Why won't my friends play Guild Wars 2?
Your friends have terrible tastes in gaming.
My buddies, former guildees and brother are the same. None play mmo anymore but one friend. He just plays wow to raid. Nothing else. Logs in for a raid and then logs out.
Not sure why gw2 never clicked with anyone else.
Most of the complaints for GW2 consist of:
1. Temp content
2. Lack of character progression (horizontal or otherwise) or endgame for max level characters
3. Shallow or insubstantial lore building
4. Zerging (the ability to have open tags on mobs has been a blessing and curse for this game)
5. Lack of necessary social interaction
6. Gemstore
Most of my friends tried GW2, but left after a month. They have nothing bad to say about GW2, but I know some reasons :
- They are bad at active playstyle (dodging, moving, weapon swapping, limited skills in the bar, etc.)
- Lack of holy trinity (used to blame other peoples for their own mistakes. MONK YOU SO NOOB, HEAL ME ! )
- It’s confusing (Too ’’many’’ things to do : dailies, LS, dungeons, wvw, pvp, etc.). Then they said there is nothing to do at the end. What !?
That’s pretty much what I can feel and hear from them. TBH, I don’t ask them to join me in active games anymore. As an exemple, Wildstar. Also, they were pretty bad at Tera too. Tell you what, they are all excited for ESO.
(edited by Krispera.5087)
Some people don’t seem to get it. It being whatever the game is trying to be, and its something different for everybody. You see it on the forums all the time. I’m coming up to my one year anniversary in GW2 and it took me a couple of months to figure out what I liked about the game. If someone can’t make the connection, or get it, then they’ll happily move onto something else that comes along even they’ve enjoyed the game for an amount of time.
That’s my take anyway.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
You can always ask them why it won’t click for them. You might find that the answers are different for each of them. Different people, different tastes.
My husband played from launch till around January and left to play Tera with his friends. Gw2 combat wasn’t actiony enough for him and he found that in Tera. My husband had also got some of his friends to play the game at launch and they quit the game after about a month or two. They rushed to level 80 and farmed cof for their gear and then didn’t know what to do afterwards.
They are your friends, you should ask them yourself rather than asking other people in a forum.
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
I think part of the issue is that GW2 may be too far outside of the comfort zone for some of the more ‘traditional’ gamers. Players who have played MMOs for a long time and are ‘set in their ways.’ They just aren’t as flexible or as accepting of change. You can see a lot of it in the loud calls for the ‘tried and true’ in the threads.
Its a common issue, and not just with gaming. People become ‘conditioned’ to expect certain things, to act in certain ways. When something comes along that changes these conditioned expectations, it makes people uncomfortable. They don’t ‘like’ it, its not ‘right.’ Etc Etc.
A gaming friend of mine stopped playing because he felt no character progression and didn’t like the lack of a trinity. He always liked being the tank in mmos, as much as I always loved being a healer/ support. He never found his role, where I was able to come to terms with providing might to a party and fields in wvw as an ele, is my way of providing support to my party. On the other side, most people I know who love the game, including myself, can’t see themselves ever going back to a game that relies so heavily on your other party members.
Guild wars 2 is very casual, which is also a turnoff for the people who like boasting about their shinies… Which is also the reason so many people love the game
Well I think it also depends on what they enjoy doing for gaming. Both my son and daughter bought this game the day it was released. I picked it up a couple weeks later because it looked fun. More than a year later and I play daily while neither of them had ever even gotten a character to 80. But, they have friends, parties, PS3, and XBoxes to play. For me, this is it. I think also they both played mostly solo, or they joined guilds with their friends and when their friends moved on it got boring. I have to say that I really liked the game a lot more once I found a good guild.
This game can really become tedious, repetitive and boring, despite having great graphics and lots of other good things going for it. I believe that’s partly because there’s a HUGE learning curve if you’ve never played an MMO before – I realize the OP said their friends had, but I still think this is an issue. There is no help in game to learn to use the game and its mechanics to their full potential, and I think this is a problem.
TLDR: can be boring after a while if you don’t MAKE it exciting and fun.
