Why I've considered leaving GW2
I don’t understand why people act like it’s such a big decision to stop playing an mmo. Especially a F2P one. If you’re bored maybe go play something else? And “come back” later?
Vayne, you can argue all you want, but you would be wrong. This isn’t up for interpretation. You are just blinded by your fanboy-ism to how bad this story really is and that most books, including LOTR, have one hero.
Actually, I’ve studied this sort of thing for a long time. Certainly you saying I’m wrong doesn’t convince me that I’m wrong.
You see there are different ways to write books. There are characters that are heroes in books and they have sidekicks, as with Frodo and Sam. But in many treatises on Lord of the Rings, Aragorn is pointed to as the hero, rather than Frodo. He’s the one to front the path of the dead he’s the one to help win the battle of Gondor, he’s the one who the last book is named for “The Return of the King”.
I’m sure you’re very educated in your chosen field, but now you’re encroaching on my chosen field of study. You can say I’m wrong from today till doomsday but it doesn’t change the fact that there are many works of literature with multiple heroes, including most romances. I chose Lord of the Rings as an example because I figured most people would be familiar with it.
Who was the hero of the Illiad? Is that a better question for you? Who’s the hero of X-men for that matter?
Heroic fiction is one type of fantasy fiction. There’s also high fantasy of which heroic fiction is a subset. In a typical work of fiction, there is usually one protagonist but this isn’t always the case, or even often the case.
Try reading Lucifer’s Hammer and tell me there who the hero is.
Honestly arguing in the absence of fact is silly. But claiming I’m wrong because you say so isn’t much of an argument.
Lol, actually I was thinking of X-men as I wrote this as a clear example where everyone is a “hero”. But, you saying that you have a background in this sort of thing still doesn’t really further your argument any more than I did when I said that there is not up to interpretation. Oh, and I know it’s not that impressive, but I do have a minor in literature, so you know…
I suppose there is a strong secondary plot to LoTR where Aaragorn is rightfully returned to his seat as king, so I do realize my statements are a bit rash. That is the beauty of the interwebz though.
Anyways, we are still talking about 2-3 heroes, not lots and lots.
I realize we are not going to get along as I am a GW1 fanboy and you are a GW2 fanboy, but I promise to keep our conversations more civil and less sarcastic moving forward if you can keep it civil as well?
Vayne, you can argue all you want, but you would be wrong. This isn’t up for interpretation. You are just blinded by your fanboy-ism to how bad this story really is and that most books, including LOTR, have one hero.
Actually, I’ve studied this sort of thing for a long time. Certainly you saying I’m wrong doesn’t convince me that I’m wrong.
You see there are different ways to write books. There are characters that are heroes in books and they have sidekicks, as with Frodo and Sam. But in many treatises on Lord of the Rings, Aragorn is pointed to as the hero, rather than Frodo. He’s the one to front the path of the dead he’s the one to help win the battle of Gondor, he’s the one who the last book is named for “The Return of the King”.
I’m sure you’re very educated in your chosen field, but now you’re encroaching on my chosen field of study. You can say I’m wrong from today till doomsday but it doesn’t change the fact that there are many works of literature with multiple heroes, including most romances. I chose Lord of the Rings as an example because I figured most people would be familiar with it.
Who was the hero of the Illiad? Is that a better question for you? Who’s the hero of X-men for that matter?
Heroic fiction is one type of fantasy fiction. There’s also high fantasy of which heroic fiction is a subset. In a typical work of fiction, there is usually one protagonist but this isn’t always the case, or even often the case.
Try reading Lucifer’s Hammer and tell me there who the hero is.
Honestly arguing in the absence of fact is silly. But claiming I’m wrong because you say so isn’t much of an argument.
Lol, actually I was thinking of X-men as I wrote this as a clear example where everyone is a “hero”. But, you saying that you have a background in this sort of thing still doesn’t really further your argument any more than I did when I said that there is not up to interpretation. Oh, and I know it’s not that impressive, but I do have a minor in literature, so you know…
I suppose there is a strong secondary plot to LoTR where Aaragorn is rightfully returned to his seat as king, so I do realize my statements are a bit rash. That is the beauty of the interwebz though.
