Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I’ve been wondering this for a while now, gw2 is based on the appearence/looks of armors and weapons. But why arent there any armors/weapons worth grinding for?

We have got dungeon armors/weapons, most of them look awfull (ac, cm, se, coe), i almost NEVER see people walking around with those armors/weapons.
Cof, TA, and Arah armors look decent, but i’m still missing something.
Cultural armors are nice, but some tier 3 look worse then the cheaper tiers.
Even the armors in gem store (where they can earn alot of money with) arent worth buying.
We can combine armor pieces, but then u probly have colour difference in certain pieces (example TA armor).

Legendary weapons, are nice, but they dont look “legendary”. Some dont even have a glow :o. How come greatswords have 2 options to make, and all the rest only one?
I dont wanna shoot flowers or pony’s with bows xD, or get a discoball that glows.
Why not give players 2 options, at every legendary? so they have a choice which one to make.

For a game based on looks, there really isnt much choice

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


There’s like 500+ skins in the wardrobe… that’s not enough choice for you?

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaw.6741


not sure if we play the same game but…gw2 is definitely in top5 (top3? for me its no 1…) when it comes to customization. there’s tons of skins, and great ammount of them are really good looking. actually i love SE armor on my char engi, coe heavy and medium are great too, while i cant stand looking at those ugly cof oh-god-i-got-flames things. only thing we need is more variety. like non-coat medium/light armors/pants. we sure got enough of those. as for weapons i find it sad there are so many awesome sword/gs/dagger/focus skins, and so few not-super-ugly hammers, pistols, rifles or torches.
ive played tons of mmos, and in 90% you are flooded with clones. everyone wearing 1 or 2 sets of armors, rarely you can dye them (or in best case you can choose from few color sets, not even close to what gw2 got to offer in terms of coloring your armor)

and saddest of all – we dont really get any new ingame skins. i guess everyone would like to EARN them, not just buy from gemshop…

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unloveableone.6082


You aren’t going to find a game with better skins out there. Gw2 has the most choices in an mmo I’ve played. Not to mention most the skins do look fantastic. want a normal realistic set of armor? It’s there. Something more fantasy and flashy? It’s also there. What are you complaining about?

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lahm.7056


I hate to agree on this but it’s absolutely true, for a game that lacks a gear pursue and relies on farming ‘skins’, it is an extremely lackluster collection. I had to leave the game for 7 months and only returned recently to found the lack of new weapon/armor skins very disappointing.

Even those Black Lion chest ticket weapons are lacking, 7 months ago there were already 4 tiers worth of weapons, and 7 months later there’s another 4 tiers, while the selection of weapons on the Trading Post is basically the same with only 1 or 2 good looking weapons which cost thousands of gold, while I’m not saying that’s the problem, there should be WAY more ‘skins’ to choose from after the game being almost 2 years on a ‘released’ state.

Don’t get me started on armor, how come isn’t there a legendary armor set by now? What about the black lion chest ticket system not having an armor selling skin counterpart to weaponry?

While were at it, can we please have a common looking cape backpiece? I had an urge of shouting ‘WTF’ when I saw all those creepy looking spider legs backpieces, while I respect everyone’s exquisite taste, I enjoy sober looking things!

EDIT: Some people replied before I ended my reply:

@Xenon: Fair point, I did forget to mention the inclusion of the Wardrobe after that long hiatus, and it is an amazing system, however saying that there is a panoply of armor/weapon skins to choose from when 1/4 is composed of those really basic and rudimentary starter looking skins you see on regular MMO’s, then that number will shrink really fast.

Personally I took 1 hour of exploring the entire wardrobe and mixing armor/weapon parts and there were maybe an handful of above average looking weapons/armor, I know this is prone to each one’s subjectivity and taste, but sharing with some friends about this and they were sympathetic to it.

Maybe GW2 can really have the biggest weapon/armor skin collection in any MMO currently, but it doesn’t make it a quality collection when I’m very positive only half or maybe less of the skins available are being used.

Lancelot – Guardian – Deso – Hyperreal [PAL]
- Proudly not going to go DH -
I’m looking at you, Rev..

