Yak Cultist and follower of the Great Golem God
What profession do you pick and why?
Yak Cultist and follower of the Great Golem God
My thief, despite being a ‘cute’ (ugh) human has never been ‘hit on’. Maybe it’s her grumpy looks or those two knives as long as her thighs.
So is she “cute” or “grumpy?” I don’t think the two can coexist. From RL experience, I can say that when my lady is “grumpy,” so am I. There’s nothing cute about it. lol
“Ain’t mama happy, ain’t nobody happy.” — Anonymous words of wisdom
No, just no, explain why she’s grumpy, before you declare to the world that it’s ok to placate and go home.
No one said anything about placation or submitting to anyone’s whims. :shrugs:
OK so ignoring the sub-text in this thread.
My main is a Mesmer I recreated from the betas.
I found the class extremely fun to play so I went with that and she was my first 80.
Since then I tried all classes and deleted some because I hated them.
My second most fun class and my second 80 is my Engineer.
She is all steampunky in leather, scales and feathers.
I recently made a Sylvari Ranger that I love.
My others are a Sylvari Mesmer, Human Ele. both in the 60’s
I choose to be a Stripper, good gold to spend on stuff.
I am not a girl but I can give you an answer: They pick whatever profession they like because doing otherwise would be stupid, unless you have a specific goal for that character.
And please don’t ask gender-based questions again.
Wow, sorry someone’s curiosity offends you so greatly.
I would go so far to say that they can ask all the gender based questions they want… if a person doesn’t feel comfortable answering, they don’t have to.
Who are you to tell people what they can and cannot ask?
Before I saw the thread ahead of me I would have said:
I rolled a Male Charr warrior, and frankly, outside of dungeon gear the options were limited. I made a new female Charr and the smaller frame size made a great difference. I was able to find something suitable fairly quickly.
I would stress however that the armour sets seem to be limited to traditional ‘humanoid’ bodyframes. The slouching characterisms of the Charr , don’t seem to lend themselves to Anets ability to deliver said outfits to them
Big Hugs!
Thief, so I can strike hard and deep regardless of size and girth.
Warrior so I can whip it out 360 degrees.
I have come across many official forms IRL that want to know my gender and race. Objective data is fair game. It’s how someone might use the data that could be inappropriate, but that has to be taken on a case by case basis in order to protect objective data collection. It’s the only way we have of gauging the world around us.
I picked a Warrior because I figured that they would be the closest to a Diablo II Barbarian.
My second class was a Thief, which I picked because I liked playing an Assassin in Perfect World International.
Neither choice has nothing at all to do with me being a male. Also I doubt that both characters being male has anything to do with me being male, considering that my Warrior is an Aragorn-lookalike and my Thief is a Will Turner-lookalike.
My main right now is a female thief. because shows like la femm nakita showed me girls are 100x hotter when they are spys,martial artists, or just beating the crap out of people. And then I watched “Monster” and never gave a hitchiker a ride again..
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
I played a necro for a while then switched to ele since I was getting bored.
Have several spvp chars I rotate through just depending on what I feel like playing.
Why did you pick a necro first?
Just from gameplay, not imagery. I fiddled around with the professions in beta and never really did settle on one, since I liked many of them short term. I think the last one I tried was the necro and I liked setting all the marks around during DEs.
I played it through to 80 and did stuff on it for about a month before getting bored hitting the same buttons. Main reason I switched to elementalist at the time was because I figured I wouldn’t get bored with combat as much with having access to more buttons in attunements. Which fortunately has been true, since I still play the ele.
That’s for the normal PVE/WvW character though. For spvp I play ele, necro, mesmer, thief.
Maybe going to http://gw2census.com/charts.php would be the better option.
I didn’t even know that existed. Neat.
Sometimes I wonder how many females plays scholar classes vs heavy classes vs medium and the same for males.
I’m a male that plays a female mesmer and I carry two sets of armor, one pretty and flourishy, and the other one more intimidating looking with big shoulders and that, not like anyone cares.
My thief, despite being a ‘cute’ (ugh) human has never been ‘hit on’. Maybe it’s her grumpy looks or those two knives as long as her thighs.
So is she “cute” or “grumpy?” I don’t think the two can coexist. From RL experience, I can say that when my lady is “grumpy,” so am I. There’s nothing cute about it. lol
“Ain’t mama happy, ain’t nobody happy.” — Anonymous words of wisdom
No, just no, explain why she’s grumpy, before you declare to the world that it’s ok to placate and go home.
