch who are still playing. There are plenty of people who left and came back and are now playing.
If you have no evidence, and you supposedly care about the game, why post something that’s detrimental?
I’m not sure why people are so anxious to prove a game is dying with no evidence to back it up.
Ya but Anet won’t release it’s current player population. You can’t prove GW2 didn’t loss a significant amount of players too.
I’m not the one making the claim that the game has increased in population. Others are claiming it’s dying. In theory, they should have some proof before making that kind of claim. I’m simply saying those people have no proof.
Had I come on first and said the population is increasing, you’d have a point. All we know for sure is that Anet IS hiring (that’s a fact) and that server caps have been expanded (that’s a fact too).
Beyond those two facts, we know nothing. So in your opinion, does those two facts suggestion a dying population or a growing one?
The truth is even if population is increased a few month ago don’t mean it is now.
The only time Blizzard release their diablo 3 population is right after their pvp patch. That’s the truth.
And what good is the server cap increase? A few full server don’t mean the rest of the server is in good population.
The truth is there is no concrete number to back it up. Too much sentimental talk and no real fact.
People will give you the checklist which is:
Join a big guild
Only do the world event bosses
Only log in at peak hours
Only go to peak serversSome will say the game is dying, some will say it’s continually growing, while neither camp can prove it is correct.
I don’t know if the game is dying or not, but the way the population density is currently, it certainly makes it feel that way.
Here we go again. Every positive post must be met with someone saying the game is dying or the population is low (as opposed to spread out or focused in specific areas). Every single world event I go to is packed. Every one. Even ones that happen at the same time. Doesn’t matter the time of day. So a lot of people are obviously doing world events.
That means those same people aren’t all in other locations, like Orr. Orrs population has dropped, where other places have gotten busier.
I still get queues for WvW on my server. I still see giant zergs there. I still get put on overflow servers if I get to world events too late.
Star Wars Tor, six months after launch was forced to lay off half it’s staff. That’s the sign of an MMO not doing well. TSW in less time had to lay off a third of its staff. Both matters of public record. There has been no major layoffs from Anet, in fact they’re hiring. Server caps have been expanded.
I’m not sure why people are so anxious to prove a game is dying with no evidence to back it up.
1. I didn’t say the game was dying.
2. I stated that the population density is a factor in why it seems dead.
3. There have been more and more and more unique posters recently with this exact same question, and only the same handful of people who have been acting as goalies saying “Everything is fine, move along” “Here’s what you need to do to make it feel populated” Without offering any real feedback or discussion.
4. I stated that world events are where the population is.
5. This statement makes no sense “Every single world event I go to is packed. Every one. Even ones that happen at the same time” How can you be a two or more world events at the same time?
6. You are on one of the most, if not the most, populated servers available iirc. So it will not be indicative of all servers.
7.Yes people are always at the WEB’s, that’s part of the problem. Or they are farming pent/shelt, or they are doing the flavor of the week. This does not help new players or players returning to a depopulated world where few are in the leveling areas because of design decisions.
8. Server caps have absolutely nothing…nothing… to do with world population. Servers are shown as full, very full by account creation, not by current population.
Anet is indeed hiring. Do you know how many? For what? And this has nothing to do with current server populations.
Current trends are these: New posters saying that they don’t see as much population in the world as before, more concentrated populations at WEB’s and farming areas and less population in leveling areas. This is happening.
Lastly, there is zero proof on either side about population health besides anecdotal evidence. I can say it’s growing, someone else can say it’s dying and neither can be proven without metrics neither side has. And box sales do not equal population.
(edited by killcannon.2576)
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change somethings if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
Guest on over to Tarnished Coast, and open your eyes. There are tons of people playing since launch who are still playing. There are plenty of people who left and came back and are now playing.
If you have no evidence, and you supposedly care about the game, why post something that’s detrimental?
Same response as always “Switch to the most populated servers” The whole place might be burning down around them, but the people in the room without smoke think that everything is great.
I agree with Vayne. The population may SEEM lower, because before everyone was hanging out in LA waiting for groups for dungeons since that was what most people did for money and loot. Now since Anet has added boss chest rares, most of the population has moved to those areas. Anet also added WvW progression which helped PvE servers (like GoM, the one i’m in), because our players finally started entering WvW!
The population has spread out more across the game, as opposed to being condensed in LA. Just find a good guild OP. I’m in a good one that has around 35-50 online at peak hours, so we always have something to do .
I agree with Vayne. The population may SEEM lower, because before everyone was hanging out in LA waiting for groups for dungeons since that was what most people did for money and loot. Now since Anet has added boss chest rares, most of the population has moved to those areas. Anet also added WvW progression which helped PvE servers (like GoM, the one i’m in), because our players finally started entering WvW!
The population has spread out more across the game, as opposed to being condensed in LA. Just find a good guild OP. I’m in a good one that has around 35-50 online at peak hours, so we always have something to do .
Do you not see that as the problem though? “Most of the population is at the world event bosses farming” What is the impression new players get? The world is dead. They don’t know about farming, they just want to experience the world. Too bad for them I suppose.