(edited by Lahm.7056)

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


Not much choices? Ehm .. we have kind of a lot of different skins available. :P

About the dyes: sometimes there are colour differences between armour pieces, the trick is to find a lighter or darker shade and use that one for that specific piece, since they can colour differently on different surfaces. Definitely doable, I do it all the time.

Funnily enough, the sets you find decent like CoF are the ones I tend to think of as unrealistic ‘kitten’ full abyss spikey flame skull anime sets, while the ones you find awful like AC and CM, are the ones I think are awesome!

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Most skins…( Counts for weapons and Armor ) Are just lacking in originality,and a great design.Alot of skins just don’t look good.Espec for heavy norn,the armours are too bulky,too big,the pauldrons way to oversized and floating above the shoulders.One of the main reasons im either always hiding my shoulders or wear a piece that only shows one pauldron.The last good design was phalanx imo,eventhough for heavy norns yet again…Oversized pauldrons that float above the shoulders…

You finally designed a nice realistic set with a nice leather/steel look to it and what do you do ? You completely ruin that design by slapping overgrown pauldrons on it that don’t even attach to the shoulders. Just because the class is named heavy..that should not mean we shouldnt be allowed to wear slicker armour..We dont have to run around being a Big Bulky Tank with ugly oversized pauldrons slapped on to it,can you seriously please stop desiging your armour this way ?

Its completely out of touch with every other part of the armour your wearing.It makes your head look like a pingpong ball aswell…Who makes these pauldrons ,then slaps them onto a heavy norn and thinks…“WOW that looks really good..i love the floating above the shoulders effect + making my head look like a pingpong ball aswell !”

Seriously..please stop designing your heavy norn armours so bulky..especially the pauldrons…

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


From the top of my head, I like Eir’s Longbow, the Aureate Longbow, the Bow of the White Heart, the Ebon Vanguard Longbow .. and more. But that’s what I like, don’t know what you think is ‘worth getting’.

Heavy armour for male human (which is my main), I like for example kitten, T3, Phalanx, Vigil, Whispers, Caudecus’ Manor, Ascalonian Catacombs and a lot more.

It depends on your definition of endgame armours. If that is spikey with skulls, flames and lots of super flashy glowing crap, then I’m rather glad that GW2’s armour generally doesn’t look like that.

Aetherblade has an Aetherblade inspired steampunk theme, I think it looks rather excellent. It’s not my character’s style at all, but it’s definitely not ugly.

The Rampart armour, I thought it was hideous when I first saw it. Then a few weeks ago, I saw a player using most of the set (chest/shoulders/gloves at the least), with amazing dye combinations – suddenly it looked stunning! I still don’t like the helm though. :P

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Most skins…( Counts for weapons and Armor ) Are just lacking in originality,and a great design.Alot of skins just don’t look good.Espec for heavy norn,the armours are too bulky,too big,the pauldrons way to oversized and floating above the shoulders.One of the main reasons im either always hiding my shoulders or wear a piece that only shows one pauldron.The last good design was phalanx imo,eventhough for heavy norns yet again…Oversized pauldrons that float above the shoulders…

You finally designed a nice realistic set with a nice leather/steel look to it and what do you do ? You completely ruin that design by slapping overgrown pauldrons on it that don’t even attach to the shoulders. Just because the class is named heavy..that should not mean we shouldnt be allowed to wear slicker armour..We dont have to run around being a Big Bulky Tank with ugly oversized pauldrons slapped on to it,can you seriously please stop desiging your armour this way ?

Its completely out of touch with every other part of the armour your wearing.It makes your head look like a pingpong ball aswell…Who makes these pauldrons ,then slaps them onto a heavy norn and thinks…“WOW that looks really good..i love the floating above the shoulders effect + making my head look like a pingpong ball aswell !”

Seriously..please stop designing your heavy norn armours so bulky..especially the pauldrons…

I do have to agree with you about the norn (male) armor. It’s part of the reason I play other races. In fact I’m remaking my guardian precisely because I hated the way norn look in all armor.

