What's a Bad Player to Do?
Someone with 800 ap wont have more than that one 80 character and only limited gear to boot.
Someone below 5k ap probably wont know all the things necessary to make a speedrun run smoothly.Ive seen so many below 10k people doing stupid stuff like not staying in corners, dodging backwards, putting down non-fire fields during blasting, putting down reflects when either not necessary or other reflect just put down etc.
So, my educated guess is -> with players below 10k ap my chance on getting a good, competent player are something around 10%.
Lots of competent players that don’t chase achievements are going to have minimal AP. And lots of players that got their achievements by deconning stuff, grinding holiday events like pumpkin carving and bell playing, etc. are going to make stupid mistakes in content they don’t usually play.
At the end of the day, AP means essentially nothing. I’ve been in plenty of 10K + AP runs that were total disasters. Been in runs with AP all over the place and it was smooth. Anyone can make the group requirements they want, of course, but it’s a myth that (fill in the blank number) AP is going to mean a good run every time or even most of the time.
So you rather have somone with 200 dps camping from range getting downed every min which dosen’t talk than some semi competent pugs in you’re team?
I know i didn’t spend 300-400g on gear to carry bad pugs.
People do explorable mode for money or tokens when you done it once you rather get the job done more efficient next time.
I rather have a human in my team than an elitist wannabe. Hence I make new players parties when I feel like having less smooth runs and join zombie runs when I want it to be fast.
The player here in question did a new player LFG from the looks of it. It seems that they were very clear about what they were. So in this case, I think it’s a learn to read problem with some people.
@ Azrael
Some people, like me, dont have much time, but lots of experience and they play the game above standard. So those people maybe, just maybe, want to get max available content done during the limited time they have each day. Maybe to buy themselves a precursor, or to get achievements done or whatever.
Others are just not willing to spend more time on something then is absolutely necessary.
You obviously want to enjoy the game and have a lot of time on your hand to do it more casually. Others dont. Are they bad people because of it? Nope. They just dont want to play the game at YOUR pace, but their own and look for people capable and willing to keep up. YOU dont want to keep up (dunno if you are capable) so YOUR reaction is to say “those are bad, bad, bad people, they dont want to play the game as I want them to play it”.
Think about it
You assume I have a lot of time on my hands, which is a grave mistake. You also assume that I play at a slow pace, also a mistake.
You’ve also missed the point. No matter how efficient one seeks to be with their time, there is never a time for disrespect.
The player here in question did a new player LFG from the looks of it. It seems that they were very clear about what they were. So in this case, I think it’s a learn to read problem with some people.
Yeah, it appears the OP did the asking for help with something and some idiot joins his group and freaks about his AP.
In my general experience, people that claim to perform above standard level are all talk and no show.
I get so confused every time I see a level80 with 400 or less achievement points. My first character had over 1k upon dinging 80.
Multiple accounts is why a lot of level 80s have low AP. Their original account usually has thousands.
Also, the amount of AP players earn leveling to 80, depending on how they choose to do it, fluctuates WIDELY and is not a representation of skill level or ability.
(edited by Celtic Lady.3729)
I get so confused every time I see a level80 with 400 or less achievement points. My first character had over 1k upon dinging 80.
It took me two weeks to ding 80 playing casually (2-4 hours a day) and ive only just hit 500AP a couple days ago. Ive been playing since jan 26 during the PAX discount.
The best advice I can give is to not let people like that get to you – and realize that us “bad” players are the ones that probably get the most enjoyment from the game.
Play the game for the fun of the game – and seek out other people that play it for the same reason – and you will have a lot of fun in GW2.
GW2 is the most forgiving mmo I have ever played. So in that sense, I think you are playing the right game if you’re not very good.
3 months after GW2 released my first child was born. I spent most of my game time playing GW2 because it was the only mmo I played that would allow me to complete 99% of the content with one hand. I would move with my mouse and literally move my mouse over and click on each individual skill… lol. It was a great time to work on world completion.
The other hand was busy holding my daughter. In hindsight, I probably held her a little too much. She’s a spoiled little girl.
(edited by Fernling.1729)
I saw a player with Twilight and less than 3K AP.
Asking for an AP threshold is just being ignorant.
I get so confused every time I see a level80 with 400 or less achievement points. My first character had over 1k upon dinging 80.
