What is ferocity?
(Meditation of) Ferocity is a mechanic in Temple of the Silent Storm which increases the amount of points which you get whenever you kill an enemy by 3. They spawn in sets of 2, making the maximum points you can gain from killing 11.
I’m strongly inclined to say that’s not what you’re talking about. <_<
(Meditation of) Ferocity is a mechanic in Temple of the Silent Storm which increases the amount of points which you get whenever you kill an enemy by 3. They spawn in sets of 2, making the maximum points you can gain from killing 11.
I’m strongly inclined to say that’s not what you’re talking about. <_<
You’re right, that’s not what I’m talking about…sorry for the confusion.
Ferocity is a new stat that will be replacing crit damage, but what I’m asking is, what is it? Is it like an alternative source of power, is it based off of another stat, or what?
Does anybody know what it does?
Ferocity will give crit damage like crit damage does now but at roughly 10% less rate.
For example a 10% crit damage item will have ferocity for 9% crit damage after the change. It’s just a conversion like precision is for crit chance.
(edited by steelwolf.9864)
(Meditation of) Ferocity is a mechanic in Temple of the Silent Storm which increases the amount of points which you get whenever you kill an enemy by 3. They spawn in sets of 2, making the maximum points you can gain from killing 11.
I’m strongly inclined to say that’s not what you’re talking about. <_<
You’re right, that’s not what I’m talking about…sorry for the confusion.
Ferocity is a new stat that will be replacing crit damage, but what I’m asking is, what is it? Is it like an alternative source of power, is it based off of another stat, or what?
Does anybody know what it does?
At a wild guess, it’ll be more or less identical to Critical Damage, except the amount of Ferocity required to gain 1% extra critical damage will increase as you get more- Like how Luck works.
Ferocity is one of the three stats of the “Personality Roleplaying Mechanic” that can affect a character interactions with npc’s in the world.
Though I’m strongly inclined to say that’s not what you’re talking about. <_<
Ferocity will have the same range of numbers as Power, Toughness, etc. do now. If a Berserker piece now has Power: 100; Precision: 65; and Critical Damage: 5% (numbers only for example purposes) the revised piece will have Power: 100; Precision: 65; and Ferocity 65. There will be a formula in a table that will convert Ferocity into critical damage percentage, much as there is one that converts Precision into critical chance. Once the actual numbers are out, we’ll be able to learn that at 80 it will take X Ferocity to get a +1% to critical damage, just as we currently know that it takes 21 Precision at 80 to get a +1% to critical chance.
Ferocity replaces the existing Critical Damage stat which had been represented as a percentage increase, and instead represents it now as a number, putting it in line with the rest of character traits. Characters who has been built for max dps will see approximately a 10% reduction in their dps output.
Lol. Another mess apparently. Anet =/= balancing.
(Meditation of) Ferocity is a mechanic in Temple of the Silent Storm which increases the amount of points which you get whenever you kill an enemy by 3. They spawn in sets of 2, making the maximum points you can gain from killing 11.
I’m strongly inclined to say that’s not what you’re talking about. <_<
Ferocity is one of the three stats of the “Personality Roleplaying Mechanic” that can affect a character interactions with npc’s in the world.
Though I’m strongly inclined to say that’s not what you’re talking about. <_<
Honestly, I bet the devs completely forgot about those 2 versions of ferocity already in GW2 when they renamed crit dam % to ferocity…
Also, I suspect they forgot about celestial armour when they worked it out. The nerfing of crit dam% on any other amour set then berserker works out at far bigger a nerf.
Confused yet? Much?
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
At times in the video, it almost sounded like they were implying Ferocity would replace both Critical Damage and Precision. The dialogue was really unclear.
They also stated that there was another huge change to be announced at a later date. So there’s a small possibility that the above could be true, and we would presumably see another new attribute alongside Ferocity.
I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes/curiosity/rage up too much, though. That’s just one of many conflicting impressions I got during the vague discussion.
Also, I suspect they forgot about celestial armour when they worked it out. The nerfing of crit dam% on any other amour set then berserker works out at far bigger a nerf.
Actually they even mentioned celestial in the stream: probably it will receive the same amount ferocity as it has from other stats.
As I expect to be ferocity the same as precision (21 points being around 1%) this is going to be a heavy nerf to celestial, as crit-damage is the only really good stat on it.
Excel-sheet balancing ftw!!!
Also, I suspect they forgot about celestial armour when they worked it out. The nerfing of crit dam% on any other amour set then berserker works out at far bigger a nerf.
Actually they even mentioned celestial in the stream: probably it will receive the same amount ferocity as it has from other stats.
