What is wrong with nudity?
i don’t have anything against it on principle, but i also don’t see what it adds other than animated porn.
Besides they can’t the games already went through esrb and was certified T nudity requires M17+ iirc and once a game gets its cert you cant resubmit it after release.
Political correctness is slowly eroding the constructional freedoms of this country. When people have overly accommodate feelings of others, it limits their own freedoms. The constitution is meant to protect against controversial speech.
It would only be undermining ANet’s artistic freedom if they wanted to include nudity but were forced to remove it because of some sort of external pressure.
There’s no indication that ANet wanted to include nudity in their game and were thwarted – in fact, I would imagine that for many reasons varying from appealing to a wide audience to the tone they’ve already set, it’s something they would never have even considered doing.
I find it strange to talk about this as a freedom issue in a context where it’s fairly clearly something the developers didn’t actually want to do. Don’t they also have the freedom not to include nudity if it doesn’t fit in with their game design?
Uhh….I don’t get why the game needs nudity. I’m cool with it, but it really doesn’t add or take away anything in the game. So….why does GW2 (or fantasy games in general) need more nudity? Games are already highly sexualized, do we really need to add full on nudity as well? And don’t tell me this isn’t about it being sexualized. There is zero reason for nudity to exist in this game’s environment. I feel the same about skimpy armor, but I think GW2 has a very good balance between skimpy and not skimpy.
The way you use the term “sexualized” gives me the impression that you think it’s inherently bad, almost like comparing it to actual harmful things.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with nudity and sexualisation as long as it’s done equally for all and with the option to filter it in the options, the same way we do for language. I would then warmly welcome it. However it’s not very much needed but I do like having my characters look good
Uhh….I don’t get why the game needs nudity. I’m cool with it, but it really doesn’t add or take away anything in the game. So….why does GW2 (or fantasy games in general) need more nudity? Games are already highly sexualized, do we really need to add full on nudity as well? And don’t tell me this isn’t about it being sexualized. There is zero reason for nudity to exist in this game’s environment. I feel the same about skimpy armor, but I think GW2 has a very good balance between skimpy and not skimpy.
The way you use the term “sexualized” gives me the impression that you think it’s inherently bad, almost like comparing it to actual harmful things.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with nudity and sexualisation as long as it’s done equally for all and with the option to filter it in the options, the same way we do for language. I would then warmly welcome it. However it’s not very much needed but I do like having my characters look good
Sexuality and sexualization are not inherently bad—you’re correct. The issue is that sexualization is often used to dehumanize. If sexualization is used to portray someone as an object to be used, or a lesser human being, that’s an issue. Even though nudity would be available to all characters, you’d still be treading rocky territory when you consider issues like the portrayal of naked children or women…
If people want to create their own private nudity mods, great. They have the freedom to do so. But I don’t think it’s wise to include nudity as a public thing, and I think Arenanet realizes this also.
I’m not actually sure what to think of this thread.
I did find it rather funny that my charr thief has a strip of cloth across her chest, though, considering that charr were designed without breasts. So it’s not actually doing anything, it’s just there. What’s the point of that strip of cloth, exactly? To look more “feminine” from a human perspective? And given how charr feel about humans, would a charr female actually WANT to look more humanly feminine?
Charrs have a minimum requirement of clothing for modesty as well
They don’t have breasts but probably teets, and since every other race is doing it I figured they might as well to not make other races think about it too much.
Charr nipples are not visible, they’re buried under the fur according to the art designers.
And cat nipples would be spread out across the chest, so that little cloth bra wouldn’t cover them all. Since we can’t see any of them, I’m led to believe they’re buried well enough that we can’t see them. :p
It’s not realistic and would just make the world a complete joke having all these women running around naked.
Yeah, I said pretty much the same thing to my bipedal cat as we fought an undead dragon on the drive home from work today. He had just finished casting a fireball and replied, “you know what would really be ridiculous, is seeing a naked woman out here.” Then I drank a potion and turned into a tornado.
