Why anet is awesome

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.

There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.

Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.

It’s not an exploit. It’s why I traited for 1500 range for that dungeon. It’s a tactic. It’s a regular line of site shots and the boss still attacks me from there using dragon tooth.

I don’t use exploits.

His aoe is easily avoided by using your dodges correctly so you might have wasted a trait for that. Oh well we learn something new everyday :-)

I dodge just fine from higher up. When you’re lower, he can hit you with other attacks as well. It’s a much easier fight from the stairs. Why advocate doing something the harder way? Masochist much?

Actually dodging his aoe isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing.

Drew, I suggest you stop being a masochist and do it from the stairs mate.

You might not believe it but I tanked him on my Ele many times lol. It’s hard at first but once you learn the aoe and when to dodge it’s not that bad.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cobrahorse.4329


Its always a awesome thing when you try to change stuff. But being awesome is not all. They need succeed to. Lets see the upcoming patches

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


This game is a whole lot better than most when it comes to devs listening to players. There are things they do need to balance because in any choice there will be players who benefit from it and people who don’t. Players who like the changes and people who don’t. Nobody can please everybody, the forums I guess are for everyone who actively dislikes the game but doesn’t wanna quit silently, rather scream and shout that it’s all bad, when it clearly isn’t because you got to lvl 80 in the first place. I just don’t get everyones complaining, constructive criticism is good, but raging that the game is terrible and there’s nothing good about it, is just plain silly.

I really like GW2, definitely a nice change from the other mmo’s I’ve played and gonna keep me entertained for a very long time, and considering there are no monthly fees, it’s even better! ANet do listen to players and make changes faster than most mmo’s today, and I guess if you still don’t like it, those other mmo’s are out there waiting to disappoint you just as much as GW does.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Look all the anti-fan bois are out together in the same thread. How touching.

Two years from now, this game will still be doing fine. Hopefully by then you’ll have found other games to play that you actually enjoy.

The stuff that you complain about is of concern to players like you and rightly so. Ergo this game might not be for you.

On the other hand, I disagree with most of what you have to say, and so do other people.

It’s not a fact that this game is horribly imbalanced, it’s an opinion. It’s not a fact that rangers can’t run dungeons, because they can run them fine. It’s not fact that Anet is doing terrible things to the game, because some people really like the updates.

You have an opinion that differs from the opinions of others. You feel the need to hang around a game forum and badmouth not only the game, but more importantly people who are enjoying the game.

I’m not going to bad mouth you guys…because there’s no reason to. You just want a different game than this is. Which doesn’t by any means make this a bad game.

How much is arenanet paying you? Is it in carrots or dollars? You know that there are those of us who doesn’t want to run around chasing some DE for months, some want competitive pvp, some good designed dungeons, some WvW without skill lock…

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Look all the anti-fan bois are out together in the same thread. How touching.

Two years from now, this game will still be doing fine. Hopefully by then you’ll have found other games to play that you actually enjoy.

The stuff that you complain about is of concern to players like you and rightly so. Ergo this game might not be for you.

On the other hand, I disagree with most of what you have to say, and so do other people.

It’s not a fact that this game is horribly imbalanced, it’s an opinion. It’s not a fact that rangers can’t run dungeons, because they can run them fine. It’s not fact that Anet is doing terrible things to the game, because some people really like the updates.

You have an opinion that differs from the opinions of others. You feel the need to hang around a game forum and badmouth not only the game, but more importantly people who are enjoying the game.

I’m not going to bad mouth you guys…because there’s no reason to. You just want a different game than this is. Which doesn’t by any means make this a bad game.

How much is arenanet paying you? Is it in carrots or dollars? You know that there are those of us who doesn’t want to run around chasing some DE for months, some want competitive pvp, some good designed dungeons, some WvW without skill lock…

Then find a new game? Plenty out there that have what you’re looking for.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Look all the anti-fan bois are out together in the same thread. How touching.

Two years from now, this game will still be doing fine. Hopefully by then you’ll have found other games to play that you actually enjoy.