The endgame is auto attacking. That is why.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Some people don’t seem to get it. It being whatever the game is trying to be, and its something different for everybody. You see it on the forums all the time. I’m coming up to my one year anniversary in GW2 and it took me a couple of months to figure out what I liked about the game. If someone can’t make the connection, or get it, then they’ll happily move onto something else that comes along even they’ve enjoyed the game for an amount of time.
That’s my take anyway.
Even though I’m quoting you in particular, I’ve read everyone’s replies and were pretty informative so thanks!
When I first played guild wars 2, I didn’t like it much because I was a former WoW player and tried to play the game as such. While WoW focused more on getting to the end, Guild Wars 2 seemed to focus more on the journey, and once I figured that out I had a blast.
It was a question I was really curious about because the game itself, as it seems to have literally everything everyone asked for yet most people still want to play the more generic WoW clone for familiarity I guess. I like that I can put this game down when I want to as I’m a college student, I don’t feel so tied to play it, yet I still have goals on there I always work towards.
To each his own. Some time turn based RPGs. Some like FPS. Some time real time strategy. Some like action games. Some like sports based games.
If you love MMOs, you should play this game. If you hate MMOs, you should definitely play this game.
Some people don’t seem to get it. It being whatever the game is trying to be, and its something different for everybody. You see it on the forums all the time. I’m coming up to my one year anniversary in GW2 and it took me a couple of months to figure out what I liked about the game. If someone can’t make the connection, or get it, then they’ll happily move onto something else that comes along even they’ve enjoyed the game for an amount of time.
That’s my take anyway.
This is what i think too. I’ve been playing gw2 since November last year and it took me a couple months to finally “get” what the game was about.once i got “it” i figured out what i like the most, always trying new things if i ever get bored.
I started GW2 with like 10 of my friends.
Only one plays it a lot at this point as much as I do, and another logs in occasionally (1-3 times a week?) and the other every now and then for Spvp only. Their reason I guess is that there’s isn’t anything to do and they play other games instead. None of them seem to care much about the living story beyond my one friend who actively plays.
I even had one of them eventually quit who used to somewhat play a lot and liked to collect event skins but after he ended up missing a few due to being busy or forgetting he started getting annoyed and stopped playing. ;/
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Like others, I started with a bunch of friends making transitions out of WoW into…something else. Of those who started with me, only one remains in the game actively. Most of what I heard from them largely centers around the situation that…they left WoW with a full stable of fully geared toons with lots of gold and able to pretty much do anything they wanted. They come to GW2 and…bam…they are at the bottom of the ladder…no gold…low level gear…doing low level stuff…and facing many things that are entirely different (as others have pointed out). For a number of them, it was more comfortable going back to WoW where they were “masters of all.”
I know that my wife has gone back to WoW primarily for this reason. She was good at her characters, all of which were very, very well geared, running raids, with a very healthy bank account. She tried GW2 but, for her it was just chock full of frustrating mechanics, miserable rewards (compared to WoW), and a sense of just being at the bottom of the game again. She returned to WoW where she is just more comfortable…and that is more important to her than the challenge and excitement of a new game.
Again, this merely points out that people come to MMOs with vastly different preferences and expectations. The extent to which someone is happy or satisfied with a game (or, really, any product) is highly dependent on their preferences and expectations coming in.
- Maybe your friends prefer rift’s “endgame” to GW2’s “endgame”.
- Maybe your friends did their research on GW2 and prefer to not to waste their time as many of us did.
Only a few of the possibilities as to why they don’t want to play GW2.
You said something about “more focus on teamwork” but this is likely why they are leaving. There’s actually no focus on teamwork to speak of, which WoW does very well.
It has all these innovative mmo mechanics, yet they would rather play a standard WoW clone with less content.
Innovative it’s quite a relative term, since GW2 doesn’t actually innovate nothing… Besides, “innovative” doesn’t always means “good” or “well implemented”.
And i’ve been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and i yet have to see a MMO with less content than GW2 more than one year after release…
Your friends have terrible tastes in gaming.
