Why one chest per toon instead of account?

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zosk.5609


I am just trying to understand the logic.

Vast majority of players are unaffected by this, of course, as they only play a few hours per day and don’t spend it all farming bosses…

So the goal of “one chest per day” seems to be to make sure hardcore farmers don’t get unfair shot and the new and improved loot, right?

Aren’t hardcore farmers the exact type to have multiple level 80 toons, so they can get around this rule easily?

Just sayin! Would be nice to hear why this decision was made…seems to be an oversight to me.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


My opinion..

I think hardcore farmers tend to have fewer lvl 80s, and would probably be using the classes that are best for farming.

I’m a hardcore farmer with just two lvl 80s and I stick with my guardian since it’s the best class for tagging and easy loot.

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Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


Yeah. The chests should definitely be account based. People seem to farm these events with 5 different characters, and this is destroying the economy. Furthermore, the events become unplayable because people guest different servers to farm the events.
Why they are not account bound is beyond me.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

Why shouldnt people that spent time and resources to make more lvl 80 alts benefit more from having them? Jealous?
There are more world event chests than you can do with 1 char in few hours, so im sure its impossible to do whole cycle of world events with more than 1 char. If somebody wants to do 6 Jormag events instead of 4 different temples and 2 dragon so be it. Its 18 hours timespan.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Ofc I am biased as I have 9 lvl 80s, but I think the guesting deal is more of an issue.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Why shouldnt people that spent time and resources to make more lvl 80 alts benefit more from having them? Jealous?

It’d actually be one of the few areas where having alts does work in your favor. GW2 could stand to be a lot more alt-friendly.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256


As I said in another post if they were to make it account wide then they might as well erase 7 of my characters and just give me 7 bank slots. Punishing me for making alts is not an option in my eyes.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


why punish altoholics, they dedicated their time in doing events every toon that they have,

they already exhausted their whole time in playing,

its their reward for doing so.

but in this regard, having an alt is difficult to gear up, specially if your aim is to dress all of them with ascended gear, more so if you want all of them to have their own legendary weapon

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shimond.2478


I think they’re hurting alts enough with dailies being account wide instead of character wide. Not all people with multiple 80s are bots or farmers. Some of us are just…players.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I like it once per character instead of once per account myself. I have 3 lvl 80s and I do these events daily for one reason, the to scrap the rares for ecto. I’m trying to stock up enough ecto myself for crafting my own equipment, and over time it pays off better than doing anything else. I’m not a “hard core” farmer, and I enjoy the DEs for the sake of doing them but I like being rewarded for doing so with a chance at some decent equipment, or at least something worth scrapping.

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Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I think they’re hurting alts enough with dailies being account wide instead of character wide.

Ugh. I don’t want to have to do the daily on 8 characters, especially when half the time their daily options suck. The better solution, IMO, is to make Ascended gear account bound. At least then I could swap gear between whoever I felt like playing at the time.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


Yeah. The chests should definitely be account based. People seem to farm these events with 5 different characters, and this is destroying the economy. Furthermore, the events become unplayable because people guest different servers to farm the events.
Why they are not account bound is beyond me.

The economy will change, but I don’t know about destroy.

On one hand, ectos are now cheaper, so people who need ectos to craft exotic gear, or other items will spend less time grinding rares/silver, and sold crafted exotic gear will also be a bit cheaper.

On other other hand people who make money off of selling rares/ectos will now make less.

I’m not an economist though, and my opinion may be biased since I craft most of my gear, and I don’t run dungeons.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xolo.3580


I would argue that even when farming these events hardcore with multiple toons you won’t make more gold than spending the same amount of time in Cursed Shore farming tunnel.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zosk.5609


There’s no ‘hurting alts’…whether you choose to invest 10 hours in one toon or 1 hour in 10 toons is not relevant to whether they should be rewarded or not… and unsure why you think it should be.

Making things account bound and being agnostic about whether somebody should be an altaholic or not is probably one of the best design decisions in the game, IMO. So this is why I ask..why an exception here?

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


There’s no ‘hurting alts’…whether you choose to invest 10 hours in one toon or 1 hour in 10 toons is not relevant to whether they should be rewarded or not… and unsure why you think it should be.

