When farming == greifing
The majority of the players there wanted to play it a different way. Surely the majority shouldn’t have to do it one way because a small group want to do it a different way. Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Uhm this is a videogame.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Uhm this is a videogame.
Yes, and human beings are the ones playing it. Thus, it’s still life.
Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Uhm this is a videogame.
Yes, and human beings are the ones playing it. Thus, it’s still life.
This; same rules apply. Everyone happy = impossible.
Bizarre. My usual experience with people upscaling events while being bad at the game is that the Silverwastes map chat gets really kitteny when people don’t waypoint out of boss fights after dying.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Uhm this is a videogame.
And the same principles apply. The majority decides. If I want to join an event and then just be terrible at completing that’s my choice. Maybe I want to play it in blues and greens and wipe.
The majority of the players there wanted to play it a different way. Surely the majority shouldn’t have to do it one way because a small group want to do it a different way. Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Yeah, but Events are made to be completed, not failed on purpose. If multiple groups with different goals clash there’s bound to be angry players. It’s ANet’s job to make sure this doesn’t happen.
Edit: ANet doesn’t want you to fail events on purpose: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/TC-s-Cursed-Shore-being-choked-by-Ember-farm/page/2#post2640244
(edited by BunjiKugashira.9754)
The majority of the players there wanted to play it a different way. Surely the majority shouldn’t have to do it one way because a small group want to do it a different way. Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Sorry no. ANet has already said specifically that Events are meant to be completed, not failed. Failing intentionally to accomplish something else is exploiting game mechanics and not acceptable.
The only reason failing can seem more rewarding is because the event reset is quicker on failure than completing the event chain. But the underlying assumption is that as an adventurer and hero is to win the day rather than losing to simply farm loot.
RIP City of Heroes
The idea of farming that event chain and its few champs for bags seems pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Sure, the event resets reasonably quickly on failure, but farming SW offers a much better return on one’s time.
This sort of thing happens every time someone gets it into their head that they “own” some bit of content, and then engages in actionable, rude conduct. Whether they’re the majority or not is irrelevant — if their behavior brings the situation to ANet’s attention in the form of increased reports, then ANet will change the event. If the chat wars continue, the players arguing will bring about changes to the event that make it less accessible for everyone. One would think people would learn because every time this stuff happens there are consequences.
The idea of farming that event chain and its few champs for bags seems pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Sure, the event resets reasonably quickly on failure, but farming SW offers a much better return on one’s time.
I thought about this, but they may want the specific type of champ bag risen drop. Certain Exotic Hunter weapons only drop from certain champ bags. That’s why Arthropoda is very expensive but Bonetti’s Rapier is one of the cheapest exotics (bandit coin purses from SW).
Just another day in intelligent game design and making it feel like actions and consequences make the open world feel.. real… pfft!
Simply put GW2 has become more rewarding to fail events knowing full well the consequence will result in a fast reset and more fat lootz to failfarm.. dare anyone go against the failtrain cos ya know, completing something isn’t allowed anymore as it takes too long to respawn and reloot…
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it. For the players, choosing the most profitable path is logical course of action.
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer. If you don’t like what the majority of players are doing, find somewhere else where you like what the players are doing.
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it. For the players, choosing the most profitable path is logical course of action.
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer. If you don’t like what the majority of players are doing, find somewhere else where you like what the players are doing.
Exactly! And maybe They should give us traits for completing a defense event as well.
I tried for 6 hours…6 hours..to get the trait for killing the Risen Wizard…i changed maps..did everything i could. Every…single…time…nobody would let it fail..so much fun, i just want that trait…
The idea of farming that event chain and its few champs for bags seems pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Sure, the event resets reasonably quickly on failure, but farming SW offers a much better return on one’s time.
I thought about this, but they may want the specific type of champ bag risen drop. Certain Exotic Hunter weapons only drop from certain champ bags. That’s why Arthropoda is very expensive but Bonetti’s Rapier is one of the cheapest exotics (bandit coin purses from SW).
Maybe. That would not change my opinion. Imo, farming a specific drop in this game is largely a fool’s errand.
The idea of farming that event chain and its few champs for bags seems pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Sure, the event resets reasonably quickly on failure, but farming SW offers a much better return on one’s time.