I think it’s mostly to do with poor scaling systems for skins on Norn, especially males. The pauldrons look bulky and float because the skeleton rig is just poorly scaled for male norns.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes. I even joined a group today with Ronald MacDonald look-a-like, he even gave me a cheeseburger. brilliant.

They are some incredibly well designed armour sets and weapons in gw2. Ranging from the practical to the outrageous.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes. I even joined a group today with Ronald MacDonald look-a-like, he even gave me a cheeseburger. brilliant.

They are some incredibly well designed armour sets and weapons in gw2. Ranging from the practical to the outrageous.

OMG I saw that ronald mcdonald guy like a year ago! He was afk though and didn’t give me a cheeseburger…

I did see Marvin the Martian the other day though. Also Nyancharr.


Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I disagree with the OP saying that some legendaries aren’t worth it. I made howler, one of the cheaper and lesser legendaries for my necro, and I absolutely LOVE it. Its gotten me hooked on making expensive awseome skins to show off so I’m going to make frostfang next since they match so well, and so I can run around with dual frostfang on ranger when the next balance patch hits. After that I’m probably not going to make anymore legendaries for necro since I don’t like the dagger (marjory’s dagger>Incin) the staff (yumm rainbow pineapple?) or the scepter (I’ve basically stopped playing ele so I’d rather just farm for a scepter of the sunless). I might make rodgort after frostfang so I can have all the legendaries with beastly faces! Or bolt perhaps for ranger/mesmer, but only if mesmer gets less craptastic in the next patch.

Basically the things I like about GW2 are 1. WvW/GvG. 2. Making the best appearance possible and crafting legendaries. 3. Solo queue on ranger/necro, but it can be frustrating :p

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


I don’t really believe the second picture is from GW2 (WoW maybe? ).. and quite some of
the armor here looks more like picture 1 than like the first picture.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

(edited by Beldin.5498)

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


“Good looking” is relative.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anmida.4058


Oh dear these threads. People have really never played the average MMO, both lately or beforehand. I swear you folk really have no idea how much variety you have, and how much of an amusing complaint Guild Wars 2 “lacking” in skins of all things is.
There is a myriad of things you can complain about, but this is the least one you could possibly bring up as an issue. Seriously. I am not even exaggerating. You folk need to educate yourselves in how the average MMORPG works in these terms so you can realize how much of a boon Guild Wars 2 is when it comes to customization. It’ll be good for -you-, not anyone else.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Weapon dyes or particle effect dyes for gear and weapons would be an awesome addition.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


I don’t really believe the first picture is from GW2 (WoW maybe? ).. and quite some of
the armor here looks more like picture 2 than like the first picture.

The first one is from Dark Souls. I pointed that out to you in the other thread lol.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morsus.5106


Oh dear these threads. People have really never played the average MMO, both lately or beforehand. I swear you folk really have no idea how much variety you have, and how much of an amusing complaint Guild Wars 2 “lacking” in skins of all things is.
There is a myriad of things you can complain about, but this is the least one you could possibly bring up as an issue. Seriously. I am not even exaggerating. You folk need to educate yourselves in how the average MMORPG works in these terms so you can realize how much of a boon Guild Wars 2 is when it comes to customization. It’ll be good for -you-, not anyone else.

When GW2 says the only progression is skin progression it’s important to have a skin for everyone, and by the look of these threads they don’t.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


I don’t really believe the first picture is from GW2 (WoW maybe? ).. and quite some of
the armor here looks more like picture 2 than like the first picture.

The first one is from Dark Souls. I pointed that out to you in the other thread lol.

Sorry .. i meant the second one where i think its not from GW2 .. but WoW or whatever .. and it doesn’t make sense to complain in a GW2 forum about WoW armor ..

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Oh dear these threads. People have really never played the average MMO, both lately or beforehand. I swear you folk really have no idea how much variety you have, and how much of an amusing complaint Guild Wars 2 “lacking” in skins of all things is.
There is a myriad of things you can complain about, but this is the least one you could possibly bring up as an issue. Seriously. I am not even exaggerating. You folk need to educate yourselves in how the average MMORPG works in these terms so you can realize how much of a boon Guild Wars 2 is when it comes to customization. It’ll be good for -you-, not anyone else.

When GW2 says the only progression is skin progression it’s important to have a skin for everyone, and by the look of these threads they don’t.

It’s impossible to please absolutely everyone. They do their best, and I daresay they appealed to a majority of people and covered a sufficiently wide range of tastes.

This thread does not support constructive discussion. I suggest the OP modify the thread to provide better examples of what he/she likes and would like added to the game, instead of vaguely complaining about the entire game in general. If you show Anet what exactly you would like added to the game, they might listen. Make a [Suggestion] thread.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


I don’t really believe the first picture is from GW2 (WoW maybe? ).. and quite some of
the armor here looks more like picture 2 than like the first picture.

The first one is from Dark Souls. I pointed that out to you in the other thread lol.

Sorry .. i meant the second one where i think its not from GW2 .. but WoW or whatever .. and it doesn’t make sense to complain in a GW2 forum about WoW armor ..

Oh right, the second one is from wow (I actually googled “wow armor” to find the image lol). I wasn’t complaining about wow armor. I was just using it as an example. There are actually a few armors which approach wow-style though. See the CoF armor and the hellfire pieces.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Oh dear these threads. People have really never played the average MMO, both lately or beforehand. I swear you folk really have no idea how much variety you have, and how much of an amusing complaint Guild Wars 2 “lacking” in skins of all things is.
There is a myriad of things you can complain about, but this is the least one you could possibly bring up as an issue. Seriously. I am not even exaggerating. You folk need to educate yourselves in how the average MMORPG works in these terms so you can realize how much of a boon Guild Wars 2 is when it comes to customization. It’ll be good for -you-, not anyone else.

The only thing u can do at endgame, is getting ascended armor and legendary weapons, u would think those should look better then the more “average” gear, but they dont.
Ascended weapons/armors are just plain simple designs, and almost everybody puts a skin over it. Some legendary weapons can be called “legendary” by the looks, but others are a joke (ex. Shortbow/Longbow).

I’ve played Cabal, Aion and Tera before Gw2, so i might not be such a pro as u. But i do know, that when u get to endgame, u should get some armor that sets u appart from the “noobs”. If i walk into a town, i can see lower levels, with the same kind of looks as someone who got full ascended gear, and just skinned it.

Maybe it’s just my taste as someone mentioned, but i kinda like the glow on some parts :/

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathMetal.8264


I’ve been wondering this for a while now, gw2 is based on the appearence/looks of armors and weapons. But why arent there any armors/weapons worth grinding for?

We have got dungeon armors/weapons, most of them look awfull (ac, cm, se, coe), i almost NEVER see people walking around with those armors/weapons.
Cof, TA, and Arah armors look decent, but i’m still missing something.
Cultural armors are nice, but some tier 3 look worse then the cheaper tiers.
Even the armors in gem store (where they can earn alot of money with) arent worth buying.
We can combine armor pieces, but then u probly have colour difference in certain pieces (example TA armor).

Legendary weapons, are nice, but they dont look “legendary”. Some dont even have a glow :o. How come greatswords have 2 options to make, and all the rest only one?
I dont wanna shoot flowers or pony’s with bows xD, or get a discoball that glows.
Why not give players 2 options, at every legendary? so they have a choice which one to make.

For a game based on looks, there really isnt much choice

Question: Where are the good looking weapons/armors?
Answer: Look at the wardrobe, then wiki where you can get them or just google them

aka What you constitute as awesome, may be lame to me and vice versa.

Lv80 Thief |Mesmer |Necromancer|Ranger|Guardian|Warrior|Elementalist|Engineer
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server

(edited by DeathMetal.8264)

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes.

Players that don’t like trenchoats or wannabe coats on their male rangers don’t have their taste covered.

There’s a lot of choice, that’s true. Some of it looks nice. But a lot of it, looks terrible.
Of course, that’s only my opinion and I guess I have no choice but to wait.