No one said anything about placation or submitting to anyone’s whims. :shrugs:
Seems like you did really, regardless of how opposed your state of mind was, you became of likemindedness to those around you.
Seems like you did really, regardless of how opposed your state of mind was, you became of likemindedness to those around you.
I’m of the opinion that when you’re in a commitment and working with someone to achieve certain life goals, that it’s not normal or healthy to be unaffected by arguments or disagreements that may arise. If you’re not affected it means you aren’t invested and likely don’t care. Am I missing something?
Biggest possible Charr Warrior with Greatsword and Hammer
What profession do you pick and why?
Female Mesmer.
I choose it because of the mesmer’s style (skillwise and fashion wise), and I play a female because I like the appearance of a female over a male. (I’m straight, go figure right?)
And it is fun being a flourishy flashy class as opposed to the usual heavy armor swinging a sword type, or generic boring old robed mage.
I play Warrior because when the game came out I wanted to be able to use the most weapons etc.
(Male) For actual playing I think War/Ele/Engie are tied for first for me. I have 2 wars and 2 engies, though I do like my ele. My guardian is next, then ranger, then Necro. Thief and Mes are tied for last place (Neither are that fun to play with now). All but the necro/mes/thief and one engie are all 80 (yes I have 10 characters). Though if I went by just flavor and like it would probably be Engi all the way. I like their concept, with all the contraptions/kits/turrets, but they just kinda such as a whole right now (unless you spec in elixers or ‘nades, which I don’t care for elixers and ’nades hurts the fingers) and they have the least amount of visual differentiation/weapons. If they ever gave us cultural/legendary based kits (or more weapons), they would definitely be my first no matter what.
Please give us a keyring…
I usually create these succubus-like looking gothic chicks and seduce all the guys to give me money. I have about 9 fake emails and 6 different phone numbers. =3
Wow that’s really low/pathetic.
It’s their own stupidity, but still.
Wow that’s really low/pathetic.
Cunning and enterprising, though. Don’t people do this IRL? One example is bars (think free drinks).
Wow that’s really low/pathetic.
Cunning and enterprising, though. Don’t people do this IRL? One example is bars (think free drinks).
Yeah and I hate it there too.
Reminds me of one time I was in Piken Square in GW1 and I saw someone offer 10 plat for dirty chat. LOL.
I have a human ranger which was my first main, a sylvari warrior which is my new main, human thief, sylvari ele, human engineer. sylvari necro, norn mesmer, and human gurad, all male.
I used to get weirded out by guys picking female avatars, to me it just seemed kinda weird, and i dunno dishonest maybe. I don’t hit on chicks in mmo’s but the way i see it, in real life there is an equal number of guys and girls, so just pretend all the girls you meet are really girls which makes it more realistic, but don’t flirt with them in an online game, that’s where it gets weird.
Human Ele was my first post beta. I stopped playing that character to level my Norn Guardian because my guild needed that more than my Ele at the time.
My Guardian was the first to 80 and my Ele was my 2nd.
I am not leveling a Ranger (currently 63) and have a Necro at 46, Warrior at 40, Mesmer at 17, and Thief at 4.
I tried Engineer, and when I buy an 8th slot, I will make one, but they were my least favorite to play.
Xylani – 80 Ranger | Osoroshii – 80 Warrior
started out as a human cuz humanity is awesome and mesmer at launch. deleted it cuz i developed a burning hatred for gw2 mesmers in pvp
remade the mesmer but this time asura cuz asura are awesome! deleted that one though cuz i hated mesmers in pvp
i got beaten by this one particular guardian in paid tournament and i was like omg guardians are amazing dem blue attacks *o* dem spirit wep *o* dat defense *o*
i tried to play one then i was like omg guardians suck fern hounds! DELETE!
made a ranger human enjoyed it in pvp but i grew fond of my time as an asura so deleted it for an asura ranger
ended up missing humans and i missed my gw ele so i deleted my ranger and made an ele WORST DECISION EVER! i developed a burning hatred for eles and was sad that there were so many humans and most of them looked like mine so i deleted that one
made a human + asura ranger for pvp lol was happy for a few months then i got beaten by a necro and was in awe i lost to many necro before him but he beat me with style lol
so i made a human necro to learn the class in pvp i ran into another human that looked like me so i deleted
made a sylvari necro despite the fact i cant stand them but i felt unique at the time and that made me happy
been pvping as a necro since and i’m sorted though most of my friends are necro though so when i team up with them i go ranger.