I thought about this, but they may want the specific type of champ bag risen drop. Certain Exotic Hunter weapons only drop from certain champ bags. That’s why Arthropoda is very expensive but Bonetti’s Rapier is one of the cheapest exotics (bandit coin purses from SW).
Maybe. That would not change my opinion. Imo, farming a specific drop in this game is largely a fool’s errand.
This is especially true when you consider the fact that you get a chance at anything within the same loot table (in regards to precursors, you get a chance at any other exotic; same goes for certain trinkets, skins, etc.). Of course it doesn’t defeat the want of that one specific item, but it’s much better to farm for a large variety of items at once rather than one single item in my opinion.
On topic: Block and move on. If they’re actively blocking progress a report would be in order, but please consider that if you falsely report someone or abuse the system, your account will be actioned.
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer.
90% of the time this doesn’t work. Guesting simply puts me right back into the same map I was in before, netting me no gain.
I agree, though I admit it’s a problem on anets part to make failing an event more appealing to veterans than succeeding an event. It should be made better to succeed the event so we don’t have this problem in the first place.
I wonder if this still will be a “thing” once the new maps and expansion are released. But just send a report about it and they should fix it in time.
Would be nice if we could stop the whole argument of if there are more kitten -hats then legit users then the kitten -hats are in the right. This is a game; designers makes the rules, not the public and they will block any behavior they see fit.
(edited by Ditrah.5128)
Like others have said Anet has intended that failing an event should not be something people try for.
Like others have said Anet has intended that failing an event should not be something people try for.
Welp some events i can see why you would want to fail, IE…the Risen Wizard..if you do the defense you dont get the trait for it, and you get more loot from killing the Risen Wizard…If i could get the trait from doing the event i wouldnt try to make it fail all the time….
Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Uhm this is a videogame.
And the same principles apply. The majority decides. If I want to join an event and then just be terrible at completing that’s my choice. Maybe I want to play it in blues and greens and wipe.
Or you know, Anet could change it. I’m pretty sure they don’t want players end up leaving out of frustration. It was never intended to be exploited.
This has happened before and I’m sure ANet will respond the same way:
- They have no issue with people succeeding at an event, nor deliberately failing it.
- They do get involved when those failing it force everyone to fail it, so that they can farm.
- They act more quickly if there is actual griefing and/or verbal abuse involved.
Generally, they change things so that failing is not longer much much more lucrative than success, which almost always means reducing the rewards, reducing the spawns (that produce the rewards), and/or increasing the timer between reset.
Generally, the original farmers don’t care enough to slow down — they figure, they better rush to get as many runs in as possible, before (what they will call) the Nerf happens. Of course, if they were just slightly less “greedy,” ANet would be unlikely to take action.
tl;dr ANet will act after “enough” reports and it will resolve the immediate symptoms.
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it. For the players, choosing the most profitable path is logical course of action.
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer. If you don’t like what the majority of players are doing, find somewhere else where you like what the players are doing.
Exactly! And maybe They should give us traits for completing a defense event as well.
I tried for 6 hours…6 hours..to get the trait for killing the Risen Wizard…i changed maps..did everything i could. Every…single…time…nobody would let it fail..so much fun, i just want that trait…
I thought that crappy defence requirement had been patched shortly after it made its way into game because of all the griefing of players wanting to run the chain.. so you don’t need to fail it to get it.
Get rid of this champ pls, or make some other change to fix this.
wut? I haven’t seen anyone do that in like almost two years, they fixed that……
I mean back then, the restart timer was something like 7m, and hoards of people would guest to my server and constantly lock arah assault down with that lame farming exploit. I remember because I recall flametarding on the forums about it :P Anyhoot, Anet didn’t think it to be acceptable and ended it with lengthening the restart timer which for almost two years I’ve never seen this happen again regarding the ember champ.
You say they doing this again? Like what, people that quit GW2 for the past two years, went back to WoW, and finally came back here to pick up where they left off? Perma-noobs :P
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it. For the players, choosing the most profitable path is logical course of action.
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer. If you don’t like what the majority of players are doing, find somewhere else where you like what the players are doing.