I mean, after 2 years, maybe there’s finally going to be an update where a weapon or armor skin really appeals to me instead of thinking “meh, it’s better than the awful one I’m wearing”.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anmida.4058


The only thing u can do at endgame, is getting ascended armor and legendary weapons, u would think those should look better then the more “average” gear, but they dont.
Ascended weapons/armors are just plain simple designs, and almost everybody puts a skin over it. Some legendary weapons can be called “legendary” by the looks, but others are a joke (ex. Shortbow/Longbow).

The only thing you can do at endgame is exactly the same as every other single MMO out there. Dungeons, High difficulty dungeons (Fractals), PvP and World Vs World. This does not apply only to guild wars 2.

And what you are saying is, indeed, a matter of personal taste. Many people adore how legendaries and ascended gear looks. I don’t, particularily; I make my endgame in making alts, leveling them where I feel relevant and acquiring the gear and looks I want for them.

/personal tastes

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyan.6904


I’ve played Cabal, Aion and Tera before Gw2, so i might not be such a pro as u. But i do know, that when u get to endgame, u should get some armor that sets u appart from the “noobs”. If i walk into a town, i can see lower levels, with the same kind of looks as someone who got full ascended gear, and just skinned it.

Maybe it’s just my taste as someone mentioned, but i kinda like the glow on some parts :/

Ah, so the real problem for you is that you aren’t able to show how awesome you are in your progression. If you see a low level character with the same looks as someone with ascended gear, keep in mind that this means that player did craft it on another character to get it. For legendary weapons it’s likewise, or someone slammed a lot of gold on the table to get it.
In the end it’s all a matter of taste. Get over it.

Cyan Graceland — Elementalist
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pho.9412


while I don’t agree, but I do agree.

gw2 does have a lot of skins, it does. But, quantity=/= quality. It needs more, better looking armors. For a game that advertise that they are all about “esthetics”, the medium armors need a whole lot more options, trench coats are everywhere.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Light.7493


I always thought my kasmeer staff was better than legend. 75% of the ingame population isn’t using it. It has a feather trail which sets it apart from other trails like footprints and that glowy thing.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


I always thought my kasmeer staff was better than legend. 75% of the ingame population isn’t using it. It has a feather trail which sets it apart from other trails like footprints and that glowy thing.

Less and less people seem to care about the details in weaponry, or armor for that matter, because its now all about being flashier than your peers. “Keeping up with the Joneses” comes into play in Tyria too…

Player A: I have a weapon with special effects!
Player B: Maaaaaan…. I want that!
Player A: /flex
months later
Player B: Hey, look. * flashes new weapon with special effects * I got it!
Player A: That’s nice…. but check this out. * flashes multiple legendaries and their effects on armor/footprints *
Players C-P: * admires the free laser light show *
Player B: ….. Dude, that’s awesome! I’ve so gotta have that now.
Player Q: /facepalm

…. eventually we won’t be able to see “characters” anymore because giant masses of flame, light, darkness, etc etc will be all we’ll be able to see.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XApocalypse.8739


There’s like 500+ skins in the wardrobe… that’s not enough choice for you?

Have you even looked at them? 90% of the skins in this game are horrible! For all my characters and classes i have not found anything better than tier 3 armor, i have that for my heavies, light, and medium armors just tier 3, why you ask? Because all the other armor has had no effort put into it! Oh mix armors you say? How about dealing with the poor dye design from Anet where you mix armors and the dyes dont match! I put abyss on some armors and they turn out grey! Ever since this game came out there have not been any serious sets of armor put into the game, the wurm armor is awful, and they just add shoulders or gloves here and there but never a full set of actually good looking armor, even ascended is a complete joke! Come on 500 armor sets and i still cant find something i like and i have over 5k hours on this game, very disappointing for players who actually want to play hardcore and earn nice armors.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyan.6904


There’s like 500+ skins in the wardrobe… that’s not enough choice for you?

