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(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Lots of things in game that are consumable type items are a RNG item or as I like to call a lottery. Some of them are:
1. Unidentified dyes: Take a click and win 20g or get the worst dye in game :P
2. Orr Karma Chests: Make a ton of money and obsidian shards, or get some more karma.
3. Laurel gear chests: Some nice rares, with… vitality :P
4. Laurel Tiered materials: Ah those mats, gotta love em, all.. 3 -5 of em :P
5. BL chests: 1 chest 3 copper, 1 key $5. Opening up a chest to 1xp amulet and uni dye=Priceless.
You can include your best and worst results too ^^
I probably missed a few, but what is your favorite and least favorite lottery?
All of these can be fun, or painfully agitating. But all of them are optional. Aside from a fav and a hated, do you have any weird rituals you perform before opening them?
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I can’t resist the Unidentified dyes… I just can’t leave them as is.
I have over 100 BL chests in my bank and not going to buy keys so they are easy to ignore. Those dyes are just too compelling.
The only thing worse is loot bags… I wish I could sell them but there is that chance a core could be in there.
I can’t resist the Unidentified dyes… I just can’t leave them as is.
I have over 100 BL chests in my bank and not going to buy keys so they are easy to ignore. Those dyes are just too compelling.
The only thing worse is loot bags… I wish I could sell them but there is that chance a core could be in there.
Yea, keep the bags As for the chest, how come no one makes their “50 cents” off selling their stacks? :P
i like the ones i win with. So i’d have to say Unidentified dyes are probably the best. Plus i can sell the dyes if i do not want to play.
I am addicted to dyes- I don’t care about any of the others but the dyes man, I can’t bring myself to sell them- I even buy dyes with my laurels :P
Worst results? Well every single one of my characters now has “Shy Iris” unlocked because every rare dye I get via drop is seemingly that one sigh . . . so I go to the Mystic Forge and throw four in to get a different one. That’s mostly worked so far.
Worst results? Well every single one of my characters now has “Shy Iris” unlocked because every rare dye I get via drop is seemingly that one sigh . . . so I go to the Mystic Forge and throw four in to get a different one. That’s mostly worked so far.
hehehe mine is Oxblood- that dye loves me.
I just sell it on the TP now.
Favorite Lottery:……………………………
Best Lottery:…………………………………………………………….
Worst lottery: Precursor, drop-rates in general, Dragons, and anything else tied into RNG, or the cash shop
Though, honestly? I try to avoid gamble boxes in any game I can unless I can get access easily enough after I have exhausted other things. I only started using Zaishen Keys in GW1 when I didn’t need my Gold ZCoins anymore . . . I only use dropped/earned Keys in this game, and I mostly played with the Jewelry Boxes when my guild did a “Karma Weekend” with all the boosters which we could scrape together as a guild.
I was not disappointed in the result, mind you.
Jewelry Boxes. Mostly because karma is largely useless to me for anything else, so it’s essentially a risk-free gamble. That makes it fun because I end up buying a lot of them, and then, once in a while I kick a bunch of boosts on and buy a WHOLE bunch of them. Gambling is fun when you can do a lot of it at once. It allows you to more readily focus on the good rolls than the poor ones.
Black Lion Chests. I could write a treatise on why, despite the fact that people buy them, “lockbox” cash shop incentivizing items are at best annoying game design and at worst psychologically exploitative cash shop design.
Dyes and bags are fine – it’s my drop, so I open it. I don’t feel cheated when it’s something I already have, don’t need or holds no TP value.
I don’t like going beyond that in gambling my rewards though. The mystic toilet and various boxes can all bite me.
I’m addicted to dyes too…even more cause I make them. Nothing is more satisfying than making the rarest color (unidentified) and using the hard earned (or payed for) mats and the double clicking to see?
That I just wasted everything on yet another pastel pink or banana o.O
There’s another thread down a ways that talks about the BL chests. A couple of us posted about doing key runs with human War or Guards. I get rare and uncommon dyes from them all the time.
Call me crazy but I bought about 30-odd lion keys last night and the only thing worth noting was a minipet pack which produced a 5g mini…
Feels like a waste but at least I got the guild a kitty load of influence.
It’s either that or convert the gems to gold and play the Precursor Mystic Toilet roulette.
Best is the dyes, they drop semi-regularly and don’t need anything special to “unlock” them, and the price on the AH is low enough that I don’t feel too terrible when open one and get a worthless dye to add to my collection. They also have a decent payoff if you get lucky.