If that’s the megaserver map copy that has capacity then your likely going to just end up back on the same map most of the time until that copy reaches cap and a fresh copy opens. As for guesting .. hmm isn’t that a thing of the past now megaservers are here or are you referring to joining someone on another map, in which case you need to find someone via the LFG and hope the map isn’t already full.
Another option is just inviting all your friends and guildies to the event, and then ignore the toxic kid with a commander tag that thinks he own the place.
Put the event up in LFG in port people in that will finish it.
Lastly, if you have a commander tag of your own, put it up and lead the zerg yourself.
Sure, the kid with the commander tag might start flipping his lid and pounding on his keyboard in righteous indignation, but then he’s just hanging himself with his own rope as people could (and should) report him for verbal abuse.
Point is, people have every right to finish an event, regardless of what someone that had the 300 gold to buy a little icon over his head would like to say.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
I thought that crappy defence requirement had been patched shortly after it made its way into game because of all the griefing of players wanting to run the chain.. so you don’t need to fail it to get it.
Nope! still need to fail that one! You actually have to kill the Risen Wizard to get it! I did the event, including the defenses, several times, and never got the trait(Read the wind i think, whichever one is “Kill the Risen High Wizard”) they fixed it for the temples..but didnt change it for that one. They did try to make the wizard spawn during defense..but it doesnt, unless enough players are there, and sometimes an old version of the event spawns instead!
(edited by Dante.1763)
A good consideration is to make those events take 30-60 minutes to cycle on failure. A large gap of time for the event to restart (blixx farm was such a successful smackdown) would make it easier for people to complete the event.
To be fair though…. it’d be better loot to continue that chain imo. Lotta heavy moldy bags out of it.
I thought that crappy defence requirement had been patched shortly after it made its way into game because of all the griefing of players wanting to run the chain.. so you don’t need to fail it to get it.
Nope! still need to fail that one! You actually have to kill the Risen Wizard to get it!
I did the event, including the defenses, several times, and never got the trait(Read the wind i think, whichever one is “Kill the Risen High Wizard”) they fixed it for the temples..but didnt change it for that one. They did try to make the wizard spawn during defense..but it doesnt, unless enough players are there, and sometimes an old version of the event spawns instead!
I’ve done the defence twice today on different map copies and both times the wizard spawned, tbh it’s not often I don’t see it spawn.. it’s one of the best farm on CS so letting defence fail is always going to be contentious, which is why I was sure they had fixed the fail achievement to be awarded on both outcomes as long as the wizard is killed in the process
The majority of the players there wanted to play it a different way. Surely the majority shouldn’t have to do it one way because a small group want to do it a different way. Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Because the majority wants something everyone else should be denied the content? I say the people who deny others the content deserve a 72h ban.
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it. For the players, choosing the most profitable path is logical course of action.
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer. If you don’t like what the majority of players are doing, find somewhere else where you like what the players are doing.
Exactly! And maybe They should give us traits for completing a defense event as well.
I tried for 6 hours…6 hours..to get the trait for killing the Risen Wizard…i changed maps..did everything i could. Every…single…time…nobody would let it fail..so much fun, i just want that trait…
Maybe you should buy the trait from the NPC (even the worst money making methods make more than 10g in 6 hours) or wait for the trait update coming before HoT.
There are a number of ways ANet can easily fix this problem so that everyone can win, so the request for ANet to fix it is a good one, everything else in this thread is noise.
I’m on two boats here.
The first is that the entire design of events is that it is just as much freedom to make it fail as it is freedom to make it succesfull. So nobody should be forced to finish it if they don’t want too.
The second however is that these situations very often lead to verbal abuse. The fact that this happens makes it an issue. Cause making an event succeed is more in line in what people expect to be “normal” behaviour, that is the wayt to fix it if it leads to verbal abuse.
This event is an excellent example where the difference in goals leads to verbal abuse and griefing. That means that in this case, the event should be altered to make succesfully finishing it more worthwhile.
But another example that is going (reasonable) well nowadays is Coiled Watch.
Not completing the event makes it spawn more champions, so people try to farm it. On normal days this leads to limited issues. Eventually it does happen that the event is finished, but the chain resets reasonable quick anyways, so people don’t make a fuss bout it. On days that it is frostgorge sound event completionist, the farmers take their loss and skip that day of farming. In my experience, there was controverse here at the start, but now it cooled down and settled down in a good status quo.
Another example where it goes well is The Silver Wastes. Cause the chain is the only big thing happening in the map, the two different approaches to farm this map are very well reflected in the LFG-tool and works reasonable well.
I always prefer that we solve this as a community then get Anet fix this for us as a big brother.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The majority of the players there wanted to play it a different way. Surely the majority shouldn’t have to do it one way because a small group want to do it a different way. Is it unfair? Yes.. But that is life.
Because the majority wants something everyone else should be denied the content? I say the people who deny others the content deserve a 72h ban.
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it. For the players, choosing the most profitable path is logical course of action.
For the general whine over this or any player interaction, go find another layer then. You can log in and out of the character or use guesting to find another layer. If you don’t like what the majority of players are doing, find somewhere else where you like what the players are doing.
Exactly! And maybe They should give us traits for completing a defense event as well.
I tried for 6 hours…6 hours..to get the trait for killing the Risen Wizard…i changed maps..did everything i could. Every…single…time…nobody would let it fail..so much fun, i just want that trait…Maybe you should buy the trait from the NPC (even the worst money making methods make more than 10g in 6 hours) or wait for the trait update coming before HoT.
So ban the entire game then. Ban everybody in the Raid discussion forum who says people who want raids shouldn’t have them. Ban everybody who thinks Zerker should disappear. Ban everybody who thinks healing should disappear. Ban anybody who wants to fail the event as well as everybody who wants to complete it. At some point somebody has to get something while somebody else doesn’t. At that point you look to the majority. If more people decide they don’t want to do an event then the minority will fail. That is by design because a small portion of people shouldn’t be able to overrule the wishes of a larger portion of people.
If you want the trait that badly you can go spend like 2 gold on it. You could have easily obtained enough gold in 6 hours.
I’ve done the defence twice today on different map copies and both times the wizard spawned, tbh it’s not often I don’t see it spawn.. it’s one of the best farm on CS so letting defence fail is always going to be contentious, which is why I was sure they had fixed the fail achievement to be awarded on both outcomes as long as the wizard is killed in the process
Thats actually really annoying to hear, really is, i didnt see it once in those 6 hours. Not a single one spawned!
To those telling me to go buy it, no thanks, i want to get it from killing the High Wizard, otherwise i would have bought it already. I have money, i just want to get it from killing the high wizard is all. Now that i know it does spawn on defenses im doubly annoyed at not having gotten it though. The trait change is coming..who knows when?! At the moment, no one does! So in the meantime, still trying to kill the wizard, thanks though, i knew about that already however~
Edit: to the person talking about Coiled watch, i thought they had changed that event because it was needed for a LS chain and players were griefing those trying to do it?
(edited by Dante.1763)
Well there are 2 answers to this issue :
1- They set the event CD on miss as the same as on win. (Pro : they will finish this event. Cons : most likely nobody will do this event)
2- The only loots you gain out of this event come from the reward chest (Drytop and SW style)
While the first solution will just kill the event the 2nd will probably leave the map empty. Peeps want profit. They want fast and easy gold. That’s how our society shape us, even if it’s a shame.
I wonder from where all these farm hating people come all the time (I don’t mean op or anyone writing here!). Or in other words: Why some people always think that their personal way to play the game should stand above the way and fun of the majority?
I really wish anet stops listening to these people because everytime anet listens to the minority the game gets more boring for the majority.
A minority cried about queensdale → anet broke it, then frostgorge → anet broke it, then maize balm farms → anet broke it mostly, and now a little minority cries about cursed shore farm and silverwastes farm…
And everytime the only partly reasonable argument is "because there is an event that I want/need)…
I think the best solution would be if anet would remove the bronze/silver/gold medals for events. Then noone could cry about farmers and players that want to have fun. And it would finally take away any reasonable argument the anti farming hater have.
It would even help casual player because then the need to complete events would be gone, so you could drop by to an attack or defending something and just leave whenever the part you want is done.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
A minority cried about queensdale -> anet broke it, then frostgorge -> anet broke it, then maize balm farms -> anet broke it mostly, and now a little minority cries about cursed shore farm and silverwastes farm…
And everytime the only partly reasonable argument is "because there is an event that I want/need)…
Queensdale was full of people who screamed and yelled at new players who had no idea what they where doing! The champ train there Griefed the crap out of people who killed a champ out of rotation, i know, i went there several times and killed the troll just because it was up and i was there while map exploring. That one needed to be changed, it was giving the wrong impression to new players.
