This is not one of those “I am quitting because xyz” posts. I actually haven’t played GW2 as a game in months. What this is about is other people quitting. Why do I care? Because I really enjoyed the roleplaying community. I still logged on to GW2 for my guild’s RP events up until today when the decision was made by the guild leader to suspend all official RP activity and stop having weekly guild meetings. The reason is that there aren’t enough people still active in the RP community. My guild hasn’t had any events in months since the HoT hype completely dried up, so none of us were surprised about the decision.
So this is about the RP community dying due to just people getting bored and leaving the game in general. Most RPers play the game, so when there isn’t enough content being released and/or current content doesn’t keep people playing, we see a decline in the RP community as people log on less and less.
I have some specific criticisms, mostly based on my personal experience and why I don’t actually play anymore. This is not a list of “conditions which must be met for me to play again”. It’s just things I think could be improved which could lead to people getting interested in the game again.
HoT lack of content – It just didn’t add much content… Honestly, the price isn’t the issue. The issue is it was hyped up but barely added anything. It added a few very cool things like guild halls and the raid, but very few areas and not even a new city. In terms of creative design, you have a lot from GW1 to work with, yet you didn’t. I honestly don’t understand given that GW2’s monetization model is sustainable and adding a large content update would stimulate more gem purchases.
HoT grind – Most of the new gear that HoT added requires a lot of grind to obtain. I don’t know if this was meant to extend the amount of time people spend playing to compensate for the lack of actual content, but either way there are a lot of people who just don’t aren’t going to do it. I wanted certain things like viper’s gear but I lost interest in HoT well before I finished a set of armor. Another grind issue that didn’t push me away, but probably pushed others away was the amount of hero points required for maxing out an elite spec.
The Raid – I really enjoyed it, but I only actually killed one of the bosses before I lost interest in HoT. They are quite difficult and the only way I killed one was when an acquaintance took me with his guild for a few runs. I also tried pugging VG to get some more of that currency for the ascended gear, and the pug couldn’t kill the boss. Not that I minded, but just pointing out that it was probably too difficult for most pugs. I dunno if the meta has advanced by now but I don’t see this as very accessible content. That is fine if you have other content, but this is the only raid. So I think it would have been better to add multiple raids and have some of them be easier.
Discouraging people from playing Dungeons – I mean sure, the dungeons are probably still worth doing, but it’s about the message. When you basically tell people “this content is now deprecated. No more updates, oh and we nerfed the rewards.” that is just bad for your game in the long run. Sure, you may have pushed more people to play HoT but you shot yourselves in the foot in the long run.
So that’s pretty much all I have to say. Again, this isn’t a quitting post. I just wanted to give some feedback due to the situation with my guild.