What a trolled thread (not saying that the OP is wrong for making it, just pointing out that there’s a lot of people arguing about population instead of giving advice to the OP).
It seems that in some servers the population decreased, in others increased.
You will probably meet most people in map events http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=212&langKey=en . While some servers are very big on WvW I’m guessing that yours isn’t. Try also searching the location of the next living story (that will start in 2 days), you might find a lot of people there. CoF and Fotm are very popular on my server – maybe that’s where your server population is too?
If your server did get depopulated, no worries, most of the PVE in the game is soloable, if you feel lonely I’m sure that your server still has some lively guilds, if joining a guild is not your thing you can always guest on a higher pop server for free (you can guest on 2 servers for free. What servers you’re guesting on reset every 24 hours), regarding running dungeons http://www.gw2lfg.com/ – team up with people from other servers (as long as people are from the same continent (NA or EU) you can party up and enter the same instance), if you really like WvW and that’s what you plan on doing with your time, I suggest asking the forums which are very WvW heavy servers, saving up the gems and transferring.
Also, I know that others already said that you will be asked this – but what time of the day was it that you were searching for people? 2 AM, 1PM and such seem very unpopular hours, population slightly picks up early in the morning and is normally at its highest in the early evening (around 6 to 11 PM).
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change somethings if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
Guest on over to Tarnished Coast, and open your eyes. There are tons of people playing since launch who are still playing. There are plenty of people who left and came back and are now playing.
If you have no evidence, and you supposedly care about the game, why post something that’s detrimental?
Same response as always “Switch to the most populated servers” The whole place might be burning down around them, but the people in the room without smoke think that everything is great.
But that’s how it is in all games. Even WoW has lower and higher population servers. Do you think WoW is dying with it’s ten million subscribers.
Yeah, go where the people are IS the answer. Staying where they’re not and then complaining no one is there is NOT the answer. I thought this was self-evident.
It’s like you’ve never played an MMO before. Every MMO has slow servers and busy ones. The people who like to play with other people migrate to the busy ones. It was like this in WoW, in Rift, in Lotro…the only exception are the games that had to close servers and only have one or two left.
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change some things if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
The reason people are offended is because most of the time no one is suggesting improvements to the game. They come on the forums and rant, or if not a rant, they just want to let others know how horrible they think this game is. There is a difference between venting frustrations and giving constructive criticism.
What a troll thread.
It seems that in some servers the population decreased, in other increased.
You will probably meet most people in map events http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=212&langKey=en . While some servers are very big on WvW I’m guessing that yours isn’t. Try also searching the location of the next living story (that will start in 2 days), you might find a lot of people there. CoF and Fotm are very popular on my servers – maybe that’s where your server population is too?
If your server did get depopulated, no worries, most of the PVE in the game is soloable, if you feel lonely I’m sure that your server still has some lively guilds, if joining a guild is not your thing you can always guest on a higher pop server for free (you can guest on 2 servers for free. What servers you’re guesting on reset every 24 hours), regarding running dungeons http://www.gw2lfg.com/ – team up with people from other servers(as long as people are from the same continent (NA or EU) you can party up and enter the same instance), if you really like WvW and that’s what you plan on doing with your time, I suggest asking the forums which are very WvW heavy servers, saving up the gems and transferring.
Also, I know that others already said that you will be asked this – but what time of the day was it that you were searching for people? 2 AM, 1PM and such seem very unpopular hours, population slightly picks up early in the morning and is normally at its highest in the early evening (around 6 to 11 PM).
Here’s the checklist again
Peak server
Peak time
World event boss area
Join a big Guild
And even throws out the troll comment.
Arenanet just has they’re priorities messed up and their game is suffering for it. They’re focusing too much on their gem store, the (boring) living story, and PvP. They’re not keeping up with their game as well as they should be, and the population of players is definitely reflecting this.
What a troll thread.
It seems that in some servers the population decreased, in other increased.
You will probably meet most people in map events http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=212&langKey=en . While some servers are very big on WvW I’m guessing that yours isn’t. Try also searching the location of the next living story (that will start in 2 days), you might find a lot of people there. CoF and Fotm are very popular on my servers – maybe that’s where your server population is too?
If your server did get depopulated, no worries, most of the PVE in the game is soloable, if you feel lonely I’m sure that your server still has some lively guilds, if joining a guild is not your thing you can always guest on a higher pop server for free (you can guest on 2 servers for free. What servers you’re guesting on reset every 24 hours), regarding running dungeons http://www.gw2lfg.com/ – team up with people from other servers(as long as people are from the same continent (NA or EU) you can party up and enter the same instance), if you really like WvW and that’s what you plan on doing with your time, I suggest asking the forums which are very WvW heavy servers, saving up the gems and transferring.
Also, I know that others already said that you will be asked this – but what time of the day was it that you were searching for people? 2 AM, 1PM and such seem very unpopular hours, population slightly picks up early in the morning and is normally at its highest in the early evening (around 6 to 11 PM).Here’s the checklist again
Peak server
Peak time
World event boss area
Join a big GuildAnd even throws out the troll comment.