Or… You know, they may be used to game with actual content…
I wish I could put my finger on what exactly it is, but GW2 just seems to lack something. If I try to pin it down, I come up with there being a lack of elite instances with desirable, exclusive rewards; a lack of mob AI that feels like I’m engaging in combat that is somewhat challenging; or a lack of new content that is scaled appropriately for the numbers (easy in an instance, not so much in open world) and which provides both interesting encounters and interesting things to explore. While those are issues for me, I’m not altogether sure they’re what’s “wrong.”
It just feels like the game has no identity, no soul.
It has all these innovative mmo mechanics, yet they would rather play a standard WoW clone with less content.
Innovative it’s quite a relative term, since GW2 doesn’t actually innovate nothing… Besides, “innovative” doesn’t always means “good” or “well implemented”.
And i’ve been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and i yet have to see a MMO with less content than GW2 more than one year after release…Your friends have terrible tastes in gaming.
Or… You know, they may be used to game with actual content…
Perhaps “reinventing” might be a better term than innovative. While WoW paved the way for most standard MMOs, Guild Wars 2 reinvented it by fixing many problems that have remained untouched for years.
Your friends have terrible tastes in gaming.
Or… You know, they may be used to game with actual content…
This. WoW might not do the best story telling, but at least it has a coherent one. I got bombarded with story and lore all the way from level 1 to level 90. It was great.
Whereas GW2 just feels like a mishmash of unrelated elements. The Living Story doesn’t help, especially with the whole Scarlet thing currently going on. Mainly evoking feelings of isolation and “why the hell am I doing this?” 1-80 feels like a blur of unrelated mini events. What’s the overarching theme? Is there one?
Like, what’s Queendale’s theme? I know that you get to be the “Hero of Shaemoor” but what happens after that in the zone? You just run around doing chores and jump on the champ train when it toots on by.
You said something about “more focus on teamwork” but this is likely why they are leaving. There’s actually no focus on teamwork to speak of, which WoW does very well.
It depends on what you mean by that. Sure, Wow has you fulfil roles like a tank, healer, etc. and with Guild Wars stripping that, players become a little more independent.
However, events and killing enemies becomes more player friendly as it gets rid of camping. You aren’t racing with another player to get the first hit on an enemy, it allows everyone to participate and get a share of the prize. Compare that to WoW, where only the first person that hits a spawn gets a reward.
To each his own. Some time turn based RPGs. Some like FPS. Some time real time strategy. Some like action games. Some like sports based games.
If you love MMOs, you should play this game. If you hate MMOs, you should definitely play this game.
Saw what you did there.
RIP City of Heroes
The game got boring fast. Just my opinion. YMMV.
why don’t you ask them?
why don’t you ask them?
I actually have, and they don’t quite have an answer it to be honest lol. I guess it all comes down to taste, and to respect what other people may or may not like.
However, events and killing enemies becomes more player friendly as it gets rid of camping. You aren’t racing with another player to get the first hit on an enemy, it allows everyone to participate and get a share of the prize. Compare that to WoW, where only the first person that hits a spawn gets a reward.
Not entirely accurate. While some may not be shared, most of mobs that matter ARE shared.
Your friends have terrible tastes in gaming.
Don’t know dude gw2 is pretty flat.
most people I know who didn’t click with GW2 are mostly people who :
1. likes traditional MMO with trinity and cluttering UI.
2. are FPS lover.
3. expects expansion even though GW2 give them free DLC fortnightly.
4. don’t stay with a game for too long. they move from one game to another very fast.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
The game is a bit too TP-centric. The best way to get almost every item is to buy it off the TP. This pushes people to play the content that returns the most gold per hour. So everyone is doing the same couple things that are known to return good amounts of gold. The game becomes more like real life than an adventure — you do tedious work in order to buy the stuff you want.
It’s kind of cliche, but it really is the journey, not the destination and with this playstyle, the journey is not fun. (There was a recent thread about infusing gear from GW1, where you had to kill a beast and bring its remains to a witch who would use the carcass to infuse your armor. People still remember this. In a couple years, will you remember doing hours of champ farming in order to buy your infusions?)
none of my friends play anymore either. ):
the most common reasons why that i got were living story and game is boring.
My friends like competetive pvp and GW2 doesnt have that.
You said something about “more focus on teamwork” but this is likely why they are leaving. There’s actually no focus on teamwork to speak of, which WoW does very well.
