curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
When will we see dueling?
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
What if there’s an option to block their duel requests?
Every single time this comes up in an MMO, those who don’t duel are automagically labeled a carebear. There are plenty of fights in WvW and sPvP is over there —-—→
What if there’s an option to block their duel requests?
Every single time this comes up in an MMO, those who don’t duel are automagically labeled a carebear. There are plenty of fights in WvW and sPvP is over there —-—->
Labeled by who? The majority of the GW2 community is pretty decent. Yeah, a few kittens are going to namecall, but they can be blocked and reported. A good MMO community kind of just runs toxic players out of town. That’s what I’ve seen in GW2 so far. I’ve seen a handful of toxic players, but every time, the rest of the map tells them to take a chill pill, leave people alone, stop harassing. People stand up for each other. I don’t see why this would change just because of dueling.
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
The only reason for it to not be instanced would be for duelists to feel good for ganking newbs, that is, either trolling or showing off.
This is inaccurate.
People, in other games at least, duel in public open world locations:
to have something to do while waiting for an event/boss/whatever to spawn.
to meet new people with similar in game interests.
to compare and contrast build performance, with input from a variety of individuals.
and so on.
Making it instanced still does not make this something you can’t do.
I am for instanced duels where the two participant can invite others to spectate the duel. But the most important part of my idea is that this instance can be entered from everywere accept in dungeons, during combat and active PvP maches and WvW. When you leave the duel instance you will be taken back to where you left. Just like when you enter The mist.
What if there’s an option to block their duel requests?
Every single time this comes up in an MMO, those who don’t duel are automagically labeled a carebear. There are plenty of fights in WvW and sPvP is over there —-—->
Every MMO I have played I have had Duel requests turned off and I have never ever heard something like that. Though I havent played that much WoW and I bet that is where most children are.
And also when I have forgot to turn off Duel requests, now when I think about it I rarely get any Duel requests from anyone as soon I have gotten away from the newbie areas.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.
if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.
problem sorted.
I’d like possibility of dueling. Maybe areas or arenas where you can duel with places for spectators(repurposing Queens Gauntlet?).
Some faction fights inside PvE would be interesting addition but it would be hard to implement it right. Maybe for now better not to touch it but some discussion might produce acceptable solution.
Put me down in the 100% in favor of having dueling in this game. And no … NO … not in some hidden corner of the WvW map, nor having to create a special instance or whatever – it should be a simple, easy and free thing to do.
So, I do agree with you that this game could very much use a dueling system. And the Arena in the Charr zone seems built to order for this, people can challenge each other inside of that arena, and there and there alone, fight their 1v1s (and perhaps a small arena in each starter city as well). This would please the folks that want their duels, while also keeping the dueling out of peoples faces in the open world.
Thing is, as much as I love dueling, I have to admit that in other games, when others dueled near me it was often quite irritating to me – lol.
IMO, a small dueling-arena in each starter city I believe would be the perfect compromise.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by Ision.3207)
My idea of GW2 dueling:
Make a whole separate server for it. We name the server Ascalon for now.
People who want to duel must Guest to Ascalon to participate.
You may NOT select Ascalon as your home server ever.
You do not spend one of your two daily passes to Guest to Ascalon, it’s free.
Ascalon will never participate in WvW.
Ascalon only has basic events such as escort monastery brew or collect wurm eggs.
No Scarlet Invasions. No Group Events. No Bosses such as Tequatl or Shatterer.
There are gathering nodes on Ascalon.
You can be of any level and use PvE gear.
You get downscaled depending on the map. You do not get upscaled.
Confusion and Retaliation use the same formula as WvW.
There is no overflow. If you are in Queensdale and Kessex is full, you queue.
Free Player Killing. Do not complain about being Player Killed while doing events, you are here for that.
Players drop loot when killed. Players gain better loot depending on how many players they killed on a streak, dying resets the streak. Killed Players drop better loot depending on how long they survived.
Every player is your enemy(red names) on all the maps, except for 6 safe zones(major cities and LA).
You see every ally on minimap as a green dot, and every foe as an orange dot(just like in southsun survival), but you only see people on your current map.
If you add someone to your party, they become your ally.
