I leaded more then enough farm zergs on any map that I can tell you for sure that on every map a zerg farms the people that want “progress” are a minority of 2-5 usually.
I know that for sure because when I was leading at coiled watch we usually entered a new map and then got all people on this map through lfg tool. Problem is and was if there joined ~5 people before a farm starts or after the farm happend a while. But these people can join other megaserver instances.
I don’t understand why people have problems joining non organized megaserver maps. I’m on EU. For another instance I just join as a guest one full french, or german, or spain, or english server and it is 100% everytime another megaserver map. I know that works on AE too.
What the “blocking progress” people never understand is, that the farming zergs used time and effort to get a large amount of people with the same goal (farming) on that spot. Even while queensdale farm, usually you only joined these farm maps if you joined with lfg tool. Of course it happend that some single player joined them by accident, but again these can join another map easier then a 150 people zerg.
What I agree on 100% is that the attacking other people is totally wrong. From my experience with farming 1.000+ hours at these zergs the aggressive attacks mostly start through trolls or lonely single players that want everyone else to play for them.
Of course most of the times it takes only 3-4 sentences and then the farming zerg (majority with 100+ people) flame these individuals back.
I don’t like that and I have never flamed anyone who just asked. But at times when we farmed ~1h without problems and then joins 1 selfish player who disturbs everyone and annoys everyone, well at these cases I can’t complain about flaming them.So yea the big problem are selfish people which want to force others to play their style, but in my opionion that happens mostly through the minority and I think that is the point where anet has to change something ingame. Not by nerfing one farmspot after another.
That’s the thing, you’re EU. NA doesn’t have any designated language servers. So those of us on NA servers can’t switch to a dedicated non-English server to maybe get onto a different shard. And if we can’t play during NA primetime, there may not be more than one shard available.
The problem isn’t the majority of farmers or the majority of non-farmers. The problem is the minority farmers and minority non-farmers that like to grief and troll the other group.
The farmers that yell at other players for killing the champ out of order or rallying enough non-farmers to complete an event. The non-farmers that specifically kill champs out of order JUST to disrupt the train or group together to complete the event just to make the farmers mad.
Coiled watch farm, most farmers I’d imagine if the non-farmers went: “Hey, I need the event to complete to progress my Living Story, could please we complete the event?” the farmers would have no problem letting it succeed.
And perception is reality. As soon as a farm gets perceived as toxic, then ANet pretty much has no choice but to change it to change the perception.
Actually, joining a different language server doesn’t change a lot. The game favours you getting on a shard with people from the same server you guest too (language has nothing to do with that). Another rule is that they favour you to get on the same shard as people with the same language setting rule as you (that rule is turned of on NA). So guesting on a different server with another designated language, but without actually changing the language of the client (and that also means rebooting and downloading the language files, which takes some time) actually makes the chance smaller to get on a different shard (compared to when you go to a same language shard). If Bomber has experienced differently, he/she was just lucky. So the situation is no different then on the NA servers. While guesting gives a chance on getting on a different shard, it is no garantee.
Bomber is EU though. Where there are designated servers.
If you were on an English home world and guested to a German server, there would be a higher chance of there being an open spot for you than on the shard you’re trying to guest away from. I’m fully aware of what things affect what shard you’re on (server you’re home world/guesting to is, language, online friends, guildmates, party mates) And I’m fully aware that it’s not a guarantee, but it may explain why Bomber has had more success guesting to a different shard than the OP, who may be on an NA server.