It took me two weeks to ding 80 playing casually (2-4 hours a day) and ive only just hit 500AP a couple days ago. Ive been playing since jan 26 during the PAX discount.
2-4 hours a day is not casual, casual is an hour every two days
Since when does the AP amount denote skill? I can point out a ton of players in Silverwastes who are overloaded with AP but still don’t have a clue.
That said, OP, if you encounter a situation like that again? Kick. Block. Move on.
Life is too short to deal with idiots.
I get so confused every time I see a level80 with 400 or less achievement points. My first character had over 1k upon dinging 80.
It took me two weeks to ding 80 playing casually (2-4 hours a day) and ive only just hit 500AP a couple days ago. Ive been playing since jan 26 during the PAX discount.
2-4 hours a day is not casual, casual is an hour every two days
That’s what I’m saying. 2-4 hours a day is pretty hardcore imo. Moreso towards the 4 hours a day part. Most people I know don’t even have that much free time a week after work, sleep, family time etc.
(edited by Fernling.1729)
I get so confused every time I see a level80 with 400 or less achievement points. My first character had over 1k upon dinging 80.
It took me two weeks to ding 80 playing casually (2-4 hours a day) and ive only just hit 500AP a couple days ago. Ive been playing since jan 26 during the PAX discount.
2-4 hours a day is not casual, casual is an hour every two days
just out of curiosty, what exactly are you doing if you are only loggin in every 2 days just to play for an hour? Because that seems below casual when you take into consideration how long it takes to run a single dungeon, farm, wvw, a couple quests. I dont see how 2 hours a day is considered hardcore.
just out of curiosty, what exactly are you doing if you are only loggin in every 2 days just to play for an hour? Because that seems below casual when you take into consideration how long it takes to run a single dungeon, farm, wvw, a couple quests. I dont see how 2 hours a day is considered hardcore.
in 1 hour you can:
- clear half a map
- do both dailies (the special seasonal one and the normal one)
- run 2 paths of CoF and 1 path of CoE
- have 6 matches of SPvP (rounding up, as some rounds take 8 minutes while others take 12)
- earn anywhere between 4 to 10 gold by gathering the maps dry
- join the world boss train and do 4 world bosses
there’s a lot you can do in a short span of time. When I can play I play rather hardcore (5-6 hours), however on university days this will be 1 day in a week. On others if I’m able to log in, I log in to claim my daily reward and do my daily which normally takes around 15 minutes as I tend to mix the easiest PVE and PvP dailies.
For me, as long as you are trying, I have no problems with how you play or what you do. Now, if you stand still the whole time just taking dmg and never once trying to move or dodge, then I have a problem. Luckily, I rarely run into this (so far).
As for people who compare AP, ignore them. AP means nothing. Absolutely nothing. And people trying to judge by AP are idiots. AP just shows how long you’ve played, or how many times you decided to constantly salvage junk.
I’m fine with the play how you want idea. If you want a speed run clear group, then put in the LFG description speed run clear, zerk only, blah blah. And other people be respect and don’t join. If you don’t care for time, look for a group that doesnt care, or make your own saying “all welcome”. I do that whenever fractal daily comes up, and it gets filled instantly. And if you are someone looking for a speed clear and see such a group, don’t join at all, or join but be respectful and don’t whine.
I dont know, but when i get a “noob” in a dungeon who very obviously started playing, i offer them helps and tips and stuff. Treating them like a kitten is not a good way to make friends, nor make them stay around the game.
Plus! if you help them now later on they may help you if they stay with the game. not only that, but taking a few minutes to teach a newer player the dungeon is a sure fire to ensure that person comes back to that dungeon. Once they know the boss fights, where to go, what to do etc. They are very much so willing to come back if you ask them too, or on their own!
So take the time, help a noob!
There’s a lot of advice saying “find a guild.”
As an extra tip for the OP, head to the Looking For section of the forums. I’ve found some helpful, friendly guilds there, and that’s made my game much better.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
My expectations (and first assumption, really) in group content is that the other people make a sincere effort.
I don’t care if they’re good. I don’t care if they know the fights. I care that they actually want to succeed. There is no cure for people deliberately sabotaging an effort (and I include willful AFK-leeching as deliberate sabotage).