And again, peak servers make sense, because even WoW has slow/dead servers. Every MMO has them, unless they only have a couple of servers.
Joining a big guild makes sense too. If someone has a problem, I suggestion solutions. You suggest they stay where they are and suffer.
Good plan.
I agree with Vayne. The population may SEEM lower, because before everyone was hanging out in LA waiting for groups for dungeons since that was what most people did for money and loot. Now since Anet has added boss chest rares, most of the population has moved to those areas. Anet also added WvW progression which helped PvE servers (like GoM, the one i’m in), because our players finally started entering WvW!
The population has spread out more across the game, as opposed to being condensed in LA. Just find a good guild OP. I’m in a good one that has around 35-50 online at peak hours, so we always have something to do .Do you not see that as the problem though? “Most of the population is at the world event bosses farming” What is the impression new players get? The world is dead. They don’t know about farming, they just want to experience the world. Too bad for them I suppose.
How was it any better before? People were farming dungeons and Orr, staying in LA and CS. Anet wanted to spread the population to the other parts of the game, which they are still working on. Doesn’t necessarily mean the games dead. It means they are trying to spread everyone out so they can experience all the content.
Correct ^ – No-one can prove anything. But the anecdotal evidence is there sure enough. My guild chat is normally just “Maw is up” – “Jormag is UP” etc all day. I havent seen anyone run a dungeon other than CoF or FoTM in months. Largest guild gatherings are on Sundays when we do guild missions and after that its just the same people all the time…of which there are less. Even the guild master quit.
Theres nothing fun about Jormag or any of the other events when you already did them 27 bazillion times. And I actually have to turn the sound off if I go to Orr because the mob sound effects “DEATH…GOOD!” actuallly make me want to commit murder. Same for the Dredge fractal….“Ikkit”……AAAAAARGH…SHUT UP!!!!!!! With the added annoyance that you have 20 Veteran mobs permastunning you while you bounce round the floor like a rag doll, completely helpless because you used up your next to useless stability abilities on the first two.. Does anyone actually enjoy that?
And for every person that says “go play the game”, “go explore” or any other such contrite nonsense it makes me want to kill a kitten (and I love kittens).. Thats right, I actually typed “kitten” ..its not a result of the ridiculous profanity filter. So you come on the forum to complain (in the genuine hope that something will be done about the issues you have) and you get infracted because “threads that complain are not constructive”?
Fun. With a capital F.
I don’t know pricer….my guild still runs dungeons and fractals. Not sure why yours doesn’t. And of course tons of people ran the MF dungeon fairly often. So maybe they’re not in fractals or AC, but are you seriously suggesting your guild wasn’t running MF?
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
Correct ^ – No-one can prove anything. But the anecdotal evidence is there sure enough. My guild chat is normally just “Maw is up” – “Jormag is UP” etc all day. I havent seen anyone run a dungeon other than CoF or FoTM in months. Largest guild gatherings are on Sundays when we do guild missions and after that its just the same people all the time…of which there are less. Even the guild master quit.
Theres nothing fun about Jormag or any of the other events when you already did them 27 bazillion times. And I actually have to turn the sound off if I go to Orr because the mob sound effects “DEATH…GOOD!” actuallly make me want to commit murder. Same for the Dredge fractal….“Ikkit”……AAAAAARGH…SHUT UP!!!!!!! With the added annoyance that you have 20 Veteran mobs permastunning you while you bounce round the floor like a rag doll, completely helpless because you used up your next to useless stability abilities on the first two.. Does anyone actually enjoy that?
And for every person that says “go play the game”, “go explore” or any other such contrite nonsense it makes me want to kill a kitten (and I love kittens).. Thats right, I actually typed “kitten” ..its not a result of the ridiculous profanity filter. So you come on the forum to complain (in the genuine hope that something will be done about the issues you have) and you get infracted because “threads that complain are not constructive”?
Fun. With a capital F.
Maybe i’m just different, but I don’t see much of “This part of the game is terrible, absolutely terrible. Anet screwed up hard, I can’t wait for (insert upcoming game release here) to come out so I can leave this game.” to be constructive.
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
I know a whole lot of people who disagree with you about whether MF sucks for not. People ran it dozens of times. There’s threads right here on these forums saying it was the best dungeon Anet has done to date, with tons of people agreeing. So yeah, you may think it sucks, but a whole lot of people liked it.
As for rewards, there were some decent ones. The new recipes of course, the chance to get a jet pack or a rare mini were other reasons people ran it.
And when I say my guild runs dungeons, I mean TA, HotW, SoE, SE even AC sometimes. Not just fractals and CoF.
Though dungeon runs have slowed down, since the content is older. But that normally happens in all games. Newer content gets more looks than older content. That’s why people ran MF so much.
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change somethings if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
Guest on over to Tarnished Coast, and open your eyes. There are tons of people playing since launch who are still playing. There are plenty of people who left and came back and are now playing.
