What excites you about the future of GW2?
Guild Raids
Guild Halls
SAB World 3
Future dungeons…
Precursor scavenger hunt/ crafting…
WvW with less zerging…
Quaggan Dervishes…
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
Open world dungeons
New professions
dozens of new skills per profession
The biggest thing being an expansion.
(edited by Fernling.1729)
More big open world maps. Tyria is incomplete..I want to see more
Excite is the wrong word, lost my ability to get excited for this game a year + ago.
I’d like to see big additions and big changes, but I have close to zero hope of them occurring.
Id love to see a new expansion, races, classes, a whole new world the size of the existing game world revealed. I would be first in line to hand over my money.
But aside from the guild related additions from the CDIs, a lot of this is stuff we don’t know will be added. Or worse, (e.g. dungeons), stuff we know we won’t see added to the game.
So, of the stuff that is coming, what makes you the most giddy?
Do we even have a good idea of what IS coming?
Aside from more LS, of course. Tons more where that came from.
Do we even have a good idea of what IS coming?
Aside from more LS, of course. Tons more where that came from.
Hehe, good question.
One of the things I am excited about for the future of Guild Wars 2, and for Anet, is me finishing my Bachelors Degree in Information Technology and working for Anet. That will be a great day, not only for Anet, but for millions of players world wide.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
With respect Dlonie there isn’t anything ‘coming up’ as far as I can tell, even with Guild stuff -
CDI type cross communication has happened before and nothing came of it, or not in the way that was envisaged by the community – Precursor scavenge, Ascended fall out, Traits, Personal Story off the top of my head – these had either CDI type involvement or feedback threads encouraged by Dev’s for feedback and supposed interaction.
The default here is to not give any forward knowledge of whats upcoming ATALL, other than poster teasers just vague enough to allow hope to spring eternal.
One of the things I am excited about for the future of Guild Wars 2, and for Anet, is me finishing my Bachelors Degree in Information Technology and working for Anet.
That will be a great day, not only for Anet, but for millions of players world wide.
Will you be bringing in the type of skills builds and contents like how we had in GW1, if you are, then you got the job.
One of the things I am excited about for the future of Guild Wars 2, and for Anet, is me finishing my Bachelors Degree in Information Technology and working for Anet.
That will be a great day, not only for Anet, but for millions of players world wide.
Will you be bringing in the type of skills builds and contents like how we had in GW1, if you are, then you got the job.
If you are the hiring manager, then yes absolutely. If not, then I will see what I can do :P
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
With respect Dlonie there isn’t anything ‘coming up’ as far as I can tell, even with Guild stuff -
CDI type cross communication has happened before and nothing came of it, or not in the way that was envisaged by the community – Precursor scavenge, Ascended fall out, Traits, Personal Story off the top of my head – these had either CDI type involvement or feedback threads encouraged by Dev’s for feedback and supposed interaction.
The default here is to not give any forward knowledge of whats upcoming ATALL, other than poster teasers just vague enough to allow hope to spring eternal.
So there’s nothing to look forward to besides more LS episodes and the possibility of a fruitful CDI?
More challenging content (hopefully)
With respect Dlonie there isn’t anything ‘coming up’ as far as I can tell, even with Guild stuff -
CDI type cross communication has happened before and nothing came of it, or not in the way that was envisaged by the community – Precursor scavenge, Ascended fall out, Traits, Personal Story off the top of my head – these had either CDI type involvement or feedback threads encouraged by Dev’s for feedback and supposed interaction.
The default here is to not give any forward knowledge of whats upcoming ATALL, other than poster teasers just vague enough to allow hope to spring eternal.
So there’s nothing to look forward to besides more LS episodes and the possibility of a fruitful CDI?
I wouldn’t say that…
Look at it like this. Christmas is coming up, you know you are going to get some presents, but don’t know what. Does not knowing make those gifts less? Do you not looking forward to them despite not knowing what they contain? If you did now whats those gifts contained would you still feel excited? and if they were gifts you didn’t much care for would you feel that Christmas was utterly ruined and hopeless?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I had been hoping for the return of the Winter weapons, and that happened. I now have my favorite dagger in the game. Thanks Anet!
I’m excited for the return of Wintersday.