Party limited to 5 members(and walk in a group of 5). This discourages large guild zerging as they are going to be hitting each other if they walk together. This encourages small guild groups of 5 though.
Ascalon is never included in and does not give credit for map completion.
All waypoints are active and have the same cost depending on how far you travel.
You can waypoint to escape if you see enemies, but not if you are in combat.
Repair costs are the same, must be done at Repairs npcs.
No Commander tags.
Feel free to add your ideas on top of mine for Ascalon, the Open World Free PK server.
Ok I give, you make valid points.
There being an option to turn it off so no one can request duels with me, so I wont see it other than others fighting, seems somewhat reasonable.
I am still a little worried about the harrashing option though in a more indirect way, but as I said before I don’t have anyone I really wanna fight and as such I don’t have anyone that desperately wants to fight me (at least not that I know) and hopefully will keep things that way.
So I go neutral on this for now… I am not particularly for, but nor am I going to argue further against. I still think it is unlikely to happen though.
LOTRO has consensual dueling in the PvE world, with the option to disable dueling requests and thus never be duelable.
I never used dueling mode for anything other than testing builds and I’m personally neutral on the issue, but when I played LOTRO, it really wasn’t a big deal either way.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
I really can’t wrap my head around the idea that people are opposed to consensual dueling in the open world. Just click “No.”
Or heck, make it a toggle on the Hero page. “Allow Dueling? Y/N.” That way these folks wouldn’t even be bothered with having to decline duels.
“you scared bro? duel me bro? you scared? I’d kick your kitten , bro!” so you ignore him.
Then his guild starts up with “you scared, bro? duel him bro! don’t hide behind ignore, bro!” And we’d soon discover the upper threshold of the block function.
My idea of GW2 dueling:
Make a whole separate server for it. We name the server Ascalon for now.
People who want to duel must Guest to Ascalon to participate.
You may NOT select Ascalon as your home server ever.
You do not spend one of your two daily passes to Guest to Ascalon, it’s free.
Ascalon will never participate in WvW.Ascalon only has basic events such as escort monastery brew or collect wurm eggs.
No Scarlet Invasions. No Group Events. No Bosses such as Tequatl or Shatterer.
There are gathering nodes on Ascalon.
You can be of any level and use PvE gear.
You get downscaled depending on the map. You do not get upscaled.
Confusion and Retaliation use the same formula as WvW.
There is no overflow. If you are in Queensdale and Kessex is full, you queue.
Free Player Killing. Do not complain about being Player Killed while doing events, you are here for that.
Players drop loot when killed. Players gain better loot depending on how many players they killed on a streak, dying resets the streak. Killed Players drop better loot depending on how long they survived.
Every player is your enemy(red names) on all the maps, except for 6 safe zones(major cities and LA).
You see every ally on minimap as a green dot, and every foe as an orange dot(just like in southsun survival), but you only see people on your current map.
If you add someone to your party, they become your ally.
Party limited to 5 members(and walk in a group of 5). This discourages large guild zerging as they are going to be hitting each other if they walk together. This encourages small guild groups of 5 though.
Ascalon is never included in and does not give credit for map completion.
All waypoints are active and have the same cost depending on how far you travel.
You can waypoint to escape if you see enemies, but not if you are in combat.
Repair costs are the same, must be done at Repairs npcs.
No Commander tags.Feel free to add your ideas on top of mine for Ascalon, the Open World Free PK server.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
And that’s a good thing.
It’s ok we understand that you are skill challenged —-> the zerg train is that away. Just don’t post in the name of everyone. Thank you
Also Obsidian Sanctum is the unnoficial dueling area nowdays It seems the most active part of the game atm for some of us to keep comming back.
More zones like this would solve the dueling issues , make it happen boyz.
(edited by offence.4726)
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
I’d only like duels if there are friendly fights, lasting until downed or something like 10% downed health.
Also if the dueling would be moved to a seperate new (pvp)server, where people could guest in and an option to choose between private or public fight .