Started with a ranger leveled to lv.36 got a bit bored. took a month break.
Then started a warrior, got him to 80. But it felt like a very simplistic class. I was a banner warrior.
Then created a Mesmer, was by second try at creating one since early levels are bit painful, but I really like him. lots of different playstyles to work with (Shatter, Phantasm, Glamor, Mantra (haven’t tried that yet)) and its a very active class. Wish he moved a little faster but I’m so used to using blink while running now that it feels boring to run on other classes.
Trying to make another alt, created a thief and an ele (level 7-11), but don’t know which to focus or maybe recreate a ranger or a necro.
I play all professions. The minute I start to feel even a little burned out, I swap to one of my alts and the fun starts right back up again. The way I see it is I paid for all of the game, so why not play all of the content?
started out as a human cuz humanity is awesome and mesmer at launch. deleted it cuz i developed a burning hatred for gw2 mesmers in pvp
remade the mesmer but this time asura cuz asura are awesome! deleted that one though cuz i hated mesmers in pvp
i got beaten by this one particular guardian in paid tournament and i was like omg guardians are amazing dem blue attacks o dem spirit wep o dat defense o
i tried to play one then i was like omg guardians suck fern hounds! DELETE!made a ranger human enjoyed it in pvp but i grew fond of my time as an asura so deleted it for an asura ranger
ended up missing humans and i missed my gw ele so i deleted my ranger and made an ele WORST DECISION EVER! i developed a burning hatred for eles and was sad that there were so many humans and most of them looked like mine
so i deleted that one
made a human + asura ranger for pvp lol was happy for a few months then i got beaten by a necro and was in awe i lost to many necro before him but he beat me with style lol
so i made a human necro to learn the class in pvp i ran into another human that looked like me so i deleted
made a sylvari necro despite the fact i cant stand them but i felt unique at the time and that made me happy
been pvping as a necro since and i’m sorted though most of my friends are necro though so when i team up with them i go ranger.
Hahahaha! this post made me laugh awesome,
I can well understand a burning hatred for some classes.
My deletions come from a complete inability to play anything in a melee range, I suck at even Warrior/ Guardian, don’t mention Thief or D/D Ele to me.
That and rolling a class I like as a race I hate.
I’m happy with my current set-up.
I play all 8, it avoids burnout and getting bored with the same skills/playstyle…
I play a necro.
IRL I am a funeral director and embalmer that works at a whole body donation program for a university. How could I not play a necromancer
I first started with an Asura Engineer. It was an interesting class but somewhat complicated, and having a close friend of mine playing guardian, I felt that I cannot keep up with him. The guy seems to be able to aggro so much stuff and then still win while I am frantically trying not to die (and failed at that nonetheless) so many times.
So I made a female Norn Warrior (because norn women are hot and even early on I had my eye on stag armor ) and lets just say I can bulldoze thru mobs in the open world faster than my guardian friend. I got this 2nd toon to 80 before going back to the engineer, getting it to 80 as well and building it for my WvW toon, which is soooo much more fun to use there than the warrior.
After my 2 lvl 80s are finalized, I made a human ranger. This is more for nostalgic reasons as the only time before gw2 that I ever delved in the gw series is in Gw1 BETA (sooo long ago and in the end i eventually went to EVE Online for my choice MMO at the time) and I had a ranger then. I should add that supprting this I just have a thing for owls and had to just get a pet owl (named ORLY, which im sure some ppl know why ). I was also UTTERLY dismayed at the many rangers in my guild who focus on super long range dps but utterly die when get ‘tapped’ by a boss (in our guild, they are usually among those whom we go “oh he’s dead.. again”) so I decided to make a tanky melee GS ranger. Dps on this toon is a bit mediocre, but I love the fact that I can outlast even some heavies in dungeons.
My last toon which I started very recently is an asura mesmer, because Asuras are cool and Kudu being my favourite villain, I wanted to see him in personal story and outside of the SE/CoE story dungeons (which i didnt on my engineer coz i picked different paths). I figured i got 3 lvl 80s now and should try a trickier class. I consulted some ppl in forums and started to try stuff myself. It was tricky but I think I’m starting to see how to use the class now. Currently at lvl 28, still new.
Sylvari Ele.