Have you even looked at them? 90% of the skins in this game are horrible! For all my characters and classes i have not found anything better than tier 3 armor, i have that for my heavies, light, and medium armors just tier 3, why you ask? Because all the other armor has had no effort put into it! Oh mix armors you say? How about dealing with the poor dye design from Anet where you mix armors and the dyes dont match! I put abyss on some armors and they turn out grey! Ever since this game came out there have not been any serious sets of armor put into the game, the wurm armor is awful, and they just add shoulders or gloves here and there but never a full set of actually good looking armor, even ascended is a complete joke! Come on 500 armor sets and i still cant find something i like and i have over 5k hours on this game, very disappointing for players who actually want to play hardcore and earn nice armors.

Now read your post again. Quantity versus personal taste. What’s the problem here?

Cyan Graceland — Elementalist
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anmida.4058


The quantity and variety IS there. They don’t happen to fit your tastes, but there is a far wider choice market than in any other instance. Cyan really has the right of it.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I always thought my kasmeer staff was better than legend. 75% of the ingame population isn’t using it. It has a feather trail which sets it apart from other trails like footprints and that glowy thing.

Less and less people seem to care about the details in weaponry, or armor for that matter, because its now all about being flashier than your peers. “Keeping up with the Joneses” comes into play in Tyria too…

Player A: I have a weapon with special effects!
Player B: Maaaaaan…. I want that!
Player A: /flex
months later
Player B: Hey, look. * flashes new weapon with special effects * I got it!
Player A: That’s nice…. but check this out. * flashes multiple legendaries and their effects on armor/footprints *
Players C-P: * admires the free laser light show *
Player B: ….. Dude, that’s awesome! I’ve so gotta have that now.
Player Q: /facepalm

…. eventually we won’t be able to see “characters” anymore because giant masses of flame, light, darkness, etc etc will be all we’ll be able to see.

My mesmer wears shades to protect his eyes from all the shiny.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jerus.4350


There’s like 500+ skins in the wardrobe… that’s not enough choice for you?

Have you even looked at them? 90% of the skins in this game are horrible! For all my characters and classes i have not found anything better than tier 3 armor, i have that for my heavies, light, and medium armors just tier 3, why you ask? Because all the other armor has had no effort put into it! Oh mix armors you say? How about dealing with the poor dye design from Anet where you mix armors and the dyes dont match! I put abyss on some armors and they turn out grey! Ever since this game came out there have not been any serious sets of armor put into the game, the wurm armor is awful, and they just add shoulders or gloves here and there but never a full set of actually good looking armor, even ascended is a complete joke! Come on 500 armor sets and i still cant find something i like and i have over 5k hours on this game, very disappointing for players who actually want to play hardcore and earn nice armors.

could it be maybe that you’re too picky? I’ve found something I like for every one of my characters. Though my Thief sits in the Pirate outfit because that thing is awesome. And My guard I have something I really like, but it also doesn’t beat his pimp coat… err I mean wintersday outfit. The rest of my characters though sit in styles that I like, some as simple as just a coat (love the noble coat on my engi).

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


The game could use more armor that’s been given a bit more polish – like the tier 3 cultural armor for various races.

There’s a lot of skins – most of them cheap and easy to obtain – I feel however that there aren’t enough “elite armor skins” – that have a little more work put into them and also cost a little more or are somehow more difficult to obtain.

I’m talking about what could easily be summed up as the lack of vanity armor – if you want vanity weapons legendaries are your go-to item but what if you want vanity armor? Currently we don’t have anything of that nature in the game.

Sure Ascended is there but with only 1 skin / armor category I feel it’s not really enough.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes.

Players that don’t like trenchoats or wannabe coats on their male rangers don’t have their taste covered.

I admit you got me there. Way too many trenchcoats for the leather wearers.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes.

Players that don’t like trenchoats or wannabe coats on their male rangers don’t have their taste covered.

I admit you got me there. Way too many trenchcoats for the leather wearers.

And not enough shoulderpads on the heavy classes either. They need to be about 20% bigger.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomroark.3756


When discussing this topic, it’s important to understand the difference between quantity of skins and quality of skins. I’m seeing some posts here saying “Well, there’s a lot of diversity, why are you complaining?”