As I expect to be ferocity the same as precision (21 points being around 1%) this is going to be a heavy nerf to celestial, as crit-damage is the only really good stat on it.
Excel-sheet balancing ftw!!!
If it’s a 10% loss to crit damage, then you should only see small drop in overall damage. If it’s a 10% to overall damage, then you should see your crit% drop by about 30-50%. Depending on what they meant by “full zerker”.
Or 16-23 points of ferocity for 1% crit damage.
Ferocity converts critical-hit damage into a flat stat like power instead of a percent. For example:
Suppose a piece of gear gives you 120 power, 90 precision, and 5% crit damage. It will now give you 120 power, 90 precision, and 90 ferocity instead.
My understanding for why they did this is so that critical-hit damage can have diminishing returns. Diminishing returns means the higher a stat is the less beneficial it is to add more of it. For example:
Suppose every 10 points of precision gives you +1% chance to critical-hit. If precision has diminishing returns after 40% that means once you reach 40% you need more than 10 precision to gain +1% chance to critical-hit.
nobody really knows what it is, or what it is based off of….
Sorry for the irrelevant English lesson, but you should say “on” instead of “off of”.
Just a pet peeve of mine, carry on.
nobody really knows what it is, or what it is based off of….
Sorry for the irrelevant English lesson, but you should say “on” instead of “off of”.
Just a pet peeve of mine, carry on.
Wanna know what MY pet peeve is? Talking about grammer mistakes when we should be focusing on the future of this game.
So….let’s talk more about ferocity! Thank you all for posting what it is/what you believe it to be; let’s hear some more ideas (and maybe even what you WANT it to be :P).
Conspiracy to nerf warriors more.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Man as a huge gw1 fan for over 8 years and a huge fan of gw2…i’m starting to lose interest in this game…crit dmge being nerved while condi dmge is heavily extremely overpowered this game is becoming lame…. after spending all laurels (wich takes ALOT of time for multiple chars) etc on trinkets for crit dmge, im going to get even more easily smothered by condi dmge players….nerf freakin condi dmge, its way waaaaaaaay to overpowered and ez wins….warrior anti condi is clownesque and now its dmge gets nerved…stop plsing pve cuasual players anet…they will not get you any money in the longer run for they hop to any game with nice grfx
nobody really knows what it is, or what it is based off of….
Sorry for the irrelevant English lesson, but you should say “on” instead of “off of”.
Just a pet peeve of mine, carry on.
It’s an American-grammatical thing, it’s been around since before either of us came along, and as insidious as ‘like’.
Darksteel – I need a translator to understand what you’re saying.
Back on-topic – last I heard, Ferocity was a characteristic of a toon’s personality, ie. the fist icon when talking to NPC’s, as opposed to the heart or the crown. I really do wish they’d have a more thorough system in use which encompasses the character’s ‘shaped’ personality and modifying interactions between them and other entities in-game.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Right now the game has some statistical anomalies in it, due to how Crit Damage boosts work. Lets use traits as an example. For traits, 1% Crit Damage is equivalent to 10 of a stat, like say Precision. If you invest 10 points into the thief Critical Strikes trait line, you get 100 Precision and 10% Critical Damage. The problem is, the ratio of stat points to Critical Damage doesn’t carry over evenly everywhere.
Take the Superior Rune of Divinity, for example. It gives +10 to all stats, but then +2% to Critical Damage instead of the +1% that you’d think it would get, from how it’s balanced in traits. Take an Exquisite Ruby Jewel. It gives +25 Power, +15 Precision and +3% Critical Damage. As Critical Damage is a minor stat on the jewel, it should be a +1.5% boost to keep with Precision, but instead somehow gets bumped up all the way to 3%. Trinkets display the same issue, where the Critical Damage boost winds up higher than what a stat would actually give.
Even if all Arenanet does with Ferocity is turn it into a flat number, and then have 10 points of Ferocity give a 1% boost to Critical Damage, things will still be brought into line a bit because now the stat will be evenly applied. The Exquisite Ruby Jewel will become +25/15/15 like other jewels, the Superior Rune of Divinity will give 10 Ferocity instead of ‘20’, and so on. Depending on whether they meant “Berserker builds will lose 10% damage” or “lose 10% critical damage”, that simple stat balancing would certainly account for 10% critical damage for most builds. But whatever the case, we’d see the numbers be brought back into line and be less confusing.
dragonhart…. you need to do some english class than btw…it’s Dragonheart
dragonhart…. you need to do some english class than
btw…it’s Dragonheart
Not unless he means some kind of dragon deer .
And it’s then not than :P