Cause I usually pick mage/healer in any game possible. Especially in RPGs. And Ele is a pretty amazing fit for me.
Sylvari cause I have a thing for dryads and just plants in general. More games need playable dryads/plant-esque people. :P
All my other alts are just one of everything for sake of trying it all.
I play a necro.
IRL I am a funeral director and embalmer that works at a whole body donation program for a university. How could I not play a necromancer
This made me laugh.
Male Charr Engi because of the manly man-ness of being a 300 pound ball of fur, guns & bombs. Then female Sylvari Mesmer because I felt I had to balance out the testosterone with something a little more fruity.
Haha, let’s go down the list
1.) I made my Human Male Elementalist (80) as an homage to my FFXI Black Mage, who was my main in that game and… I wish he could be my main in this one (for more than RP). He’s my first 80, my only fully-geared character, and he sits unused until Scepter is as viable as MH Dagger.
2.) I made my Norn Female Ranger (80) because she looked hot. That’s really all there was to it. Big nordic amazon in tight leather. After the frustration of Elementalist, Ranger was so shockingly easy that she slipped up to 80 before I realized it. She doesn’t see a lot of play now because I’ve become dissatisfied with Rangers outside of PvE world exploration, and because I never came up with a solid RP concept for her.
3.) I made my Human Female Mesmer (80) as an homage to my main character from City of Heroes (RIP).
4.) I made my Charr Male Guardian (50) because I had an awesome idea for a look and story that was another homage, this time to Final Fantasy 8, which (despite numerous flaws) remains one of my all-time favorite games. He will be my next 80 if my current plans hold.
5.) I made my Charr Male Engineer (50) out of an old Earthdawn Tabletop RPG Character, a Troll Weaponsmith who I enjoyed the hell out of, even if the campaign he was in got cut short way too early.
6.) I made my Norn Male Warrior (49) out of another Tabletop RPG character, this one the reluctant antagonist of a homebrew GURPS setting. I felt that the original character could have had a heroic story if things had worked out a little different, and decided to give him that chance. After the Charr Guardian is done, he’s likely to be my 5th 80.
7.) I made my Sylvari Female Guardian (44) because I really love that class. I wound up with two of most classes, but this was the first I doubled up on. Concept-wise, she is based on the spouse of my Human Elementalist from back in the day… so also my first character based on someone else’s old RP concept rather than my own.
8.) I made my Asura Male Necromancer (41) as an homage to a friend’s D&D character, a Goblin Shaman who was the best friend to my alcoholic Dwarf Barbarian (who was super racist against goblins, but so hammered all the time that he thought this guy was a “Green Monkey”).
9.) I made my Sylvari Male Thief (40) as a wholly-original RP character, an exploration of his peculiar race, especially the Soundless (which he is) and the Nightmare Court (which aggressively courts him for membership). He’s a really fun concept, but Thief kind of frustrates me in PvE, so it’ll be a while before I get to him.
10.) I made my Norn Female Necromancer (25) because I wanted to try a very different build and strategy from the Asura Necromancer. I may not keep the character though. Like my Norn Ranger, she doesn’t have a whole lot of personality.
11.) I made my Human Female Warrior (21) because I figured out how to make the character creator almost perfectly look like fitness model Jamie Eason (google in private), and, well, holy crap! She’s got a pretty strong RP concept, based on an associate of my main Elementalist in his original incarnation, so she’s probably safer than my two Norn ladies.
12.) I made my Charr Female Elementalist (11) because I wanted to give the class a second try with a little more knowledge under my belt. She’s stalled out because I still don’t like Dagger/Dagger, but I have high hopes, because her RP concept is pretty cool.
13.) I made my Asura Female Engineer (10) because the idea for the Asura Necromancer changed from female to male, but the Female Asura who had evolved in that slot seemed worth saving. So I renamed and appearance-shifted the Necro and rolled her. She’s kind of a secondary character RP-wise though, and won’t get priority for a while yet.
14.) I made my Human Male Ranger (9) when a D&D 4th Edition game collapsed before I could adequately explore the similar character I’d made for it. He’s leveling slow because I only run him in RP groups with friends from that game who have infrequent play time.
15.) I made my Sylvari Male Mesmer (3) because, like my 2nd Elementalist, after I hit 80 with the first I kind of wondered how it would work to play again with a lot more knowledge. Honestly though, I doubt I’ll get to him before a 6th Race gets added, and he’ll probably get deleted to free up the class for that race.