What I worry the most about regarding dueling (aside from the potential to be annoyed) is the fact that the PvE world is coded to recognize everyone as allies. PvP has it’s own areas. So expand on the existing system rather than change key elements and have dueling be the PvP it is. Either have it in the Mists or have a special area for it. What fits in with the lore and core of the game would be to have the Consortium control dueling arenas in Southsun. You want to duel someone the two of you party up, talk to the arena master and get sent into you own little arena. If done like the jubilee it can be a spectator type of sport with people making side bets, etc. You could even add “practice” npcs there to duel if you really wanted to embellish the idea.
But the heart of the PvE world is built around cooperation with everyone. Non-contained dueling goes against that and should be somehow confined to a PvP specific venue.
What I worry the most about regarding dueling (aside from the potential to be annoyed) is the fact that the PvE world is coded to recognize everyone as allies. PvP has it’s own areas. So expand on the existing system rather than change key elements and have dueling be the PvP it is. Either have it in the Mists or have a special area for it. What fits in with the lore and core of the game would be to have the Consortium control dueling arenas in Southsun. You want to duel someone the two of you party up, talk to the arena master and get sent into you own little arena. If done like the jubilee it can be a spectator type of sport with people making side bets, etc. You could even add “practice” npcs there to duel if you really wanted to embellish the idea.
But the heart of the PvE world is built around cooperation with everyone. Non-contained dueling goes against that and should be somehow confined to a PvP specific venue.
For all we disagree on other things, i like your thoughts here.
I hope it never happens in GW2.
PvP was separated from the rest of the world for very good reasons. This was one of the major selling points of the game. This is part of why I bought it, and this is why many other people bought it.
As long as invites can be turned off, and I can choose to make the duel and anybody standing around watching it invisible, sure. I don’t want to see duels, and I don’t want to hear them. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I’d much rather have an open PvP server to put all you people that want them :P
Ah I love duelling against people in WvW, Underworld has some amazing duellers (which are friendly). Arborstone sadly does not and kills everything on their path with their zergs
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.
Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.
Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.
Nobody is interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”.
Dueling happens all the time in WvW and in the Obsidian Sanctum. Come join the fun
This does not address the issue of dueling people on my our server. There have been several occasions where I wanted to duel a guild mate or someone I met in a party.
“you scared bro? duel me bro? you scared? I’d kick your kitten , bro!” so you ignore him.
Then his guild starts up with “you scared, bro? duel him bro! don’t hide behind ignore, bro!” And we’d soon discover the upper threshold of the block function.
Exactly this.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.
Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.
If you want to duel, you can get already get a custom arena and do it. The idea proposed in Open World PvP is only for those who want to guest into that specific server where they will be allowed to PvP each other in the Open World. The fact that you enter that PvP server means that you give consent to PK and be PKed.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.
Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.
Nobody is interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”.
You must not be read my entire post. You didn’t quote it all, let me try again.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.”
Seems to me, this person believes they can be “ganked” with out consenting to a duel. Or am I interpreting this wrong?
(edited by gnotshr.9136)
Can we just all get this straight?
Open PvP is a server where anyone can kill anyone. This server sounds like hell to me.
Dueling allows two players to face off. It does not require anyone else to get involved. This is not open PvP.
Many of us want this to happen in the open world to make it more dynamic. Seeing two people dueling while you run around PvE would more or less be like running past some of the dynamic events; you don’t have to participate, but it looks cool and makes the world more randomized and alive. If you are okay with seeing centaurs attack cities, why are you opposed to seeing duels? None of these things affect you unless you choose to participate. In fact, the centaurs are more likely to attack you.
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.
Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.
If you want to duel, you can get already get a custom arena and do it. The idea proposed in Open World PvP is only for those who want to guest into that specific server where they will be allowed to PvP each other in the Open World. The fact that you enter that PvP server means that you give consent to PK and be PKed.
For one, Custom Arenas are not free. They require Gems or Glory which take time to accumulate, and the arenas are only temporary.
Again, this thread is not about Open World PVP , yet folks keep bringing it up. This is about thread is about DUELS.
(edited by gnotshr.9136)
I Support this! Duels is always fun to see, especially in towns! See ppl fighting in every corner of LA would be nice
And if ppl choose to duels in Arena’s like places, as the one in Black Citadel, it could earn some rewards… gold for example.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.
That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.
We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.
Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.
Nobody is interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”.
You must not be read my entire post. You didn’t quote it all, let me try again.