This is the best post in this thread, full stop. It was worth making this thread just to see this post.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Uhh….I don’t get why the game needs nudity. I’m cool with it, but it really doesn’t add or take away anything in the game. So….why does GW2 (or fantasy games in general) need more nudity? Games are already highly sexualized, do we really need to add full on nudity as well? And don’t tell me this isn’t about it being sexualized. There is zero reason for nudity to exist in this game’s environment. I feel the same about skimpy armor, but I think GW2 has a very good balance between skimpy and not skimpy.
The way you use the term “sexualized” gives me the impression that you think it’s inherently bad, almost like comparing it to actual harmful things.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with nudity and sexualisation as long as it’s done equally for all and with the option to filter it in the options, the same way we do for language. I would then warmly welcome it. However it’s not very much needed but I do like having my characters look good
Sexuality and sexualization are not inherently bad—you’re correct. The issue is that sexualization is often used to dehumanize. If sexualization is used to portray someone as an object to be used, or a lesser human being, that’s an issue. Even though nudity would be available to all characters, you’d still be treading rocky territory when you consider issues like the portrayal of naked children or women…
If people want to create their own private nudity mods, great. They have the freedom to do so. But I don’t think it’s wise to include nudity as a public thing, and I think Arenanet realizes this also.
Yes exactly. Nothing wrong with things being sexualized…in context. There is no context for toons being nude in the game. We do nothing in the game world which would require taking off clothes…besides armor changes really. So what point would there be to adding nudity? If there is none (which I have seen no reason posted yet), then it’s simply to sexualize the toons. Which is not about expressing sexuality in a positive light, but simply because someone wanted to look at their toon naked for their enjoyment. That’s my issue with this desire to have nude as an option. It’s not for looks, it’s for your pleasure.
There’s nothing wrong with nudity per se, but it’s rather pointless in a game. You can talk about how it’s natural all you want (and I’ll agree), but that doesn’t change that the majority of naked women would be played by sixteen year old boys who for some reason can’t just watch some porn and be done with it.
Also, I do hope that everyone arguing in favor of nudity is just as fine with seeing naked men everywhere as they would be with seeing naked women. Because this discussion seems to be awfully focussed on women.
You mean I get to stare at your naked kitten if you’re in front of me in jumping puzzles? No thanks!
just google Guild Wars 2 rule34, you might feel lucky.
Uhh….I don’t get why the game needs nudity. I’m cool with it, but it really doesn’t add or take away anything in the game. So….why does GW2 (or fantasy games in general) need more nudity? Games are already highly sexualized, do we really need to add full on nudity as well? And don’t tell me this isn’t about it being sexualized. There is zero reason for nudity to exist in this game’s environment. I feel the same about skimpy armor, but I think GW2 has a very good balance between skimpy and not skimpy.
The way you use the term “sexualized” gives me the impression that you think it’s inherently bad, almost like comparing it to actual harmful things.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with nudity and sexualisation as long as it’s done equally for all and with the option to filter it in the options, the same way we do for language. I would then warmly welcome it. However it’s not very much needed but I do like having my characters look good
Sexuality and sexualization are not inherently bad—you’re correct. The issue is that sexualization is often used to dehumanize. If sexualization is used to portray someone as an object to be used, or a lesser human being, that’s an issue. Even though nudity would be available to all characters, you’d still be treading rocky territory when you consider issues like the portrayal of naked children or women…
If people want to create their own private nudity mods, great. They have the freedom to do so. But I don’t think it’s wise to include nudity as a public thing, and I think Arenanet realizes this also.
why would you see a naked woman as an object to be used, but not a naked man? Sexes are equal and if some people want to see naked characters it will not make them respect sexes in real life less.
i don’t have anything against it on principle, but i also don’t see what it adds other than animated porn.
This statement is so backwards. Nudity does not equal porn.
But looking to the lore and the state of the civilizations within the game, running around naked in town would probably not be seen as normal. But for things not belonging to the “civilized” races, I wouldnt mind seeing more skin. Like I said harpies and demons would fit much better without tops. So would the charr, because why do the females wear a bra with no breasts? I honestly dont think I’ve ever read about or seen harpies before in any lore/game/movie where they havent been mostly naked.