I’m enjoying the current living story, and I want the carapace light armor chest, so I’m waiting patiently for that.
I don’t have a source, but I believe something was said about a rework of Shatterer, Tequatl style, so I’m excited for that.
Lastly, I’m looking forward to the new Lion’s Arch, whenever that may be!
Things I remain hopeful for:
The return of super adventure box.
The return of moa racing!
SAB coming back.
MAYBE new dungeons? One can hope.
Am I playing the game though? Nope not for a few weeks now, eventually I’ll stop posting here, and maybe, just maybe they’ll email me with notice of SAB or new dungeons that could bring me back.
Not a single thing.
I can tell you what I think would excite me; Open world, triggered, spawned group events.
Nothing is coming. Nothing came in 2 years.
The unknown…/15charr
1. More weapons to each class. Either new or just more of the same weapons usable to every class.
2. New legendary weapons and hopefully legendary armor and legendary backs
3. New dungeons
4. Raids
5. New worlds bosses
6. New pvp modes
7. Just an all over more rewarding pvp experience.
8. Mounts .. Haters gonna hate
Hopefully at least some of these things will come true
-Tengu plz: My life would be complete
-Necro Greatsword
-Cool WvW additions
-Guild Halls
-More living story content
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
An open question for anyone who’s been playing the game long term:
Looking at the future of the game, what excites you the most?
I see now future for this game. It will be lost in triviality, if the devs stick to the thought, that LS is all that players want.
It´s just a matter of time, when someone releases a good alternative to this game. (I am already searching for it.)
What upcoming features and content interest you?
There are no upcoming features and only LS content to be released.
At least nobody knows. And nobody is allowed to talk about it. Shhh! Top secret! Feels like kindergarten.
For me, its hard to be excited about things that we have no idea are coming.
Anet’s policy of not discussing future plans until right before their release mean that, for me, as I do not know what is coming, I have nothing to anticipate and feel excited about.
Sure, its a safe bet that LS is goign to continue, and it is nice enough, but even the cliffhangers don’t have me hugely excited for the next installment.
Made worse that in some specific areas, they have introduced systems, based on good ideas but not so good execution, then months and months of feedback later, nothing has changed. it could well be that they are concentrating resources on something amazing in the future, but as they have trouble sorting out certain aspects of the games present, and not knowing what this exciting future is, I’m not giddy with anticipation.
if they want me, and probably a fair few other players excited about the future of the game, Anet perhaps need to change their policy and get better at communication, so that we have an idea what is coming, and thus can get hyped for it.
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
Going back to the old server system (IE: removing megaservers).
….hey, a person can hope :x
Anet refuses to announce anything so… nothing.
I don’t know of any upcoming stuff to be excited for. For the time being, I don’t really think anyone outside of the development team can say they do.
The return of SAB someday, and maybe new world bosses at the end of season 2 (whenever that occurs)?
An open question for anyone who’s been playing the game long term:
Looking at the future of the game, what excites you the most?
What upcoming features and content interest you?
All of them. Meaning, i’d like to hear what is actually coming – because without it the best i can manage is hoping they won’t make the game any worse. Excitement about things i haven’t even heard about is definitely out of the question. Especially since i don’t know if there’s anything coming beyond LS.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Looking at the future of the game, what excites you the most?
What excites me the most about GW2 and the future?
The fact that, someday a few years down the line, the teachers of aspiring game devs and studio heads will point back at this and say “See this crap here? This is how you take a triple A game and run it into the ground. Do none of this.”
And they’ll learn, and then make the games I’ll be playing.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I’m not upset about new content (or the perceived lack thereof). That said, I’ve gotten to the point where I derive some sort of perverse satisfaction in seeing what ANet will do next. Think along the lines of changes/additions to the game that were either neutral (to me) like wardrobe or objectively bad (trait changes). Right now the only thing to look forward to are the new daily reward and login systems. Based on past performance, I expect this to be a change for the worse, but would be pleased if it’s better.
Other than that, it’s hard to get excited about anything else, since I’ve given up trying to predict what ANet will do next. Still, for all its faults and foibles, GW2 is still the best MMO for me. That may owe more to the MMO genre being a wasteland of failed attempts to generate fun replaced by time sinks disguised as ersatz fun.