That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.”Seems to me, this person believes they can be “ganked” with out consenting to a duel. Or am I interpreting this wrong?
The forum removes nested quotes.
You are jumping at his use of the word “gank” and try to argue semantics.
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.
if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.
problem sorted.
if a feature is implemented obviously it will be implemented for everyone. what you think there’s gonna be some kind of sign up sheet on the gw2 front page for those interested in dueling? no that’s moronic. luckily if it’s designed with a disable feature then nothing gets c hanged for those who don’t care for dueling. don’t be selfish.
I love how people who want dueling always call people who do not selfish.
So let me ask you some questions please
1. what about people who are dueling in open-world scaling up events for people who do want to do the events- do you see the duelers helping out? Or just scaling the events by their presence and ignoring them?
2. what about the suggestions of having arenas in the main cities with spectator mode?
would that be acceptable?
if not- why ?
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.
if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.
problem sorted.
if a feature is implemented obviously it will be implemented for everyone. what you think there’s gonna be some kind of sign up sheet on the gw2 front page for those interested in dueling? no that’s moronic. luckily if it’s designed with a disable feature then nothing gets c hanged for those who don’t care for dueling. don’t be selfish.
I love how people who want dueling always call people who do not selfish.
So let me ask you some questions please
1. what about people who are dueling in open-world scaling up events for people who do want to do the events- do you see the duelers helping out? Or just scaling the events by their presence and ignoring them?
2. what about the suggestions of having arenas in the main cities with spectator mode?
would that be acceptable?
if not- why ?
1. Well, I’m honestly not too sure how much two extra people in the area will effect scaling. I guess if there were several groups of people dueling in the same area, that might become more of an issue.
However, in my personal opinion, when people want to duel, they don’t want to duel with random mobs aggroing on them. I think this would detour people from dueling in event areas. Could be wrong though.
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.
if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.
problem sorted.
if a feature is implemented obviously it will be implemented for everyone. what you think there’s gonna be some kind of sign up sheet on the gw2 front page for those interested in dueling? no that’s moronic. luckily if it’s designed with a disable feature then nothing gets c hanged for those who don’t care for dueling. don’t be selfish.
I love how people who want dueling always call people who do not selfish.
So let me ask you some questions please
1. what about people who are dueling in open-world scaling up events for people who do want to do the events- do you see the duelers helping out? Or just scaling the events by their presence and ignoring them?
2. what about the suggestions of having arenas in the main cities with spectator mode?
would that be acceptable?
if not- why ?
1. I imagine ArenaNet would deal with this issue before they released something like dueling. If not, you have a point.
2. Sure, if Anet doesn’t adjust scaling for duels, this sounds fine.
curse my dependence on sleep for survival!
And that’s a good thing.
It’s ok we understand that you are skill challenged —-> the zerg train is that away. Just don’t post in the name of everyone. Thank you
Also Obsidian Sanctum is the unnoficial dueling area nowdays
It seems the most active part of the game atm for some of us to keep comming back.
More zones like this would solve the dueling issues , make it happen boyz.
Some people might not be enamored with the idea of being ridiculed for wanting nothing to do with dueling.
As for dueling not taking place near an event, it has been suggested that some people want to duel ‘while waiting for an event’ or that others might enjoy watching said duels. This could, possibly, cause more people to be in the area and make events scale.
I think, if dueling is added to the game, it will probably be in arenas or something similar because one of the game’s “pillars”, as the Devs call them, is cooperation in PvE.
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.
if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.
problem sorted.
if a feature is implemented obviously it will be implemented for everyone. what you think there’s gonna be some kind of sign up sheet on the gw2 front page for those interested in dueling? no that’s moronic. luckily if it’s designed with a disable feature then nothing gets c hanged for those who don’t care for dueling. don’t be selfish.
I love how people who want dueling always call people who do not selfish.
So let me ask you some questions please
1. what about people who are dueling in open-world scaling up events for people who do want to do the events- do you see the duelers helping out? Or just scaling the events by their presence and ignoring them?
2. what about the suggestions of having arenas in the main cities with spectator mode?
would that be acceptable?
if not- why ?