Same with sylvari, they are naturally covered in bark, so I dont see why their clothes should cover anything up really, except from a combat perspective, where its just smart to cover as many areas of your body as possible.
the majority of naked women would be played by sixteen year old boys who for some reason can’t just watch some porn and be done with it.
Because men older then 16 no longer enjoy nude women, right?
Or if they do, something is wrong with them, right?
the majority of naked women would be played by sixteen year old boys who for some reason can’t just watch some porn and be done with it.
Because men older then 16 no longer enjoy nude women, right?
Or if they do, something is wrong with them, right?
Meh dont mind him, its another one that sees nudity as porn.
some parents let there underage kids (mine is 3 and LOVES charr and yes he can walk around with it 10 minutes a day no killing just walking around as a 3 year old should) and it would be very unpleasant if off a sudden there comes a group of naked norn males and females jumping around on the screen with bouncing parts and all.
if you want nudity go play second life or get skyrim and install a nudity mod.
some parents let there underage kids (mine is 3 and LOVES charr and yes he can walk around with it 10 minutes a day no killing just walking around as a 3 year old should) and it would be very unpleasant if off a sudden there comes a group of naked norn males and females jumping around on the screen with bouncing parts and all.
if you want nudity go play second life or get skyrim and install a nudity mod.
I think the visage of a Charr with a huge spikey armor would scar a 3 year old more than some natural human bodyparts. It’s not like he would connect either to something in the first place. He’s bound to see some of those things IRL sooner or later anyways, and hopefully it’s not a big plushy horned/fanged 8 feet kittycat with a cleaver.
some parents let there underage kids (mine is 3 and LOVES charr and yes he can walk around with it 10 minutes a day no killing just walking around as a 3 year old should) and it would be very unpleasant if off a sudden there comes a group of naked norn males and females jumping around on the screen with bouncing parts and all.
if you want nudity go play second life or get skyrim and install a nudity mod.
I think the visage of a Charr with a huge spikey armor would scar a 3 year old more than some natural human bodyparts. It’s not like he would connect either to something in the first place. He’s bound to see some of those things IRL sooner or later anyways, and hopefully it’s not a big plushy horned/fanged 8 feet kittycat with a cleaver.
i helped him create the “kittycat” it has the most ugly mean looking face is grey and has guardian armor and small horns hardly scary at all as he say so himself. he likes it to go sleep and look at the cows outside if the charr city. i dont let him wander of to far in the world as it will have to do with killing and its very hard to explain a 3 year old why they do that. still a 3 year old should not see dangling man parts in a fantasy game (or female parts) and wonder what they do at this age. I do agree sooner or later they will pick it up probably on tv (wich we dont even own, we dislike television) or on the internet. but as a parent i am responsible for what he sees and what i think he is allowed to see. and to be honost: i do not want to take his 10 minutes of fun away from him.
Then again i am sure A-net will not allow nudity in this game so i am not worried i would have to do so.
i also know there is many more parents here who let their youngster play this game (many posts about it before the forums became a hate source pretty much) and even A-net posted a story about it (repost from someone telling about his 5 year old).
Well but this game has an age restriction at 12 if I remember right. So the case that your 3 year old likes to watch this game can not be used as an argument against several features. You can not bring your 3 old to a movie for 12 year olds and say it has to be apropriate for your son and appropriate for your style of education.
However I don’t think completely naked chars are necessary in this game. And for me there is a difference between naked people on the beach -who I don’t mind at all and complete nakedness in a game.
(edited by Pirlipat.2479)
The answewr to the question is NOTHING is wrong with nudity
People saying kids this kids that i bet dont shout their heads off when at a beach and just as much is on show, i bet they do not bother too much when some random woman pops her boob out and feeds her kids in Mc D’s with kids all over the place. Of course not because its natural according to most, well nudity is natual and thats final if it wasnt we would all be born with clothes now wouldnt we?.
Double standards is what it is.
Now the real question should have been whats wrong with nudity in this game?. Thats something different IMO and one that can only really have one answer. The answer is its wrong but only because it serves no purpose to the game in any way shape or form as if it did it would be in it already now wouldnt it?.
Adding nude people to the game just for the sake of it just doesnt feel right after all alot of the female armors already have alot of show and thats a little more realistic and immersive to the game style. Sure you could walk around some random tree line hear a noise in the bushes and upon investigation find two people having it off. That would be ok i guess as lets be fair here they must have sex in this world right? or how do we see so any children in game.
Are we going to get more immersion from having nude models in game? no so why bother
Nowt wrong with nudity. I walk around my flat naked all the time. And if my neighbours are offended then they can stop peering in my windows.
They should include nudity when they bring out player housing.
some parents let there underage kids (mine is 3 and LOVES charr and yes he can walk around with it 10 minutes a day no killing just walking around as a 3 year old should) and it would be very unpleasant if off a sudden there comes a group of naked norn males and females jumping around on the screen with bouncing parts and all.
if you want nudity go play second life or get skyrim and install a nudity mod.
the game has a rating on for a reason. If it allowed nudity it would be your own fault for allowing a 3 year old play a (was it 12+ or 18+ game with the current rating?) game that has a mature rating.
some parents let there underage kids (mine is 3 and LOVES charr and yes he can walk around with it 10 minutes a day no killing just walking around as a 3 year old should) and it would be very unpleasant if off a sudden there comes a group of naked norn males and females jumping around on the screen with bouncing parts and all.
if you want nudity go play second life or get skyrim and install a nudity mod.
the game has a rating on for a reason. If it allowed nudity it would be your own fault for allowing a 3 year old play a (was it 12+ or 18+ game with the current rating?) game that has a mature rating.
IF it would have nudity in it of course i wouldn’t let him play it (DUH) and i do realize my kid is to young for the fighting and killing. hence the fact he never does or see this.
I just think that a 3 year old in this digital age should be able to discover things like guild wars lands. it is beautiful lush lands with so much to see. Nudity does not fit into this game.
also the rating does not have anything to do with younger people playing. it is a sugestion, if you will a guideline for the age limit. does not mean a 3 or a 5 or 8 year old can not play the game.
There’s nothing really -wrong- with nudity, however, I don’t see what allowing nudity in-game would really add to the gaming experience except people ogling their nude characters.
Here are the problems with nudity:
4. In western countries, eating disorders are on the rise. This is because the media portrays the human body—male and female—in a very unrealistic manner. From a young age, people see many more fake bodies from media, then they do real life bodies. As a result, they come to believe that bodies in the media are normal, when in truth they are edited by computers, and physically impossible for a real person to get. This not only causes people to be uncomfortable with their own bodies, but to be cruel and judgemental about the bodies of others.
The bodies in Guild Wars 2 are super-idealized. NOBODY looks like that for real. We don’t need another media outlet warping people’s perception and causing mental health problems.
This is hardly correct. I have seen many people that look like the bodies in the game. On top of that, obesity a far bigger problem in the western world than eating disorders.
Nudity is bad and you should feel bad.
Nudity is fine in the confines of your own home, but it certainly isn’t needed in any way, shape, or form in an MMORPG.
If you want nudity in your game, here’s some choices for you :
1)Age of Conan
2) Therapy
The Unofficial NA Roleplaying Server!
Here are the problems with nudity:
1. There are too many people who would use it to be obscene or perverted. Like someone above said, there would be too many young male players running around with female characters, screaming “BEWBS, BEWBS”. As a female player, I am offended by how often females are degraded into nothing more than sex objects. While there’s nothing wrong with nudity in itself, there is a problem with how people use nudity.
2. Arenanet is trying to appeal to people and cultures around the world. There are nudists playing side-by-side with ultra-conservative religious people. The company is trying to appeal to multiple cultures—and allowing nudity in any form isn’t the way to do that. If they did, they would lose some of the player base—and earn less money—as a result.
3. It’s a teen-rated game. While the rating allows for the portrayal of sexuality, violence, drugs, ect. to an extent—Arenanet is basically trying to make their game child-friendly. They want to appeal to youth, and to parents.