I’d prefer folks tell me they don’t know the fights beforehand (especially when I ask…) but the truth will come out pretty quickly either way. The first two issues I can train people on the spot up to a level where we’ll pull it of. Beyond sincere effort, if you really want to wow me in a PUG I have no higher praise than “takes direction well”. If you interpret “play the way you want” as license to grief or troll other players… well, I trust real karma will deliver a good salvo of pigeon droppings into your life .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
It’s an MMO. Find a guild (community) to call home. One that accepts you for you. My guild has a player who really struggles at the game. She’ll be the first to admit it. We help her and thus she has experienced a lot of the game’s content and has had fun doing it!
I love how I see LFG with “7.5K LVL80 EXP ONLY 4 WARRIOR 1 ELE SPEED RUN”
Noone realizes that Warrior doesn’t actually do that much damage at all, In fact they do as much damage by themselves as Necro’s.
They only reason why organized groups obviously use them is because of banners, but it only takes 1 warrior to do that job though.
In an optimal setup you have 2 warriors with differing builds, 2 eles with differing builds and a guardian/mes. You can switch one of the doubles against a thief for skipping more easily, depends on the dungeon. Not quite as useful as a thief are: mesmer, engineer.
Ranger and Necros range at the bottom of the list because especially necro brings nothing to the current meta that another profession cant do a tons of times better. Yes, damage with a suitable build (NOT the one posted on metabattle btw, thats crap) can be good, not as good as a warrior though. And wells only get in the way of might stacking. No reflect, vuln stacking can be better done by sc/focus ele and warrior, engineer stacks about as fast as necro but brings blasts and firefields as utility.
Lets face it, necro has not much useful utilities, and those even get stomped by being the wrong kinds of fields.
Dont get me wrong, my main was for a long time necro, but I gave up on necro ever being more than 4th choice in pve. If you want to play necro, play wvw. There you’ll feel like a king if you can dodge and have enough awareness to not get stomped at every inc. Believe me, nothing is more fun than playing power necro with a good group.
Anyway. Its not all about damage. Its also not just about staying alive. Just as its not all about pure theoretical knowledge. And neither only about reflexes. Its a mix of those that makes you a good player.
AP is a suitable way of measuring quickly how much time someone spend on gw2 already. Yes, you can get to 80 by just crafting, but then your experience with pve will be, well, null when you hit 80 and that will be reflected by your AP.
Honestly, what is one supposed to do otherwise to weed out those without a clue… hold a competition? Let everybody fill out a questionaire? Silly that. So AP it is.
And no, I wont spend my time on teaching others how to play the game. Did that for far longer than I should have put up with it anyway, and now with the new LFG I have the option of just leaving the grp if they are not playing on my level or kicking someone if that someone puts down symbols on every fire field even though told simply NOT to use symbols at all.
Im faster finding a new and better grp / replacement, then having to carry (and yes thats having to carry someone) one or more players just because they could have hurt feelings if they get kicked.
Honestly, if someone searches for some specific characteristics to fill his / her group, why do you guys think its okay to critizise that? Its up to the one making the group to decide what that group should look like. Its NOT up to you guys, just because it would suite YOU better. Make your own group with your own set of rules if you dont like the ones that are currently available.
Kindergarten that kind of behaviour.
On topic:
Also, another way of finding a guild is visiting your servers forum (just search server name on the internet and you will find just about every server forum) and look for PvX guilds. Those have the added benefit of not just doing PvE stuff like dungeons, living story and fractals, but also doing some wvw together and maybe even a few rounds spvp every few days or so.
Also, in my experience, PvX guilds have a higher tolerance of newbie mistakes, making it the perfect starting ground for new players. Guilds that “specialize” on PvE content usually expect you to already have a fair knowledge about dungeons, meta game etc.
So, in the forums, I see cries of “Learn to play” (though not directed at me) and have gotten ranted at by someone for only having “2k+ AP” (when they joined my instance when I asked for help — besides, I was proud that I just hit the 2k AP mark that day).
I know my reflexes aren’t as good as some. I do read guides, though many make a lot of assumptions and are written in such a way that they are hard to understand unless you already know what they are trying to do. I do attempt to active dodge, but I make mistakes.
However, a lot of advice that I see just ends up getting me killed because I don’t have he reflexes to pull it off. For example, ranged weapons may do less damage, but they keep me alive. Still, I get told that I should never use a ranged weapon (though I do agree that a guardian really needs to be melee, but I consider that a special case). Also, I get laughed at when I don’t do ranged either, so I can’t win.
