Why one chest per toon instead of account?

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


lol I love this. I REALLY love this. I recognize some of the people whining here about this as faces who defend ascended gear… and their arguments are slapping them in the face.

“You don’t like ascended gear? Don’t grind for it! No one is FORCING you to. Who cares if you lose out on some stats. They are inconsequential in the long run.”

Right back at you. You don’t want to level multiple alts to get another chest? Then don’t! No one is forcing you to! Who cares if you lose out on some loot. It is inconsequential in the long run.

In before someone claims that the argument somehow doesn’t apply to them because they are special.

I hate ascended gear, and imo its lame that we have to grind for a new gear tier.
I have more than one lvl 80 character as well, but i still think they should be account bound.
The incentive to lvl alts shouldn’t be about being able to farm more gold, it should be because you actually want to try a different class.
And yes i use both my chars to complete the events more than once, but i’d still rather see a change. It is most likely not going to happen though.
There should be an equal reward for spending 100 hours into one character as 100 hours into 5 (random numbers.)

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


As I said in another post if they were to make it account wide then they might as well erase 7 of my characters and just give me 7 bank slots. Punishing me for making alts is not an option in my eyes.

Goodness I hate this attitude. You’d think every single thing you dislike about the game is a punishment to you specifically? :| It’s like giving candy to a kid, then taking it away again. That’s cruel, yes, but not punishment. Punishment is getting grounded/sent to your room/getting your bum whipped/etc.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256


As I said in another post if they were to make it account wide then they might as well erase 7 of my characters and just give me 7 bank slots. Punishing me for making alts is not an option in my eyes.

Goodness I hate this attitude. You’d think every single thing you dislike about the game is a punishment to you specifically? :| It’s like giving candy to a kid, then taking it away again. That’s cruel, yes, but not punishment. Punishment is getting grounded/sent to your room/getting your bum whipped/etc.

Actually it is punishment. I’m also not a fan of your kind of attitude…….

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Branskins.9752


I really don’t understand people who don’t have alts. I mean why play a game that gives you 5 char slots to begin with and only play 1/8th of the character content? Madness.

I love my mesmer too much to devote time to other characters!

Would it be weird to make a mesmer for each race to play different stories?

Wrecking Krew [Krew] – Borlis Pass

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.9672


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(edited by Moderator.9672)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


As I said in another post if they were to make it account wide then they might as well erase 7 of my characters and just give me 7 bank slots. Punishing me for making alts is not an option in my eyes.

Goodness I hate this attitude. You’d think every single thing you dislike about the game is a punishment to you specifically? :| It’s like giving candy to a kid, then taking it away again. That’s cruel, yes, but not punishment. Punishment is getting grounded/sent to your room/getting your bum whipped/etc.

Actually it is punishment. I’m also not a fan of your kind of attitude…….

Actually, no. For you to understand it better, a better example would be a store gives discount coupons from various newspapers. You buy some to get the coupons and cash all of them in one go, resulting in you getting free stuff. After a week goes by, store realizes their mistake. Tries to rectify it with new policy – only 1 coupon per transaction. Will you say that’s punishment to you for trying to get more discount? Were they thinking of you when they rectified it? Or were they thinking of the losses they were incurring?

If this situation is exactly what the devs want/expect, then all is fine. If not, and a change happens, it is NOT a punishment to you and your altitis, but rather for them to rectify their mistake. (This means, they were NOT thinking about you and realizing that you are getting too much rares and you should be punished, but they’ll probably be looking at some macroeconomic graph/table telling them that the rate of ecto influx is greater than what they expected with the patch and thus must be curbed).

It helps to think of the greater picture, not just yourself.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256


Sorry but store coupons have nothing to do with anything I’m saying. It’s a totally different situation.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Sorry but store coupons have nothing to do with anything I’m saying. It’s a totally different situation.

I was hoping you’d get the analogy but oh well.
Store coupons = almost guaranteed rare from world bosses
Being able to use them all up at once = per char per server
Mistake = price of ectos plummet too fast than expected by Mr. Smith
New policy = account-wide or only in 1 per boss regardless of server, idk.
Discount = amount of rares you get/ectos you get

Anyways, that’s not the point. To be honest, I’m happy with this change as it lowers ecto prices and helps me finish my legendary faster. What I’m annoyed at is the attitude itself. If it does happen, yes it will suck for you who has 7 alts. But not every thing that sucks is a punishment aimed at you.