16.) I made my Human Female Thief (1) because I felt bad for that class being the only one left with only one character. She’s sitting in the tutorial zone, and like the 2nd Mesmer will probably be deleted eventually to make room for a 6th Race.
I have 594 combined character levels (not counting quite a lot of post-cap skillpoint-only levels on the three 80’s). My average level per character is 37.125. I hope to get that average above 40 by this weekend :-D
(edited by Melchior.2135)
Norn Warrior – Norn because vikings, Warrior for weapon options (still active, only 80)
Asuran Engineer – This was my first leaning but ended up being my second character (deleted at level 40, ended up not liking the class all that much)
Sylvari Elementalist – thought the plant people story looked interesting and wanted to try out the class (deleted at level 20, hate this class with a passion)
Human Guardian – wanted to try out guardian (deleted at level 30, like the class but didn’t like the story so just got it high enough to finish all 3 human stories acheives)
Sylvari Guardian – pair a liked class with a liked race (still active low level)
Charr Necro – tried him out as a Ranger and Theif before finding I enjoyed the Neco class, really dug the Ash story and hoping the 2 remaining Charr stories are just as good (still active low level)
Still need to try a Mesmer and will probably give Engineer another shot but with a different race (Charr maybe if Blood or Iron story is as good as Ash).
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks
I made an Asuran Ele to 47
Then made a human Thief to 80
Then made a human mesmer to 49 and decided i liked the playstyle of ele and look of mesmer
Deleted Asura ele and made human ele to 80
Now my main is my mesmer
Edit: I forgot to answer the question why. I like that the Mesmer has great melee and range. I like light armour. I like the survivability and support options of the mesmer. I found Guardian, Ranger, Eng and Necro to be very boring in the first 20 levels. I just found that they killed stuff to slowly and did not have a lot of variability in skills. Warrior will be my next 80.
I started with a female Norn elementalist because I thought race would matter and the elite skill of the Norn sounded good. And Elementalist because I thought that would be the healer in this game (I was wrong in so many ways that it still hurts…). Female because, let’s face it: women are more beautiful than men. Not only in-game but also outside (I am male, btw). I still play her, especially in fractals, because she is so versatile.
Then I made a human female guardian because I detected that this character is the closest to a support role. I made her tanky (pvt gear) and play her that way and it is until today my “main” character; I love her best.
My third character was a human female warrior. I wanted also a part of the cof 1 cake. I like her, too, but she is a bit one-sided. Good for damage though.
My fourth character is a human male guardian. My second guardian because I liked my first so much.
My fifth character was female Asura mesmer, then a second human female warrior and my last character, which is still on its way to level 80, is another female guardian, this time of the Norn race. Because the weapons are bigger with Norns
I also started a thief, an engineer and a necromancer but I deleted them because they didn’t “click” with me.
Female Sylvari Ranger – Loved the look of the new Sylvari race upon launch, and of course had to make a bow/pet class since Ranger was my main in GW1. The nature aspect of Sylvari seemed like a perfect fit for Ranger.
Male Human Guardian – Wanted a strong, masculine male character for the noble Guardian. They wear the heavy armor better than Sylvari or Norn and especially Charr so it was an easy choice.
Female Human Necro – Female character models always look better in cloth armor. I considered Sylvari, but wanted the human racials while leveling.
Female Asura Engineer – The little Asura look the best with the Engi backpacks on them. Plus, they are tinkerers and inventors. Despite the gadgets used not being magical, I envision my Asura laughing her considerable brains out at the notion of besting a foe with such primitive weapons as a flamethrower…and even the tools she uses to build them (wrench lol).
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
lolwut? This topic made me lol for some reason…
Human – Thief | Norn – Warrior | Asura – Elementalist
I play a necro.
IRL I am a funeral director and embalmer that works at a whole body donation program for a university. How could I not play a necromancer
This made me laugh.
Glad I could make you laugh
Someone in my guild is an EMT, he likes to run bleed builds
In sPvP I play all classes except ranger. In WvW/PvE I only play my engineer and thief because training and buying max’d equipment is so tedious.
I’m a Warrior because I love guns, and I love big, fiery swords, and combustible arrows!
However, my secondary is torn between Ranger and Thief. I absolutely adore all the support a thief has to offer with projectile nullification, stealth, permablind, and weakness. However, the Ranger’s greatsword is really fun to use, and I particularly love Drakes and Birds.