Personally, I’m not denying that there is a lot of diversity in terms of armor and weapon skins. I do agree, however, that the quality of skins are lacking. There are very few sets of skins that makes me think to myself “I need that. That’s amazing.” Ever since release, I’ve been disappointed with the armor and weapon skins in terms of quality. Another poster qualified them as “vanity skins” or “elite skins.” I think that’s appropriate. GW2 lacks those, and I would love to see more effort put into coming out with aesthetically pleasing armor and weapon skins, rather than just a focus on having a large quantity of skins.

A change that would really be beneficial in terms of finding aesthetically pleasing and matching armor and weapon skins would be the implementation of the ability to dye weapons. This would be very beneficial for players like me who have to give up on an armor set/look due to weapon color being stagnant.

“I am, therefore I’ll think.”

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


gw2 has lots of skins but most of them are pretty similar and unfortunately, they don’t appeal to me because they are usually creepy crawlies, slugfest, viney planty etc.

diablo 3 crusader was awesome, if not for sunrise, i would be playing d3.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Most skins…( Counts for weapons and Armor ) Are just lacking in originality,and a great design.Alot of skins just don’t look good.Espec for heavy norn,the armours are too bulky,too big,the pauldrons way to oversized and floating above the shoulders.One of the main reasons im either always hiding my shoulders or wear a piece that only shows one pauldron.The last good design was phalanx imo,eventhough for heavy norns yet again…Oversized pauldrons that float above the shoulders…

You finally designed a nice realistic set with a nice leather/steel look to it and what do you do ? You completely ruin that design by slapping overgrown pauldrons on it that don’t even attach to the shoulders. Just because the class is named heavy..that should not mean we shouldnt be allowed to wear slicker armour..We dont have to run around being a Big Bulky Tank with ugly oversized pauldrons slapped on to it,can you seriously please stop desiging your armour this way ?

Its completely out of touch with every other part of the armour your wearing.It makes your head look like a pingpong ball aswell…Who makes these pauldrons ,then slaps them onto a heavy norn and thinks…“WOW that looks really good..i love the floating above the shoulders effect + making my head look like a pingpong ball aswell !”

Seriously..please stop designing your heavy norn armours so bulky..especially the pauldrons…

Huge pouldrons is one of the most awesome features in MMOs. It’s why I always played bulky heavy armored guys. I love it! You see? Tastes are different.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

I have no idea what the OP is used to but gw2 has a huge amount of skins that cover all sorts of tastes.

Players that don’t like trenchoats or wannabe coats on their male rangers don’t have their taste covered.

I admit you got me there. Way too many trenchcoats for the leather wearers.

And not enough shoulderpads on the heavy classes either. They need to be about 20% bigger.

Without huge spikes and flaming skulls bigulating pauldrons is only half done. Also, every time you hit an achievement milestone all of your pauldrons should grow 10% and add another spike and skull to reflect your importance.

LFG speed run uberpath. Must link pauldrons.

PS. This should be mandatory so that new players will know who to admire and respect.
PPS. I suppose Sylvari could have cabbage heads instead of skulls.


Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Oh dear these threads. People have really never played the average MMO, both lately or beforehand. I swear you folk really have no idea how much variety you have, and how much of an amusing complaint Guild Wars 2 “lacking” in skins of all things is.
There is a myriad of things you can complain about, but this is the least one you could possibly bring up as an issue. Seriously. I am not even exaggerating. You folk need to educate yourselves in how the average MMORPG works in these terms so you can realize how much of a boon Guild Wars 2 is when it comes to customization. It’ll be good for -you-, not anyone else.

You should learn to understand that different people have different opinions.Ive played dozens and dozens of mmo’s ,perhaps even more than you have.I simply dislike most of the Bulky oversized heavy armors in this game,same goes for alot of weapon designs aswell.Its an opinion,same goes for the op,get it in your thick skull without trying to tell people to “educate” themselves for having a kitten opinion that differs from yours.

@Proto,whats your point ? I know tastes are different,hence i gave my opinion about it.Glad that you like oversized pauldrons that don’t even connect to your shoulders,to each their own…..

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Personally i’m happy for the option to hide pauldrons .. and i hide them always

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


“Where are the good looking weapons/armors?”

Gone and not coming back.