No teamwork? Which the hardest dungeon path you’ve played? Just curious.
Most of the complaints for GW2 consist of:
1. Temp content
2. Lack of character progression (horizontal or otherwise) or endgame for max level characters
3. Shallow or insubstantial lore building
4. Zerging (the ability to have open tags on mobs has been a blessing and curse for this game)
5. Lack of necessary social interaction
6. Gemstore
1.) Temp Content my not-so-royal behind. As we have seen just recently now, defeating the story line of one of the Living Events can have what are likely permanent landscape altering effects on the zone that hosted the event. Or at least they are permanent until something new comes to that zone to alter the landscape even further than it already has been altered.
This kind of content has never been attempted in a video game before, unless that video game was a single player game with full map exploration and progressive story arches. While the Living World Events themselves may be “Temporary, One Time Events” the repercussions of those events will have lasting long term effects on the world of Tyria that each and every one of us can see an feel. Depending on how things play out, it is very possible that the starter zones host one of these Living Events at some point and end up horribly mutilated in some way that makes it unrecognizable to the people who have been playing the game since the beta, and would now have to adjust to the way the world is now being presented.
This isn’t Temporary Content. This is EVOLVING CONTENT. This is the best kind of content that a game has come up with in like… FOREVER.
2.) I can’t argue with something I am not quite sure about what is being implied.
3.) It isn’t shallow, they just prefer to do their lore building on the website instead of in the game. That is a marketing decision, and while we can kitten and moan about it, we can’t really change how their marketing division decided to handle the issue.
4.) How exactly is the Zerg mechanic a curse exactly? Everyone is guaranteed their loot, so long as they actually engage the mob in the first place. This is a vast improvement over the loot system in say Final Fantasy XI, where you could be spending upwards 8 (possibly in some instances, 24) hours sitting in one spot waiting for a given enemy to spawn so that you can tag him before anyone else does, and then right at the last second some random Japanese Red Mage logs in, pops off a Traited Fast-Cast Dia, and promptly steals the mob right out from under you as soon as it pops up, meaning you can no longer have any shot at the rare item that the mob drops approximately every 1 out of 50 times it is fought.
Yeah, this system is LOADS better than that system. Trust me, I have played in games with systems that are worse than this system. The Loot System in Guild Wars 2 is the best thing since the invention of agriculture.
5.) huh?
6.) The Gem Store is a necessary evil of the Free To Play Market. Either it exists, or we pay a monthly subscription fee. Even Guild Wars 1 had a similar albeit primitive version of the Gem Store.
Ranger 80 | Elementalist 30 | Guardian 29 | Necromancer 21
(edited by An Siorai Tharian.4516)
Most of the complaints for GW2 consist of:
1. Temp content
2. Lack of character progression (horizontal or otherwise) or endgame for max level characters
3. Shallow or insubstantial lore building
4. Zerging (the ability to have open tags on mobs has been a blessing and curse for this game)
5. Lack of necessary social interaction
6. Gemstore1.) Temp Content my not-so-royal behind. As we have seen just recently now, defeating the story line of one of the Living Events can have what are likely permanent landscape altering effects on the zone that hosted the event. Or at least they are permanent until something new comes to that zone to alter the landscape even further than it already has been altered.
This kind of content has never been attempted in a video game before, unless that video game was a single player game with full map exploration and progressive story arches. While the Living World Events themselves may be “Temporary, One Time Events” the repercussions of those events will have lasting long term effects on the world of Tyria that each and every one of us can see an feel. Depending on how things play out, it is very possible that the starter zones host one of these Living Events at some point and end up horribly mutilated in some way that makes it unrecognizable to the people who have been playing the game since the beta, and would now have to adjust to the way the world is now being presented.
This isn’t Temporary Content. This is EVOLVING CONTENT. This is the best kind of content that a game has come up with in like… FOREVER.
2.) I can’t argue with something I am not quite sure about what is being implied.
3.) It isn’t shallow, they just prefer to do their lore building on the website instead of in the game. That is a marketing decision, and while we can kitten and moan about it, we can’t really change how their marketing division decided to handle the issue.