EDIT: ‘Sucks’ isn’t a censored word?? :o

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siyuri.1879


If everything becomes limited to “per account” like laurels & dragon chests, then how will people be able to gear up their alts? If I gear my alts in exotics, I have to work 7 times harder, so shouldn’t I be able to do dragon chests 7 times for 7 times the chance to get ectos for the gear? I really do understand where people are coming from when they say that this should be limited, but I strongly disagree with the opinion. I love to have multiple characters, but with the way laurels are set up it’s going to be a looooong time to gear them all. The dragon chests are a perk for people who have multiples, and for me, I will make more money/ecto if I run cursed shore events but I’m so sick of that. The dragon chests are just breaking up the monotony of having to sit there on one character bored stiff.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


Goodness I hate this attitude. You’d think every single thing you dislike about the game is a punishment to you specifically? :| It’s like giving candy to a kid, then taking it away again. That’s cruel, yes, but not punishment. Punishment is getting grounded/sent to your room/getting your bum whipped/etc.

Not only is that punishment, that’s like one of the most bizarre and unnecessarily cruel forms of punishment. :P

I don’t think the whole “punished/rewarded alts” arguments hold much water on either side, but that was a crazy analogy.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Well just because its best to use level 80 for these events you can still run them with lower levels so you will not have a choose do i run this with my low level hero for the exp and items that i could use now or do i just wait and run it with my level 80 for more of a gold drop.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256


I didn’t say the punishment was aimed at me. I said they would be punishing me for doing it and they absolutely would be. Comparing to store coupons that take 2 seconds to cutout with a problem that would be fixed in a day doesn’t come close to my alts that took MONTHS to make and have been doing these events multiple times for MONTHS.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Goodness I hate this attitude. You’d think every single thing you dislike about the game is a punishment to you specifically? :| It’s like giving candy to a kid, then taking it away again. That’s cruel, yes, but not punishment. Punishment is getting grounded/sent to your room/getting your bum whipped/etc.

Not only is that punishment, that’s like one of the most bizarre and unnecessarily cruel forms of punishment. :P

I don’t think the whole “punished/rewarded alts” arguments hold much water on either side, but that was a crazy analogy.

Yea, it was a terrible analogy. I think my second analogy was better. :p My point is on the reneging of a benefit. Punishment usually is a taking away of something from a status quo level.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


you could in fact use guesting to get multiple chests per character, however it appears they have fixed this exploit as of an hour ago:

“Fixed a bug with the chests that spawn for The Claw of Jormag, The Fire Elemental, and the Volcano Destroyer Boss. They are lootable once a day per character as intended.”

It was only a few of the chests that this worked on and thankfully they have been fixed. Now it is per character as it should be.

You should never be punished for making an alt because alts are what keep games alive longer. They should be rewarding people and encouraging them to level alts because it keeps the world alive for new players.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


Too right they should be toon based and not account bound.
Do you know how long and boring it is to lvling alts?
Not to mention the cost to gear them as well.

If you cannot be bothered to lvl alts,then you only got yourself to blame,ppl with alts should not be punished because they spent more time lvling them.
But i do agree that you should not be able to do it again on a toon if you already done it.that means guesting as well.

There are far better ways to get the rares/cash now with the new drop system,so the chest are kinda moot tbh.
Tbh More rares drops of the mobs than the chest nowdays.

If you don’t like to level alts, you shouldn’t have to. If you find it so boring, why do you want developers to reward it? This may surprise you but many people like levelling up characters in this game (and others) just for some variety or to see the story. In fact, I think you’ll find most players in this game already have at least 2-3 slots filled…and they didn’t require a bribe to do it. They just wanted to!

fyi i have 8 chars all lvl 80.
and yes i did not mind lvling them up,but it does come to a stage after 2-3 alts starts to get tedious.
So why should we be punished for lvl alts?
after all i put the hours/days/weeks/months in lvling them.

Also i lvled them all because i like to play different chars every so often,so it don’t become boring on the same char all the time.
I had the 8 lvl 80 before this update was even in.i don’t abuse the chests because back then you could do them over and over again on the same char.
but still anet did it right by doing it char bound and not account bound.
that way if i fancy helping a group i can change char known i will get a reward at the end.

Otherwise once i done it i would not bother doing again until the next day,as theres no reward for doing it twice unless you use an alt.
and it’s not just me many ppl play this game for the rewards not just to help ppl.

Many times today had ppl standing around when an event started,and some ppl said you going to help.
There reply was no point already done it.
So that’s where the alts come in handy.