Frostgorge…if you mean the Coiled Watch farm, it was blocking progress of the LS so again of course it was changed. The Griefing there when people actually tried to the quest chain was horrible as well. Otherwise i have no idea what farm you are referring to, never farmed that zone!
As for minority…you might be surprised, the forums are just a small portion of the game, and if ANET is getting reports in game from players who have been yelled at by farmers then well, it will probably get changed in time. If you want the farms to stay, tell the players who are yelling at other players(who are killing things for the heart, or whatever) to calm down and knock it off, and the players who are out there griefing the crap out of Maize balm farmers need to knock it off as well, its rudeness on both sides that makes trouble.
I thought that crappy defence requirement had been patched shortly after it made its way into game because of all the griefing of players wanting to run the chain.. so you don’t need to fail it to get it.
Nope! still need to fail that one! You actually have to kill the Risen Wizard to get it!
I did the event, including the defenses, several times, and never got the trait(Read the wind i think, whichever one is “Kill the Risen High Wizard”) they fixed it for the temples..but didnt change it for that one. They did try to make the wizard spawn during defense..but it doesnt, unless enough players are there, and sometimes an old version of the event spawns instead!
I’ve done the defence twice today on different map copies and both times the wizard spawned, tbh it’s not often I don’t see it spawn.. it’s one of the best farm on CS so letting defence fail is always going to be contentious, which is why I was sure they had fixed the fail achievement to be awarded on both outcomes as long as the wizard is killed in the process
Killing the wizard during the defense does not count. You have to complete “Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods” to unlock those traits. And that is only done during the taking of Arah, not defense.
Actually you wrote exactly what I meant… A minority here on the forums or ingame don’t like the majority to organize and have fun. So farms have to be destroyed with such unreal usually a little bit selfish arguments like “blocking LS progress”, “needed for heart” or “want that event”.
Funny part is, that usually the same people later start to complain that there is no groupcontent and that most maps are empty.
A great example for this is the temple farm (where you buy obsi shards at end of event chain) which was destroyed shortly after megaserver introduction. At this farm you killed only the undead which spawned 3 events earlier and you failed the event over and over. A minority of people complained about it “because it blocks progress and we can’t go to the temple event, but we need these obsi shards”. Solution was that anet destroyed the farm and now the map is empty. Now aren’t even enough people there for the temple events….
Same with coiled watch, everyone who “needed for LS” could have just guested on another megaserver instance (yes if you select guest on character select and just take any other full server, then u usually get a new megaserver instance!). But no, minority had to scream loud, and now? I have done this LS part 2 weeks ago again, it is closely impossible todo now because there is noone there anymore and for doing it solo it takes to much time…. great solution
The problem has never been that there are farmes or organized groups. The problem is usually that a single player or a minority gets on these maps and thinks that all other 150 player have to work for their goals now.
Best solution still would be to remove the event medals, because then it is not “blocking any progress” and these minority has to get silent then.
Another solution would be to allow guilds to “create” own map instances where only people can join that are “allowed” (with lfg tool). Then you could create farm maps, event maps, roleplay maps, or just roaming maps and all these “specail individuals” can meet on empty megaserver maps and do their “blocking progress” goals by their own. Sadly anet will never do this, because then other content like world bosses would be done by players on private maps only too
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
(edited by Bomber.3872)
A great example for this is the temple farm (where you buy obsi shards at end of event chain) which was destroyed shortly after megaserver introduction. At this farm you killed only the undead which spawned 3 events earlier and you failed the event over and over. A minority of people complained about it “because it blocks progress and we can’t go to the temple event, but we need these obsi shards”. Solution was that anet destroyed the farm and now the map is empty. Now aren’t even enough people there for the temple events….
