Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.
Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.
Vertical gear progression.
Lost Shores.
No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.
Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.
I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.
Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.
I bet you haven’t been to many fights.
Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.
Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.
Vertical what?
Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.
No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.
No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.
If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.
I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.
There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.
Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.
It’s not an exploit. It’s why I traited for 1500 range for that dungeon. It’s a tactic. It’s a regular line of site shots and the boss still attacks me from there using dragon tooth.
I don’t use exploits.
His aoe is easily avoided by using your dodges correctly so you might have wasted a trait for that. Oh well we learn something new everyday :-)
I dodge just fine from higher up. When you’re lower, he can hit you with other attacks as well. It’s a much easier fight from the stairs. Why advocate doing something the harder way? Masochist much?
Actually dodging his aoe isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing.
Drew, I suggest you stop being a masochist and do it from the stairs mate.
You might not believe it but I tanked him on my Ele many times lol. It’s hard at first but once you learn the aoe and when to dodge it’s not that bad.