I hope that….
…all of these Living Story episodes involving Mordremoth are actually leading up to an expansion.
…we eventually see Guild Halls, GvG, and an automated tournament like HoH
…we get other things that were promised to us but were never delivered. (main race minigames like polymock, a charr-themed competitive game, and a sylvari one as well)
…we get dyable weapons.
…we get end game content (non-rng based loot behind difficult content)
…we get fixes for lots of issues and bugs that seem to be ignored.
That is all.
Map being more opened and able to be explored. (One day ill walk through ALL of Tyria
PvP (Future looks bright)
Meeting new people and making long term friends.
More maps like DT & SW. Zones that push the community to work together and involve difficult encounters is always welcomed.
More LS2!
Possible news about an expansion involving Cantha would be welcomed!
The release of a new traditional expansion with a new continent, new 5 man content, new Heavy Armor Proffesion, and new playable race.
The release of a new traditional expansion with a new continent, new 5 man content, new Heavy Armor Proffesion, and new playable race.
Would you like mounts on top of that? Oh and maybe capes?
Looking at the future, what comes close to exciting me: Eventually, we’ll get new weapon accesses for all classes. Or so they said. A year ago. As something they’d have done by…2014.
Other than that, I’m hoping that they eventually do manage to excite me. Or do something besides make me sigh and go “How did I not see that coming?”
I want new things: classes, races, weapons, utility skills, elite skills, legendaries, maps, pvp modes, 500 chef and artificer, fractals, dungeons, the ability to parachute, and squirrel suits that are quaggan themed.
Anything that is not a jumping puzzle
The release of a new traditional expansion with a new continent, new 5 man content, new Heavy Armor Proffesion, and new playable race.
Would you like mounts on top of that? Oh and maybe capes?
Mounts usually don’t go on top:P Not to mention with all the suds & Dolyak meat my Norn ladies consume I would hate to see what they’d look like if they sat on their butts all day!
On a more serious note though capes would be a nice touch. We have quivers along with new fancy back pieces and capes would really go well with some of the current armor looks. Not too mention a nice nod to GW1 where capes were hip and cool;-)
For me, well:
1. More variety in WvW maps outside of EB, and the Borderlands
2. New mechanics to give WvW even more flavor like new siege weapons
3. More legendaries for the other weapon types
4. Guild Halls
Honestly we don’t have any information about the future, and ANET has let me down so many times it’s like they’re going into business as pallbearers.
I keep hoping for the following:
1. Fractal levels 50-infinity. No idea why they reset people’s progress and took a fun challenge out of the game.
2. Elite explorable dungeons.
3. Guild halls, GvG, Alliances.
4. New PvP types, including for more than 5 players per team. See GW1 for plentiful examples.
5. New weapons for classes.
6. New skills for classes.
7. New classes.
8. Cantha, crystal desert, ring of fire, elona, in that order.
The theme here is I want new ways to play and new ways to socialize with others while playing. I don’t care about open world zerging, I don’t care about loot, I don’t care about the living story which I personally think has been done poorly, I don’t even care about the dragons anymore after what Zhaitan was. I want more content that emphasizes the M M ORPG portion of the game.
The fluffy collections, UI rework, NPE (lol…), trait changes etc may be “big” projects for the studio, but honestly every “big” project has done more harm than good so far.
Anti-white-knight-disclaimer: All of the above is only MY opinion.
The release of a new traditional expansion with a new continent, new 5 man content, new Heavy Armor Proffesion, and new playable race.
Would you like mounts on top of that? Oh and maybe capes?
Mounts usually don’t go on top:P Not to mention with all the suds & Dolyak meat my Norn ladies consume I would hate to see what they’d look like if they sat on their butts all day!
On a more serious note though capes would be a nice touch. We have quivers along with new fancy back pieces and capes would really go well with some of the current armor looks. Not too mention a nice nod to GW1 where capes were hip and cool;-)
I really wouldn’t hold my breath for anything.
The release of a new traditional expansion with a new continent, new 5 man content, new Heavy Armor Proffesion, and new playable race.
Would you like mounts on top of that? Oh and maybe capes?
I’m not that greedy.
4 words: Point of no return.
Hoping they can improve the server code and capacity and allow for more players in the wvw zones.