Least favorite is laural gear chests. It just feels so pointless, why spend something so incredibly limited and which can be used to buy some best in slot gear, to unlock what’s, best case, something that costs maybe ~5g from the TP (and very probably just ends up salvaged hoping for an ecto)? Unless precursors come from them (which afaik has not been confirmed) but even then it’s not a good gamble.
Orrian boxes.
Cause they refund you Karma.
I can’t resist the Unidentified dyes…
I’m in the same boat as you haha. I got my first unidentified die at a pretty low level and ended up scoring like 14-15 gold from it, which was wayyyy more than I had. Ever since the chance of scoring big like that has been much more appealing then whatever I can get for selling them as is. I also like to play scratch offs from time to time in real life, I think there may be a connection…
Best: Dyes until I’ve found them all lol
Worst: everything else.
Black dye in gw1 was the best feeling ever and you could actually get that multiple times per week! Getting the best of anything in gw2 could take years as a drop.
Drops is my favorite lottery. They were ok before Nov 15th and they’ve been horrible ever since. If I get a decent drop at any point in time it is a mini-celebration for sure.
I rarely get dye drops these days, but I always open those – even though I usually already have the dye that drops.
Fractal Chests, too. They are occasionally blues and greens, but they also often carry cores and rares – and, on occasion, an account bound exotic.
I love the loot bags. Doesn’t matter what kind, I cannot resist opening them!
Low risk, potential good reward.
Dyes and loot bags.
I even ended up spending some laurels on a pack of dyes (worked out well, since I got an Abyss out of it), because I couldn’t help myself – what if I get a really great one?
Like the most: Unid dyes, loot bags
Drop more than enough to not feel bad if its something worthless. Dont sell exceptionally high on the TP so no real regrets there. Nothing but good feelings when I get something good.
Like the least: Every dungeon/temple/dragon/open world chest
Utter garbage loot for the time invested to kill whatever I need to kill to get it. The contents of the chest should NEVER have the possibility to roll for less value than the silver from the Bag of Wonderous Goods. It’s freaking insulting.
Most effective/addicting: Orrian boxes
Spends otherwise useless currency. Even if you dont get anything good, you can get most of your karma back again. Why not give it one more shot? …. Repeat. You’re now 100k karma in the hole.
Least effective: Black Lion Chests
Only way to reasonably get Keys is with Gems… then the fact that there’s still nothing in them that want at all. I delete the chests as they drop.
won the dye lotto twice. sold abyss and used midnight ice by mistake on an alt lol. spend 300k karma on the chests , not including the karma I drank from the chest I opened. Counting those I think it’s more like 600k Karma (I used a karma booster). Got bunch of gold some so so load stoned and 30+ shards.
I never met an unidentified dye I didn’t like.
I despise every lottery in the game and my experience in GW2 is fundamentally worse because of their existence. I run dungeons for tokens and gold, I run FotM for pristine relics (I have gathered a few rings in the process of my 10 day grinds for pristine relics) and I don’t even bother hoping for anything remotely worth finding from a dungeon chest, a world boss chest or a mob drop.
I know I will get a few rares and exotics running FotM, but at no point during any RNG lottery do I feel good when I get a good drop. I’m not that stupid. I know they designed the system to make you play longer, to grind more, to stretch “content” out more and make you feel like that next exotic or rare is just around the corner. Some developers think a condescending design like that in an MMO (it works for Diablo 2, but not GW2) is fun. I’m sure there are some people who are able to shut off their brain and forget that every time they get a good drop, they had 200 garbage drops before it, but I am very aware of the insidious nature of lotteries in MMOs, especially with the ridiculousness that ArenaNet has taken them to.
In no way to I enjoy lotteries in GW2, so I certainly don’t have a favourite one. I strongly prefer tokens and karma rewards. Things I can play through content and earn knowing exactly what I have to do and having a fair path of acquisition.
wish I could open my unid dyes, but I have to save them for my legendary (bifrost) :P
I dislike lottery anything since I am unlucky, but the only one that I resent are the locked Black Lion chests with almost no keys ever showing up…..without buying them with real money from the store.
Before you know the scam, you think you’ve really hit the jackpot when you see the chest show up, and they just end up taking up space.
favorite lottery: salvaging rares for ectos. I would always just sell my rares for the silver, because it guarantees the price of one ecto, but recently I started actually salvaging them, and it feels great, mainly because the salvage rate is actually pretty good, and feels rewarding.
Luckiest lottery: I got the Risen Priest of Balthazar mini from buying only one Orrian jewelry box. Haven’t bought another one since.
Do any of you have special things you do before you do the lotteries? When I salvage ectos I click slowly, then when it asks if I’m sure I hold down the button for like 3 seconds and wish for 3 ectos :P
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