The stuff that you complain about is of concern to players like you and rightly so. Ergo this game might not be for you.

On the other hand, I disagree with most of what you have to say, and so do other people.

It’s not a fact that this game is horribly imbalanced, it’s an opinion. It’s not a fact that rangers can’t run dungeons, because they can run them fine. It’s not fact that Anet is doing terrible things to the game, because some people really like the updates.

You have an opinion that differs from the opinions of others. You feel the need to hang around a game forum and badmouth not only the game, but more importantly people who are enjoying the game.

I’m not going to bad mouth you guys…because there’s no reason to. You just want a different game than this is. Which doesn’t by any means make this a bad game.

How much is arenanet paying you? Is it in carrots or dollars? You know that there are those of us who doesn’t want to run around chasing some DE for months, some want competitive pvp, some good designed dungeons, some WvW without skill lock…

I like the game, so Anet is paying me? How much is Blizzard paying you for saying you don’t like it? lol

Simply put, different people require different things from their games. I find it entertaining that this is so hard for some of you to understand.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Look all the anti-fan bois are out together in the same thread. How touching.

Two years from now, this game will still be doing fine. Hopefully by then you’ll have found other games to play that you actually enjoy.

The stuff that you complain about is of concern to players like you and rightly so. Ergo this game might not be for you.

On the other hand, I disagree with most of what you have to say, and so do other people.

It’s not a fact that this game is horribly imbalanced, it’s an opinion. It’s not a fact that rangers can’t run dungeons, because they can run them fine. It’s not fact that Anet is doing terrible things to the game, because some people really like the updates.

You have an opinion that differs from the opinions of others. You feel the need to hang around a game forum and badmouth not only the game, but more importantly people who are enjoying the game.

I’m not going to bad mouth you guys…because there’s no reason to. You just want a different game than this is. Which doesn’t by any means make this a bad game.

How much is arenanet paying you? Is it in carrots or dollars? You know that there are those of us who doesn’t want to run around chasing some DE for months, some want competitive pvp, some good designed dungeons, some WvW without skill lock…

Then find a new game? Plenty out there that have what you’re looking for.

Yea, how about no? I want game that was advertised. There are plenty games with some type of Dynamic events too, it’s not that “revolutionary” like you fanboys say all the time.

I only saw one actual ad for the game. Most people didn’t like it. There was plenty of dev interviews about DEs before release that explained exactly what they were…to the letter. They talked about how they ping pong, how many there would be and you know…it’s just like they said it was.

Maybe you looked at the manifesto, didn’t research the actual game, and that was it? Because I sure as hell knew what I was getting when I bought it.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Look all the anti-fan bois are out together in the same thread. How touching.

Two years from now, this game will still be doing fine. Hopefully by then you’ll have found other games to play that you actually enjoy.

The stuff that you complain about is of concern to players like you and rightly so. Ergo this game might not be for you.

On the other hand, I disagree with most of what you have to say, and so do other people.

It’s not a fact that this game is horribly imbalanced, it’s an opinion. It’s not a fact that rangers can’t run dungeons, because they can run them fine. It’s not fact that Anet is doing terrible things to the game, because some people really like the updates.

You have an opinion that differs from the opinions of others. You feel the need to hang around a game forum and badmouth not only the game, but more importantly people who are enjoying the game.

I’m not going to bad mouth you guys…because there’s no reason to. You just want a different game than this is. Which doesn’t by any means make this a bad game.

How much is arenanet paying you? Is it in carrots or dollars? You know that there are those of us who doesn’t want to run around chasing some DE for months, some want competitive pvp, some good designed dungeons, some WvW without skill lock…

Then find a new game? Plenty out there that have what you’re looking for.

Yea, how about no? I want game that was advertised. There are plenty games with some type of Dynamic events too, it’s not that “revolutionary” like you fanboys say all the time.

I only saw one actual ad for the game. Most people didn’t like it. There was plenty of dev interviews about DEs before release that explained exactly what they were…to the letter. They talked about how they ping pong, how many there would be and you know…it’s just like they said it was.

