Guild Wars 1 was a casual game it didn’t require a grind to complete it. You could take your time and get everything you needed unless you wanted to make it a grind.
Guild Wars 2 is nothing but a grind.
Story mode is simple but everything else around it is tedious and a grind. “Teql” was the final blow that did it for me. Waiting an hour or so for a fight, then failing the event over and over again. It wasn’t fun, it wasn’t entertaining, it was a chore. Scarlett was the same way, another chore of wasting an hour fighting to get mediocre items and achievements, Teql is the same.
It’s not worth the effort for what you get even if you do win. The fighting isn’t fun it’s also tedious. No builds or skill sets to make your character play any different than they always did. It gets boring fast and adds to the mundanes of playing the same way each fight. I miss being able to swap builds and try different techniques on bosses. Another thing is that characters feel so weak in this game. Everyone dies all the time and has to be rezzed. It’s annoying. It’s like players aren’t tuned up enough for mobs without having to group up. A weak character was cool when you had henchmen and heros that you could appoint to be healers etc. etc. but you can’t always depend on a random player to be as helpful. So when you get rushed by champion or mob that there’s no way in heck you can beat alone it’s annoying. I can’t say I’ve played a single class in this game I thought felt powerful or not boring to play after a while. On one side this game has been watered down but on the otherside it kicked the difficulty up, while somehow not making it fun or entertaining to play.
I originally started Guildwars because I was tired of Warcraft and had enough of games like that. Now that those days are gone and GW2 is here it’s like running into what I was trying to leave behind again except with less interesting classes and lack of character customization.
Each month is just a new carrot to chase with these annoying living world GRINDS! for achievements. That’s not Guildwars at all. All people do in this game are dailies and grind. A lot of veterans from GW1 that I know quit the game and moved on because it doesn’t cater to people that enjoyed GW1 it’s too much like a miss mash of every other MMO but the one you wanted to play GUILDWARS.
I know some people will read this and be like oh they’re complaining about the game being a grind well it is an mmo, they’re complaining about the lack of character customization you don’t need builds etc. etc. NO! I’m saying that this game lacks the entertainment and fun factor that it should have as a GAME. When I talk to people they seem to loathe doing half the things the game has to offer. A game shouldn’t be a grind it should be ENJOYABLE.
Another thing is the Character Customization that was a Staple of Guildwars and what Guildwars was. The game that you build and customized your class. Taking that away does not make this game “Guildwars”. This game has nothing in common with the previous one outside of the lore. I often wonder why this game is called Guildwars 2 because it’s too different from the original. To me it’s like sitting down to watch a sequel to a movie that’s a completely different movie from the first. Playing this game is like Watching “Exorcists 2”. You go in thinking it’s going to be as entertaining at this first and you get treated to something completely different.
Anyway that’s just my experience in the past year with this game. I don’t see myself playing this as much as I did the previous one or even past the next month or so. I just don’t care for it because it doesn’t feel like guild wars. The worlds nice, the story is nice, but the actual design of the game play just isn’t enjoyable.