What happens if I buy gems?

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204



I’m thinking about buying the big expansion pack that comes with 4000 gems, but I’ve also thought at times about simply buying gems to purchase things off of the market (bank tab expansions and whatnot).

Thus far, I’ve earned almost all of my gems from gold and in-game means. I’ve bought a good mining pick, logging axe, and a character slot expansion. It seems as though “gem” farming is what keeps me coming back to guild wars 2, mostly because it gives me something to work towards. I already have some ascended armor and trinkets. I have exotics for everything else.

So, if I go and buy a bunch of gems with real world money, I’m not sure what else I would work towards. I’ve done world completion (on my ever allusive journey towards a legendary weapon). PvP isn’t really my thing, though I might try some more WvW in the future.

What do you think? Will buying a bunch of gems ruin the game for someone like me? Or am I just not aware of other aspects of the game?

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I don’t think it would. I mean, there’s always more to buy, and I’ve spent some actual cash on Bank Tabs and such.

For me, I’m always trying to grind out currency so I can try new builds/looks for my toons.

If you’re worrying about not having anything to work for, remember, there’s always MOAAR!!!

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Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalladi.4652


If it really troubles you, you could always immediately convert the 4,000 gems into gold and think as if you had looted a precursor and sold it.

Or alternatively, go on a mass shopping spree in the trading post or store; there’s always some things that you find you want (perhaps give some of your alt characters more bag slots if you don’t already have them maxed out).

Plus, you can look to the future; there will certainly be new items brought to the gem store, so you can save them for that. Or you can do a small community or guild event when you have a free raffle and gift the winner an item from the gem store.

It won’t ruin the game, but more likely allow you some more possibilities for using your gems in creative ways.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Just buy the deluxe then, comes with everything the ultimate has minus the gems.

If you want to just give them more money because you think they deserve it, then give the gems away to friends (gift them some nice gem store items) and bam, you’re life long goal of earning gems via in-game gold won’t be affected.

This sounds like a passive/round-about-way of complaining about end-game content. Bore. If you’re bored of the game right now, take a break and come back when there’s more content.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


This sounds like a passive/round-about-way of complaining about end-game content. Bore. If you’re bored of the game right now, take a break and come back when there’s more content.

This crossed my mind. I’m wondering if I’m simply bored with the game and therefore hesitating to pre-purchase the expansion (for fear that once it comes out, I won’t be playing anymore).

Though I’m hoping I haven’t found other aspects of the game that can hold my interest. Thus far, I’ve been focused on “gearing up,” hence the worry about buying gems and “instantly getting what I want.”

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’m thinking about buying the big expansion pack that comes with 4000 gems, but I’ve also thought at times about simply buying gems to purchase things off of the market (bank tab expansions and whatnot).

Thus far, I’ve earned almost all of my gems from gold and in-game means. I’ve bought a good mining pick, logging axe, and a character slot expansion. It seems as though “gem” farming is what keeps me coming back to guild wars 2, mostly because it gives me something to work towards. I already have some ascended armor and trinkets. I have exotics for everything else.

So, if I go and buy a bunch of gems with real world money, I’m not sure what else I would work towards. I’ve done world completion (on my ever allusive journey towards a legendary weapon). PvP isn’t really my thing, though I might try some more WvW in the future.

What do you think? Will buying a bunch of gems ruin the game for someone like me? Or am I just not aware of other aspects of the game?

I have no qualms with buying gems if you can afford it. Then again, my enjoyment of the game isn’t based on farming gold to convert to gems, so it’s hard to say.

It also depends on what you consider a “bunch” of gems. To me, spending $10 every other month on gems is no big deal. I use the gems to buy any cool skin I happen to want and then the rest convert to gold.

In the 3 years I’ve been playing I’ve probably gotten at least 500g from converting my leftover gems into gold.

My single biggest purchase of gems was of course the ultimate expansion that came with 4000 gems. I bought bank expansions, some infinite tools, an outfit, and the rest I converted to gold to finish off the T6 mats and lodestones I needed for crafting Meteorlogicus.

Left me with about 84g to my name. Haven’t bought gems since and I’m back up to 400g or so. I’m a semi-serious TP flipper though (2-3hrs/week TPing). It’s nice finally getting back to larger numbers so I can purchase more things to flip.

TL:DR if you have the money to spare, who cares. If it means you might not be able to eat or pay bills that month, then definitely do not do it.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linfang.1087


I bought the Ultimate. Basically the way I see it. 50% off gems means anything I buy in the gem store is 50% off. On top of anything on sale so makes it a great deal. And this is also the first time since launch they offered a discount on gems.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


I can see how it might, if buying the gems acts like a shortcut to your goal.

So consider what it is you want to buy gems for.
Just one Outfit?

Buying the gems probably not a good idea, as then, as you said, you have no goal.

But if your goal is to build several more characters with unlimited tools, a bunch of outfits, bag slots, bank tabs, character slots, etc
Then it’s probably not a huge deal, though I would suggest maybe setting a limit on how much you buy, like a monthly allowance.
Then you still have to work for anything beyond that.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


I bought the Ultimate. Basically the way I see it. 50% off gems means anything I buy in the gem store is 50% off. On top of anything on sale so makes it a great deal. And this is also the first time since launch they offered a discount on gems.

Ironically you were paying full price for the gems, and got 1200 gems worth of skins for free. They purposely priced the packages like that so the Ultimate looks like a good deal. If you thought you were being cleaver by buying the Deluxe, you gracefully fell into the marketing trap of paying them more for what used to be considered a free pre-order bonus.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dobri.7820


Think about it as You are supporting the game you like

and just do as you see fit

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


It’s simple, Anet making money with gems means they will try to get you to buy gems. ?That results them putting the most fun items (items people like) in the cash-shop, or behind a gold-grind (as you can buy gold with gems). So for the game it’s not good. Playing directly for an item (other than grinding gold) is almost not possible for most items in GW2. While personally I think it’s one of the most fun game-elements of an MMO.