Maybe you looked at the manifesto, didn’t research the actual game, and that was it? Because I sure as hell knew what I was getting when I bought it.

Yea right, DE that changes the world? No grind? Skill over time invested? (just check rewards on 40+ fotm, but that is too hard for you i guess) E-sport pvp?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


Because I play a game I’m suddenly a fan boy? Btw I’m definitely not, but I know what I enjoy. This game was never advertised as having endgame and in fact never actually advertised anything other than story and dynamic events. I never said it was revolutionary but it is different to other mmo’s in the way it’s played, with weapons and skills etc. Like I say, what you’re asking for is WoW etc. Go run along to them if you’re unhappy?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


“you fan boys” sorry I’m not sure who you’re talking to, and seeing as that’s your only argument left I can only assume you have no point. I play everyday as and when I can cause I also have a life. I go on the forums to watch debates and be involved in them because I like them, and secondly to learn about other classes from other people and see how to better my character, because strangely enough that’s what forums are for… discussion.

I can see where you’re getting confused however, seeing as these forums are littered with people complaining while most people are content with what they have so don’t post. I personally just want to express how stupid these complaints are because they all just describe every other mmo out there today. I’m entitled to express myself in exactly the same way as you express your distress with this game.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Ok guys, see you in Cantha then

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s funny cause you fanboys seem to play this game only on forums
I can bet you were not online for days/months.

Hmm, then how come my achievement points keep going up every day..more than just the amount of the daily usually.

Today I ran a tenth level fractal with guildies, Twilght Arbor (The up/up path) and path one of Sorrow’s Embrace, plus we did the minidungeon in Caledeon Forest. Earlier in the day there was a guild mission and we ran the meta event chain in Bloodtide Coast and I got that achievement and chest too.

But you know, it’s 11pm, I’m in Australia, most of my Guild isn’t online, and I prefer to play with people than alone. And I played plenty today. That’s why I was off the forums for hours at a time and finally came on.

Nice theory though.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Look all the anti-fan bois are out together in the same thread. How touching.

Two years from now, this game will still be doing fine. Hopefully by then you’ll have found other games to play that you actually enjoy.

The stuff that you complain about is of concern to players like you and rightly so. Ergo this game might not be for you.

On the other hand, I disagree with most of what you have to say, and so do other people.

It’s not a fact that this game is horribly imbalanced, it’s an opinion. It’s not a fact that rangers can’t run dungeons, because they can run them fine. It’s not fact that Anet is doing terrible things to the game, because some people really like the updates.

You have an opinion that differs from the opinions of others. You feel the need to hang around a game forum and badmouth not only the game, but more importantly people who are enjoying the game.

I’m not going to bad mouth you guys…because there’s no reason to. You just want a different game than this is. Which doesn’t by any means make this a bad game.

How much is arenanet paying you? Is it in carrots or dollars? You know that there are those of us who doesn’t want to run around chasing some DE for months, some want competitive pvp, some good designed dungeons, some WvW without skill lock…

Then find a new game? Plenty out there that have what you’re looking for.

Yea, how about no? I want game that was advertised. There are plenty games with some type of Dynamic events too, it’s not that “revolutionary” like you fanboys say all the time.

I only saw one actual ad for the game. Most people didn’t like it. There was plenty of dev interviews about DEs before release that explained exactly what they were…to the letter. They talked about how they ping pong, how many there would be and you know…it’s just like they said it was.

Maybe you looked at the manifesto, didn’t research the actual game, and that was it? Because I sure as hell knew what I was getting when I bought it.

Yea right, DE that changes the world? No grind? Skill over time invested? (just check rewards on 40+ fotm, but that is too hard for you i guess) E-sport pvp?

When did Anet actually say the game had no grind. Guild Wars 1 had grind. No one ever actually said that Guild Wars 2 would have no grind. In fact, they said there would be things to grind for for people who liked to do that. Straight out said it.

The one thing that people bring up about grind is the single quote in the manifesto, taken completely out of context. Anyone with even the most basic understanding of the English language would have understood Colin was talking about combat grind. Read the whole paragraph. Listen to what he says. No one ever said there would be no grind.

DE’s change the world for a period of time, after which they ping pong back. That’s what was said. Where did you ever see them say DEs would change the world forever.

If you’re referring to the manifesto, shortly after it was released, Anet released a clarification because some people were confused due to editing. Colin was talking about Dynamic Events and Ree was talking about personal story.

Watch it again, I’m sure you can follow that.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


“I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.”
This is quote from some of the developers, not sure witch one cause they erased some videos (manifesto) from net and it’s harder to find them now. (wonder why?)

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


I agree with you, OP.

It’s very hard for people to say that ANet hasn’t been delivering.

“I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.”
This is quote from some of the developers, not sure witch one cause they erased some videos (manifesto) from net and it’s harder to find them now. (wonder why?)

Quote is from Colin Johanson. This video is from their OFFICIAL youtube page…aka the first place you should have looked.

And knowing is half the battle.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out: http://tinyurl.com/bntcvyc
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


I agree with you, OP.

It’s very hard for people to say that ANet hasn’t been delivering.

“I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.”
This is quote from some of the developers, not sure witch one cause they erased some videos (manifesto) from net and it’s harder to find them now. (wonder why?)

Quote is from Colin Johanson. This video is from their OFFICIAL youtube page…aka the first place you should have looked.

And knowing is half the battle.

Some thread about manifesto was deleted months ago, that’s why i wrote that. But you guys can now watch this video and turn on brain.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


“I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.”
This is quote from some of the developers, not sure witch one cause they erased some videos (manifesto) from net and it’s harder to find them now. (wonder why?)

Yes, it says quite clearly we want to change the way people view COMBAT. He was saying he didn’t people to play and play and play to wait to get to the fun stuff. They wanted to have fun stuff all the way through. Goes along perfectly with what they were saying about no end game early on. They want the end game to start at level 1. They don’t want people to grind in Guild Wars 2.

If you don’t see that from that paragraph, particularly in the reference to combat, then I don’t know what to tell you. It’s VERY clear.

It says nothing about gear at all. Nothing about gear grind. And I’m sure many people have seen the quote where Anet has said that Guild Wars 2 would offer things to grind for. They just wouldn’t be REQUIRED grind.

That’s in the tradition of Guild Wars 1, where actually, if you wanted the highest PVe skills you could get you had to grind luxon/kurzick faction, EoTN race faction, Sunspear and Lightbringer points.

We want to change the way people view combat. How does this fit in with your understanding of grind and what he meant?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Przemek.6835


Your example of riot games as a bad company fails hard.

1. The reason why LoL is so popular (far more than gw2) is that there is always a goal to play for. You want a champion, or some runes, or higher position in ranked system.

2. They relase patches, champions, skins, artwork showcases, tournaments and many other things EVERY WEEK. While ANet does something once a month. Any crucial bugs are insta fixed, the rest is patched within a week or two. 7800s champions after a week or two drop to 6300, additionally they reduce price of 2 older champions sometimes.

3. No, just no. You are horribly wrong here I am not even going to explain that. What was op when relased? When? You probably got stomped by someone with new champion that you don’t know how to play against and you already QQ. How about gw2’s balance? HOW LONG do warriors, guardians and mesmers are kings of pve?? How long thiefs and mesmers facerolled everyone in spvp?? Ha? Are they working on it? Are they balancing these issues? Maybe. But you won’t see a fix in MONTHS. Also our skill tooltips are inaccurate, few weapon’s for certain classes and active skills are totally useless since relase. GW2’s classes are unpolished and need a lot of work, on the other side we got riot that relases completly new champion every month, mostly without bugs, and without any need for nerf or buff.

4. Because you don’t pay to download the game and play. You know that running a f2p game is kinda… less profitable than running a massive MMO yea? XD and on top of that we got prizes in tournaments, skin sales, champion sales and free RP reward for playermade tournaments.

5. Pay to win my *. I and many other players are high rated and play without any problems with just 2 default rune pages.