If you have no evidence, and you supposedly care about the game, why post something that’s detrimental?
Same response as always “Switch to the most populated servers” The whole place might be burning down around them, but the people in the room without smoke think that everything is great.
But that’s how it is in all games. Even WoW has lower and higher population servers. Do you think WoW is dying with it’s ten million subscribers.
Yeah, go where the people are IS the answer. Staying where they’re not and then complaining no one is there is NOT the answer. I thought this was self-evident.
It’s like you’ve never played an MMO before. Every MMO has slow servers and busy ones. The people who like to play with other people migrate to the busy ones. It was like this in WoW, in Rift, in Lotro…the only exception are the games that had to close servers and only have one or two left.
Ahh the ad hominems “You act like you never played a mmo before”, gotta love em.
Your solution is not a solution. Nor does it help the discussion. What about new players? Too bad for them if they want to level up in a populated zone, they just need to grin and bear it till they can also join in the farming. What about the people who don’t want to farm the events? Too bad for them, they have to play that way if they don’t want to play alone.
The only thing your defense of the current system does is make it worse. Move to a new server = other servers become even more depopulated. Enforce the idea of farming the WEB’s = make the open world even less populated. Join a guild = the only way to enjoy the world is if you are in a guild. I’ll give you peak times because it has always made sense but I like throwing it on my list anyway for drama.
The player is not at fault, the current in game systems are.
What a troll thread.
It seems that in some servers the population decreased, in other increased.
You will probably meet most people in map events http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=212&langKey=en . While some servers are very big on WvW I’m guessing that yours isn’t. Try also searching the location of the next living story (that will start in 2 days), you might find a lot of people there. CoF and Fotm are very popular on my servers – maybe that’s where your server population is too?
If your server did get depopulated, no worries, most of the PVE in the game is soloable, if you feel lonely I’m sure that your server still has some lively guilds, if joining a guild is not your thing you can always guest on a higher pop server for free (you can guest on 2 servers for free. What servers you’re guesting on reset every 24 hours), regarding running dungeons http://www.gw2lfg.com/ – team up with people from other servers(as long as people are from the same continent (NA or EU) you can party up and enter the same instance), if you really like WvW and that’s what you plan on doing with your time, I suggest asking the forums which are very WvW heavy servers, saving up the gems and transferring.
Also, I know that others already said that you will be asked this – but what time of the day was it that you were searching for people? 2 AM, 1PM and such seem very unpopular hours, population slightly picks up early in the morning and is normally at its highest in the early evening (around 6 to 11 PM).Here’s the checklist again
Peak server
Peak time
World event boss area
Join a big GuildAnd even throws out the troll comment.
I knew that someone will throw a comment like this, but that’s how it is.
Some servers do get depopulated, some focus on very different aspects. Some servers compete for being most Spvp heavy server, some want to WvW all day long, some are more PVE based, some depopulate, because people flee to a server of their choice. With guesting being there I don’t understand what’s so wrong with guesting on a high PVE pop server if you’re lonely.
It’s quite obvious that if you log in at a time when nobody is normally there you can’t expect a mob of people. I didn’t want to be obnoxious, that’s why I just asked when the guy logged in. Maybe if he would just log in at day time the following day his server would be lively and he wouldn’t feel lonely anymore.
In a lot of servers people do run world boss events, you’re not forced to participate, but it’s a fact and if the guy wants to know if the server is populated at all or is it dead, he might as well peak and see.
If a person is really lonely and guild is their thing, why not to join one?
I threw in the troll comment, because all the people are talking from their experience about population. Quite obvious that we’re on different servers and are having different experiences. It’s not up to us to hyperbole and yell “the game is dead” or “the game is thriving, it’s you that’s doing something wrong!” to the OP. It’s not helpful. OP asks for people. Best response to the thread is give him pointers where he could find the people that he seeks.
Now what did I do so wrong with posting that?
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
I agree. Anything outside of CoF and FotM is dead. They killed AC…I mean honestly, why mess with a dungeon that isn’t broken that people actually run? Mess with broken dungeons like CM that no one does.
And MF really wasn’t that great. Sure, it was fun the first time, I’ll admit, but there was no incentive for me to run it more than that. It was a single-path instance that had poor rewards (besides the lucky few…RNG again..) and it took a long time. I definitely don’t think it was worth the time they put into it.
Anet kinda needs to wake up…their priorities are messed up, and they’re losing players because of it.
I agree with Vayne. The population may SEEM lower, because before everyone was hanging out in LA waiting for groups for dungeons since that was what most people did for money and loot. Now since Anet has added boss chest rares, most of the population has moved to those areas. Anet also added WvW progression which helped PvE servers (like GoM, the one i’m in), because our players finally started entering WvW!
The population has spread out more across the game, as opposed to being condensed in LA. Just find a good guild OP. I’m in a good one that has around 35-50 online at peak hours, so we always have something to do .Do you not see that as the problem though? “Most of the population is at the world event bosses farming” What is the impression new players get? The world is dead. They don’t know about farming, they just want to experience the world. Too bad for them I suppose.