So, it seems like everyone wants a game that wants player skill but complain about the players that aren’t as good and can’t compensate with better equipment.
At least you can’t say I’m not trying, but what’s a bad player to do?
Practice makes perfect. Don’t label yourself as a “bad player” if you are relatively new to the game. Every player started out as a rookie, whether it was in GW2 or another mmo. Over time, your practice will make you a better player, as is the case with everyone playing. Strive for success, and eventually you will be successful. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen.
Find a guild of friendly like minded players to play with that understand your limitations and will work with you.
Asked and answered, AP is meaningless when you have a good group of friends with you.
I saw a player with Twilight and less than 3K AP.
Asking for an AP threshold is just being ignorant.
AP has nothing to do with swiping your credit card or grinding out legendaries. Granted AP is a dumb way to get experienced people but its the only way we really have of weeding out people who are going to drag parties to the ground. Also odds are someone with 15k AP is going to be more experienced in more content then someone with 500.
Now granted Ive seen people with 5k AP that just make people with 20k look like brand new but still. Also some of the best runs of dungeons Ive ever done were with people who had around 10k AP and e of the worst have been people with 20k. APs arent a great way to measure skill. AP never have been and never will be a good way to measure skill. Only play time really.
The worst players are not players that play badly but those that treat the game like a job to make an income in and anyone that slows down their income is just a speed hump.
+10, taken objectively.
-10, if that implies that Speedrunning groups are to blame.
There is a difference there.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Join a casual guild, create your own LFG with “All welcome, learning..” etc.
Your new to the game and that is awesome! but some people here have being doing this for over 2year, the same dungeon, for some the boss mechanics are so vivid in their brains that they know where exactly how to avoid being hit, so they can transfer their personal defense to offence, thus ending things faster.
The only WRONG thing is not being able to complete the activity, otherwise find like-minded individuals to collaborate with you.
Eventually you will also know stuff and may be inclined to speed stuff up, but dont worry, take your time let it all sink in, youtube/forum may help answer some of your questions, the rest is trial and error :x
good luck and good adventures
It’s totally tough to be less than the best at something when everyone else seems to take it really seriously, but you’ll get better as time goes on and you figure things out. I’m not sure what you’re involved in, but it sounds like maybe group events and dungeons might be the main problem. If that is the case, consider maybe joining a casual guild – a lot of those are really friendly and helpful – and making your own LFG postings to fit your needs rather than responding to them like RSLongK suggested. For newer people, speed runs are often a problem, so maybe specify that you don’t want to skip the low level mobs. Practice makes perfect. You’ll be rocking it soon~
OP Here:
For reference, it was my group that the badmouther joined and complained about the rest of us.
I’ve only been kicked twice. Once when I first hit level 35 as a newbie and decided to try a path. The LFG did not specify requirements. I quickly realized I was in over my head and did not feel bad for being kicked. The second time I was having connectivity issues and am still not 100% sure what happened.
As for skill, I do have 3 strikes against me:
- No mouse — it kills my wrists and I use a touchpad. This makes turning or adjusting the camera a little slow and it is hard to move, activate a skill, and target manually at the same time. I set the option to double press the key to make sure the target is where I think it is. It’s a little slower, but not by that much.
- I can’t pick out details from all the visual clutter. Sometimes I can’t even see the boss from all the explosions, let alone pick out attack animations. Experience will help with this, but there is a lot of visual clutter.
- Finally, my reflexes have always been just a little bit slower than everyone else’s. Remember that half the people are going to be below average (well, median, technically), so some people just don’t have great reflexes.
Play the way you want. I did the entire map opening and full PS completion on my charr guardian with mace/shield/torch and greatsword. I barely understood combo fields at the time and since I didn’t have my gaming mouse nor the inclination to try to play finger gymnastics on my keyboard I was a (((gasp))) clicker.
I did just fine, as will you.
You will develop the muscle memory as you go. Anyone losing their minds over your AP in either open world PvE or dungeons are not worth your time. Seriously.
(Also, zerker scepter/torch and staff is fun as all get out to play. Its also how a did some of the nastier parts of the first season of LS.)
