What brings you down about gw2?
What brings you down about gw2?
I’ve finished it.
That the gem store gets more attention than it actually needs. That is what brings me down.
The gem store is fine, really. I’m not against converting gems to gold, because that’s A LOT better than having people buying from gold sellers. But armours and weapons, finishers, eternal gathering tools, ore nodes, all these items in the gem store just makes me sad, because they could become really awesome in game rewards. These items should exist in the store but not take the overhand ov the gameplay, really.
It sometimes feel that ArenaNet is at the very line of being respectable with their store to being very corrupt and milking us far too much.
I do enjoy the game, but there are plenty of things about it that make me sad. In some cases it’s a slap in the face of this game’s origins. I doubt ArenaNet will read this because it’s just a reply and not it’s own thread, but here have at it. Below are the things that ‘bring me down’. I can go into details, but that would make my reply take up the entire thread.
Equipment skins: Look to GW1, ArenaNet.
Lack of nice guild capes, or any guild capes for that matter: Capes like the White Mantle from GW1 would be awesome.
Lack of skill variation: weapons skills 1-5 should be customizable
Limited time/temporary content and items: Just make the molten alliance pick and such a permanent addition to the game, already.
RNG: Luck is real, especially bad luck. RNG is cruel to the majority.
Zhaitan: I want to actually cut into an elder dragon. Look to the game play of Shadow of the Colossus for an example of what I mean. The turrets should have only been the first phase to shoot down Zhaitan. Phase two should have been “make kabobs out of it and end world hunger!”
Scarlet: Seriously. Just do yourself and the rest of us a favor and “Die die die, die die die, die die, die.”
No enemy/red dots on the mini map: I love that I can see my allies on the minimap in W3, but I hate that I can’t see my foes or a massive zerg on the minimap. Before you WoW players cry foul, it was a standard feature in GW1 (including PvP) that could not be turned off and it did not break the game. I want the OPTION.
The game engine: CPU bound is quite limiting. Utilize the GPU, too!
Falling damage while walking down a slope: I’m walking, I’m walking, and I’m dead.
No Move-to-Target It was a feature in the betas, and I know it is a feature in your in-house testing client. Bring it back, already. Again, before you WoW players cry foul, it was another standard feature in GW1 (and PvP) that could not be turned off and it did not break the game. I want the OPTION.
The bugs that still have not been fixed: I’m looking at you, greatsword skill 5 on the warrior, and Foulbear Chieftain event that is often bugged and will not progress.
How it’s too easy for gold sellers to use trial accounts to spam chat/mail I hope that future trial accounts are severely limited on the interactions they can do. If people want to play the game, then they can buy it like the rest of us.
Lack of actual health regereration like in GW1 as opposed to a heal over time like in this game and other MMOs. GW1’s mechanic of health regeneration/degeneration was a much more tangible mechanic and it worked so much better. Having 200 health tic each second is not the same as a health regeneration that heals you for 1 health 200 times a second. It’s much better.
Personal story taking a back seat: We never do hear back from the ones that recruited us into our respective orders.
Not being able to use the armors/weapons of the other orders even though we’re the commander of the pact: Seriously, players who chose to join the OoW should be allowed to use Priory/Vigil equipment after reaching a certain point in the personal story. We’re the commander of the entire pact, for goodness sake. I would even be okay with it being AFTER defeating Zhaitan. At least then we’d have a reason to go through that disappointment again.
I can go on, but I think this will do for now.
Only thing I would add to fix are the broken mechanics in every profession not just one.
1. People who quit the game but find it necessary to troll the forums long after they’ve left…
2. Everyone with the “I want it nao for no effortz!!!” attitude…
The game is a beautiful game, and there are so many fun things to do I can hardly count them all, but when I come to the forums for information or to see what’s up with the meta, all I see is people who seem to think that trolling a forum for a game game they don’t play any more makes them look intelligent, or people who are unhappy that they can’t have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
- 1) No fantasy and dedication in class design. Also too many efforts spent on the Living History and nothing in polishing, changing, developing class mechanics.
- 2) Unadequate 3d to realize the great design of this great artist:
Or simply unadequate (good on 2d, bad on 3d) design to be injected in a 3d environment.
Translated: sick armors, weapons and all that kind of stuff; characters on GW1 were more appealing.
- 3) No freedom on the selection of Armor Stats. If everyone should be able to play what he wants, then they must take away the stats restriction lock on every gear and allow to change freely them. Not grinding weeks for every set of armor. Just get the skin you like and turn its stats every time you want to change your build.