How was it any better before? People were farming dungeons and Orr, staying in LA and CS. Anet wanted to spread the population to the other parts of the game, which they are still working on. Doesn’t necessarily mean the games dead. It means they are trying to spread everyone out so they can experience all the content.
Except they aren’t spreading anyone out, they just caused different clumps to appear. Just because one system is as bad as the last one isn’t a reason to declare “Mission accomplished” and move on. It’s a trend, and a bad one, and unless people start saying something it won’t get any better.
Correct ^ – No-one can prove anything. But the anecdotal evidence is there sure enough. My guild chat is normally just “Maw is up” – “Jormag is UP” etc all day. I havent seen anyone run a dungeon other than CoF or FoTM in months. Largest guild gatherings are on Sundays when we do guild missions and after that its just the same people all the time…of which there are less. Even the guild master quit.
Theres nothing fun about Jormag or any of the other events when you already did them 27 bazillion times. And I actually have to turn the sound off if I go to Orr because the mob sound effects “DEATH…GOOD!” actuallly make me want to commit murder. Same for the Dredge fractal….“Ikkit”……AAAAAARGH…SHUT UP!!!!!!! With the added annoyance that you have 20 Veteran mobs permastunning you while you bounce round the floor like a rag doll, completely helpless because you used up your next to useless stability abilities on the first two.. Does anyone actually enjoy that?
And for every person that says “go play the game”, “go explore” or any other such contrite nonsense it makes me want to kill a kitten (and I love kittens).. Thats right, I actually typed “kitten” ..its not a result of the ridiculous profanity filter. So you come on the forum to complain (in the genuine hope that something will be done about the issues you have) and you get infracted because “threads that complain are not constructive”?
Fun. With a capital F.
Maybe i’m just different, but I don’t see much of “This part of the game is terrible, absolutely terrible. Anet screwed up hard, I can’t wait for (insert upcoming game release here) to come out so I can leave this game.” to be constructive.
I never said it was constructive. Here are some suggestions that are however:
1) Fix mechanics so that dungeons actually take some skill to complete.
2) Fix loot so that your time is rewarded appropriately.
3) Fix, or eliminate the reliance on RNG mechanics
4) Fix bugs that have been present since the game began, like Guardian Scepter as an example.
5) Add some meaningful content that is actually fun to play, and permanent.
6)New Charr backpack or working character skills?
7) I could go on…in fact there are entire threads devoted to outstanding bug fixes for example.
All of these suggestions have been floating about for a very long time and havent been addressed. So peoples constructive criticism is turning to the other….non-constructive… kind.
It’s because arenanet sucks, and think they are untouchable…They will learn fast.
But they won’t and years from now we’ll still be enjoying the game while you’re wasting time hoping that hundreds of people are out of a job because you don’t enjoy a game.
Doing what? FotM 150? lol, kidding.
I still enjoy the game very much. Sadly, there aren’t much of us that feel this way anymore. The game isn’t even a year old and it’s already lost a lot of players, people can lie to themselves all they want buy they know it’s true. I hope Guild Wars survives for a looooong time, just not looking very promising atm because people are already getting bored. I could make a new toon and be level 80 max gear in ONE DAY. that is a joke, an absolute joke. You’re probably one of those people that wanna get to 80, get your exotics/worthless legendary and call it a day and play that for 5 years. If you call that fun then that’s fine, but you’re the minority. I know people are going to get offended because for some reason trying to improve a game you like is a sin for the GW community. I just want to say I’m not trying to bash GW at all, I love the game. They just need to change somethings if they want to survive like (oh god forbid you say this name) WoW has.
Guest on over to Tarnished Coast, and open your eyes. There are tons of people playing since launch who are still playing. There are plenty of people who left and came back and are now playing.
If you have no evidence, and you supposedly care about the game, why post something that’s detrimental?
Same response as always “Switch to the most populated servers” The whole place might be burning down around them, but the people in the room without smoke think that everything is great.
But that’s how it is in all games. Even WoW has lower and higher population servers. Do you think WoW is dying with it’s ten million subscribers.
Yeah, go where the people are IS the answer. Staying where they’re not and then complaining no one is there is NOT the answer. I thought this was self-evident.
It’s like you’ve never played an MMO before. Every MMO has slow servers and busy ones. The people who like to play with other people migrate to the busy ones. It was like this in WoW, in Rift, in Lotro…the only exception are the games that had to close servers and only have one or two left.
Ahh the ad hominems “You act like you never played a mmo before”, gotta love em.
Your solution is not a solution. Nor does it help the discussion. What about new players? Too bad for them if they want to level up in a populated zone, they just need to grin and bear it till they can also join in the farming. What about the people who don’t want to farm the events? Too bad for them, they have to play that way if they don’t want to play alone.
The only thing your defense of the current system does is make it worse. Move to a new server = other servers become even more depopulated. Enforce the idea of farming the WEB’s = make the open world even less populated. Join a guild = the only way to enjoy the world is if you are in a guild. I’ll give you peak times because it has always made sense but I like throwing it on my list anyway for drama.