That’s because the example you gave is faulty. It’s not a case of “invest 10 hours in one toon” vs “1 hour in 10 toons”. It’s a case of “invest 10 hours in one toon” vs “invest 100 hours across 10 toons”, but you receive no additional benefit for investing 10 hours on each toon beyond the first.

As far as I’m concerned though, I could take it or leave it with Dailies being character-bound; I’d love to be able to equip my alts faster, but I’m not sure my sanity could take having to do Dailies 5 times. :P

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


Why punish people creating alts?
Well, why dont you reverse that statement?
Why punish people not creating alts?

As I said in another post if they were to make it account wide then they might as well erase 7 of my characters and just give me 7 bank slots. Punishing me for making alts is not an option in my eyes.

So if i understand you correctly, you’re only creating alts to able to farm more events and eventually earn more money? You’re not making alts because you’d like to try a different playstyle? I dont get it, but each to his own.

That’s because the example you gave is faulty. It’s not a case of “invest 10 hours in one toon” vs “1 hour in 10 toons”. It’s a case of “invest 10 hours in one toon” vs “invest 100 hours across 10 toons”, but you receive no additional benefit for investing 10 hours on each toon beyond the first.

How is this not a faulty argument? What makes you think people do not invest as much time in one character, as people do by in alts? This is simply not logical.

The point is that exotic named weapons have been dropping by 10-20 gold in just a few days. This is insane. I like this new system, but being able to farm them on all your characters is just stupid. And yes fyi i have more than one lvl 80, i’m just being realistic.
They could raise the amount of karma for participating without receiving a chest, which would result in people still attending the event to gain karma for obsidian shards, items or orrian boxes (Yes, they can be pretty rewarding).

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

(edited by KrisHQ.4719)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shimond.2478


Ugh. I don’t want to have to do the daily on 8 characters, especially when half the time their daily options suck. The better solution, IMO, is to make Ascended gear account bound. At least then I could swap gear between whoever I felt like playing at the time.

That’s a great solution…if you use the exact same gear on every single character.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shimond.2478


There’s no ‘hurting alts’…whether you choose to invest 10 hours in one toon or 1 hour in 10 toons is not relevant to whether they should be rewarded or not… and unsure why you think it should be.

Making things account bound and being agnostic about whether somebody should be an altaholic or not is probably one of the best design decisions in the game, IMO. So this is why I ask..why an exception here?

So you’re saying that you shouldn’t ever have more than one character?

That’s what I’m reading here – you shouldn’t be ‘rewarded’ for playing more than one character. Man it’s a good thing aside from the Daily/laurels situation that’s completely different from how they designed the game. I’d of quit after the first two weeks.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Why? If I wanted to gear all my alts with ascended earrings that would require 400 ectos. Yet to gear your 1 toon with ascended earrings that’s 100 ectos. Doesn’t seem fair does it?

Not too mention now matter how long I farm, it’s a minimum of say 4 months due to laurels.

RIP in peace Robert

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Yeah. The chests should definitely be account based. People seem to farm these events with 5 different characters, and this is destroying the economy. Furthermore, the events become unplayable because people guest different servers to farm the events.
Why they are not account bound is beyond me.

Killing the economy? Do you mean the ‘initial’ drop in ecto prices which dropped the price of other gear? Because as of about an hour ago the ecto price was back up to 32s.

Don’t forget ecto price had stabilized at around 13-15s pre november patch. And new ecto sinks are being added for ascended gear + more will be added as armor and weapons are released. Save your ectos now or regret it later.

The economy will stabilize as will prices.
The dev’s are considering scaling the difficulty of all the DE’s and are testing it out at Penn/Shelter. I don’t see how they can fix Dragon events unless they put in more adds but even so, farming is being nerfed for better or worse.
EDIT: for poor spelling and to add that you can’t guest to another server to get more rewards. It’s only 1 chest/event/character/day. That’s a lot of pers.
Careful what you wish for or it will be 1 chest/day accountwide. Not per anything just 1 chest.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
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(edited by Infernia.9847)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


They invest time in leveling their alts to 80, so there is no reason why they shouldnt be able to get everything they can out of the toons.

If you have such a big issue with alts getting chest rewards from event, then why not just level 8 alts, since it seems like you think it takes around 5 minutes to go from 1-80.

Oh and it doesnt cost one bit to gear your alts either at 80…

Leveling 10 toons to 80 and gearing them costs 10 times the gold compared to just gearing one toon. So of course each toon should be able to do whatever it can to provide for itself or the “main”, but its all up to the player.

There are already enough restrictions in this game spawned by the recent patches, no need for more.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


and to add that you can’t guest to another server to get more rewards. It’s only 1 chest/event/character/day. That’s a lot of pers.
Careful what you wish for or it will be 1 chest/day accountwide. Not per anything just 1 chest.

The problem is, that you actually CAN guest servers to complete events more than once. And regarding the last sentence, i actually wish the chests would be account-bound. Even if i had 8 characters, i would still be able to see the logic behind that change.

There were also someone mentioning the economy. And yes imo the economy will be worse, since named weapons have dropped 10-15 gold in price in a few days.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordy.1570


farming chest events is the new orr…. just place a toon at every big event and u can go afk and wait till the events started…. tag a few mobs and u r allowed to go afk again….

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Ascended from the laurel vendor is account bound, at least the amulet I bought was.

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Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


I dont think people who have invested time and gold in making alts should be punished. I think the chest needs to be changed to one per character per day whether its on your own server or guest server.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shimond.2478


I dont think people who have invested time and gold in making alts should be punished. I think the chest needs to be changed to one per character per day whether its on your own server or guest server.

Yea that needs to happen if for no other reason than it’s clear their server tech can’t handle the loads of people guesting for events – Frostgorge and Queensdale lag to holy hell in the evening when those events go on now. And I was on the other side of the zone from them.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


I’m glad its per character, we should not be punished for doing thee on alts. Its still once a day either way, so its not like one person is doing this 300 times a day.. And I think it IS actually global to where it doesn’t matter which server you guest to its still 1 per day per character. So guesting swappers can’t take advantage of this. Again I could be wrong, idk if a dev stated this or not.

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Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delryn.7235


I have 4 Lv80s yet I only actually play with one of them. I understand the idea that the loot is based off of each character instead of account. If you enjoy playing with your alts it’d be quite sad that you get punished for playing with more than one character.

If someone’s done an event with one character, decides to play with another and is in the area to do the same event again, they should be allowed to do so. Not to mention lots of people share accounts and have a character for each different individual that plays the account, so it’d be a shame that one person’s fun limits the other person’s fun.

I think the real issue here isn’t why loot isn’t account wide… but why loot isn’t world wide. If you’ve done Jormag with said character today, why oh why can you repeat and do Jormag again with the same character if you go to another world? That is what I think shouldn’t happen, if you’ve done Jormag at all with said character you should not be able to repeat it with the same character if you’re guesting.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

I have 4 Lv80s yet I only actually play with one of them. I understand the idea that the loot is based off of each character instead of account. If you enjoy playing with your alts it’d be quite sad that you get punished for playing with more than one character.

If someone’s done an event with one character, decides to play with another and is in the area to do the same event again, they should be allowed to do so. Not to mention lots of people share accounts and have a character for each different individual that plays the account, so it’d be a shame that one person’s fun limits the other person’s fun.

I think the real issue here isn’t why loot isn’t account wide… but why loot isn’t world wide. (((If you’ve done Jormag with said character today, why oh why can you repeat and do Jormag again with the same character if you go to another world? That is what I think shouldn’t happen, if you’ve done Jormag at all with said character you should not be able to repeat it with the same character if you’re guesting.)))

Agreed 100%!

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


and to add that you can’t guest to another server to get more rewards. It’s only 1 chest/event/character/day. That’s a lot of pers.
Careful what you wish for or it will be 1 chest/day accountwide. Not per anything just 1 chest.

The problem is, that you actually CAN guest servers to complete events more than once.

Perhaps you should try it first before claiming that you can. You can’t.
People guest not for additional chests, but due to events having different spawn times on different servers.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


I like it once per character instead of once per account myself. I have 3 lvl 80s and I do these events daily for one reason, the to scrap the rares for ecto. I’m trying to stock up enough ecto myself for crafting my own equipment, and over time it pays off better than doing anything else. I’m not a “hard core” farmer, and I enjoy the DEs for the sake of doing them but I like being rewarded for doing so with a chance at some decent equipment, or at least something worth scrapping.

et voila.
your standard player.
this is the type of player that is part of the “farming mass movement”. only doing what others found more rewarding until the next big loot thing happens.
this is a challenge for the design team to deal with this.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iced cooly.5794

iced cooly.5794

If it were one chest per account, that’s as bad as saying there should be only one story mode per account. What would be the point of being able to create new characters?