Anyways, we are still talking about 2-3 heroes, not lots and lots.
I realize we are not going to get along as I am a GW1 fanboy and you are a GW2 fanboy, but I promise to keep our conversations more civil and less sarcastic moving forward if you can keep it civil as well?
Actually I loved Guild Wars 1. I just love Guild Wars 2 also.
As for my area of expertise, yeah, it sorta does mean something. If you study a subject and you’re not talking off the top of your head, you have a head start of someone who hasn’t studied the subject.
There are many pieces written about how Aragorn is actually the true hero of Lord of the Rings. A casual read may not show it. But those treatises exist (and if you study that stuff, you’d know about it).
Basically, you have the habit of saying “you’re wrong” to me. But in fact, I’m not wrong. I’m either speaking from opinion, which has no right or wrong, or I’m speaking from experience and study which does give me some small amount of information that you might not be privy too.
I’m happy to call a truce as well. I don’t have anything against you. I just have a different opinion.
Vayne, you can argue all you want, but you would be wrong. This isn’t up for interpretation. You are just blinded by your fanboy-ism to how bad this story really is and that most books, including LOTR, have one hero.
Actually, I’ve studied this sort of thing for a long time. Certainly you saying I’m wrong doesn’t convince me that I’m wrong.
You see there are different ways to write books. There are characters that are heroes in books and they have sidekicks, as with Frodo and Sam. But in many treatises on Lord of the Rings, Aragorn is pointed to as the hero, rather than Frodo. He’s the one to front the path of the dead he’s the one to help win the battle of Gondor, he’s the one who the last book is named for “The Return of the King”.
I’m sure you’re very educated in your chosen field, but now you’re encroaching on my chosen field of study. You can say I’m wrong from today till doomsday but it doesn’t change the fact that there are many works of literature with multiple heroes, including most romances. I chose Lord of the Rings as an example because I figured most people would be familiar with it.
Who was the hero of the Illiad? Is that a better question for you? Who’s the hero of X-men for that matter?
Heroic fiction is one type of fantasy fiction. There’s also high fantasy of which heroic fiction is a subset. In a typical work of fiction, there is usually one protagonist but this isn’t always the case, or even often the case.
Try reading Lucifer’s Hammer and tell me there who the hero is.
Honestly arguing in the absence of fact is silly. But claiming I’m wrong because you say so isn’t much of an argument.
Lol, actually I was thinking of X-men as I wrote this as a clear example where everyone is a “hero”. But, you saying that you have a background in this sort of thing still doesn’t really further your argument any more than I did when I said that there is not up to interpretation. Oh, and I know it’s not that impressive, but I do have a minor in literature, so you know…
I suppose there is a strong secondary plot to LoTR where Aaragorn is rightfully returned to his seat as king, so I do realize my statements are a bit rash. That is the beauty of the interwebz though.
Anyways, we are still talking about 2-3 heroes, not lots and lots.
I realize we are not going to get along as I am a GW1 fanboy and you are a GW2 fanboy, but I promise to keep our conversations more civil and less sarcastic moving forward if you can keep it civil as well?
Actually I loved Guild Wars 1. I just love Guild Wars 2 also.
As for my area of expertise, yeah, it sorta does mean something. If you study a subject and you’re not talking off the top of your head, you have a head start of someone who hasn’t studied the subject.
There are many pieces written about how Aragorn is actually the true hero of Lord of the Rings. A casual read may not show it. But those treatises exist (and if you study that stuff, you’d know about it).
Basically, you have the habit of saying “you’re wrong” to me. But in fact, I’m not wrong. I’m either speaking from opinion, which has no right or wrong, or I’m speaking from experience and study which does give me some small amount of information that you might not be privy too.
I’m happy to call a truce as well. I don’t have anything against you. I just have a different opinion.
Ok then, truce
I do actually enjoy GW2, but I really did expect more from ANet and I feel it has lost some things that GW1 did really well.
Vayne, you can argue all you want, but you would be wrong. This isn’t up for interpretation. You are just blinded by your fanboy-ism to how bad this story really is and that most books, including LOTR, have one hero.
Actually, I’ve studied this sort of thing for a long time. Certainly you saying I’m wrong doesn’t convince me that I’m wrong.
You see there are different ways to write books. There are characters that are heroes in books and they have sidekicks, as with Frodo and Sam. But in many treatises on Lord of the Rings, Aragorn is pointed to as the hero, rather than Frodo. He’s the one to front the path of the dead he’s the one to help win the battle of Gondor, he’s the one who the last book is named for “The Return of the King”.
I’m sure you’re very educated in your chosen field, but now you’re encroaching on my chosen field of study. You can say I’m wrong from today till doomsday but it doesn’t change the fact that there are many works of literature with multiple heroes, including most romances. I chose Lord of the Rings as an example because I figured most people would be familiar with it.
Who was the hero of the Illiad? Is that a better question for you? Who’s the hero of X-men for that matter?
Heroic fiction is one type of fantasy fiction. There’s also high fantasy of which heroic fiction is a subset. In a typical work of fiction, there is usually one protagonist but this isn’t always the case, or even often the case.
Try reading Lucifer’s Hammer and tell me there who the hero is.
Honestly arguing in the absence of fact is silly. But claiming I’m wrong because you say so isn’t much of an argument.
Lol, actually I was thinking of X-men as I wrote this as a clear example where everyone is a “hero”. But, you saying that you have a background in this sort of thing still doesn’t really further your argument any more than I did when I said that there is not up to interpretation. Oh, and I know it’s not that impressive, but I do have a minor in literature, so you know…
I suppose there is a strong secondary plot to LoTR where Aaragorn is rightfully returned to his seat as king, so I do realize my statements are a bit rash. That is the beauty of the interwebz though.
Anyways, we are still talking about 2-3 heroes, not lots and lots.
I realize we are not going to get along as I am a GW1 fanboy and you are a GW2 fanboy, but I promise to keep our conversations more civil and less sarcastic moving forward if you can keep it civil as well?
Actually I loved Guild Wars 1. I just love Guild Wars 2 also.
As for my area of expertise, yeah, it sorta does mean something. If you study a subject and you’re not talking off the top of your head, you have a head start of someone who hasn’t studied the subject.
There are many pieces written about how Aragorn is actually the true hero of Lord of the Rings. A casual read may not show it. But those treatises exist (and if you study that stuff, you’d know about it).
Basically, you have the habit of saying “you’re wrong” to me. But in fact, I’m not wrong. I’m either speaking from opinion, which has no right or wrong, or I’m speaking from experience and study which does give me some small amount of information that you might not be privy too.
I’m happy to call a truce as well. I don’t have anything against you. I just have a different opinion.
Ok then, truce
I do actually enjoy GW2, but I really did expect more from ANet and I feel it has lost some things that GW1 did really well.
Guild Wars 1 evolved a lot. It was different in Prophecies six months after launch than it was when Factions and Nightfall launched.
A lot of people loved Prophecies, but a lot also thought it was way too slow. That’s why Factions was so fast. It was overcompensation on Anet’s part. Nightfall swung like a pendulum back to the middle.
You really can’t judge Guild Wars 2 compared to Guild Wars 1, until it’s out for a couple of years and has the same number of expansions.
But yeah, I’ve been a Guild Wars 1 fan boi for many, many years. 50/50 in the HoM and GWAMM and everything. No such much in PvP though.
I didn’t care for the story other than some of the Charr and Norn arcs. I just don’t play any of the story line material on my other toons because there is plenty of other things to do. As a side note telling people that don’t agree with you to be quiet because the adults are talking – I know that when you leave I won’t miss you in game in the least.
Immersion is when you forget you’re playing a game, which I haven’t experienced yet in GW2, and I have had that experience with other games, such as GW1, WoW, Elder Scrolls, Neverwinter Nights, Gothic.
I think this is a case of “you can’t please everyone”. I came to GW2 from WoW and I wouldn’t go back even if WoW was free. To me, WoW was an RPG without the RP – it’s story was throw-away and it always felt like the thinnest excuses to get me to kill 15 more Whatsits.
With GW2 I feel like they’re at least trying and the game mechanics are vastly more enjoyable to me – although I miss the “collecting” aspect of pets and mounts – but I can play Pokemon for that.