- 4) It lives on the GW1 Lore, the actual lore is developed in a sick way, characters are bad developed and they act, behave and talk like kids.
Starting from the first missions to the end of Zhaitan, which has been disappointing and silly.
- 5) Bad commands, no freedom on manipulating them.
(edited by Luke.4562)
1. People who quit the game but find it necessary to troll the forums long after they’ve left…
2. Everyone with the “I want it nao for no effortz!!!” attitude…
The game is a beautiful game, and there are so many fun things to do I can hardly count them all, but when I come to the forums for information or to see what’s up with the meta, all I see is people who seem to think that trolling a forum for a game game they don’t play any more makes them look intelligent, or people who are unhappy that they can’t have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
Yeah, there’s alot to do if you’ve haven’t done them continuously.
World bosses gets dull, spvp gets dull, wvw gets dull, fotm gets dull because all of them have been the same almost since day one, are easy zerg types, and are under-rewarding.
I’ve been here since day one, I once said there was too much to do too, but since I play almost everyday, I can see the continuous flaws that are being pushed out. The game needs to be fleshed out, you can’t expect the player to like the same content after so long, that’s insanity.
1. People who quit the game but find it necessary to troll the forums long after they’ve left…
2. Everyone with the “I want it nao for no effortz!!!” attitude…
The game is a beautiful game, and there are so many fun things to do I can hardly count them all, but when I come to the forums for information or to see what’s up with the meta, all I see is people who seem to think that trolling a forum for a game game they don’t play any more makes them look intelligent, or people who are unhappy that they can’t have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
maybe there is a reason they left, like, flaws that never get fixed or new stuff being buggy but never fixed ether etc….
they don’t troll, they are concerned about the game, all they want is the game to improve.
they payed for the game just as you did, they also have all the right to talk about this game in their own way just like you do.
there is no point in playing anything other than a warrior or guardian in pve
guild wars 2 doing P2W (sprocket mining pick)
guild wars 2 doing P2W (sprocket mining pick)
I’m pretty surprised there’s been no backpedaling from anet on this issue. I suppose they’re hard-up for money then. Their gemstore monetization / living story scheme is starting to implode now. Should have stuck to expansion model.
I’ve been gone from the game for many months, but just checked back to see if I could perhaps get into it again. And the reasons I quit playing came rushing back to me within seconds…
1. I picked the Ranger as my main. The Ranger is mind-numbingly simplistic and repetitive to play. IMHO of course.
2. The zones were moderately fun to explore once, but I just can’t bring myself to do them all over on another toon, so my highest alt is stuck at 35. I got no particular urge to level any of my alts further.
3. There is nothing challenging or rewarding to do at max level. I gamed the trade post a couple of days until I could gear up in zerker exotics with expensive gems, and then I found I had pretty much nowhere to go. I could start working towards ascended gear, but what’s the point?
4. Nothing ever seems to change. At least I notice no obvious change since the last time I played 6+ months ago.
I’m not angry at GW2, since I did get some enjoyment out of it at first, and I do feel I got my money’s worth. Especially since I never wasted any additional money in the online store. But it always played like a simplistic single-player game to me, not like an MMO.
Every game has its target demographics I suppose, I just never felt I’m part of GW2’s.
What brings me down: Scarlet.
I don’t think that word means what you think it does. : )
What do you think it means then exactly?
Sorry the post was meant as both a joke (Princess Bride paraphrase) and a comment that racism and threats of murder are not something that I consider funny.
Didn’t mean it as a jab at you. My apologies.
It would be better recognised if it were accurate.
“You keep on using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.”
No Weapon Dyes
No Guild Halls
No New Weapons, bringing new and interesting ways to play
No real GvG
I can go onto the Black Lion auction house and see stuff I really like but can’t afford, but am totally willing to earn myself. Guess what? I can’t earn it myself any longer. I have to grind in-game gold or spend real money to get it, even though it was, at one point, in the game. This is understandable only for Holiday items.
Tengu aren’t playable. Yeah I know this is probably a niche complaint, but the concept art was there at the beginning and it was one of the strong candidates for playable race. As of yet they’ve done nothing with them from what I can see, and it doesn’t look like they intend to any time soon.
I think ArenaNet forgot about GW1’s lore. Just… In general, forgot about most of the groundwork from Guild Wars.
Those are my complaints, methinks.
guild wars 2 doing P2W (sprocket mining pick)
I’m pretty surprised there’s been no backpedaling from anet on this issue. I suppose they’re hard-up for money then. Their gemstore monetization / living story scheme is starting to implode now. Should have stuck to expansion model.