If you have put in time to level up alternate characters, you deserve all the rewards you can reap from playing however you want to play.

Jeez some people have some crazy ideas…

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zosk.5609


If it were one chest per account, that’s as bad as saying there should be only one story mode per account. What would be the point of being able to create new characters?

If you have put in time to level up alternate characters, you deserve all the rewards you can reap from playing however you want to play.

Jeez some people have some crazy ideas…

Uh…it’s so crazy..this entire game is based on it. (Daily, Monthly, and achievements…all account wide)!

And you are saying people who spend 100 hours bringing up four characters to 80 deserve more chances at loot than somebody who spent 100 hours bringing up one or two characters. They didn’t “work harder”…it isn’t hard work to split your time between more characters..and getting to 80 is not particularly difficult in this game. There are people who play more with one or two characters and there are people whose first store purchase was more character slots so they could have one of each. It’s just a choice.

Again, I’d like to stipulate that once this dies down, none of this will effect 90% of the players 90% of the time. Most players, even hardcore ones, only invest a few hours a day in the game and actually will enjoy doing more things than dynamic events during those hours… but I think it is kind of a mysterious design decision when most similar things in the game are account based.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


et voila.
your standard player.
this is the type of player that is part of the “farming mass movement”. only doing what others found more rewarding until the next big loot thing happens.
this is a challenge for the design team to deal with this.

I assume you’d rather he farmed like hell for gold to buy overpriced ectos from TP? Then he suddently wouldn’t be part of a “faming movement”?
It’s the farmers that find that last patch chest change unappealing, because the distance between them and casuals went down.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TottWriter.8591


All the people complaining about the price crashes on the TP, I think that’s less to do with chests being once per character instead of once per account, and more to do with the increase in the drop rates that went with it.

I have 9 characters myself, (though only 1 level 80 as RL means I have a “casual” playing style) and I think the cost of properly equipping those characters goes a long way to “compensating” for the financial rewards of levelling multiple characters to 80 and gearing them up for the events. If someone wants to put the effort into doing that, why should they then be handicapped to a once-per-day-per-account rule, especially as there is a limit to how many times a person can do an event per day and not lose out on other events they could be participating in.

I do agree that permitting characters to complete events on Guested servers is problematic given the lag that is resulting for native players on popular servers.

To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


No, people with many alts don’t need to have gearing up made any harder. This change prevents hardcore chest farming while being fair to alt-lovers and single-toon players alike. Once a day + better loot is a great change.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I think it offsets the horrible Ascended grind for players with alts, gonna take me years to get all my Alts (9) full ascended, so a few rares a day would help take the sting away…

And to say it’ll ruin the economy …. please the economy has been ruined without the rares far more these past few months…

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


I think it offsets the horrible Ascended grind for players with alts, gonna take me years to get all my Alts (9) full ascended, so a few rares a day would help take the sting away…

And to say it’ll ruin the economy …. please the economy has been ruined without the rares far more these past few months…

This change is actually going to be good for the economy, I think.

Fewer blues/greens -> fewer items vendored, less pure gold flooding in. Inflation drops.
More rares -> ectos drop, endgame becomes less about grind
Less gold + more equipment + good equips feel easier to get -> People chase nicer gear, more gear sets with alternate builds, etc. More experimentation and fun with builds.

Now, if the chests were always lootable like before it would backfire bigtime. But the once a day thing balances it out nicely.

EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

(edited by Gilosean.3805)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260



EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

Was there an update this morning? I was able to do this yesterday.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256



EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

Was there an update this morning? I was able to do this yesterday.

Nope been like that since patch. Once per character regardless of server.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260



EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

Was there an update this morning? I was able to do this yesterday.

Nope been like that since patch. Once per character regardless of server.

Me and numerous other have done this at first as a test and later just because we could and were able to loot multiple chests.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256



EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

Was there an update this morning? I was able to do this yesterday.

Nope been like that since patch. Once per character regardless of server.

Me and numerous other have done this at first as a test and later just because we could and were able to loot multiple chests.

There was a few “bugged” chests but they’re about to be fixed

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957



EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

Was there an update this morning? I was able to do this yesterday.