I’ve read a lot of books, but I don’t really play video games for the same story experience. I’m sure it’s possible for a video game to do it, but I don’t see one being able to have the impact on me that, say, Dune did. I’m not really sure an MMO could support that in terms of being able to make money, unfortunately.
Hnnng all that tybalt and sieran hating is making me angry! They are the BEST npcs in the game imo…..im a lorelover and i still also like the attitudes these 2 have..
btw op, the door is that way, dont let it hit you on the way out.
The concepts are great. We see that you want to do a good game but to be honest after months of gameplay I did the whole map, tried everything and the only thing wich has the potential of surprizing me is pvp but I’m don’t really like pvp. I dind’t know that this game will be only pvp or constant boring grinding of gear and doing the same instances hundreds of times. It’s boring! It was fun until a level when you feel what your? title sais: “been there done that”
I also miss the social aspects from the game. Exploring and the events was fun at first but at end game it’s totally boring and it’s not even rewarding.
- In PvP you earn titles nobody looking is at and skins wich aren’t cool enough imo.
- In WvW theres constant zerging up and down and like the BORG there’s no individuals just the collective.
- In PvE instances lfg adverts asking for certain gear, classes wich mean the classes are very inbalanced or the dungeons designed? bad.
The concepts are great. We see that you want to do a good game but to be honest after months of gameplay I did the whole map, tried everything and the only thing wich has the potential of surprizing me is pvp but I’m don’t really like pvp. I dind’t know that this game will be only pvp or constant boring grinding of gear and doing the same instances hundreds of times. It’s boring! It was fun until a level when you feel what your? title sais: “been there done that”
I also miss the social aspects from the game. Exploring and the events was fun at first but at end game it’s totally boring and it’s not even rewarding.
- In PvP you earn titles nobody looking is at and skins wich aren’t cool enough imo.
- In WvW theres constant zerging up and down and like the BORG there’s no individuals just the collective.
- In PvE instances lfg adverts asking for certain gear, classes wich mean the classes are very inbalanced or the dungeons designed? bad.
I take it you’re not in a very good guild. If you were, half your complaints would die away.
WvW for example, can be quite fun with a small group of people who know what they’re doing. Dungeon runs are awesome in a guild where people aren’t excluded because of their profession.
You say you miss the social aspect of the game, while I experience the social aspect of the game daily. Seems that at least some of your problems are self-inflicted.
Just to go off topic a bit (since I don’t give a rat’s why someone is going to leave a game) I really wish I’d played GW1. The description I read when it was released made it seem like it wasn’t going to be how it turned out. Pays to try things out.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Ah, Vayne, you can’t stop discussing, can you I thought you left the fan-forum because there was too much arguing going on and now you’re hitting the official forums?
(If you aren’t that Vayne, sorry, but the name and the writing and arguing style are too similar to be a coincidence
I agree that the story in GW2 is somewhat shallow and boring. I don’t feel like the characters the OP pointed out are the problem, though. To me, they are in fact the only ones that have some substance. They have some character.
Most of the other characters I met are all goody-two-shoes. They are, to me, uninteresting.
It’s not only the personal story that is lacking, though; I think the whole world feels a bit empty, because of the way they chose to not have quests, which are normally the way an area’s stories are told.
I don’t say that there is nothing there. There is, in fact, some lore and story to be had by following the DEs and by listening to the NPCs talking. But it happens too scarcely and also too subtle. You can run around the world and slay mobs and never get to know more about the world than the names of the areas, the general dragon and undead infestation.
As a human you’re always fighting centaurs in the beginning. But you don’t get any information on why they are hostile or what their goals are. There’s a multitude of such conflicts and I’ve always wondered why tribe x or race y is hostile towards us. I would’ve wanted to learn about the history and story of these conflicts. Alas, I couldn’t.
Maybe I didn’t look properly and missed these parts, but I just feel like a lot of the world, which is beautifully designed, is just lying there with mobs running to and fro and events popping up and somehow someone forgot to put in all those lines of story that should exlain all these happenings.
[DP] Diamond Pirates
Do you think that Tolkien would have had such huge succes with Lord of the Ring and the universe if he hadn’t been serious about his work?
Well, Terry Pratchett had huge success with not being too serious. It’s just a different fan base.
Who’d have thought my post could be summed up in those few words.
- My problem is that without my comrades I will only be playing GW2 for so long, which I feel is a shame.
I believe they can do better (I’ve seen them do it in GW1) and hopefully they will.
Thanks, glad we agree! Also, I felt we needed an executive summary of the OT for the newcomers to the thread once we got down the pages of this thread! :P
And by “only playing GW2 for so long…”, I take it means just until the next big MMO hits… let me guess, given we’ve agreed so far, ESO?
But of course, I too am crossing my fingers Anet up their game – they have to if they want to excel/compete – but they must continue to deliver to retain players – despite being B2P.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I don’t get this talk about ESO, Elder Scrolls and lore/characters/storyline don’t go well together, unless the games before Morrowind were different, because Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim had terrible storylines and almost non-existant characters/character development, other than the main character no other character had any story/lore/background behind them. And even the greatest haters of Trahearne would certainly detest Martin from Oblivion a thousand times more.
Now if a single player game fails so horribly in story/lore/setting/characters I can’t imagine what would happen in an MMO, I guess we will see.
Ah, Vayne, you can’t stop discussing, can you
I thought you left the fan-forum because there was too much arguing going on and now you’re hitting the official forums?
(If you aren’t that Vayne, sorry, but the name and the writing and arguing style are too similar to be a coincidence
I agree that the story in GW2 is somewhat shallow and boring. I don’t feel like the characters the OP pointed out are the problem, though. To me, they are in fact the only ones that have some substance. They have some character.Most of the other characters I met are all goody-two-shoes. They are, to me, uninteresting.
It’s not only the personal story that is lacking, though; I think the whole world feels a bit empty, because of the way they chose to not have quests, which are normally the way an area’s stories are told.
I don’t say that there is nothing there. There is, in fact, some lore and story to be had by following the DEs and by listening to the NPCs talking. But it happens too scarcely and also too subtle. You can run around the world and slay mobs and never get to know more about the world than the names of the areas, the general dragon and undead infestation.
As a human you’re always fighting centaurs in the beginning. But you don’t get any information on why they are hostile or what their goals are. There’s a multitude of such conflicts and I’ve always wondered why tribe x or race y is hostile towards us. I would’ve wanted to learn about the history and story of these conflicts. Alas, I couldn’t.
Maybe I didn’t look properly and missed these parts, but I just feel like a lot of the world, which is beautifully designed, is just lying there with mobs running to and fro and events popping up and somehow someone forgot to put in all those lines of story that should exlain all these happenings.
Yep, I’m that Vayne. Who were you? lol
I left that forum for a lot of reasons, but the arguing wasn’t really one of them. All my favorite people had left because of the negativity and I was fighting a lone battle. Not because other people didn’t feel the same way…they just didn’t care enough about the forums.
Here at least, I’m not a lone voice of protest. Here I’m among other people who feel the same way.
It’s a big improvement.
It’s one thing to be a fan among other fans. It’s another to be the only guy holding the line.
I still poke my nose into that forum and 99% of the posts now are just guilds recruiting or occasionally people looking for guilds. At least when I was there, there was some chatter.
When I played the Elder Scrolls series, I… there were even fully written and fleshed out books that you could read in the world (in Skyrim), and there was nothing off-putting or goofy.
Four words for you: “The Lusty Argonian Maid”.
Trying my best to remember any video game I ever loved that was 100% serious all the time…
…I’ll let you know when it happens.
This is not a “No humor” post.
- There is merely some parts where there is more need of keeping the characters professional in their work would suit them better.
- There is room for jokes and such, but I don’t feel like Magister Sieran is joking, but rather that she has no sense of responsibility or an ability to grasp the importance of a situation… and then suddenly she decides that now might be a good idea to die and goes sacrificing herself.
I feel that these characters can be made more appealing to us.
- Magister Sieran reminds me of Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII.
There is room for jokes and such, but I don’t feel like Magister Sieran is joking, but rather that she has no sense of responsibility or an ability to grasp the importance of a situation… and then suddenly she decides that now might be a good idea to die and goes sacrificing herself.
I think that she did not sacrifice herself, but rather took that opportunity to return to her master, and that she was a double agent all along, and that even though her task was merely to spy on our characters she was so thoroughly evil she just couldn’t stop herself from leading our characters into situations of mortal peril in hopes that our characters would meet with an untimely demise.
That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. Whoever put her in charge of handling a new recruit in spite of her evident devil-may-care – and dangerous! – tendencies should probably be looked at, as well…
The thing is that GW1 was a lot darker and had a bit more serious undertone. It actually felt like the world was threatened and that you needed to save it….but there was also humour in it.
In GW2 the story lines and voice acting are really childish, however. You can differ about what you find funny but to me the jokes are lame and yes…childish.
Now, a MMO is a place for various types of players. So I can stand the occasional childish joke or a couple of childish NPCs. The problem is that GW2 is permeated with them. It’s nothing but really.
It’s a big reason why I quit playing. It’s for the same reason why I stopped reading children’s books. What is scary to children is nothing to adults and this is the way of GW2. It just isn’t scary in any shape or form and yet, they say the world is in terrible danger. It’s kinda like telling people there’s a bloodthirsty doberman on the other side of the door and when you open it there’s a chihuahua….not impressed. Can be a cute dog, but it doesn’t match the story that’s being told.
Oh and on the subject of humour. Compare it to Star Wars Episode I. One of the biggest complaints about that movie must be the Jar Jar Binks character. The humour is lame and childish at best and there’s too much of him in that movie. That’s what GW2 has done. It’s got too big a Jar Jar Binks factor….at least for me.
I myself actually get on alot less due to High TP prices & diminishing returns from dungeons.
I don’t understand why people act like it’s such a big decision to stop playing an mmo. Especially a F2P one. If you’re bored maybe go play something else? And “come back” later?
They want to troll that’s the thing. They just want someone to talk to because there Alone or (Drunk / High). they want everyone to say aww don’t go etc etc. I say if your bored then leave. don’t leave anything here on the forum just leave. I play this everyday for dailys and then go do other things. maybe a weekend of playing then stop and play other things. so its just people want someone to talk to that’s all.
I don’t understand why people act like it’s such a big decision to stop playing an mmo. Especially a F2P one. If you’re bored maybe go play something else? And “come back” later?
They want to troll that’s the thing. They just want someone to talk to because there Alone or (Drunk / High). they want everyone to say aww don’t go etc etc. I say if your bored then leave. don’t leave anything here on the forum just leave. I play this everyday for dailys and then go do other things. maybe a weekend of playing then stop and play other things. so its just people want someone to talk to that’s all.
Actually I have played GW1 for about 5 or 6 years and had high hopes for GW2 and how they wanted it to be. Mike O’Brien stated in the Manifesto that it would take everything that we loved about Guild Wars 1 and put it into a more persistent, living and breathing world (something along the lines of that).
- I’ve considered leaving because especially these characters that are not funny at any appropriate moments are a nuisance to many GW1 fans, including myself.
The Order of Whispers were definitely more enigmatic and professional in their work in GW1. You wouldn’t find them, they’d find you… and they’d do it at a remote location, not in public.
- I am not flaming Tybalt in any way here, I am merely using him as an example on how much the feel of the game has changed as to what was to be expected from GW1.
- No trolling, no “I want to be seen” crap here.
I am very serious when I say that it feels more goofy than humorous or funny. Humor is welcome in an MMO. GW1 had it, so it is not that I am against it.
- I have yet to laugh at any of these so called “jokes” in GW2. If they want them in GW2 (and I mean when we are told the story, and getting into the lore) then they should do them right, and at the appropriate moments. Braham saying “Hey, ugly!” to the Flame Legion boss in the Razing storyline is a step in the right direction, although I didn’t find it all that much convincing – still better than many other characters in the personal Storyline.
- Anyhow, read the OP before stating something so wrong like that.
You can easily tell the difference, since the people you are talking about will not come with any constructive criticism, which (because I have many a friend leaving because of this goofy style) is what you’ll find in my post.
- (The reason I considered leaving was because all my friends did… due to the story and lore not being taken serious enough – Magister Sieran is my most hated character in this game, and her personality is enough to justify that).
Who’d have thought my post could be summed up in those few words.
- My problem is that without my comrades I will only be playing GW2 for so long, which I feel is a shame.
I believe they can do better (I’ve seen them do it in GW1) and hopefully they will.Thanks, glad we agree! Also, I felt we needed an executive summary of the OT for the newcomers to the thread once we got down the pages of this thread! :P
And by “only playing GW2 for so long…”, I take it means just until the next big MMO hits… let me guess, given we’ve agreed so far, ESO?
But of course, I too am crossing my fingers Anet up their game – they have to if they want to excel/compete – but they must continue to deliver to retain players – despite being B2P.
I have looked upon ESO, and I am not sure what to think of it.
- I saw the cinematic with the three factions making their way to the Imperial City. There is that rogue that goes Assassin’s Creed style on his opponents, and I fear that if they don’t get the look and feel of an ES game down, it will fail.
I am an ES fan but no, I am not yet convinced on the MMO, but I have my hopes for it as well.
- I’ve been meaning to play some old school games, and check up on when GW2’s next expansion might hit. There are a lot of great single-player games out there, and they often experiment with gameplay, and if there is a series they often build upon and expand their gameplay (something which GW2 could learn from).
I know I can’t be the only one that instantly presses ‘skip to end’. Every. Single. Time.
I perfectly agree.
Sorry for terrible english, but anyway.
I personally would point out the cutscenes.
I was terrified, when i realized, the “story telling” is all abaut : 2 ppl talking….
Why the HELL you need a cutscene for that?
I mean there is no “wall of text quest” isntead there is a “wall of audio conversation”.
I mean, look at the Gw1 cutscenes. Your character is there, interacting, getting owned, running away, leading the charge. It is a PART OF THE STORY. Not just a “run araund dude” : yeey you saved xy town, now go there and save xy to. I seriously felt, that MY character is part of the story and interacts with other characters.
I must also agree on the part of “not serious”. But not just the characters, but the game overall. I mean, look at Wow. Feels childish? Look at Stracraft 2 heart of the swarm intro…does that feel the same? I am sure , when you face the swarm of the dragons undead invasion you should feel the same….
i felt safe the whole game. Not even a slight fear, or thrill in the whole game. I dont say it should be brutal (like a dragon ripping you in 2), but the atmosphere, mobs and characters do need a dark side.
I just realized, yes. There are no real " bad guy" characters or mobs or classes.
Most mobs attack for reson, Or are mindless, not because they are evil. Necromancer might sound evil, exspecially life drain, though its hard to say that, when you see it going on actually (ooooo red balls coming out of you and then you collapse….scaaaaaryyyyy) -_- So evil really.
In gw1 it did feel right.
So i dont think its abaut “comedy” Danikat….its abaut the atmosphere…or might as well say, the lack of a certaint atmosphere.
I dont say it must be fully like that, but it lacks that totally..
OP, if you wanted the game more like Guild Wars 1, you should have welcomed Trahearne. After all, he’s not that different from Komir. lol
Player 1: “Why do you hate playing GW2 so much?”
Player 2: “The game is rather stale and boring, the PvP does not take a large amount of skill, the number of build variations is extremely limited, and I fall asleep nearly everytime I try and PvE.”
Player 1: “You should try playing with friends and being social, I find that playing this game with friends makes the game enjoyable.”
Player 2: “Then shouldn’t I play a game that is actually enjoyable AND have friends who play that game with me?”
Player 1: “kitten… You’re right.”
Do you think that Tolkien would have had such huge succes with Lord of the Ring and the universe if he hadn’t been serious about his work? Do you think the movie would have been as huge a succes if they hadn’t taken the story seriously?
I find it ironic that a movie featuring an elf surfing down a flight of stairs on a shield while firing a bow is used as an example of “taking the story seriously”.
Agree some of the action in LotR the movie is a bit gimmicky, however the banter between Gimli and Legolas in the books is something that drives their relationship forward and I see the gimmicky aspect of this in the movie as a means bring this to light.
Well, considering this game is F2P.. and not subscription based.. I am surprised that this thread has had any merit at all.
Quit. Unless you’re dropping $200-$300/month on the RLM market.. the publishers won’t miss you.