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I really don’t understand all the AP snobs, honestly. Someone that bought the game a week ago can’t be expected to have 15K AP yet, but I’ve seen people saying if you don’t have more than that, you’re not really wanted for dungeon runs. Seems excessive to me…
Oh wow I only got 3785 achievement points and I got GW2 few months after release. I must be doing something very wrong if players with less than x amount of AP aren’t wanted for dungeons. At my pace it would take me ages to get to 15k.
I loved playing the game and got a lvl 80 from each profession. But I never played a dungeon (tried solo), and wasn’t able to complete the final part (defeat Zhaitan) from the main storyline, so I lost interest to go on with the additional storychapters as well.
I’m easily distracted under high pressure when I’m in a group event/dungeon I’ve never been before so my reaction speed is bad because I simply don’t know what to focus on. Help you or fight the/which enemy, being support or offensive? When to revive a fallen ally with risk to die yourself? Do x when y happens? I don’t know.
I’m used to traditional group roles (loved being healer) and what I read in some guides about GW2 profession/dungeons is being prepared for any role, knowing exactly which skills and geartype to use in any situation/role. Not very encouraging for a insecure newcomer to even the lowest level dungeon. To me it feels like doing your exams for your driver’s license while you never even sat in the driver’s chair before.
If lower level story mode dungeons wouldn’t be scaled to 80 I could at least take a look by myself at my own pace. Experience what happens and not by watching a youtube movie, it doesn’t work for me that way. If I was too lazy to prepare for a dungeon, I wouldn’t want to explore dungeons by myself before joining a group, but just jump in. I’m not interested in the rewards, just want to to reduce risk that I’m the cause of group wipe if I’d ever joined a group for a dungeon. This has been discussed in many threads before so I won’t say more about it.
But, I’m very happy there will be a new expansion, with alot of new things to do for solo players as well. Looking forward to it to spent many more hours in GW2.
@Grampybone just fine a nice casual family to be in. Nobody cares how you perform, people go to have fun. Yesterday my guild did a drunk fractal. Like a severely drunk fractal. It got really fun even though on the last one we started dropping like flies.
Games are about fun. The social aspect of games is also about fun. Don’t be as shy and you’ll probably find likeminded people
Simple practice and get better, and Don’t join groups that don’t want you. If you don’t know what your doing and are not in full zerker gear and the LFG party says speed run zerker. please don’t waste my time of gaining maximium rewards and develop the skills and obtain the gear you need to be effeicent in those kind of parties. We make those parties because we have the gear and took the time to develop the skills and want maximium rewards in the fastest amount of time possible not to babysit and or carry people. It may sound harsh but im being honest and trying to be nice about it. You can make your own parties also im sure other people out there that are newer to dungeons wouldnt mind learning how and hey maybee once in a while if im bored myself I could mentor I’ve done that a lot just don’t want to do it in my speedruns.
I’m not that great either, probably an age thing. Yes I am old =)
That is why I prefer to be ranger, and if someone has a problem with that, it’s their problem not mine.
Like you OP I prefer to play my own way.
GW2 has attracted a certain bunch of idiots. I don’t remember ever doing daily dungeons in GW and seeing GWAMM’s ONLY or getting ridiculed for not having R10 Luxon/Kurzick when doing associated activities.
You’re not a bad player, you’re just playing with bad people (aka whiney kids with lots of time on their hands).
I just came back to the game after a year and I have to tell you , I am sorely disappointed in the general attitude of the community I have been encountering in WvW and any PvE based gameplay . The whole AP thing trips me out . Example , my DAD plays this game lol , hes retired and does nothing but AP grind . Invite him into a party if you want to . Pops enjoys the game and thinks hes pro due to 14k something Ap . Yet dies instantly in pvp or dungeons . Does ok on world events . AP does not = skill . My 2 brothers that play with me . Can care less about achievments . have like 5k between the 2 of them and will dominate you in pvp or wvw all day .
Its the people your playing with man . They aren’t good enough to carry themselves most likely and need 3-4 others to do it . So they grind AP so they can say I am the man . All this stacking as berserker in this corner crap , on my light armor berserkers in those stacks , I drop in seconds . Yet , if the other 3-4 drop and I am forced into play the game the way I want mode . I will clear the boss and / or the room solo every single time .They cry and complain for about 40 seconds until they see o , hes gonna clear this . I use my own specs ( never off the web) and gear combos to get results that fit my playstyle . I try to strive for me vs 5 and survive . But my builds are nothing like anyone elses .