The expansion model. This is what needed to happen. At this rate I’d be astonished if we ever seen Cantha, Elona, or even the Ring of Fire Islands or Crystal Desert. I just don’t see ANet putting work into those things any time soon, and if they are, we really need to be informed, otherwise more and more people are just going to stop playing.
Probably the thing that brings me down the most is how physical damage is considered the best because of how conditions stack up and there is only one golden gear setup for either pve or wvw at least in most peoples minds. This sorta mentality has made many people basically copy pastes of each other since there is only one best spec and one best gear setup. Its boring playing a warrior and expected to carry around a GS and basically key bind hundred blades to every key and smash my face on my keyboard.
Kinda why after a while I just started equipping different weapons and running different specs on my characters that are probably considered bad. Without variety it just gets stale after a while. Specs and gear setup needs to be streamlined better and conditions completely reworked to be desirable in pve. Right now the game kinda feels like vanilla WOW where classes and mechanics don’t stack up very well forcing people to adopt and one way or gtfo mentality.
Nothing about Guild Wars 2 can bring me down
Living Story. Continuously missing out on content or rewards because I did not complete it on ANet’s time frame is a complete deal-breaker for me.
Players complaining about trivial things in the forums.
Players complaining about other players who complain about trivial things in the forums.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by Ision.3207)
What brings me down about GW2?
When I log into the game and don’t feel motivated to play because, whatever I do, I know I will end up as playing boring, repetitive content because that is the fastest way to earn rewards.
(edited by Finnway.2183)
Beautiful world, great artistic style, interesting lore, some very memorable and likeable characters (Destiny’s Edge), enjoyable combat, etc. So much going for this game, but I hate how the dungeon community is either outright ignored or we get slapped in the face and spat on (see: the Fractured update, TAFU being replaced by Aetherpath).
Death and Taxes [DnT] | http://www.dtguilds.com/
What brings me down about GW2?
Not having more time to invest into playing the game. I’m enjoying it, and I find nothing in the game that brings me down.
If I’m forced to come up with something, it would have to be the negativity on the boards more than anything.
The interface for this game is quite bad and is the biggest blemish I feel. The second being the personal story of which you really can’t create much identity for your toon. Finally, the knee jerk nerfing which results in class homogenization is not delighting me either.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
1. People who quit the game but find it necessary to troll the forums long after they’ve left…
2. Everyone with the “I want it nao for no effortz!!!” attitude…
The game is a beautiful game, and there are so many fun things to do I can hardly count them all, but when I come to the forums for information or to see what’s up with the meta, all I see is people who seem to think that trolling a forum for a game game they don’t play any more makes them look intelligent, or people who are unhappy that they can’t have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
maybe there is a reason they left, like, flaws that never get fixed or new stuff being buggy but never fixed ether etc….
they don’t troll, they are concerned about the game, all they want is the game to improve.
they payed for the game just as you did, they also have all the right to talk about this game in their own way just like you do.
I never said anyone couldn’t say what they want about the game.
…and I am pretty sure I can tell the difference between a troll post and genuine concern.
The OP asked what brings me (us) down, not what other people think should bring me (us) down. I simply stated the two things that irritate me more than anything else in the game.
I’m not saying there aren’t other things that bother me, but those two things are #1 and #2 on my list.
Pretty much what all the other people said. But my biggest one, is that professions in gw2 don’t feel engaging at all. I played ranger in gw1 for a full 2 years before I decided to dabble in another profession.
In gw2 I’ve made all 7 professions, and I’m tired of playing 5 of them already. :/
1. People who quit the game but find it necessary to troll the forums long after they’ve left…
2. Everyone with the “I want it nao for no effortz!!!” attitude…
The game is a beautiful game, and there are so many fun things to do I can hardly count them all, but when I come to the forums for information or to see what’s up with the meta, all I see is people who seem to think that trolling a forum for a game game they don’t play any more makes them look intelligent, or people who are unhappy that they can’t have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
To be honest, I see way more people complaining not to have enough challenges and that everything is to easy, than the opposite. Basically, the only challenge you have in this game is remain mentally sane while grinding for (a promised-not-to-be-in-game) gear grind.
I don’t think that word means what you think it does. : )
What do you think it means then exactly?
Sorry the post was meant as both a joke (Princess Bride paraphrase) and a comment that racism and threats of murder are not something that I consider funny.
Didn’t mean it as a jab at you. My apologies.
It would be better recognised if it were accurate.
“You keep on using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.”
Had to paraphrase as he only said it once.
