You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
What do you have that you're proud of?
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
My Candy-Powered Matter Meter.
Since the RNG gods hate me and hubby we worked for the gold to buy precursors. He bought me Rodgort’s Flame (and one for himself) and he bought himself Dawn. I bought The Energizer and Rage (ones I could afford, lol). I worked hard to get what I needed and made The Moot last week. My guardian uses The Moot along with Rodgort’s Flame which is the next Legendary I am working on. Together they are some major kick-yeralienwazzitz weapons, I really like pairing them together and cannot wait until the second becomes a Legendary! Now I am waiting for the new precursors and the adventure they hopefully will provide.
The other thing I have that I am very proud of is my Mawdrey II. Deciding to make that gave me the incentive to try fractals and stretch my limits for things I might not have done.
Green and Yellow Backpack. Though I’m extremely bummed that I lost my blue backpack forever when I put the green one over it.
Both Mad Memories.
You might be able to make a claim to support and see if they will give you back the blue one, since you did earn it at one point. Can’t hurt to ask.
Blue Backpack master race! I never see anyone else with the blue backpack, are they choosing not to wear it or is it one of the rarer ones anyway?
Probably the latter.
Also I love my ugly little Dark Moon Shield because of its smoke effect and no one seems to have it either. I guess I like my expensive skins too but they’re different. I’m most proud of being pretty good at PvP and being one of the few Rangers who plays competitively in the PvP scene (/cry give rangers buffs pls).
No one has it because it was PvP only, but I think you already knew that. Congrats on getting good early; I’m way jealous
Nothing material -.- .
I was semi proud of my mini Liandri until they fixed the dome issue ( hitted like a nerf lol).
Wasnt ingame in the minillamas tourneys and also i know its more about hte number of times you win than the % of them.
My Engineer, my tiny, serious, grumpy, yet kitten charr engineer.
I remember at the release that I were to create a tiny charr engineer with a lore based around a joke, that he was too small to be of any use for the legion.
Now, after more than a total of 4k hours of PvE, PvP and WvW into that engineer with no care for any other class, owning many ascended sets and my Predator, I’m proud of what this little guy has become and is never going to use a makeover kit for anything other than hair styles. It’s rare that I stick to a game because I like the only character I’ve invested in.
Currently 11 lv80 fully geared alts with unique looks, builds and playing styles, upon which I spent about 5000 gold over time instead of wasting it on a few legendaries. And I enjoy them much more than I would any single prestige item.
Have had one ascended chest drop in my entire 2 1/2 years playing time, having logged thousands of hours. My partner got a single precursor drop and two ascended chest drops. Everyting else we worked for hardcore, tooth and nail. We earned it and we spent it as we wanted because that’s what people should do. Money that is never spent is just wasted, collecting dust and bringing little happiness.
My prized posession in this game is probably the effort I have put into it, without praying to any RNG gods, playing the TP, or any other risky business.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
8 Legendaries with 3 more waiting for me to buy T6 to finish.
Mini karka ( before they’re all gone) NOT ADDED TO WARDROBE
mini karka hatchlings
EDIT: Checked karka’s. they are gone!
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
(edited by Chuck.8196)
8 Legendaries with 3 more waiting for me to buy T6 to finish.
Mini karka ( before they’re all gone) NOT ADDED TO WARDROBE
mini karka hatchlingsEDIT: Checked karka’s. they are gone!
Check the bank. There is another mini pet storage site there underneath the bank wardrobe. They’ve been known to move there.
ANet may give it to you.
8 Legendaries with 3 more waiting for me to buy T6 to finish.
Mini karka ( before they’re all gone) NOT ADDED TO WARDROBE
mini karka hatchlingsEDIT: Checked karka’s. they are gone!
Check the bank. There is another mini pet storage site there underneath the bank wardrobe. They’ve been known to move there.
Up there in the parenthesis where it says (before they are gone) and THEY ARE GONE i meant on the TP. Not my inventory.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
My WvW rank is all I have and there are so many people higher than me, lol. But WvW is all I really do and all I really enjoy so;
I’m proud of my rank 3,735 (Platinum General) at the moment. I do a lot of solo roaming and scouting so I could imagine I’d easily be mid – high Mithril if I zerged more often.
I know rank means nothing but I’m proud of it anyway, lol. Makes me stand out in a crowd.
EDIT: And you know what… I know something else I’m proud of. I’m proud of having given away over 1,000gold through out my time playing. A newly wed couple, a total newbie whom was really sweet to me, a close friend, a friend making a legendary, a commander who had only a few silver to his name and who had always been a really great guy, a random person I met in EOTM who needed gold to max out some crafting masterys, a few guildies I wanted to share some love with by buying them all a kite of their choice so we could fly them around together and someone I bet 100g they couldn’t catch me ~ unfortunately I never set a finish line so they just kept chasing me until I screwed up, lol.
So yeah, I’m also proud of all the people I’ve given gold and gifts to. Especially for the reaction that followed with some of those. The newly wed couple was my favorite (: They were both so happy and thanked me over and over, lol. Money doesn’t buy happiness but… It sure feels good to give.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
(edited by SpellOfIniquity.1780)
Wow, that was something else. Congrats, I couldn’t even begin to fathom the work that must have taken whether it be in-game grinding or IRL money earned from a job of some sort. Regardless it must have taken a lot of effort.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I’m proud of my liver.
It has allowed me to out-drink some of my friends and remember their drunken shenanigans.
I have many in game accomplishments. However, what I am most proud of is the time I have spent helping new players learn the game. I spend a lot of my time doing so and many people I have helped contact me on a regular basis to let me know how they are doing. They have grown, become big fans of the game, valuable members of the community and in several cases have surpassed what I have achieved myself. To me that is a great reward for my time spent.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
I’m proud of :
My Preserved Queen Bee
My Chaos Of Lyssa
My 14 Legendary Weapons (Along with my Twice-Told Legend Title)
And of course my mini Faren in red underwear
so neat to me ^^ I just had to flop them all together for a screenie ^^
Winning 1v5 in wvw with my mesmer without the cheesy blackwater build ( it was a long time ago)
My Immobulus
Light of Dwayna
And recently Sunrise.
Nothing really, most of the things mentioned are a bit of luck and a lot of time invested.
-10 legendaries
-19 lvl 80 chars
-wvw rank 10.000
My necromancer, I have spent and farmed a small fortune for his look. First went with the Arah armor set. Then once I got tired of the dress, waited patiently until the grenth hood came back. Once that came I got it, the priory chest and leggings, the Arah gauntlets and shoes I kept. I made due with the dark shadow shoulders, until I got enough gold to buy the bull ones, and the for some reason the deathly mantle skin went down to 300g for Halloween, so I scooped that one up, glad I did since it’s now 2000g and only one left.
I got the crossing afterwards and now have the eye of rodghort, as well as ascended staff and scepter, and I just crafted the Shadow of Grenth last night. Heck I even have the minion harvesting tools.
The only thing for my necro now is deciding on the GS for him when he becomes a reaper. Still having trouble with that. Plan on going for twilight but if the new legendaries match my theme then I’ll probably go for one of them.