You sound intelligent and patient . Try doing your own thing no matter what , its your game , you bought it . Think outside the box and find the hidden builds . They are there . I have all 8 chars and do this on all 8 . I only have issues with 1 . Don’t give up and let others ruin your fun .
I saw a player with Twilight and less than 3K AP.
Asking for an AP threshold is just being ignorant.
AP has nothing to do with swiping your credit card or grinding out legendaries. Granted AP is a dumb way to get experienced people but its the only way we really have of weeding out people who are going to drag parties to the ground. Also odds are someone with 15k AP is going to be more experienced in more content then someone with 500.
Now granted Ive seen people with 5k AP that just make people with 20k look like brand new but still. Also some of the best runs of dungeons Ive ever done were with people who had around 10k AP and e of the worst have been people with 20k. APs arent a great way to measure skill. AP never have been and never will be a good way to measure skill. Only play time really.
Have you calculated how expensive a legendary is to buy? If he really just dumped gems to gold for one, I will personally carry his sorry kitten as a thank you for his significant support of ANET.
GW2 has attracted a certain bunch of idiots. I don’t remember ever doing daily dungeons in GW and seeing GWAMM’s ONLY or getting ridiculed for not having R10 Luxon/Kurzick when doing associated activities.
You’re not a bad player, you’re just playing with bad people (aka whiney kids with lots of time on their hands).
RX requirements were very common. Especially lightbringer.
But those tended to have actual mechanical effects.
The only skill/gear check in AC is arguably the burrows, maybe kiting the gravelings at the pulling the chains at the one part or the ghosts for the boss. I always am perturbed at super-leet AC groups because this is a level 30 dungeon, as long as folks read chat for instructions you’ll do fine.
Tarnished Coast
The only skill/gear check in AC is arguably the burrows, maybe kiting the gravelings at the pulling the chains at the one part or the ghosts for the boss. I always am perturbed at super-leet AC groups because this is a level 30 dungeon, as long as folks read chat for instructions you’ll do fine.
Why are you perturbed? There shouldn’t be anything perturbing about different people enjoying different things. For some people, the speed at which they complete the dungeon is an important part of their fun. For other people it isn’t. Nothing wrong with either type of person.
Of course, there is something wrong with someone joining a group advertised for one type of player when they want to play a different way. And that’s a problem in either direction. If someone joins a “all levels and experience welcome” pug and then complains that the run is slow and people don’t know what to do, they’re being a jerk. And equally, if someone who doesn’t know the dungeon very well (or is wearing nomad’s or something) joins a “4k+ ap zerk experienced 80s only” pug, they’re being a jerk.
(And if your lfg doesn’t describe the sort of group you’re making, that’s your fault!)
There’s room for all types of interests and play styles, and we’d all be better off if we stopped thinking that our own play style is the best, or that we’re the only ones really playing for fun, or that everybody who wants to play in a different way just doesn’t understand things as well as we do, or…
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
(edited by One Note Chord.5031)
Because this game does not have an official gear check, for many players, AP is used by some players as a crude way to measuring competency.
Like many have said, AP is no way a sufficient requirement but many players use it for measure necessary requirement to gauge experienced players.
For me, I do both casual and semi-speed runs in dungeons, both low and high level fractals. When I do join a more casual run, I don’t care about people’s AP, but when I do a Fractal 50, I would feel rather uncomfortable to see a player with less than 2-3k AP join our group. Don’t you think that is fair?
Like Nike said when joining a “Casual group, Looking to Learn” I care more when people put in a sincere effort to learn the fight. On the other hand when I was doing my Fractal 50 to try to get that elusive fractal tonic, I don’t want it to last more than an hour and a half and have less patience to those who screw up.
I have a GW2 mentor who would join a “Death = Kick, Down = Kick” group and went ahead and succeeded in staying alive and managed to kill the original group posters in dungeon group and then proceeded, following the rule, and kicked those people. That same person would train me duoing Arah and many other things and watched me die like 40 times (per dungeon) and patiently waited for me to figure it out before we moved on. I got yelled at many times like “WTF – why are you putting down wall on melee mobs! WTF do you even have wall on your bar here!!” or “kittenwhere is my aegis?” or “Are you spamming your F1?!!! DOOO ITTT”
Looking back at last year and the year before, I am miles away from what I was at those time. I remember over a year ago when fracture was released and I joined a semi-casual group on a scale 8 fractal, there was this dude who was really rude and make all the obscene and nasty remarks on me. I went ahead an kicked and reported him thus accidentally booted the entire group after the cliffside. I was proud and thought that I was one of the better players. But now looking back, LOL, with 6k AP at the time, I was a TERRIBLE guardian back then. I still have lots of room to improve and miles to go with my training to get as good as people in my circle of friends.
