Whats going on ?
starting most of this off, but I think its been building for some time now.
6 months ago, I read plenty of complaint threads.
It’s the nature of game forums.
If you want to know what the current upset is, however, it’s the announcement that new legendary weapons are being canceled indefinitely.
Sounds like you missed Heart of Thorns in its entirety. Lucky soul.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
(takes shelter in a trench with you, yelling over the gunfire)
Well, it is hard to explain the whole situation in just a few words. Honestly, it’s a bunch of little things that have built up over time. But to try to “in a nutshell” this whole thing as it currently is:
One of the selling points (or at least “percieved” selling points) of the HoT expansion was a whole new set of legendary weapons. A-net stated shortly before the ex-pack launch that they didn’t have the weapons ready in time for the expansion (this is likely due to how much work the precursor scavenger hunts take to produce). Anyway, they said they would be rolling out with them over the course of the next several months.
However, in a blogpost recently, the A-net CEO Mike O’Brian (MO for short) stated that they believe it to be best if they allocate their legendary-making team of 6 people into production of more-used-by-the-playerbase-all-around-contenty-content instead. So these new weapons are put on hold “indefinitely” until MO decides he has the resources to pick them back up again.
Many are disappointed by what HoT came with to begin with.
Many feel cheated of their dollar.
Some want some form of compensation from A-net
Some claim to be “done.”
I personally just see it as an emotional response to a tough call MO may have had to make.
I say don’t let this crap get to you. Just enjoy the game. Good luck.
(Charges out of the trenc — gets shot in the head)
6 months ago, I read plenty of complaint threads.
It’s the nature of game forums.
If you want to know what the current upset is, however, it’s the announcement that new legendary weapons are being canceled indefinitely.
This week has been far worse than normal, with most of the topics a variation on the same theme. Sure, there are always complaints (sometimes unreasonable) and repeat threads. Nothing this severe in my memory.
Rightly or wrongly, people feel that ANet pulled a bait-and-switch, by offering one product and delivering a lesser one. Some people are outraged by this, to the point of becoming unable to express themselves other than to rant like maniacs. Others, such as myself aren’t much bothered (I don’t really care what ANet actually delivers as long as it’s fun — I have never found the hype about any game to be credible — and I’m having fun).
Anyhow, ANet goofed big time and it’s going to take a while to win back the community’s trust. People are going to unload on ANet for another week or three and then again after the April update (which isn’t going to fix most of the concerns that people have, since there hasn’t been enough lead time to do that). After that, we’ll see.
Nothing this severe in my memory.
Personally, I thought the great blowouts over the HoT pricing packages and, before that, ascended gear were way worse than this one.
I personally just see it as an emotional response to a tough call MO may have had to make.
This seems a tad condescending. I don’t see people wanting to receive what they paid for as purely “emotional.” I see wanting what you paid for as being fairly reasonable.
Well, it’s been said that they will make up for their mess up starting with the April update… We’ll see.
I take the following word for word:
“I strongly believe that we will in fact entertain you. We’re a team of people who love the game that you love, and are working on things we’re confident you’ll love. But I’m not here to convince you of that, and I wouldn’t expect you to take my word for it. You can make that judgment in April, and each subsequent time we ship. I will work to make you happy, and I’ll do it by making you happy with what we ship, not with what we promise to ship.”
(edited by Asumita.2174)
I personally just see it as an emotional response to a tough call MO may have had to make.
This seems a tad condescending. I don’t see people wanting to receive what they paid for as purely “emotional.” I see wanting what you paid for as being fairly reasonable.
I didn’t mean for it to be condescending. If it is, I apologize.
From my perspective: Whether their position (input) is reasonable or not — the response (or output) is bloated emotionally.
I hope I’m making sense.
As a person who does not care about Legendary stuff at all, I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.
Well, it’s been said that they will make up for their mess up starting with the April update… We’ll see.
I take the following word for word:
“I strongly believe that we will in fact entertain you. We’re a team of people who love the game that you love, and are working on things we’re confident you’ll love. But I’m not here to convince you of that, and I wouldn’t expect you to take my word for it. You can make that judgment in April, and each subsequent time we ship. I will work to make you happy, and I’ll do it by making you happy with what we ship, not with what we promise to ship.”
You’re still taking what they say word for word? LOL.
Basically they haven’t made Ferocity a major stat yet. It’s bugging me. Also the game is majorly unfinished and I get a shortbow for my ranger bu no one likes them but me so they are all jelly.
Well, it’s been said that they will make up for their mess up starting with the April update… We’ll see.
I take the following word for word:
“I strongly believe that we will in fact entertain you. We’re a team of people who love the game that you love, and are working on things we’re confident you’ll love. But I’m not here to convince you of that, and I wouldn’t expect you to take my word for it. You can make that judgment in April, and each subsequent time we ship. I will work to make you happy, and I’ll do it by making you happy with what we ship, not with what we promise to ship.”
You’re still taking what they say word for word? LOL.
you’re right.. how dare any’one’ take a company for their word that was sold as a product line .. and paid for it?!
if being let down because of an agreement is a lol moment….
sigh… /sarcasm…
As a person who does not care about Legendary stuff at all, I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.
It’s not so much WHAT they decided to scrap as it is the fact that content people paid for got scrapped. I would still want what I paid for if it was something else, like specializations or the revenant class or gliding or anything else they had said was part of the purchase price for HoT but then didn’t deliver.
It’s not so much WHAT they decided to scrap as it is the fact that content people paid for got scrapped. I would still want what I paid for if it was something else, like specializations or the revenant class or gliding or anything else they had said was part of the purchase price for HoT but then didn’t deliver.
Oh, I see. I actually only got HoT because of gliding AND I needed one piece of Leystone armor for my mix-n-match, so yeah… XD
I personally just see it as an emotional response to a tough call MO may have had to make.
This seems a tad condescending. I don’t see people wanting to receive what they paid for as purely “emotional.” I see wanting what you paid for as being fairly reasonable.
I didn’t mean for it to be condescending. If it is, I apologize.
From my perspective: Whether their position (input) is reasonable or not — the response (or output) is bloated emotionally.
I hope I’m making sense.
Without being sassy about it, it is an emotional situation and that’s how people are reacting. And for many, rightfully so. We do feel cheated by this expansion, for one reason or another:
- The garbage timing of meta-events
- “Adventures” execution
- Some enemy designs/difficulty following a disturbing pattern of laziness and false difficulty
- Locking solo/character progression behind group events and “Adventures”
- Abandoning Legendary weapon journeys
- Megaservers and so much taxiing required to get on a “good” map
- Excessive material/gold sink Grinds for pretty much everything new
So many of us feel blindsided by what came out, and we’ve had a long drought to contemplate that.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Anyhow, ANet goofed big time and it’s going to take a while to win back the community’s trust. People are going to unload on ANet for another week or three and then again after the April update (which isn’t going to fix most of the concerns that people have, since there hasn’t been enough lead time to do that). After that, we’ll see.
That could just make it blow up further …