That being said, bye. ANet has much to work on to be on pair with riot.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Your example of riot games as a bad company fails hard.

1. The reason why LoL is so popular (far more than gw2) is that there is always a goal to play for. You want a champion, or some runes, or higher position in ranked system.

2. They relase patches, champions, skins, artwork showcases, tournaments and many other things EVERY WEEK. While ANet does something once a month. Any crucial bugs are insta fixed, the rest is patched within a week or two. 7800s champions after a week or two drop to 6300, additionally they reduce price of 2 older champions sometimes.

3. No, just no. You are horribly wrong here I am not even going to explain that. What was op when relased? When? You probably got stomped by someone with new champion that you don’t know how to play against and you already QQ. How about gw2’s balance? HOW LONG do warriors, guardians and mesmers are kings of pve?? How long thiefs and mesmers facerolled everyone in spvp?? Ha? Are they working on it? Are they balancing these issues? Maybe. But you won’t see a fix in MONTHS. Also our skill tooltips are inaccurate, few weapon’s for certain classes and active skills are totally useless since relase. GW2’s classes are unpolished and need a lot of work, on the other side we got riot that relases completly new champion every month, mostly without bugs, and without any need for nerf or buff.

4. Because you don’t pay to download the game and play. You know that running a f2p game is kinda… less profitable than running a massive MMO yea? XD and on top of that we got prizes in tournaments, skin sales, champion sales and free RP reward for playermade tournaments.

5. Pay to win my *. I and many other players are high rated and play without any problems with just 2 default rune pages.

That being said, bye. ANet has much to work on to be on pair with riot.

Also see how many skins Riot offers and people buy it and see how many skins are there to buy with gems in gw2 and they are only for walking in towns basicly.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


In all fairness, the “I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.” remark no longer applies.

The new version is…
“I rolled, I rolled again, hey! I rolled again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to fight like knights and warriors of old in GW2. No one enjoys realism. No one finds it fun like super mario. We wanna change the way that people view combat and make them roll about in full plate armour like they are a ballerina.”

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


Riot games releases videos on balance changes with one or two designers clearly voicing the intention behind those changes. For ANet we have “it’s on our watch list.”

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uruz Six.6594

Uruz Six.6594

It’s funny cause you fanboys seem to play this game only on forums

As opposed to all the ‘anti-fanboys’ who claim the game sucks and say they don’t play it yet show up in thread after thread after thread.

Skoryy, sylvari thief: “Act now, figure out ‘with wisdom’ later.”
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


In all fairness, the “I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.” remark no longer applies.

The new version is…
“I rolled, I rolled again, hey! I rolled again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to fight like knights and warriors of old in GW2. No one enjoys realism. No one finds it fun like super mario. We wanna change the way that people view combat and make them roll about in full plate armour like they are a ballerina.”

Wish this was shorter… epic signature material mate. lol.

Oh, and yeah, if a mod can change the thread title to IMO, or In my view… you know…

(edited by SadieDeAtreia.8912)

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In all fairness, the “I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.” remark no longer applies.

The new version is…
“I rolled, I rolled again, hey! I rolled again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to fight like knights and warriors of old in GW2. No one enjoys realism. No one finds it fun like super mario. We wanna change the way that people view combat and make them roll about in full plate armour like they are a ballerina.”

That’s pretty funny actually. Not particularly representative of the game I’m playing, but yeah. Anyway I think it’s very realistic when I summon clones and blow them up, pretty much like the knights of old. lol

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bigtime.7410


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they allow cheaters to cheat in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

(edited by Moderator)

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they ALLOW CHEATERS TO CHEAT in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

This is actually a pretty good argument, with one small, tiny problem.

For the most part, no one cares how anyone else looks but themselves. So you’re really only competing with yourself. Since you can’t cheat yourself, it’s not a big deal.

Maybe you spend a whole lot of time looking at other people in LA and envying them….but I’m pretty sure most people don’t.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they ALLOW CHEATERS TO CHEAT in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

A skin isn’t going to help you win in tPvP no matter how good you look

Won’t help you get Dungeon Master either.