No dedicated healers… I actually like to bring my party’s health back to full if things go wrong. I don’t like taking aggro as a squishy ele / mesmer and having to run away in fear of a champion who will down me in two hits if I don’t have a “tanky” build. Speaking of which, there NEEDS to be dedicated classes built to take alot of abuse and threat generation. No I don’t mean “tanks”. Well I think you get my drift. I also hate scarlett, and the three-headed wurm. I don’t feel like doing JORMAG anymore because I hate the fears and the 100 minions to deal with during the first phase. And alot of things other people said. I’m just gonna go to TERA for a while where I can play a priest, and actually HEAL people.
Also… like someone else mentioned. The horrible RNG… over a year of playing I’ve had ZERO pre-cursors. No way of farming gold other than shelling out your hard-earned cash to buy GEMS to convert to GOLD. Everytime I do a dungeon, it’s poverty blues and greens, can only make 1G per PATH once a day on each toon and not all my toons are setup for dungeon runs. In other games like WoW, TERA you can actaully go out and farm stuff easily to earn the gold you need.
(edited by MAD CAT.9321)
most demoralising change was taking away the sylvari female pain sound as it was at release. that was bad as hell. could have made it into an option but they ignored people who loved it and just gave them the finger without even an apology.
they did alot of things to upset players and give us the finger
Now, before I start – I am still playing, and largely enjoying, the game. But here are a few things that are steadily draining, if not my enjoyment, than certainly my enthusiasm:
All the attention being on the cash shop. Some cool new item comes out, and 50% of the time – being generous to in-game sources – it’s only available through the gem shop.
The Damocles sword of new gear levels. I don’t care how much they claim that Ascended was envisaged from the beginning, the way it interacts with existing gear mechanics shows it clearly was not part of the original draft, and now that Pandora’s box has been opened the genie isn’t going to go back into the bottle. There’s a lot I’d like to get, but I just don’t want to make the investment of buying expensive stuff to get the look I want if it’s just going to be made obsolete. Not to mention – going back to the cash shop again – if you want any look apart from default Ascended or a Hall of Monuments look, better fork out for transmutation crystals if it’s not a skin purchased off the gem shop to begin with…
The focus on zerging in so much of the game nowadays. This happens both in the events that become trivially easy and heavily farmed by zergs, and the so-called “challenging” events where you’re usually just one more zergling in the crowd and odds are whether you succeed or fail (and in the marionette’s case, die and cop the resulting penalties) will depend on people who you possibly never even saw and certainly had no choice of whether to run the instance with them.
But the number one thing is probably this:
The fact that, apart from fractals, the Aetherpath, and the rest of the minority of things that managed to become permanent content, there are basically two things to do in the game: the same things you’ve been doing since the game released, which, while expansive and unlike some of the posters here I do find redoing content with a new character interesting enough to do, still only goes so far before it starts to become tiring… and whatever the current temporary content is, which generally lasts maybe a week before you get tired of it (but which, if it was still available later, you might want to redo later… but you can’t). Compare to GW1… the world close to tripled in size and in the things that were available to do and explore in the first eighteen months. We’re less than a month away from that mark now, and we’re still largely doing the same things we did a year ago.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Gear grind. The reason I do not play the game anymore.
I am fine with everything else, but the ascended gear was the final drop in the glass.
> (Big) lack of difficult content with high risk/reward
> Only one sPvP Game Mode
> The ignorance. Why are they not addressing these major but easy-to-fix balance issues?! I’m talking about Healing and especially Control virtually being completely left out of the PvE dungeon-design. Or the fact that Necromancers’ are way behind in performance in PvE, with the solutions being insultingly simple and plenty to choose from.
>And from a more personal preference: More glowing/firey/smoky armor! Generally more effects on the armor.
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
Literally the only thing that bothers me is the loot. I usually do not get anything worth it considering the effort put. It’s kind of terrible if you think about it, similarities to early D3. I usually find myselkittennowledging the fact that if I want something, I have to grind gold and than buy it. And yes! If I do not enjoy a specific content piece I do not play it, but it does not mean I am not expecting good loot that lets me pimp out my character. (yaaay for citadel of flame armor skin 4ever because nothing different – esthetically pleasing can be even theorically acquired via a non-grindy way…ughhh)
The only thing that bothers me is the antisocial playerbase. When you try to talk to someone and met new friends is very hard in this game. You simply get ignored because all the closed-guild chats. Everyone is in their own world and some obviously forget the MMO aspect of this game.
1. Episodic living story rather than delivering an expansion, but doing it over time. In other words, the living world/living story could have worked but doesn’t as temporary disappearing content.
2. Two week DLC value proposition. This one is a real head-scratcher. Any software developer should have known that you simply can’t deliver anything of value every two weeks.