Same with coiled watch, everyone who “needed for LS” could have just guested on another megaserver instance (yes if you select guest on character select and just take any other full server, then u usually get a new megaserver instance!). But no, minority had to scream loud, and now? I have done this LS part 2 weeks ago again, it is closely impossible todo now because there is noone there anymore and for doing it solo it takes to much time…. great solution
What? I never even heard of the first one. But regardless, I think you’re vastly overestimating the number of people who do farms like that. The people doing that farm are more likely the minority. And they were also blocking progress of other players who needed to get obsidian shards or try to get the skill point there without tons and tons of mobs and fire raining down.
Coiled Watch is another case where I believe you’re wrongly assuming the farmers were the majority. And, again, it doesn’t matter because they were blocking people from finishing an important part of that LS chapter. And, despite what you seem to think, it’s actually quite difficult to get onto a different megaserver map. Not repping a guild and going invisible can help sometimes, but I’ve been dropped back onto the same instance of a map more often than I was put onto a new one. And the event chain is very soloable, but I usually find groups doing the chain when I’m down there anyway.
…This sort of thing happens every time someone gets it into their head that they “own” some bit of content, and then engages in actionable, rude conduct. Whether they’re the majority or not is irrelevant …
Yup, that’s always been a problem with The Game. What I do is announce the events then let the players play the events we want. Plinx also comes to mind with the ever popular “Wait… <I own The Map!>” Personally, I think farming efficiency is the hobgoblin of little minds. I just block those clowns; then file it under chickenkitten and forget it.
I’ve also noticed in the last few weeks many returning players jumping on the old “stack on me!” type little kid kitten. I keep thinking they’re going to notice that trick was nerf’d a long time ago. At least one can hope. Failing Chan Escort falls into that category I think. Again, file it under chickenkitten and forget it.
Geez, sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who plays the game for fun anymore.
Killing the wizard during the defense does not count. You have to complete “Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods” to unlock those traits. And that is only done during the taking of Arah, not defense.
Thank you! Thats what i was thinking when i read that too! And when i looked it up i didnt see anything to the contrary!
Bomber, no i did not. If anything i disputed it. Farms should not block progress no matter how many people want to do them, Which is exactly what the coiled watch did. Sorry you dont like the changes, but it was good for the players at the time, and still is today, I would rather spend an hour doing the event chain(At most has taken me 25 minutes bymyself) because of kittenbags who griefed the kitten out of players, yes im bitter, i was one of those who got kittened at because i completed the event instead of failing it. SORRY /sarcasm.
Swapping Megaservers at the time did nothing unless you got extremely lucky(Which eventually after the thing being out for a week(Or more, cant remember now) i did manage to), it was being done on every single shard, its why there where “Antifarm zergs” being created, so that players could actually progress the story. Thank goodness they changed that farm, it was bloody ridiculous. The players who where doing it were horrible as well. I was so happy when i read that it was being changed and nerfed. Its a shame too, because that was a good farm, but ya know, it would have just taken a bit of respect from the farmers to let those who needed it for the story do it, and then they could go back to their farm, but nooooo instead they complained and moaned and attacked those trying to do it.
Again, you dont know its a minority, hell i was part of the farming zergs in Queensdale, and i still reported the kitten out of players who attacked anyone, especially in Queensdale, where the zerg attacked players horribly who triggered the event early, or failed, or completed the event.
The Problem has always been players who start attacking other players, regardless of sides, and if an ANET player is out in that area, do you not think they will take notice of that? Or do you not think that they read the Verbal Abuse reports they get? If both sides(Its mainly the farmers though, in most cases, i did say most, and in my experience) Kept their mouths shut and didnt attack other players nothing would be nerfed.
Anet also seems to want to have players succeed the events(thank goodness) because they are rewarding materials for doing them, Silverwastes style, thank goodness.
Edit: i do like your idea about creating your own map, but i highly doubt that will ever happen.
Actually they are a minority by default. If the majority agreed with you it wouldn’t be a problem because the Majority would be able to complete the events if the minority was just sitting around trying to make it fail. As it stands a minority wants to complete the events and they can’t because they’re a minority and don’t have enough people to do so.
I leaded more then enough farm zergs on any map that I can tell you for sure that on every map a zerg farms the people that want “progress” are a minority of 2-5 usually.
I know that for sure because when I was leading at coiled watch we usually entered a new map and then got all people on this map through lfg tool. Problem is and was if there joined ~5 people before a farm starts or after the farm happend a while. But these people can join other megaserver instances.