That also means you can’t say you support the game by buying gems, imho you hurt the game by buying gems.

You want to support the game, buy the game. Many people complained about a €50,- price, but for a B2P game (what GW2 has not behaved like the last two years) it’s a normal price and I rather have to pay €50,- for an expansion every year then have items locked in a cash-shop. But maybe with HoT Anet wants to turn back to B2P again, as that justifies the €50,- and also Anet must have seen that the Expansion is already doing more for the game then the LS did.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YOUNGaz.5690


I’d say go for it. You could save them for a rainy day to turn into gold or purchase limited time gem store stuff that you won’t have time to grind for if you’re short.

Also, if you have friends or anything that play gw2, you can always purchase cool stuff for them as a friendly present or something.

Or, if you want, just cash them in immediately and purchase a precursor off the TP (I think 4000 gems converts enough? don’t know exchange that well). That’s the least fun part of legendary crafting is getting the pre either through farming gold to buy it or throwing stuff into MF forever and crossing fingers. Everything else is straight forward and obtainable.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


There’s no reason why buying gems would ruin the game for you. Farming gems may be something you’ve set as a goal, but a goal is hardly enough reason to play a game if you didn’t find it enjoyable at all (which is what I would define as being “ruined” for a game); the only thing that acquiring these gems would do is cause you to shift your goals to something else, such as collecting skins, achievement point hunting, or replacing all your gear with ascended versions.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I did it the other way, I bought gems from the beginning to buy character slots – I think I bought 3 or 4 right after release – bank tabs, bag slots and even to turn it to gold to boost my creation of a legendary.

Yeah, maybe I am an impatient guy but on the other hand I don’t have a lot of time to play this game. There are other games and I have a 100%-job (luckily no family though ^^). There’s still a lot to buy if you want. I also bought a lot with gold —> gem lately like the llama finisher. Very fun ^^

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


It’s simple, Anet making money with gems means they will try to get you to buy gems. ?That results them putting the most fun items (items people like) in the cash-shop, or behind a gold-grind (as you can buy gold with gems). So for the game it’s not good. Playing directly for an item (other than grinding gold) is almost not possible for most items in GW2. While personally I think it’s one of the most fun game-elements of an MMO.

That also means you can’t say you support the game by buying gems, imho you hurt the game by buying gems.

You want to support the game, buy the game. Many people complained about a €50,- price, but for a B2P game (what GW2 has not behaved like the last two years) it’s a normal price and I rather have to pay €50,- for an expansion every year then have items locked in a cash-shop. But maybe with HoT Anet wants to turn back to B2P again, as that justifies the €50,- and also Anet must have seen that the Expansion is already doing more for the game then the LS did.

So you’re encouraging a moratorium on ANet’s current primary source of income because you hold a grudge that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW in terms of rapid, large expansions. So you rather see the game fail and the company close up shop than suffer with a gem shop and 2 to 4 year expansion cycles?

Because that’s what you are saying. “Don’t buy gems because that just encourages them to maintain their blasphemous (to GW) ways. We need to punish them financially to force them to return to the true faith of similar size paid content releases every 6-12 months.” And while we’re at it lets force them to reverse all of their misguided ways like trying to simplify the game with fewer skills and traits.

Just let it go …


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What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


I think this game preys on the fashion/clothes/accessories obsessed…

I have spent a small fortune on gems, but I’m pretty sure my BF (for example), who could probably resist most outfits etc., could play virtually for free.

If you’re more like him than me (which I think you are, from what you have said), you probably don’t really need the 4000 gems.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

So you’re encouraging a moratorium on ANet’s current primary source of income because you hold a grudge that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW in terms of rapid, large expansions.

Technically, Factions and Nightfall ARE NOT expansions. EoTN was the only true expansion for GW1. The other two were fully independent standalone games. That just happened to be linkable to all the others.

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


So you’re encouraging a moratorium on ANet’s current primary source of income because you hold a grudge that GW2 isn’t exactly like GW in terms of rapid, large expansions.

Technically, Factions and Nightfall ARE NOT expansions. EoTN was the only true expansion for GW1. The other two were fully independent standalone games. That just happened to be linkable to all the others.

I know that but I have a problem with that poster who in other threads insist that ANet would have been making oodles more money if they simply held the line with rapid paid content releases and given up on the evil ways of cash shops. I strongly disagree that the development pace of GW could be maintained with an open world MMO like GW2 VS the hub/instance structure of GW.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azizul.8469


A : you are just a few dollar poorer. that’s all. play your game as usual.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

What do you think? Will buying a bunch of gems ruin the game for someone like me? Or am I just not aware of other aspects of the game?

Naw, you seem to have a good idea of what things you like to do, what challenges you accept (and which you reject), and your own tolerance for tedium. If you get the top-priced version of HoT and the extra gems, you can use them to:

  • Convert to gold to buy some stuff you couldn’t otherwise afford (ideally, wait for the exchange rate to hit 20g/100 gems again).
  • Buy stuff for friends. I find that people really appreciate getting little things from the gem store, because they never would have spent the gems or gold themselves.
  • Save it for a rainy day. There’s always a time when there’s something fun on the gem store and you just don’t have any gems on hand.
  • An extra set of harvesting or salvaging tools. Those are so convenient for my alts; the only thing stopping me from buying tons is the total cost.

tl;dr I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter which version of the game you buy. Your attitude matters more than the details.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”