3. Vertical progression. If Anet did anything well it was horizontal character progression. Why they would put their player base on a treadmill is quite beyond me.
Top three things that bring me down about GW2.
No race change or guild halls
- The game hates AMD processors a lot. Like it really loathes AMD.
- Lack of new things since the game launched. By this time GW1 had released two expansions that nearly tripled available content.
“The most important thing in any game should be the player, we built a game for them”
Why do i feel its the players money?
“As a structure the mmo has lost the ability to make the player feel like a hero”
Oh the irony.
The economic ‘meta game’ is what really gets me down. That unholy trinity of the BLTC/DR/RNG where we pretty much have to buy everything, just sucks all of the fun out of the game.
There’s also waaay too much junk. I especially hate that they created an entire category of completely useless kittene items and even made a bag specifically for the crap to go to. Just give me the 16 godkitten ed copper and be done with it, I do not enjoy clicking for clicking’s sake.
That the game has become Jar Jar Binks.
With SAB, Quaggan backpacks, Living Achievements etc. This game has become far too cute and cuddly for what should be a more aggressive world. We’re supposed to be trying to save the world from dragons people, not play Hello Kitty dress up. Things like Scarlet and her Scooby Doo villain persona further cement that this is a game now designed for children.
You know what really grinds my gears?
The attitude of the champ train in Queensdale.
I hang around in Queensdale sometimes to assist new players. And I cannot believe how many people get flamed at for starting a pre-event (like the boar or the troll) or attacking a champion.
I lot of these people just started a new game and are minding their own business, trying to experience something new. And that new thing is getting flamed at or seeing others get flamed at in the map chat. In a map that is destined to learn new players their ways, these new players have to follow orders from others not do an event or attack something they want because of a zerg that’s running it. With the penalty of a long shaming and ‘noobing’ situation.
Do not misunderstand me, people can have their champ train I really don’t mind. But take new players (and other players in general) into consideration when you perform a champ train in a ‘starting area’.
The other thing that bothers me:
Dungeon levels. It has come to a fact that you need to be level 80 to be able to join a group or you get kicked instantly (do you have level 80? – no? – Kick) You rarely find a nice group for (for example) Ascalonian Catacombs with people who accept you at the required level. Perhaps if you have some friends or a guild you can go with….
I understand the pro’s of being level 80 all too well. And I realize getting a full level 35 group trough AC exp can (and probably will) be a pain in the bottoms. That’s why this bothers me so much in the first place..
(I don’t mind hardcore linkyourgear-groups, everyone has his/her own playstyle, I’ts just not mine so I do not join those groups
[EU] Piken Square
Representing: ‘The Only One’ [One]
The game has 4 too many races, which lead to kittenty armor selection. The other races imo adds nothing significant to the game except more work and less armor choices for humans.
should have stuck to 1 race like gw1.
This multiple races lead to a blander story than gw1 and gw1 was already bland and generic.
2 main things:
-The nerf everything attitude, its just sad…
-Blandness of the loot across GW2 and how there’s a disconnect with the devs and players over rewarding loot.Buffing everything is only going to lead to power creep, which is signficantly worst than nerfing. Especially since a form of PvP is linked to PvE.
I have to disagree. I love the variety of races. My sylvari is my favorite character I’ve ever made in any mmo to date.
Not being able to play it.
Way way way too much focus on instances. I wanted a living breathing world, not some filler between dungeons. NO MORE DUNGEONS/INSTANCES
I refuse to do dungeons anymore because any other path than Path 1 in a dungeon is just making me wanna pull my hair out. Same with Fractals.
Not much regarding the game brings me ‘down.’ I acknowledge quite frequently and openly that there are things that I don’t necessarily like about the game. I give my feedback to the devs, and make opinion heard. That’s all I can really do. I’m aware that I can perhaps help to influence the choices they make and the direction they are willing to go, but I’m perfectly fine with being a player, not the one in charge. I feel so bad for them sometimes.
What does tend to bring me down; however, are the people. The other players of this game. There is so much hate and negativity, not just on the forums, but seeping into the game itself. Like black mold growing just under the surface, poisoning the very air we breathe. I used to run across lots of decent, even helpful, players in the game. Mainly in pve, but I’d had some luck in fractals, spvp, and wvw as well. Not so anymore though. There is too much impatience, too much intolerance. Someone is more apt now to holler at you for being a ‘noob’ than they are to offer a quick suggestion. It’s very disheartening.
The lack of what I consider nice weapon and armor skins. I find that there where a lot of nicer skins in Guild Wars by his point in its life.
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