I don’t understand why people have problems joining non organized megaserver maps. I’m on EU. For another instance I just join as a guest one full french, or german, or spain, or english server and it is 100% everytime another megaserver map. I know that works on AE too.
What the “blocking progress” people never understand is, that the farming zergs used time and effort to get a large amount of people with the same goal (farming) on that spot. Even while queensdale farm, usually you only joined these farm maps if you joined with lfg tool. Of course it happend that some single player joined them by accident, but again these can join another map easier then a 150 people zerg.
What I agree on 100% is that the attacking other people is totally wrong. From my experience with farming 1.000+ hours at these zergs the aggressive attacks mostly start through trolls or lonely single players that want everyone else to play for them.
Of course most of the times it takes only 3-4 sentences and then the farming zerg (majority with 100+ people) flame these individuals back.
I don’t like that and I have never flamed anyone who just asked. But at times when we farmed ~1h without problems and then joins 1 selfish player who disturbs everyone and annoys everyone, well at these cases I can’t complain about flaming them.
So yea the big problem are selfish people which want to force others to play their style, but in my opionion that happens mostly through the minority and I think that is the point where anet has to change something ingame. Not by nerfing one farmspot after another.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Maybe Anet should make content more logical. Where completing an event is more profitable than failing it.
Well I highly doubt ANet actually designed it to be more profitable to fail. This is simply the product of players testing mechanics and features until they find some bug, exploit or oversight which can be used. Given the complexity of dynamic events and their interactions with other events and mobs and what not so it can be difficult to implement a one size fits all solution.
Like others have said Anet has intended that failing an event should not be something people try for.
Welp some events i can see why you would want to fail, IE…the Risen Wizard..if you do the defense you dont get the trait for it, and you get more loot from killing the Risen Wizard…If i could get the trait from doing the event i wouldnt try to make it fail all the time….
And obviously these are the things ANet should look into.
There will never be a solution to the problem of “selfish people” as long as there are people. The problem is not a people problem, it’s a systems problem. The system is deigned to cluster large numbers of players into persistent instances to do stuff together. If events are designed so that these people can pull in opposite directions, they will do so.
Simply put, the stuff to do in game needs to be designed so that most people can get what they want by doing the same thing, not by doing opposite things. This does not include trolls/griefers whose only goal is to mess with people. That’s a separate issue.
ANet does not hate farming per se. If they were against farming, they never would have created Lost Bandit Chests in SW. What they hate is players fighting in chat. This happens because reward systems like Champ bags were tacked onto the game after the content had been created. When events rewarded nothing much, the only reason to do them at all was to complete them. Slowly, as players find a new existing event to farm, and conflict springs up, these issues are fixed.
However, as of SW creation, ANet had still not learned this lesson. If they had, Chests would only spawn during the lull after the VW fight, not during it and not during the buil-up to it. The way it is, you can still get conflict between event doers and chest farmers because the farmers scale the events by being there. Hopefully, ANet takes these conflicts into account in HoT, by designing reward systems that don’t conflict with event progression.
I leaded more then enough farm zergs on any map that I can tell you for sure that on every map a zerg farms the people that want “progress” are a minority of 2-5 usually.
I know that for sure because when I was leading at coiled watch we usually entered a new map and then got all people on this map through lfg tool. Problem is and was if there joined ~5 people before a farm starts or after the farm happend a while. But these people can join other megaserver instances.
I don’t understand why people have problems joining non organized megaserver maps. I’m on EU. For another instance I just join as a guest one full french, or german, or spain, or english server and it is 100% everytime another megaserver map. I know that works on AE too.
What the “blocking progress” people never understand is, that the farming zergs used time and effort to get a large amount of people with the same goal (farming) on that spot. Even while queensdale farm, usually you only joined these farm maps if you joined with lfg tool. Of course it happend that some single player joined them by accident, but again these can join another map easier then a 150 people zerg.
What I agree on 100% is that the attacking other people is totally wrong. From my experience with farming 1.000+ hours at these zergs the aggressive attacks mostly start through trolls or lonely single players that want everyone else to play for them.
Of course most of the times it takes only 3-4 sentences and then the farming zerg (majority with 100+ people) flame these individuals back.