I enjoy the game as well and am frustrated at certain aspects of it. But, I’m not spending more than I’m willing to walk away from on it either. Usually about $20-$70/month.
Bunch of slack-jawed (necroing)sourpusses around here, GW2 storytelling will make you a god d-man lorelovin´ Tyrannosaurus.
Just like me.
Tybalt? Come on man he is such a memorable character!
I was preparing myself to read this thread and not agree with anything said, but when I read the OP I found that I agree.
I loved the lore of GW1, but I have found that the stories in GW2 are what I would describe as happy-happy-joy-joy. The better descriptions I’ve seen in this thread are shallow and goofy.
I loved the Lord of the Rings books too, yet the ‘comedy’ in those are believeable in so many ways. And it’s not goofy or trying too hard, it’s natural and helps to offset what is actually a very dark, intense and emotional story. However I agree, it’s not fair to compare GW2 to that because frankly, not much can compare to the Lord of the Rings, Tolkien is a literary genius.
That said, I enjoyed the stories of GW1, and felt they had enough of a balance, a nice bit of dark and light. GW2 has lost it’s way……..and the world feels shallow because of it.
What a shame, seriously, what a shame.
I have much respect for ANet, and I enjoy GW2 for what it is, but I can finally appreciate what the GW1 vets have been saying.
taking Lord of the Rings…
1,You propably didnt even read it.
2,You are propably talking abaut the movie
3,If you didnt “read” (you dont read a lot propably) it you dont really have a big insight of Fantasy anyway…Since Lotr is only a basic classic, there is like 10000 worlds (only) out there by now and for every of them like 10 books min. And those without a stand alone world come in millions.
So yes, making an example “surfing elf” is terrible if you ask me. No offense, this might have sounded a bit trollish.
“happy-happy-joy-joy” is a bit owerkill, instead i would say its lacks the negative part. Its not clearly positive though. Kind of like neutral, that gives the feeling of “happy-happy-joy-joy” because it lacks a detailed evil part.
Dear SpyderBite, i am sure you didnt consider that, if you take an attitude ( even as a player, not to mention devs) like “i dont care you are a freeloader anyway, its a f2p game, noone will miss you” players will ONLY leave. Leaving the game you like with only “i dont care for anything its good, if you dont like it leave” and suddenly you dont dare say anything, since players wont care, they will ask you to leave. Like you did. Or in worst case without players.
Must also add, that mostly those players are happy, that spend a lot less on games (thats a fact) Then players that are unhappy and keep buying stuff to keep themself in the mood. (thats exacly they pay for e stuff in the first place)
Besides that, did you think of players (like me) that buy like 4 copy of the game (for friends) and spend like 1000 euro for gems? And how will they react if the game keeps dissapointing them?
Dont underestimate the power of negative feedback. Players spreading, negative feedback effect games REALLY BAD. And not to mention, players that are happy, keep kitten ing them with “You have the bad opinion, its good, propably its your fault that you dont like it” -_- it will only cause them to go all out hating the game and the devs.
Motoko does have a point. But i must admit, its a thing not many posess. By that i dont mean friends, but that i mean “friends that play”. Exspecially friends that paly the same game as you. As mentioned above i bought 4 copy…now none of them playes for like the same resons i was off for like a half years, and sill unsure to come back at all.
Actually, Nekroseth, though this is 8 months further down the road, I have both The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, along with other works of Tolkien, and I do read a lot.
- I do like GW2, but as IGN stated, GW2 uses a lot of “humor/humour” and when it tries to get serious it falls flat on its face.
- GW1’s storytelling was just far better executed in comparison.
And AlabamaKush, I didn’t find him very “charr” like personality-wise or very “Order of Whispers” like in comparison to what I would’ve expected from playing GW1.
- He’s an OK character, but the culture of the Charr, their personality, the way they are… well, I feel that the cultures of each race is a blur in GW2, where in GW1 they were more distinct.
- I don’t think he’s a bad character, per se, but the set up of the charr as a people (see the video about the races of Tyria, and tell me if he seems like a charr, or a cuddly kitten) doesn’t cope with how he is.
(edited by Sinifair.1026)