The player is not at fault, the current in game systems are.
That wasn’t an attack. Someone states there’s a problem with not having enough people around, I suggest to go where people are. That’s simple and logical particularly because it’s free to do so. It’s better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.
Some people would rather complain than solve the problem.
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
I know a whole lot of people who disagree with you about whether MF sucks for not. People ran it dozens of times. There’s threads right here on these forums saying it was the best dungeon Anet has done to date, with tons of people agreeing. So yeah, you may think it sucks, but a whole lot of people liked it.
As for rewards, there were some decent ones. The new recipes of course, the chance to get a jet pack or a rare mini were other reasons people ran it.
And when I say my guild runs dungeons, I mean TA, HotW, SoE, SE even AC sometimes. Not just fractals and CoF.
Though dungeon runs have slowed down, since the content is older. But that normally happens in all games. Newer content gets more looks than older content. That’s why people ran MF so much.
If you think running a dungeon over and over again for the chance to get a backpack is the pinnacle of gaming evolution…good for you.
And I know a lot of people who DIDNT like MF….what does that prove? That human beings have differing opinions? Hold on, I’m just going to phone someone and let them know…there might be a Nobel prize in it.
To the other poster…if you “go where the people are” you will go to Queensdale while SB is up, and then you will go wherever they all happen to go after it finishes(2 minutes later). depending on what event just reached its point on dragontimer. You will do this all day.
(edited by pricer.5091)
If you think running a dungeon over and over again for the chance to get a backpack is the pinnacle of gaming evolution…good for you.
And I know a lot of people who DIDNT like MF….what does that prove? That human beings have differing opinions? Hold on, I’m just going to phone someone and let them know…there might be a Nobel prize in it.
people like new things and replayability. What MF did right in my opinion:
- didn’t over-welcome its stay. It was here for a bit and now it’s gone. It didn’t get boring, because it didn’t stay here for years.
- last boss fight had 2 variables and the activities in the dungeon were put out in a random order.
So while it’s not “pinnacle of gaming evolution” you can’t say that MF was all bad and nothing good
I agree with Vayne. The population may SEEM lower, because before everyone was hanging out in LA waiting for groups for dungeons since that was what most people did for money and loot. Now since Anet has added boss chest rares, most of the population has moved to those areas. Anet also added WvW progression which helped PvE servers (like GoM, the one i’m in), because our players finally started entering WvW!
The population has spread out more across the game, as opposed to being condensed in LA. Just find a good guild OP. I’m in a good one that has around 35-50 online at peak hours, so we always have something to do .Do you not see that as the problem though? “Most of the population is at the world event bosses farming” What is the impression new players get? The world is dead. They don’t know about farming, they just want to experience the world. Too bad for them I suppose.
How was it any better before? People were farming dungeons and Orr, staying in LA and CS. Anet wanted to spread the population to the other parts of the game, which they are still working on. Doesn’t necessarily mean the games dead. It means they are trying to spread everyone out so they can experience all the content.
Except they aren’t spreading anyone out, they just caused different clumps to appear. Just because one system is as bad as the last one isn’t a reason to declare “Mission accomplished” and move on. It’s a trend, and a bad one, and unless people start saying something it won’t get any better.
I do agree with you on that one, but they did say they weren’t done with it, they’re still working on their current open world. They never declared “mission accomplished”, nor did I, I was simply stating its a step (right or wrong direction is subjective). People DO need to say something, but when they rant about it, sometimes the results might not work out as intended. Like when there was an outcry for gear progression, ascended gear was added, and it received a negative backlash on the forums for the most part.
I did get a bit off topic, i’m just trying to say that Anet is still working on trying to improve their current World, it’s not and never will be set in stone.
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
I know a whole lot of people who disagree with you about whether MF sucks for not. People ran it dozens of times. There’s threads right here on these forums saying it was the best dungeon Anet has done to date, with tons of people agreeing. So yeah, you may think it sucks, but a whole lot of people liked it.
As for rewards, there were some decent ones. The new recipes of course, the chance to get a jet pack or a rare mini were other reasons people ran it.
And when I say my guild runs dungeons, I mean TA, HotW, SoE, SE even AC sometimes. Not just fractals and CoF.
Though dungeon runs have slowed down, since the content is older. But that normally happens in all games. Newer content gets more looks than older content. That’s why people ran MF so much.
If you think running a dungeon over and over again for the chance to get a backpack is the pinnacle of gaming evolution…good for you.
And I know a lot of people who DIDNT like MF….what does that prove? That human beings have differing opinions? Hold on, I’m just going to phone someone and let them know…there might be a Nobel prize in it.
It doesn’t prove anytrhing. I’m not trying to prove it’s good or bad. I am trying to point out that there’s a counter point to your opinion. A lot of people did like it and ran it multiple times, including me.
Frankly I think the Fractals are the best dungeon in the game, but there’s no denying that MF was mad popular, which you seem to have left out of your equation. That’s why I brought it up as I did. You said no one is running dungeons and I brought up MF. You said it sucked, I said a lot of people liked it.
Why is a dissenting opinion so upsetting to you?
Edit: I also never said it was the pinnacle of gaming or even my favorite dungeon. Nice way to try to twist what I said.
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
I know a whole lot of people who disagree with you about whether MF sucks for not. People ran it dozens of times. There’s threads right here on these forums saying it was the best dungeon Anet has done to date, with tons of people agreeing. So yeah, you may think it sucks, but a whole lot of people liked it.
As for rewards, there were some decent ones. The new recipes of course, the chance to get a jet pack or a rare mini were other reasons people ran it.
And when I say my guild runs dungeons, I mean TA, HotW, SoE, SE even AC sometimes. Not just fractals and CoF.
Though dungeon runs have slowed down, since the content is older. But that normally happens in all games. Newer content gets more looks than older content. That’s why people ran MF so much.
If you think running a dungeon over and over again for the chance to get a backpack is the pinnacle of gaming evolution…good for you.
And I know a lot of people who DIDNT like MF….what does that prove? That human beings have differing opinions? Hold on, I’m just going to phone someone and let them know…there might be a Nobel prize in it.
It doesn’t prove anytrhing. I’m not trying to prove it’s good or bad. I am trying to point out that there’s a counter point to your opinion. A lot of people did like it and ran it multiple times, including me.
Frankly I think the Fractals are the best dungeon in the game, but there’s no denying that MF was mad popular, which you seem to have left out of your equation. That’s why I brought it up as I did. You said no one is running dungeons and I brought up MF. You said it sucked, I said a lot of people liked it.
Why is a dissenting opinion so upsetting to you?
Edit: I also never said it was the pinnacle of gaming or even my favorite dungeon. Nice way to try to twist what I said.
It isn’t. I’m happy for you. But I was talking about MY opinions as I have more familiarity with them. So why are my opinions so upsetting for you?
EDIT: I KNOW there is a counter-point to my opinion. There always will be. Vive la difference. But, this may come as a surprise, I’m not alone in thinking the game has gotten very boring….the entire forum is full of it. So even if it was 50/50 (which it isnt because there are WAY more negative posts than positive) then that would suggest that perhaps someone should start listening?
(edited by pricer.5091)
5. This statement makes no sense “Every single world event I go to is packed. Every one. Even ones that happen at the same time” How can you be a two or more world events at the same time?
Shortly after the patch tonight I was at the Fire Elemental event. When it was halfway dead, someone posted in chat “Hurry! Wurm pre-event is up!” As soon as I grabbed the loot from the FE I teleported to the Wurm event and got there just in time to see it spawn. There was already a crowd of people there who cleared the pre-events.
So, yes, there were two events going on at the same time, both with a crowd of people doing them, and I was at both.
What a troll thread.
It seems that in some servers the population decreased, in other increased.
You will probably meet most people in map events http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=212&langKey=en . While some servers are very big on WvW I’m guessing that yours isn’t. Try also searching the location of the next living story (that will start in 2 days), you might find a lot of people there. CoF and Fotm are very popular on my servers – maybe that’s where your server population is too?
If your server did get depopulated, no worries, most of the PVE in the game is soloable, if you feel lonely I’m sure that your server still has some lively guilds, if joining a guild is not your thing you can always guest on a higher pop server for free (you can guest on 2 servers for free. What servers you’re guesting on reset every 24 hours), regarding running dungeons http://www.gw2lfg.com/ – team up with people from other servers(as long as people are from the same continent (NA or EU) you can party up and enter the same instance), if you really like WvW and that’s what you plan on doing with your time, I suggest asking the forums which are very WvW heavy servers, saving up the gems and transferring.
Also, I know that others already said that you will be asked this – but what time of the day was it that you were searching for people? 2 AM, 1PM and such seem very unpopular hours, population slightly picks up early in the morning and is normally at its highest in the early evening (around 6 to 11 PM).Here’s the checklist again
Peak server
Peak time
World event boss area
Join a big GuildAnd even throws out the troll comment.
I knew that someone will throw a comment like this, but that’s how it is.
Some servers do get depopulated, some focus on very different aspects. Some servers compete for being most Spvp heavy server, some want to WvW all day long, some are more PVE based, some depopulate, because people flee to a server of their choice. With guesting being there I don’t understand what’s so wrong with guesting on a high PVE pop server if you’re lonely.
It’s quite obvious that if you log in at a time when nobody is normally there you can’t expect a mob of people. I didn’t want to be obnoxious, that’s why I just asked when the guy logged in. Maybe if he would just log in at day time the following day his server would be lively and he wouldn’t feel lonely anymore.
In a lot of servers people do run world boss events, you’re not forced to participate, but it’s a fact and if the guy wants to know if the server is populated at all or is it dead, he might as well peak and see.
If a person is really lonely and guild is their thing, why not to join one?