4. In western countries, eating disorders are on the rise. This is because the media portrays the human body—male and female—in a very unrealistic manner. From a young age, people see many more fake bodies from media, then they do real life bodies. As a result, they come to believe that bodies in the media are normal, when in truth they are edited by computers, and physically impossible for a real person to get. This not only causes people to be uncomfortable with their own bodies, but to be cruel and judgemental about the bodies of others.
The bodies in Guild Wars 2 are super-idealized. NOBODY looks like that for real. We don’t need another media outlet warping people’s perception and causing mental health problems.
Heres a problem with you’re statements Guild wars 2 is a game its not intended to be exactly like real life and people should separate game mechanics from real life physics.
The bodies in Guild Wars 2 are super-idealized. NOBODY looks like that for real.
- I tried to make a elementalist look exactly like myself and it got quite similar.
But you could make it quite unrealistic as well.
choices is what make players unique.
Looking to good in the game is not cruel and judgemental towards people who are not satisfied with their body in real life. if they feel that way they should seek therapy.
i don’t have anything against it on principle, but i also don’t see what it adds other than animated porn.
This statement is so backwards. Nudity does not equal porn.
no it doesn’t, but given the nature of the internet that’s all it will be used for. what does it possibly add to anyone but a small segment of RPers? go ahead, tell me it won’t be abused.
anyway i think it’s a silly argument anyway because this is a game and it appeals to more players without it. swear filter can be turned off, nudity not so much.
Nudity is bad and you should feel bad.
Nudity is fine in the confines of your own home, but it certainly isn’t needed in any way, shape, or form in an MMORPG.
If you want nudity in your game, here’s some choices for you :
1)Age of Conan
2) Therapy
Nudity is not bad! It’s just basic biology!
some parents let there underage kids (mine is 3 and LOVES charr and yes he can walk around with it 10 minutes a day no killing just walking around as a 3 year old should) and it would be very unpleasant if off a sudden there comes a group of naked norn males and females jumping around on the screen with bouncing parts and all.
if you want nudity go play second life or get skyrim and install a nudity mod.
the game has a rating on for a reason. If it allowed nudity it would be your own fault for allowing a 3 year old play a (was it 12+ or 18+ game with the current rating?) game that has a mature rating.
IF it would have nudity in it of course i wouldn’t let him play it (DUH) and i do realize my kid is to young for the fighting and killing. hence the fact he never does or see this.
I just think that a 3 year old in this digital age should be able to discover things like guild wars lands. it is beautiful lush lands with so much to see. Nudity does not fit into this game.also the rating does not have anything to do with younger people playing. it is a sugestion, if you will a guideline for the age limit. does not mean a 3 or a 5 or 8 year old can not play the game.
It does not mean that they can’t play the game, though it’s something to look at for the parent raising the child, therefore if a child sees violence, nudity or bad language in a game with a rating of M the parents can’t really blame the product for it, because that’s what the ratings are for.
I wonder…would all the very pro-nudity people feel the same way if it included something along the lines of a mod I remember coming out for Dragon Age: Origins which changed all the male character models to be nude with fully erect genitalia at all times? (Boy were there some weird and disturbing screenshots flying around using that mod.) I am guessing that people might not think it was so cute and harmless if a naked male character started following them around or making gestures at them.
I don’t want to get into a big derail deconstructing how female nudity/sexuality is perceived as passive and consumable vs. male nudity/sexuality being perceived as active and predatory, just putting that out there for consideration.
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
I wonder…would all the very pro-nudity people feel the same way if it included something along the lines of a mod I remember coming out for Dragon Age: Origins which changed all the male character models to be nude with fully erect genitalia at all times? (Boy were there some weird and disturbing screenshots flying around using that mod.) I am guessing that people might not think it was so cute and harmless if a naked male character started following them around or making gestures at them.
I don’t want to get into a big derail deconstructing how female nudity/sexuality is perceived as passive and consumable vs. male nudity/sexuality being perceived as active and predatory, just putting that out there for consideration.
