Which classes can be a solid main?
It is never stated that they are not viable, they are just not optimal meaning best in slot for many.
Any of those are viable ^.^ Really depends on how you want to play :P Action cam helps engis a lot now
I’m partial to engi’s. In my opinin its the class with the most flexible options which are still quite viable in their various forms.
Anything, but thief. Thief is garbage in everygame mode now
Go Revnant they are wicked awesome . Realistically though any class is viable as a main
anything but thief or ranger (unless you want to be a healer)
Anything, but thief. Thief is garbage in everygame mode now
OMG. I thought saying so would be mean lol, I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but YES. YES. do ANYTHING but thieves. Seriously I get super upset if I see a thief in my high lvl fractal parties. It’s not that they’re bad players, it’s just a terribly nerfed class that’s hard to survive (compared to everyone else) and doesn’t give much to the team.
I would actually say Elementalist is most flexible for everything.
Go melee or range, be a supportive tank or go for pure damage.
I really love the Tempest, I am tanking the kitten out of everything and I am still doing good damage.
Engie and Ele are the more flexible build wise, but Ele always get more love from Anet.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Engie and Ele are the more flexible build wise, but Ele always get more love from Anet.
I don’t see any reason why Ele got more love…
Without elite spells you barely have any good utility spells.
Ofc you can use some blast finishers which do nothing other than having the combo finisher.
The weapons are all garbage. After the frost bow nerf I barely see any Ele using it.
The elite spells are just bad, really bad. Only the flame sword is decent, but with 3 min cooldown I’d rather take any utility spell with lower cooldown over it.
Maybe use the blink? So much cooldown… just as all the other defensive spells…
Revenant is a lot of fun, great DPS, can tank really well and provide great support too. Great jack of all trades class imo. Absolutely destroys in PvP/WvW if played right. Though it’s more of a melee class, although it can also play ranged.
If you prefer ranged a lot more though, I’d go with Elementalist. Never played one myself, but from my experience playing with them, they seem like a good, well-rounded class.
Anything, but thief. Thief is garbage in everygame mode now
Then why do I do well with Thief in the three modes?
Ele is the most viable of all of those—it fills not only a good but nearly required role in every game mode (heavy dps in pve, the key to backline in WvW zerg busting, apex predator of WvW roaming, and a very well rounded PvP 1v1/team fighter).
Rev is like ele in that regard, though a little less desired in most game modes due to less support and not a key part in the backline of zergs (no static/water fields or).
Engi is great for PvP, okay for WvW, but generally not particularly desired for PvE.
Ranger is generally not wanted or needed for any old content. Druid might change things up, but I haven’t seen druid in action so I can’t say. I hear they’re the best in slot dedicated healer, but then that’ll still be the only way you’re really useful to any group in anything.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
More or less, any class will do. Don’t let someone else tell you what or how you should play, that how I see it.
I wouldn’ t go Necro, word on the street is when all the HoT dust settles it’ll be back to “No necro” for dungeons/fractal/raids. Lowest DPS and bad group support.
I like my thief and necro whats wrong with them?
Thief main here with almost 2k hours under my belt. Don’t listen to those saying thief is fine, it’s not. You can play well but the class only has access to one type of play and has little to no support.
Literally any other class would be an okay choice. Some less optimal then others, but the others are all well-rounded and capable of multiple roles across all game types.
Pick ranger if you like logging on to see your skills get weaker every other day
I main a Necromancer that is now a Reaper.
Now instead of a Terrormancer, She is more of a Banshee (Fear AND Chill does damage).
Swap between staff and greatsword. Love it!
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior