I’m a longtime fan of GW2 and even pre-ordered it and was in the beta. It was a great game and a smoothish launch. Then in the last year they have made sooo many changes and also released an expansion. Seems like a million changes all happened so fast and some still make little sense to me, but when in Rome.
At first I was super excited for the expansion, new content, maybe levels, or yadda yadda. Then I heard it was no level increase, but I was still excited because that ment they were trying something new instead of just making us little by little stronger like all other MMOs.
Once I learned about the new content I was very disappointed.
—A new zone is great, but I’m more wvw/pvp based and even when I’m not they bring out a new zone every half a year or so it seems like. *
—Then I looked at the mysteries and was checking what’s new for non-new zone players.. nothing really.. some very minor perks but worth 50$… na.. might bring out some later
—How about those legendary weapons? I’ve yet to get a precursor so I was excited since the statement arena net released made it sound like you could earn your way towards one. However after release.. I could find almost no information on it, and it sounds like you just buy the mats off the TP and done.. so much for a quest or cheaper/non-gold way to get them. I don’t have all ascended armor because I can’t afford it, so why do that to us!
—Hmm, what’s next.. o the elete skill to turn like my ranger into a druid. Looking at the wiki it seems confusing and also seems to only be for the new zone, so another.. meh..
—The new class looked awesome, and I most likely would have made one. However I still like playing my old classes and paying 50 bucks for 1 new class I most likely won’t be omg about is a waste.
—There is the new guild stuff, but looking at it I don’t think it works for a 1 man or 3 man type guild. Only for HUGE guilds which I’m not a part of.
—The cost of 50 bucks is a bit high for almost no extra content unless you are pve, and they even did not give veteran players an option to buy it cheaper. At first they said it included the game so made us feel like we were double buying the core game, then they just made the core game 100% free.. so yeah.. that was a kick in the shins.
So I decided not to get the expansion, just nothing in it for me for the most part. Upon deciding this I start to look at the game as a whole for me. I enjoy wvw/pvp and some pve here/there. They nuked my gold farms like they did for most people, so I can’t get gold cept the old way of grinding around. I don’t mind grinding around and playing pvp/wvw, but recently they changed all my pvp pots to exp boosters.. that sucked and knowing that now they can just swap any of my hard earned items for other items with out a good long warning.. upsets me a little. With the game now free if you have an email account, botters are at an all time high, before you could report them and they would eventually get banned and they were out that core cost.. but free and it’s worse than ever since they can just make new accounts.
What does that leave me.. leave us, the non-expansion players.. it leaves us questioning if we should be playing this mmo.
I’m not posting this to rage or qq, but am wanting the devs to look at it and understand that they or someone up there is making bad calls for their players. There are better options and better ways of doing things. Few examples would be, lets players buy the class with gems, or force players to have a valid CC number to sign up so if they are botters you can permaban that card, don’t make things so confusing to do that you need to spend more time on the wiki to figure it out than doing it. The game should be fun to play and it’s getting to the point where it is not.
This MMO has a good fan base and can still change to be better. I know that producers are always pushing things out the door before they are ready, but it’s not all their fault, it’s everyone on the team who works on the product. I hope you can change this around before it’s too late.
I’ll still play here/there if I’m bored enough, but why play if it’s not fun?