(edited by XxTAFxX.6741)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Why shouldnt people that spent time and resources to make more lvl 80 alts benefit more from having them? Jealous?
There are more world event chests than you can do with 1 char in few hours, so im sure its impossible to do whole cycle of world events with more than 1 char. If somebody wants to do 6 Jormag events instead of 4 different temples and 2 dragon so be it. Its 18 hours timespan.

Yep, seems there are a few jealous peeps that want to ruin it for others, I’m not at all surprised.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zosk.5609


Jealous is what you say when you can’t defend anything. Also, the idea you are being punished because you aren’t being given an advantage is ludicrous. FYI..I have 3 80s and working on a 4th. Yet, I’m mature enough to know when something is inconsistent with game design and bad for the game, even if having it removed would hurt me personally?

BTW, It’s now created sort of an interesting problem. Temples just aren’t getting done as much it seems, because why do them when you can farm the “easy” events (low level and dragon) on multiple alts all day for the same loot? Is people doing frozen maw every 20 minutes on 4-8 different characters a good idea in the books of all these people defending this?

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


Jealous is what you say when you can’t defend anything. Also, the idea you are being punished because you aren’t being given an advantage is ludicrous. FYI..I have 3 80s and working on a 4th. Yet, I’m mature enough to know when something is inconsistent with game design and bad for the game, even if having it removed would hurt me personally?

BTW, It’s now created sort of an interesting problem. Temples just aren’t getting done as much it seems, because why do them when you can farm the “easy” events (low level and dragon) on multiple alts all day for the same loot? Is people doing frozen maw every 20 minutes on 4-8 different characters a good idea in the books of all these people defending this?

Can say for sure about your server.
But the server i’m on the orr events get done quite often now,simply because the loot drops and chest.
Also bigger chance getting a precursor, mainly from the drops rather than the chest.
Where as before they hardly got done at all.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


BTW, It’s now created sort of an interesting problem. Temples just aren’t getting done as much it seems, because why do them when you can farm the “easy” events (low level and dragon) on multiple alts all day for the same loot? Is people doing frozen maw every 20 minutes on 4-8 different characters a good idea in the books of all these people defending this?

People willing to do an easy event on 4-8 different character post-patch were not the ones going to Orr to open temple on their only one character pre-patch either. From your speculation, the conclusion would only be that things didn’t get better, but they did not get worse.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I think the big reason is Anet want people to play alt for “game longevity” reason.

So if Everyone try to get 8 level80 Anet have their work cut out. And the actuality is this is one of the few games I see where there are so many people with multiple alt.

But I think ya, it make more sense for the event to be account bound.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


I think the big reason is Anet want people to play alt for “game longevity” reason.

So if Everyone try to get 8 level80 Anet have their work cut out. And the actuality is this is one of the few games I see where there are so many people with multiple alt.

But I think ya, it make more sense for the event to be account bound.

I disagree.
Every mmo Many many ppl have alts,i had many in wow/rift ect ect.

also if it was account bound,what happens when most of the players do say grenth in the morning,the rest of a day it will be contested.
How are they going to get say that piece of karma gear they want if no one does it.
This is where alts come in handy.

it’s not like it an easy fight that one with pugs now is it.
I hope anet don’t change there mind,as everything is on a timer anyway so it does not matter if you use one char chasing the events,or many char on just one event,it still works out you get the same amount of events anyway within the time frame.
it’s just on alts your not running around different zones all the time.

(edited by XxTAFxX.6741)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I mean, That’s a bit far fetch since people need to go to school or work in the morning. So I’m sure you won’t have problem finding people to do at night. And there is always oceanic server.

ya but anyway I dont’ really care. I just think if their intention is to not forcing people do the same content over and over again, an account bound DR make mroe sense.

and the actual reality is I always hear people yell, “SB is up, or maw is up, or jomag is up”. But I never heard people yell that for Grenth. So that “probably” isn’t the problem. The problem is people just find Grenth not as rewarding to do it.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Jealous is what you say when you can’t defend anything. Also, the idea you are being punished because you aren’t being given an advantage is ludicrous. FYI..I have 3 80s and working on a 4th. Yet, I’m mature enough to know when something is inconsistent with game design and bad for the game, even if having it removed would hurt me personally?

BTW, It’s now created sort of an interesting problem. Temples just aren’t getting done as much it seems, because why do them when you can farm the “easy” events (low level and dragon) on multiple alts all day for the same loot? Is people doing frozen maw every 20 minutes on 4-8 different characters a good idea in the books of all these people defending this?