So, I can see the reasoning both sides of the good and the casual players. My advise is, don’t let it discourage you. Join casual groups and try to learn the fight. Join a guild! Preferably a big one! Get on their TS/Vent/Mumble/Raidcall!!! There are many guilds out there that will help train you if you request and put in a sincere effort.
The worst players are not players that play badly but those that treat the game like a job to make an income in and anyone that slows down their income is just a speed hump.
+10, taken objectively.
-10, if that implies that Speedrunning groups are to blame.
There is a difference there.
It’s the mindset that I’m referring to. It could mean anyone who gets all worked up about people slowing down their income, trading post barons who complain about people that undercut them (how dare they undercut me?! don’t they know who I am), world boss players that abuse others for not knowing the fight, etc etc
I’ll admit that I’ve on occasion had a rant or two about people on map chat, but that’s usually about people being lazy and not using the waypoint when they’ve died during a map wide event like SW or a world boss like wurms or teq where dead players draw ressers and that brings down the group effort
OP, as a former newbie to this game I get where you’re coming from. Allow me to empower you in the way only I can.
I have never had issues getting in dungeon groups. Do you know why? No, it’s not because I have several level 80s, or that I’m actually skilled, or that I play the game well, or that I have a lot of AP, or even that I have full ascended equipment. The reason is because I don’t play with these so called ‘pros’. They are nothing compared to me. They don’t deserve a spot in my parties. It does not matter if they have more AP than I do (they likely don’t) or have been playing this game longer than I (they haven’t) or play better than I do (ha ha, not a chance!), at the end of the day I’m the best there is because Zera.
Your AP count does not matter. You have a character. Can you play said character? Are you able to attack what I’m attacking and help me kill it? Do you know how to press 6 (or whatever hotkey it’s assigned) to heal yourself as needed? Can you press ‘F’ next to a downed teammate to help them get back up? Can you press a button to dodge? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are already ahead. Like all things, dungeons get easier with practice. The first few times I played dungeons in this game, I died a lot. But as I kept trying and paid attention to what I did and what was going on, I got better. Now I can play dungeons without a problem. I’m so good that I don’t have to rely on a ‘meta’ (whatever the kitten that is). Those meta players are so lost without a script. Give them anything other than a meta build and they suddenly can’t play. Give me a warrior with cleric stats and I’ll still play through the dungeon as well as I can with berserker stats, because Zera.
Play whatever you want. You paid for your copy of the game, not them. When you see that LFG advertisement that says “ZERKER ONLY PING GEAR OR KICK ZOMG POWERTHIRST WTFBBQ!!!1” just block those players. They have nothing good to offer. You are fine as you are, because it is just a game… also because Zera.
GW2 has attracted a certain bunch of idiots. I don’t remember ever doing daily dungeons in GW and seeing GWAMM’s ONLY or getting ridiculed for not having R10 Luxon/Kurzick when doing associated activities.
You’re not a bad player, you’re just playing with bad people (aka whiney kids with lots of time on their hands).
Elitists will be elitists..screw them. there are dozens of players like you who like to find out, explore and grow better
May I steal this one from you as signature? WHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA its great!!
Edit: done
May I steal this one from you as signature? WHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA its great!!
Edit: done
You flatter me
I’m glad you liked that, yes feel free to use it (I see you went ahead and did it) and you even quoted me.
I guess it is safe to assume you are a human being. Then you have the ability to improve with practice. You do it like you acquire all kinds of skills: start from your comfort zone and expand from there, don´t be discouraged by setbacks. Most important of all: don´t whine and don´t complain about others for your own inability and mistakes, but learn from them. Don´t let the “everyone is special, play the way you want”-crowd in here comfort you into passiveness. You can improve and will if you want to.
Elitists will be elitists..screw them. there are dozens of players like you who like to find out, explore and grow better
yes, they will be. But google the meaning of the word, you will be surprised how misused it is.