I threw in the troll comment, because all the people are talking from their experience about population. Quite obvious that we’re on different servers and are having different experiences. It’s not up to us to hyperbole and yell “the game is dead” or “the game is thriving, it’s you that’s doing something wrong!” to the OP. It’s not helpful. OP asks for people. Best response to the thread is give him pointers where he could find the people that he seeks.
Now what did I do so wrong with posting that?
Because it doesn’t address the situation that caused the post in the first place.
“Why is there the impression that the game is depopulated in certain areas?” What causes this? What can we, as players, bring to a discussion that will help alleviate this problem or change it? To me, that’s what a forum is for. To discuss.
The solutions from that checklist that are often given out (besides the off peak hours) are not solutions, and in fact make the problem worse. Guesting depopulates servers, so does moving, making the current server even less populated. Joining large guilds moves the population into only large guilds, making smaller guilds pointless. Going to where the WEB’s are depopulates zones and enforces the idea that this is the only way to play or the correct way to play.
All of those checklist boxes, while true, are detrimental to the games health overall. Perhaps worst of all they hurt new players the most, who do not have the option when first getting into the game to actually be where the world population is, and are stuck wondering why the game is so empty. They aren’t automatically picked up by a large guild, and can sometimes take 30 or more hours to get to LA.
5. This statement makes no sense “Every single world event I go to is packed. Every one. Even ones that happen at the same time” How can you be a two or more world events at the same time?
Shortly after the patch tonight I was at the Fire Elemental event. When it was halfway dead, someone posted in chat “Hurry! Wurm pre-event is up!” As soon as I grabbed the loot from the FE I teleported to the Wurm event and got there just in time to see it spawn. There was already a crowd of people there who cleared the pre-events.
So, yes, there were two events going on at the same time, both with a crowd of people doing them, and I was at both.
Uh…you completed the one event, then went to another event that just started. That is not at the same time.
Would be true though if you didn’t get credit for the event if you didn’t do the pre events which would be a good idea.
It runs fractals all the time…and CoF. As it says above in fact. I’ve ran them till my ears bleed. MF sucks. Its just another horribly designed dungeon with poor rewards for time. Although it DOES have one or two slightly more interesting than others boss fights.
I know a whole lot of people who disagree with you about whether MF sucks for not. People ran it dozens of times. There’s threads right here on these forums saying it was the best dungeon Anet has done to date, with tons of people agreeing. So yeah, you may think it sucks, but a whole lot of people liked it.
As for rewards, there were some decent ones. The new recipes of course, the chance to get a jet pack or a rare mini were other reasons people ran it.
And when I say my guild runs dungeons, I mean TA, HotW, SoE, SE even AC sometimes. Not just fractals and CoF.
Though dungeon runs have slowed down, since the content is older. But that normally happens in all games. Newer content gets more looks than older content. That’s why people ran MF so much.
If you think running a dungeon over and over again for the chance to get a backpack is the pinnacle of gaming evolution…good for you.
And I know a lot of people who DIDNT like MF….what does that prove? That human beings have differing opinions? Hold on, I’m just going to phone someone and let them know…there might be a Nobel prize in it.
It doesn’t prove anytrhing. I’m not trying to prove it’s good or bad. I am trying to point out that there’s a counter point to your opinion. A lot of people did like it and ran it multiple times, including me.
Frankly I think the Fractals are the best dungeon in the game, but there’s no denying that MF was mad popular, which you seem to have left out of your equation. That’s why I brought it up as I did. You said no one is running dungeons and I brought up MF. You said it sucked, I said a lot of people liked it.
Why is a dissenting opinion so upsetting to you?
Edit: I also never said it was the pinnacle of gaming or even my favorite dungeon. Nice way to try to twist what I said.
It isn’t. I’m happy for you. But I was talking about MY opinions as I have more familiarity with them. So why are my opinions so upsetting for you?
EDIT: I KNOW there is a counter-point to my opinion. There always will be. Vive la difference. But, this may come as a surprise, I’m not alone in thinking the game has gotten very boring….the entire forum is full of it. So even if it was 50/50 (which it isnt because there are WAY more negative posts than positive) then that would suggest that perhaps someone should start listening?
There have ALWAYS been way more negative posts than positive. Why not go check out every MMO forum out there, including WoW’s. There are always more negative posts on forums than positive posts. Proving pricely nothing.
Far more people are willing to complain than compliment. It’s just human nature.
5. This statement makes no sense “Every single world event I go to is packed. Every one. Even ones that happen at the same time” How can you be a two or more world events at the same time?
Shortly after the patch tonight I was at the Fire Elemental event. When it was halfway dead, someone posted in chat “Hurry! Wurm pre-event is up!” As soon as I grabbed the loot from the FE I teleported to the Wurm event and got there just in time to see it spawn. There was already a crowd of people there who cleared the pre-events.
So, yes, there were two events going on at the same time, both with a crowd of people doing them, and I was at both.
Uh…you completed the one event, then went to another event that just started. That is not at the same time.
Would be true though if you didn’t get credit for the event if you didn’t do the pre events which would be a good idea.
I’m not going to argue semantics with you. You asked, I answered. I don’t care if you reject the answer, the events happened concurrently.