1. what about people who are at the events and not helping? they don’t have to be dueling to not help. what about people afk in the area like i see all the time at tequatl, spawning champs at the turret defense? what about people just passing through mining ore? this issue isn’t a dueling related problem. also i seriously doubt 2 people would duel in such close proximity to bad guys that are able to attack them and ruin the duel.
2. that’s not dueling. that’s a dueling arena, something we already have in the heart of the mists. but if they wanted to implement that i’d be for it because why not?
3. i’m for dueling but definitely not in the cities. lion’s arch takes forever to load as it is. i could see it enabled in the black citadel though. seems like it would fit into charr lore but meh.
(edited by ellesee.8297)
there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.
if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?
equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.
if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.
problem sorted.
if a feature is implemented obviously it will be implemented for everyone. what you think there’s gonna be some kind of sign up sheet on the gw2 front page for those interested in dueling? no that’s moronic. luckily if it’s designed with a disable feature then nothing gets c hanged for those who don’t care for dueling. don’t be selfish.
I love how people who want dueling always call people who do not selfish.
So let me ask you some questions please
1. what about people who are dueling in open-world scaling up events for people who do want to do the events- do you see the duelers helping out? Or just scaling the events by their presence and ignoring them?
2. what about the suggestions of having arenas in the main cities with spectator mode?
would that be acceptable?
if not- why ?1. I imagine ArenaNet would deal with this issue before they released something like dueling. If not, you have a point.
2. Sure, if Anet doesn’t adjust scaling for duels, this sounds fine.
I don’t think we have to worry about scaling.
I don’t think scaling would work in PvE enviroment for Duels that is… Since even if a level 80 player Duels a level 5 the level 5 player would still have a disadvantage becouse that player will have level 5 armor and the level 80 player would probably have a level ~80 armor.
IMO scaling would be best but it would require so much programing and fixes that it would result in an uneaven fight or not the same gear/Traits/skills as I wanted to try or train with.
When I spar my partner as I talked about before I usually like to be in a disadvantage sometimes so I can go all out when she is not used to the new trait/char/skills and so on.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Making it instanced still does not make this something you can’t do.
Making it instanced would interfere with the examples of why some people might want open world dueling to a very significant degree. If you are waiting around for an event, mob spawn, whatever, going into a separate instance to kill some time with a duel could mean missing that event/etc.
An option to toggle auto-decline or never receive duel requests would address the most common concern of duel request spam IMO.
I would love open world duelling in pve.
Perhaps players could be put “our of phase”, but still very much visible to onlookers in the area – with a cloudy effect similar to a mesmer phantasm. So a visible instance for the duel.
Players in a duel have no ability to affect anything or any player outside of the duel.
All players should have the option to enable/disable themselves from being open to duel requests.
Onlookers can have the option in a menu to enable or disable the ability to see those players in a duel, if they want to avoid clutter on the screen.
So anyone who doesn’t care for this feature could just disable both of the above and neither allow duel requests or see any players in a duel.
Some locations could be off limits – such as LA traders forum. Duel free zones.
Would be nice to have open world 2v2 as well, providing all players accepr.
Lineage 2 and Aion have REALLY good duel system – especially Aion
Dueling is just one aspect of what’s wrong with GW2 pvp. Conflict in GW2 doesn’t go beyond limited areas (SPvP & WvW).
Their design philosophy, is basically: everyone holds hands, in a cooperative environment, against PvE.
This is why there isn’t any factions. In WoW, you have Horde vs. Alliance. In Rift, you have Defiance vs. Guardians. In Swtor, Empire vs. Republic, etc.. the list goes on.
In my opinion, this was a very bad decision. Imagine a faction-based environment in GW2, where the Vigil, Priory, Whispers were at war. It doesn’t necessarily have to be these orders either, as they could’ve used old GW1 lore for Shining Blade and White Mantle. The possibilities are enormous here.
Instead, we get a watered down PvP environment in WvW, where faceless enemies represent a server, instead of a faction. How lame is that? And SPvP doesn’t excite either, because it just represents Blue vs. Red colors, instead of factions.
I agree, too
stopping spamming the forums with that realey rude attatchment
What if there’s an option to block their duel requests?
Every single time this comes up in an MMO, those who don’t duel are automagically labeled a carebear. There are plenty of fights in WvW and sPvP is over there —-—->
Oh no, some stranger on the internet called me a naaaaame! Boohoo!