I don’t like that and I have never flamed anyone who just asked. But at times when we farmed ~1h without problems and then joins 1 selfish player who disturbs everyone and annoys everyone, well at these cases I can’t complain about flaming them.So yea the big problem are selfish people which want to force others to play their style, but in my opionion that happens mostly through the minority and I think that is the point where anet has to change something ingame. Not by nerfing one farmspot after another.
That’s the thing, you’re EU. NA doesn’t have any designated language servers. So those of us on NA servers can’t switch to a dedicated non-English server to maybe get onto a different shard. And if we can’t play during NA primetime, there may not be more than one shard available.
The problem isn’t the majority of farmers or the majority of non-farmers. The problem is the minority farmers and minority non-farmers that like to grief and troll the other group.
The farmers that yell at other players for killing the champ out of order or rallying enough non-farmers to complete an event. The non-farmers that specifically kill champs out of order JUST to disrupt the train or group together to complete the event just to make the farmers mad.
Coiled watch farm, most farmers I’d imagine if the non-farmers went: “Hey, I need the event to complete to progress my Living Story, could please we complete the event?” the farmers would have no problem letting it succeed.
And perception is reality. As soon as a farm gets perceived as toxic, then ANet pretty much has no choice but to change it to change the perception.
I leaded more then enough farm zergs on any map that I can tell you for sure that on every map a zerg farms the people that want “progress” are a minority of 2-5 usually.
I know that for sure because when I was leading at coiled watch we usually entered a new map and then got all people on this map through lfg tool. Problem is and was if there joined ~5 people before a farm starts or after the farm happend a while. But these people can join other megaserver instances.
I don’t understand why people have problems joining non organized megaserver maps. I’m on EU. For another instance I just join as a guest one full french, or german, or spain, or english server and it is 100% everytime another megaserver map. I know that works on AE too.
What the “blocking progress” people never understand is, that the farming zergs used time and effort to get a large amount of people with the same goal (farming) on that spot. Even while queensdale farm, usually you only joined these farm maps if you joined with lfg tool. Of course it happend that some single player joined them by accident, but again these can join another map easier then a 150 people zerg.
What I agree on 100% is that the attacking other people is totally wrong. From my experience with farming 1.000+ hours at these zergs the aggressive attacks mostly start through trolls or lonely single players that want everyone else to play for them.
Of course most of the times it takes only 3-4 sentences and then the farming zerg (majority with 100+ people) flame these individuals back.
I don’t like that and I have never flamed anyone who just asked. But at times when we farmed ~1h without problems and then joins 1 selfish player who disturbs everyone and annoys everyone, well at these cases I can’t complain about flaming them.So yea the big problem are selfish people which want to force others to play their style, but in my opionion that happens mostly through the minority and I think that is the point where anet has to change something ingame. Not by nerfing one farmspot after another.
That’s the thing, you’re EU. NA doesn’t have any designated language servers. So those of us on NA servers can’t switch to a dedicated non-English server to maybe get onto a different shard. And if we can’t play during NA primetime, there may not be more than one shard available.
The problem isn’t the majority of farmers or the majority of non-farmers. The problem is the minority farmers and minority non-farmers that like to grief and troll the other group.
The farmers that yell at other players for killing the champ out of order or rallying enough non-farmers to complete an event. The non-farmers that specifically kill champs out of order JUST to disrupt the train or group together to complete the event just to make the farmers mad.
Coiled watch farm, most farmers I’d imagine if the non-farmers went: “Hey, I need the event to complete to progress my Living Story, could please we complete the event?” the farmers would have no problem letting it succeed.
And perception is reality. As soon as a farm gets perceived as toxic, then ANet pretty much has no choice but to change it to change the perception.
Actually, joining a different language server doesn’t change a lot. The game favours you getting on a shard with people from the same server you guest too (language has nothing to do with that). Another rule is that they favour you to get on the same shard as people with the same language setting rule as you (that rule is turned of on NA). So guesting on a different server with another designated language, but without actually changing the language of the client (and that also means rebooting and downloading the language files, which takes some time) actually makes the chance smaller to get on a different shard (compared to when you go to a same language shard). If Bomber has experienced differently, he/she was just lucky. So the situation is no different then on the NA servers. While guesting gives a chance on getting on a different shard, it is no garantee.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!