Nope been like that since patch. Once per character regardless of server.

Me and numerous other have done this at first as a test and later just because we could and were able to loot multiple chests.

If there was a fix, it must’ve been at the “guild bounty bug fix patch”. It certainly didn’t work after that.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260



EDIT: And you can’t even guest and loot if you’ve already done the event. I just guested and did the Maw and didn’t get a chest. So there’s no worry about that either.

Was there an update this morning? I was able to do this yesterday.

Nope been like that since patch. Once per character regardless of server.

Me and numerous other have done this at first as a test and later just because we could and were able to loot multiple chests.

If there was a fix, it must’ve been at the “guild bounty bug fix patch”. It certainly didn’t work after that.

Yay, I’m glad they fixed this then. Maybe this will fix some of the overflow problems at some of these events.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siyuri.1879


Why should someone with alts not be able to loot the chests with each of their characters? Other players have the ability to make alts, too. I hate to break it to ya, but people who have more time will always earn more reward in any mmorpg. This is not a new thing, and it’s not unfair. I am personally really glad for this as it allows me to earn rewards in other ways rather than just sitting around cursed shore on one character doing the same thing during my play time. Now, I can break things up, play each of my characters when I feel like it and have a reason to participate in the events even though I would probably make more in game gold if I just sat around cursed shore on one. At least I’m not bored to death.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


Too right they should be toon based and not account bound.
Do you know how long and boring it is to lvl alts?
Not to mention the cost to gear them as well.

If you cannot be bothered to lvl alts,then you only got yourself to blame,ppl with alts should not be punished because they spent more time lvling them.
But i do agree that you should not be able to do it again on a toon if you already done it.that means guesting as well.

There are far better ways to get the rares/cash now with the new drop system,so the chest are kinda moot tbh.
Tbh More rares drops of the mobs than the chest nowdays.

(edited by XxTAFxX.6741)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


and to add that you can’t guest to another server to get more rewards. It’s only 1 chest/event/character/day. That’s a lot of pers.
Careful what you wish for or it will be 1 chest/day accountwide. Not per anything just 1 chest.

The problem is, that you actually CAN guest servers to complete events more than once.

Perhaps you should try it first before claiming that you can. You can’t.
People guest not for additional chests, but due to events having different spawn times on different servers.

Without looking for the original post in which dev’s contributed; it was said that you could not repeat an event, say Jormag, again by guesting to a different server. That was their intention to allow a single character to run an event with a chest reward, only once.
I think alts should be allowed to run Jormag if your main has finished it. I don’t do it, and have no reason to start but others may.
If what you are alluding to is that people are taking their 8 alts to different servers based upon the timers for the event. (basically cutting down from 18hrs to done on all 8 alts in much less time) then I see what you are saying.
However if you CAN take a single character to different servers and run the same event and get the chest rewards; that is a bug.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zosk.5609


Too right they should be toon based and not account bound.
Do you know how long and boring it is to lvl alts?
Not to mention the cost to gear them as well.

If you cannot be bothered to lvl alts,then you only got yourself to blame,ppl with alts should not be punished because they spent more time lvling them.
But i do agree that you should not be able to do it again on a toon if you already done it.that means guesting as well.

There are far better ways to get the rares/cash now with the new drop system,so the chest are kinda moot tbh.
Tbh More rares drops of the mobs than the chest nowdays.

If you don’t like to level alts, you shouldn’t have to. If you find it so boring, why do you want developers to reward it? This may surprise you but many people like levelling up characters in this game (and others) just for some variety or to see the story. In fact, I think you’ll find most players in this game already have at least 2-3 slots filled…and they didn’t require a bribe to do it. They just wanted to!

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


lol I love this. I REALLY love this. I recognize some of the people whining here about this as faces who defend ascended gear… and their arguments are slapping them in the face.

“You don’t like ascended gear? Don’t grind for it! No one is FORCING you to. Who cares if you lose out on some stats. They are inconsequential in the long run.”

Right back at you. You don’t want to level multiple alts to get another chest? Then don’t! No one is forcing you to! Who cares if you lose out on some loot. It is inconsequential in the long run.

In before someone claims that the argument somehow doesn’t apply to them because they are special.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I really don’t understand people who don’t have alts. I mean why play a game that gives you 5 char slots to begin with and only play 1/8th of the character content? Madness.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]