If I don’t care enough about a person to accept their unwelcome duel invites, I certainly don’t care enough for their ignorant opinions to matter.
My idea of GW2 dueling:
Make a whole separate server for it. We name the server Ascalon for now.
People who want to duel must Guest to Ascalon to participate.
You may NOT select Ascalon as your home server ever.
You do not spend one of your two daily passes to Guest to Ascalon, it’s free.
Ascalon will never participate in WvW.Ascalon only has basic events such as escort monastery brew or collect wurm eggs.
No Scarlet Invasions. No Group Events. No Bosses such as Tequatl or Shatterer.
There are gathering nodes on Ascalon.
You can be of any level and use PvE gear.
You get downscaled depending on the map. You do not get upscaled.
Confusion and Retaliation use the same formula as WvW.
There is no overflow. If you are in Queensdale and Kessex is full, you queue.
Free Player Killing. Do not complain about being Player Killed while doing events, you are here for that.
Players drop loot when killed. Players gain better loot depending on how many players they killed on a streak, dying resets the streak. Killed Players drop better loot depending on how long they survived.
Every player is your enemy(red names) on all the maps, except for 6 safe zones(major cities and LA).
You see every ally on minimap as a green dot, and every foe as an orange dot(just like in southsun survival), but you only see people on your current map.
If you add someone to your party, they become your ally.
Party limited to 5 members(and walk in a group of 5). This discourages large guild zerging as they are going to be hitting each other if they walk together. This encourages small guild groups of 5 though.
Ascalon is never included in and does not give credit for map completion.
All waypoints are active and have the same cost depending on how far you travel.
You can waypoint to escape if you see enemies, but not if you are in combat.
Repair costs are the same, must be done at Repairs npcs.
No Commander tags.Feel free to add your ideas on top of mine for Ascalon, the Open World Free PK server.
Not really what I’m looking for. WvW and SPvP already provide a sufficient value of “ganked by strangers”.
What Dueling entails, what people seem to want, is the ability for two people to say to each other “hey, let’s fight each other”, and then do so without anyone else coming in and interfering.
Dueling would bring back players. There’s no doubt about it. Dueling needs to be restricted though. If it’s in cities, it should be in certain POIs. It shouldn’t be instanced either, otherwise there’s no point. It also needs to have measures to opt-out compeletely.
I agree, too
Beside housing would be great, why in WvW?
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
Lineage 2 and Aion have REALLY good duel system – especially Aion
Aion was just ganking without end 6 months after release .. i quit the game since i wasn’t able to level anymore without beeing constanly ganked.
Lineage had at least the karma system to stop ganking.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
What Dueling entails, what people seem to want, is the ability for two people to say to each other “hey, let’s fight each other”, and then do so without anyone else coming in and interfering.
And that would work fine with an instance, but there are many players who only want to duel if they can do it right on top of other players who are trying to play other parts of the game. You have players who say they want to duel, but when a suggestion is given that would allow them to duel while not interfering with other players, they say no. Some of this seems to be more they want to show off rather then actually duel.
If they don’t want instances, don’t want arenas, then they don’t really want dueling. In GW1, they had a great system. Want to duel? just go to your guild hall and go at it. That would work in GW2 as well when guild halls are ever added, but I can guarantee you would still have players complaining that they want to duel right on top of other players in the open world or it would be no fun for them.
Dueling would be perfect when I’m waiting 15 mins for a dragon to spawn. I spend so much time just standing around when I could be having fun with all the other guys around me.
What’s the downside again?
So…is the fear that people are going to duel each other, then follow you around the map fighting? Do people follow you around now using skills just to annoy you? There are some things in PvE that I find to be a little obnoxious (constume brawl), but I’m perfectly find with them being in the game, and with people doing them while they wait around for stuff. I really don’t understand what the problem is.
So…is the fear that people are going to duel each other, then follow you around the map fighting? Do people follow you around now using skills just to annoy you? There are some things in PvE that I find to be a little obnoxious (constume brawl), but I’m perfectly find with them being in the game, and with people doing them while they wait around for stuff. I really don’t understand what the problem is.
Spend 1/2 hour in any game that has open world dueling.