This is a really good point. I get the feeling that most of the pro-nudity people just want to see their female character’s ta-tas and aren’t thinking of the implications beyond that.
This is a bit off topic but I find it a bit strange that people are so worried about kids seeing nudity. I wager most very young kids are not going to see anything wrong with nudity because they lack the context. I personally think they won’t pay genitals any more attention than hands, legs, head or any other body part. As long as it doesn’t become the center of attention.
Similarly it is more embarrassing for a parent than the kid to answer why boys and girls are different. Kids don’t see anything wrong with nudity. Not until adults teach them their own world view about nudity. You have to be of certain age before natural sexual drive is going to make you wonder and experiment. Generally around 10-12 years of age.
I can say that I’ve seen nude folks at very young age and because of this I don’t see anything wrong with naked human body. This is because this is in cultural, non sexual context for example in saunas. People should have healthy respect towards their own bodies and bodies of others. I suspect that the way how nudity, and sex, are made taboo has a lot to do why some folks have a really twisted view to it. Educating kids about their own body and healthy sexual practices is going to help more than harm. Especially in modern world where media is full of very wrong ways to promote sexuality.
I think this is very obvious in countries where nudity and sex are tightly controlled because in them it also represents control over another person. I believe the lack of healthy respect for human body is the major reason for objectification and abuse.
Yeah. Well. I went off topic there. Even after that rant I still don’t see much purpose for nudity in GW2.
Edit: Also the thing is that I have hard time even acknowledging that seeing breasts is nudity. When someone says nudity I think genital nudity. Breasts are a no issue. I think it tells a lot about how culture influences the view on nudity because it’s okay to see naked male chest but not naked female chest. Weird.
(edited by Northlander.4619)
Heres a problem with you’re statements Guild wars 2 is a game its not intended to be exactly like real life and people should separate game mechanics from real life physics.
The bodies in Guild Wars 2 are super-idealized. NOBODY looks like that for real.
- I tried to make a elementalist look exactly like myself and it got quite similar.
But you could make it quite unrealistic as well.
choices is what make players unique.
Looking to good in the game is not cruel and judgemental towards people who are not satisfied with their body in real life. if they feel that way they should seek therapy.
You’re misunderstanding the issue. Making an unrealisticly beautiful character in the game isn’t being cruel and judgemental—of course not. But unrealistic beauty is what people see on a regular basis. If a person grows up seeing ten images of impossible bodies for every two images of actual bodies, chances are they’re going to view the impossible bodies as normal, and the actual bodies—including their own and those of others—as abnormal.
This becomes a problem in real life because people try to obtain impossible bodies. Just look around at society—our obsession with plastic surgery, weight loss, diet, the bodies of celebrities and models, and so on. Men are pressured to body build and have a larger ****, and women are pressured to starve themselves, simply to feel comfortable in their own skin.
When I say “impossible bodies”, take a look at the pictures below to see what I mean. They’re heavily computer-edited. The vast majority of people can’t look like that without surgery, steroids, or long-term starvation. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t need to be another one in the millions of media outlets that cause society’s problem.
(edited by Weindrasi.3805)
I’ve lost all faith in the human race. Cartoons aren’t sexy or kitten material. How disturbing.
You’re misunderstanding the issue. Making an unrealisticly beautiful character in the game isn’t being cruel and judgemental—of course not. But unrealistic beauty is what people see on a regular basis. If a person grows up seeing ten images of impossible bodies for every two images of actual bodies, chances are they’re going to view the impossible bodies as normal, and the actual bodies—including their own and those of others—as abnormal.
This is exactly why it is more and more important for parents to teach their kids about what is normal. Kids are going to see those impossible bodies at very very young age. It’s not an issue with kids who have not yet reached the age where “looks matter” but it is certainly issue with 10+ crowd.
Impossible bodies have their place and they can be aesthetically pleasing but it is very improtant to teach folks that they are indeed something not quite natural.
Men are pressured to body build and have a larger ****, and women are pressured to starve themselves, simply to feel comfortable in their own skin.
Actually I hear lean and skinny men are all rage nowadays. You are supposed to look pretty and toned. Not bulky and rough.
Heres a problem with you’re statements Guild wars 2 is a game its not intended to be exactly like real life and people should separate game mechanics from real life physics.
The bodies in Guild Wars 2 are super-idealized. NOBODY looks like that for real.
- I tried to make a elementalist look exactly like myself and it got quite similar.
But you could make it quite unrealistic as well.
choices is what make players unique.
Looking to good in the game is not cruel and judgemental towards people who are not satisfied with their body in real life. if they feel that way they should seek therapy.You’re misunderstanding the issue. Making an unrealisticly beautiful character in the game isn’t being cruel and judgemental—of course not. But unrealistic beauty is what people see on a regular basis. If a person grows up seeing ten images of impossible bodies for every two images of actual bodies, chances are they’re going to view the impossible bodies as normal, and the actual bodies—including their own and those of others—as abnormal.
This becomes a problem in real life because people try to obtain impossible bodies. Just look around at society—our obsession with plastic surgery, weight loss, diet, the bodies of celebrities and models, and so on. Men are pressured to body build and have a larger ****, and women are pressured to starve themselves, simply to feel comfortable in their own skin.
All I’m saying is that Guild Wars 2 doesn’t need to be another one in the millions of media outlets that cause society’s problem.
OMG another sane person! I thought we were all gone!
You’re misunderstanding the issue. Making an unrealisticly beautiful character in the game isn’t being cruel and judgemental—of course not. But unrealistic beauty is what people see on a regular basis. If a person grows up seeing ten images of impossible bodies for every two images of actual bodies, chances are they’re going to view the impossible bodies as normal, and the actual bodies—including their own and those of others—as abnormal.
This is exactly why it is more and more important for parents to teach their kids about what is normal. Kids are going to see those impossible bodies at very very young age. It’s not an issue with kids who have not yet reached the age where “looks matter” but it is certainly issue with 10+ crowd.
Impossible bodies have their place and they can be aesthetically pleasing but it is very improtant to teach folks that they are indeed something not quite natural.
Men are pressured to body build and have a larger ****, and women are pressured to starve themselves, simply to feel comfortable in their own skin.
Actually I hear lean and skinny men are all rage nowadays. You are supposed to look pretty and toned. Not bulky and rough.
That’s a pity. I prefer rough around the edges.
Nothing’s wrong with nudity of even sex (between mature adults) for that matter. It’s all just a mindset that society needs to work on. Looking over our history, I’d say we’re slowly progressing in the right direction. You can see lots of rationality kicking in, from the social issues like racism or sexuality and down to even challenging religion. We’re getting somewhere better I think. =/
Anyways, this game was intended for a certain audience and to shift that balance in our current time would only cause massive conflict. You just can’t do it now without having to deal with the ramifications that societies current mindset would dispose of. Anet would be ruined for stepping out of their boundary.
How about a reasonable compromise? Give us new underwear options (via gemshop) and let use dye them?
How about a reasonable compromise? Give us new underwear options (via gemshop) and let use dye them?
I still want those tattoo armors. Just better looking patterns than in GW. I also want something that allows my Sylvari to show off their skin patterns, and something that makes my Charr look like a primitive beast – and show their fur patterns. I don’t care that Charr are one of the more technologically advanced races. Me want more options nao!
I wonder…would all the very pro-nudity people feel the same way if it included something along the lines of a mod I remember coming out for Dragon Age: Origins which changed all the male character models to be nude with fully erect genitalia at all times? (Boy were there some weird and disturbing screenshots flying around using that mod.) I am guessing that people might not think it was so cute and harmless if a naked male character started following them around or making gestures at them.
I don’t want to get into a big derail deconstructing how female nudity/sexuality is perceived as passive and consumable vs. male nudity/sexuality being perceived as active and predatory, just putting that out there for consideration.
This is a really good point. I get the feeling that most of the pro-nudity people just want to see their female character’s ta-tas and aren’t thinking of the implications beyond that.
Actually not only males are pro-nudity. I’m a female and I completely wouldn’t mind seeing some nice firm buttocks of a male in a game. Not to mention pectorals. Ummm
Ummm.. I’m not sure how to respond entirely to this thread… You’re seriously asking for nudity? Why would you need to walk around naked? “Seeing detail”… There are plenty of details to look at… Put your armor on and zoom in.
We are sworn together by our blood…
Nude female human with twilight.
You wouldn’t know what to stare at first.
the majority of naked women would be played by sixteen year old boys who for some reason can’t just watch some porn and be done with it.
Because men older then 16 no longer enjoy nude women, right?
Or if they do, something is wrong with them, right?
Get your fix somewhere else. It’s not hard, really. Let it go. It’s over.
Nudity is fine in the confines of your own home, but it certainly isn’t needed in any way, shape, or form in an MMORPG.
If you want nudity in your game, here’s some choices for you :
1)Age of Conan
2) Therapy
Cartoon pornography is extremely creepy by any measurable standard.
If the game, the story and the world was built from the get-go to incorporate it then whatever, I wouldn’t care. But I do not agree with adding it on top at a later date. It’d feel forced.
Furthermore, this is a game designed to appeal to a wide audience of players of many ages and many cultures. The thing you’ve gotta consider in game design is that people whom are offended by nudity will be offended by a game with nudity, while people whom are not offended by nudity will not care if a game does not include nudity. It is simply the path of least resistance in order to appeal to the broader scope.
Anyone who believes that an age restricted or R18 server would work is clearly inexperienced in the ways of the internet. Most teenagers think they’re mature enough to handle R18 stuff and ignore ratings. You can’t stop underaged people from joining them either, where there’s a will there’s a way on the internet. You can have many layers of age verification, but all of then can be frauded. It’s not like a liquor store where you stand in front of someone, hand them your ID, they check your birthdate and that you look like the picture, and then they sell you alcohol.
If you’re over 18, can you remember what age you first visited an age restricted site?
I was 14.
Furthermore, R18 servers tend to attract a rather degenerate crowd, or at least behaviour. This is amplified when nudity is involved, even in polygonal form. The irony of the matter is a mature server is likely to be filled with less-than-mature people. People who think that only teenagers are immature are also deluding themselves. As a woman with above-average sized breasts, I can tell you honestly that men, regardless of age, never stop staring. Mostly when they think you can’t see them.
Add that to internet with pure anonimity? Pure unadulterated males being males.
While as someone who has done countless hours of life drawing, I’m fairly desensitized when it comes to nudity, but that doesn’t mean I want to see it filling my games. This person said it far more elegantly than I ever could:
While there’s nothing wrong with nudity in itself, there is a problem with how people use nudity.
what would be so wrong with an “adult” server? if your offended dont join it. as adults we should be able to act as adults and enjoy what adults enjoy. just because its “cartoon nudity” dosnt make it any less appealing. for real so what i people are spending most of their time kitten than wvw or finishing the dungeons… the point of the game is entertainment and im sure that there would be enough open minded adults willing to fill just one server.
NOW if it were possible to make a character model of a child nude i would certainly say NO kittenING WAY
I’ll agree with allowing nudity as long as the player has to watch a woman give birth first!!!
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
i don’t have anything against it on principle, but i also don’t see what it adds other than animated porn.
This statement is so backwards. Nudity does not equal porn.
no it doesn’t, but given the nature of the internet that’s all it will be used for. what does it possibly add to anyone but a small segment of RPers? go ahead, tell me it won’t be abused.
anyway i think it’s a silly argument anyway because this is a game and it appeals to more players without it. swear filter can be turned off, nudity not so much.
How will that be abused if someone chose to use it as their “source of inspiration” so to say. It’s still not porn just because some people let off some steam to it. Or are suddenly underwear magazines porn too? Everyones mind works differently, if some people are drawn to animated things so be it, just like there are furbies and mechasexuals.
It would be easy to add an option if nudity was ingame. Just have an on and off option, thats it. If it’s turned off, underwear is displayed, if its on, skin is shown. If you see people running around naked, have nudity turned off.
Nothing wrong with complete nudity itself but I think it should stay in a bedroom