Actually, I think “entitled” is what people say when they don’t have an argument. The game is trying to balance time gating with a desire to see people continue to play the game. Actually, prior to the introduction of laurels I think everything was character bound (fractal rewards, dungeon rewards, soulbound items, dyes, commander tags, etc…). So the inconsistency is with things that are account bound not things that are character bound.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


I just think if their intention is to not forcing people do the same content over and over again

And they aren’t.

(Emphasis mine)

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: viennapleads.1784


I make alts because I love leveling. It’s always been my favorite part of any MMO I played. Just knowing the ins and outs of every class is great. That being said, because of my job, I rarely get to put in more than a couple hours a day anyway, so the whole chest thing doesn’t really affect me that much.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I just think if their intention is to not forcing people do the same content over and over again

And they aren’t.

(Emphasis mine)

Ya I get it. I’m just saying there’s a huge percent the of gamers that always follow the most “lucrative” content. Maybe not you but many people do.

Why is everyone(loosely speaking) only doing the selective few content called fotm, petinent/shelter event, cof, ac? You get it right?

And there are far more people doing meta event now and I’m sure that’s because of the rewards getting better.

I understand you probably don’t play that way. I’m just saying there’s quite plenty of people that play that way.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Well, I tried chest farming today on 5 alts, all level 80. Just bouncing between Frozen Maw & Fire Elemental is enough to keep you busy (although I did do every dragon event at least once). I honestly don’t even know where people find the time to do any of the other events let alone guest on other servers.

At any rate, the end result is I made about 2g after 5 hours of doing this. I don’t play the salvaging lotto, so I just sold each rare (no exotics) for ~30s/ea. YMMV.

Granted, this is an extremely limited sample, but I really don’t think you have anything to worry about re: alts & chests. You’d still do better just farming Cursed Shore on one character unless you get extremely lucky and loot a precursor (if that’s even possible).

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


I’m not a hardcore farmer and I have 6 80s.

I don’t mess with the Dragon’s too much, I keep an eye out for Behemoth though for a Final Rest drop, not the money. Even if I tried, there’s no way I could manage 6 80s to get a Dragon chest for each dragon every day before reset. o_0

Also, I really don’t think hardcore farmers have multiple 80s in the first place. It’d be inefficient.

Why one chest per toon instead of account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Sorry but store coupons have nothing to do with anything I’m saying. It’s a totally different situation.

I was hoping you’d get the analogy but oh well.
Store coupons = almost guaranteed rare from world bosses
Being able to use them all up at once = per char per server
Mistake = price of ectos plummet too fast than expected by Mr. Smith
New policy = account-wide or only in 1 per boss regardless of server, idk.
Discount = amount of rares you get/ectos you get

Anyways, that’s not the point. To be honest, I’m happy with this change as it lowers ecto prices and helps me finish my legendary faster. What I’m annoyed at is the attitude itself. If it does happen, yes it will suck for you who has 7 alts. But not every thing that sucks is a punishment aimed at you.

EDIT: ‘Sucks’ isn’t a censored word?? :o

Sorry but your analogy is not even compable to alts. You sound like alts magically pop as level 80s the second they are created. Your analogy is just horrible.

You also seem to forget, alts also cost to gear at 80, suddenly if they restrict chests to 1 per account its a drawback to have alts, because the total cost is greater for the player with alts. They already need alot more ectos than someone without alts to get laurel bought accessories for all their toons. They already also need many many many more days to even have the laurels for them.

The thing is also this. Even if they did set a limit of 1 chest per account, per event, per day it would do nothing against the hardcore farmers. They would, instead of spending gold on character slots, just get another copy of the game level the alt there and avoid the system, since this game has no sub fee and isnt very expensive in retail stores. Heck it would just be to find the stores that have it on sale.

You also forget that many of the people have spent extra money on character slots, why should they who pay extra for more characters get less out of their toons than someone else?

If it’s such a quick and easy task to level alts to 80 do it instead of complaining here and you too can start doing events on more than one character. Just because you dont like to play alts doesnt mean everyone else has to feel the same. It’s your choise, there are plenty of free alt slots on your account. The problem is you not using them, not the other way around.

After all, we, the altoholics, spend more gold than others since we have alts, so its not more than right each alt can provide/contribute on his own. Or should we start asking for free gear of equal quality of our main’s? Since we are on the same budget as you we shouldnt be forced to spend more just because we have alts right… isnt that how you are thinking?

So since my first toon has full exo gear with ascended back, rings and neck all my alts should get tokens mailed to them when they hit 80 so I can pick an appropriate set for them aswell, since I’ve already payed for it or done the “grind” to get it.

So where are my mails with those tokens?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.