(edited by Karizee.8076)

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bigtime.7410


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they ALLOW CHEATERS TO CHEAT in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

A skin isn’t going to help you win in tPvP no matter how good you look

Won’t help you get Dungeon Master either.

Uhh what part of me saying “pvp isnt the only form of competition” did you not understand? Because obviously that went way over your head.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bigtime.7410


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they ALLOW CHEATERS TO CHEAT in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

This is actually a pretty good argument, with one small, tiny problem.

For the most part, no one cares how anyone else looks but themselves. So you’re really only competing with yourself. Since you can’t cheat yourself, it’s not a big deal.

Maybe you spend a whole lot of time looking at other people in LA and envying them….but I’m pretty sure most people don’t.

I dont envy them, i admire them, but I dont see anyone in LA anyway, the only time i get to see cool armors and weapons is during world boss fights. Thats when I actually see a crowd in this game. And who are you to judge what I like and dont like, whats the difference between competing for vanity with cosmetics, or competing for ego in pvp? Is one better?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: smeen.4237


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they ALLOW CHEATERS TO CHEAT in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

This is actually a pretty good argument, with one small, tiny problem.

For the most part, no one cares how anyone else looks but themselves. So you’re really only competing with yourself. Since you can’t cheat yourself, it’s not a big deal.

Maybe you spend a whole lot of time looking at other people in LA and envying them….but I’m pretty sure most people don’t.

I dont envy them, i admire them, but I dont see anyone in LA anyway, the only time i get to see cool armors and weapons is during world boss fights. Thats when I actually see a crowd in this game. And who are you to judge what I like and dont like, whats the difference between competing for vanity with cosmetics, or competing for ego in pvp? Is one better?

I’m sorry, but I play on a low population server and LA is /always/ filled with people. Are you sure you are playing the same game as me?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Uhh if you havent notice, the way you look IE COSMETICS is a competition, so this game IS pay to win in that regard. Since when was only fighting a competition. Theres competition all around you, look, and it doesnt invovle smacking someone. Therefore its cheating, paying to get a head is cheating, its like paying the refereee to score points because you dont want to or cant score yourself. Cheating plain and simple, I dont know how any game can call itself credible when they ALLOW CHEATERS TO CHEAT in their game. How am I supposed to play a game where known cheaters are allowed to play?

This is actually a pretty good argument, with one small, tiny problem.

For the most part, no one cares how anyone else looks but themselves. So you’re really only competing with yourself. Since you can’t cheat yourself, it’s not a big deal.

Maybe you spend a whole lot of time looking at other people in LA and envying them….but I’m pretty sure most people don’t.

I dont envy them, i admire them, but I dont see anyone in LA anyway, the only time i get to see cool armors and weapons is during world boss fights. Thats when I actually see a crowd in this game. And who are you to judge what I like and dont like, whats the difference between competing for vanity with cosmetics, or competing for ego in pvp? Is one better?

The difference is, competing for titles or achievements have a definite “score” while competing for cosmetics is very much a matter of personal taste. A lot of people see legendary weapons as awesome. A lot of people don’t how they look at all. So you’re not actually “competiting” for them.

Cosmetic stuff is there to make your character look how you want him to look. If you choose to see that as “winning”, that’s on you.

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


In all fairness, the “I swung a sword, I swung it again, hey! I swung it again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We wanna change the way that people view combat.” remark no longer applies.

The new version is…
“I rolled, I rolled again, hey! I rolled again. That’s great, we just don’t want players to fight like knights and warriors of old in GW2. No one enjoys realism. No one finds it fun like super mario. We wanna change the way that people view combat and make them roll about in full plate armour like they are a ballerina.”

THIS is the biggest problem I have with the game.

I’m a Guardian carrying a massive, heavy shield around along with a sword. To do the most damage I can do all I have to do is let my auto-attack cycle while I hit an occasional cooldown.

What do I do to block incoming blows?


(edited by Shootsfoot.9276)