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Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hazenvirus.8154


I always thought my kasmeer staff was better than legend. 75% of the ingame population isn’t using it. It has a feather trail which sets it apart from other trails like footprints and that glowy thing.

Less and less people seem to care about the details in weaponry, or armor for that matter, because its now all about being flashier than your peers. “Keeping up with the Joneses” comes into play in Tyria too…

Player A: I have a weapon with special effects!
Player B: Maaaaaan…. I want that!
Player A: /flex
months later
Player B: Hey, look. * flashes new weapon with special effects * I got it!
Player A: That’s nice…. but check this out. * flashes multiple legendaries and their effects on armor/footprints *
Players C-P: * admires the free laser light show *
Player B: ….. Dude, that’s awesome! I’ve so gotta have that now.
Player Q: /facepalm

…. eventually we won’t be able to see “characters” anymore because giant masses of flame, light, darkness, etc etc will be all we’ll be able to see.

Actually it is possible to stack the auras of certain legendary weapons to the point where all you see is your character’s outline in a giant laser light show bubble.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


I didn’t read every post, but in all honesty what is “good looking” is purely subjective. There are thousands of individual weapon/armor/back skins in the game, and many are available without even having to visit the gem store. Furthermore you can customize your look by mixing those skins however you want. In my opinion it’s not the lack of skins that’s the problem, it’s lack of imagination and creativity on the part of the players. If you want your toon to look good, hunt down the skins and customize your look, that’s all there is to it.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lue.6538


I’ve been wondering this for a while now, gw2 is based on the appearence/looks of armors and weapons. But why arent there any armors/weapons worth grinding for?

We have got dungeon armors/weapons, most of them look awfull (ac, cm, se, coe), i almost NEVER see people walking around with those armors/weapons.
Cof, TA, and Arah armors look decent, but i’m still missing something.
Cultural armors are nice, but some tier 3 look worse then the cheaper tiers.
Even the armors in gem store (where they can earn alot of money with) arent worth buying.
We can combine armor pieces, but then u probly have colour difference in certain pieces (example TA armor).

Funny.. Out of the 4 you linked as “awful”, I actually like AC, CM and CoE armors. AC and CM because they’re not as ‘over the top’ as most armors and T3 human Heavy is my absolute favourite in the game.

And I must disagree with you on the gemstore, the primeval armor isn’t badlooking and all my light armor characters use the phoenix skin.

Legendary weapons, are nice, but they dont look “legendary”. Some dont even have a glow :o. How come greatswords have 2 options to make, and all the rest only one?
I dont wanna shoot flowers or pony’s with bows xD, or get a discoball that glows.
Why not give players 2 options, at every legendary? so they have a choice which one to make.

For a game based on looks, there really isnt much choice

I couldn’t care less if legendaries had a glow or particle effect, but I must agree that they’re just too silly to be interesting.. The one legendary I considered making was the dreamseeker prophecies, and due to shield being a no-go in general, I skipped it.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lodius.5392


I disagree with the OP. (sorry >< ) but what other game allows you to have what stats you want with what it looks like?! Not many…

They majorly upgraded the way Transmutation Stones work from start of game to now. I mean just open up the Wardrobe and anything you want for 1 charge.

My warrior rocks the COE Armor…

My guardian wore the TA armor for the longest… but I did run into the struggle of the helm… I didn’t like the TA helm, but it was terrible to find something that matched it. (never did……)

I also like some of the Gem Store armor sets. I guess it’s all about taste.

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


Actually it is possible to stack the auras of certain legendary weapons to the point where all you see is your character’s outline in a giant laser light show bubble.

That was exactly my point. It will only get worse from here.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bri.2359


Having 500+ skins where all but a handful either all look the same (medium ‘coats’, masks, etc) or are ‘starter’ kit, or look terrible (most dungeon kit), is not about having choice, it is about bad design. And then there is all the clipping issues and mismatched dye channels ..

I agree with the OP.
I would prefer having far less quantity with higher standards of quality and variations to appeal to more tastes.

GW2 just has lots and lots of poor quality, ugly skins ..

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver