While reading the patch notes, I felt happy. Then I tried it. Here are my observations :
1- With the new fractals rules and the new ascended stuff ‘for everyone’, nothing prevents my daily 30 party to kick me at the last stage of the Jade Maw to invite a guildie of them for the loots. I think it’s happening already.
2- Because we can’t see the infusion installed on a linked item, someone could come in fractals 20 saying he has 10 Agony Reduction when in reality he has +40% MF and 0 AR in his ascended rings, making the whole run a real pain, in a presumed experienced team.
3- I farmed the fractals for months to acquire the best stuff ingame, or it was said so. Fractals is not a easy farm, it requires time, patience, and at least a few skills. Now, someone could acquire the same stuff just dodging and crafting wood planks. Ok, it needs one month to buy a ring, but a fractal ring needs a lot of time too. The argument saying ‘you could loot 4 rings a day in fractals’ is a wrong one, because being able to open 4 dailies a day requires a few hundreds of grind hours beforehand… I worked hard to be able to open 3 chests a day, and they still require 4/5h a day at best…
4- Could you please explain what is now the point of the fractals ? I couldn’t find one anymore, except maybe the (ugly) fractals skins…
New dailies
5- First, why changing one of the only things that worked well, where there were absolutly NO complaints ? I really cannot understand.
6- Before the patch, I was doing my dailies while playing, and it was ok. If one day I missed something, I never felt punished for it. I was happy to unlock my daily while playing. And I really don’t know if i’ve even done one monthly (played this game since the first beta, I’m not a new player)
7- Trying to do the new dailies for yesterday and today was a real pain. One hour trying to combo with a friend, the second one trying to find the right mob to dodge him perfectly. After patch, I feel dailies is a punishment more of a fun task to do.
8- Everywhere we can now see aggressive players yelling on everyone else to cast fields, to revive, etc. Really, really not fun. The community certainly didn’t need that. Bots were silent at least !
9- The required skills for the dailies are stupid : dodging for professions that never need to, crafting for people that don’t want to, and I only saw the 2 firsts dailies… I fear what is coming in the next days…
After the patch, I feel I now HAVE to do my daily / monthly without a miss, because of the new stuff. I HAVE to do my dailies every day one month long to be able to buy this kitten amulet and complete my stuff.
And what will be next ? Will I have to /dance naked one hour long while playing the bell to unlock a token a day and with 330 tokens I will be able to buy a pair of ascended boots ?
So, in order to gear myself the best I can, before patch I was forced to play the fractals everyday, and after patch, Fractals are worthless and I’m FORCED to do the dailies without a miss to complete my stuff.
Something is terribly wrong here.
You say all the time that you don’t want your players (= customers, this is said) feel forced to do something they don’t want to.
You say all the time you never introduced a gear treadmill.
You announce ‘quality of life enhancements’ for every patch.
I think it is now the time to apply what you advertise. 6 months old is a moment you have to choose a direction, it will be the last before the game lives or dies. Read the forums everywhere, agony is about the game, not inside it.
It is not the game I waited, it’s not the game I wanted, it’s certainly not the game i’ve been advertised months after months, it’s not the game you promise since the release, and it’s definitly not the game I bought.
Please, Anet, do something for (y)our game. I really like it, but this patch and what I saw make me really hesitant to log in again.
(edited by coldfire.3628)