4.) How exactly is the Zerg mechanic a curse exactly? Everyone is guaranteed their loot, so long as they actually engage the mob in the first place. This is a vast improvement over the loot system in say Final Fantasy XI, where you could be spending upwards 8 (possibly in some instances, 24) hours sitting in one spot waiting for a given enemy to spawn so that you can tag him before anyone else does, and then right at the last second some random Japanese Red Mage logs in, pops off a Traited Fast-Cast Dia, and promptly steals the mob right out from under you as soon as it pops up, meaning you can no longer have any shot at the rare item that the mob drops approximately every 1 out of 50 times it is fought.
Yeah, this system is LOADS better than that system. Trust me, I have played in games with systems that are worse than this system. The Loot System in Guild Wars 2 is the best thing since the invention of agriculture.
5.) huh?
6.) The Gem Store is a necessary evil of the Free To Play Market. Either it exists, or we pay a monthly subscription fee. Even Guild Wars 1 had a similar albeit primitive version of the Gem Store.
Glad you chimed in on the topic of “Why won’t my friends play GW2?” and added absolutely nothing to the discussion.
It’s really interesting to see the evolution of people’s attitudes and reactions towards this subject throughout the months.
Half a year back when the majority of players were starting to realize that not only was GW2 shallow but it wasn’t getting any better, people were angry.
Plain and simple; angry. People were outraged at the fact a game that was supposed to be everything right with the world wasn’t, and a game that they all invested so much of their time and money into just wasn’t worth playing any longer.
Now people are just generally content and accepting of the fact GW2 is boring as an MMO.
Anyway, GW2 isn’t a bad game. It’s pretty decent and fun, but as an MMO it really fails. Most of the things said so far in the thread are totally true.
I believe the only reason GW2 is still sort of alive is because no MMO has shown up yet to one up GW2. Unless GW2 changes radically, and fast, as soon as a decent MMO comes out this will eventually whither away and die.
I do hope that GW2 survives and thrives, I love the concept, idea and feel to the game, but right now it’s just not worth it. The only reason I’m still here is cause I’m waiting for a better MMO to show up.
I don’t mean to sound like I hate GW2, quite the opposite I really love it and hope that it’ll grow. Sadly it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be doing much better in the next few months.
I started the game with a group of some 15 friends, today none of them play anymore at all. All the friends I made within the game months and months ago are all gone, not a single one is still around.
GW2 is boring. One of the main reasons (there are several) it is boring is because there’s nothing to look forward to. After about level 30-40 you’ve unlocked all of your interesting skills. If you want to change skills and be effective, you’ve got to buy new armor (huge PITA) so forget that. Once I get to 80 I can continue to do what I’ve been doing this whole time: wander around empty areas looking for DEs, farm with the zerg, run the same dungeons again, all of this to try and get some more money, so that I can buy a nice looking weapon to start all over again.
Contrast: GW1 was similar, but it had many skills to experiment with for those who liked that, a storyline (which didn’t suck) you could play with randoms, new expansions to look forward to, elite areas with prestigious drops, and great pvp (let’s not talk about spvp fail right now)
This game is boring on several layers.
most people I know who didn’t click with GW2 are mostly people who :
1. likes traditional MMO with trinity and cluttering UI.
2. are FPS lover.
3. expects expansion even though GW2 give them free DLC fortnightly.
4. don’t stay with a game for too long. they move from one game to another very fast.
All of the above, but I’d also add:
5. People who came to GW2 for competitive PvP and found it in terrible state that it was (pretty much entire crew that came with me to this game left it for this particular reason)
6. Munchkins who rushed through the game, played hundreds of CoF p1’s to get their shiny legendary and promptly quit because they didn’t know what to do with themselves and didn’t set foot to any other part of the game.
(edited by Freeelancer.2860)
The endgame is auto attacking. That is why.
this..10 chars
Took me a while to get used to GW2, still am really but this was how my experience as a new player was.
I’d log in, look around character creation, make a new toon an off I went. Hour later I’d log out for another week. Rinse an repeat, this was not due to lack of time it wasn’t frustration per say more a lack of understanding of how GW2 works.
After this cycle of making new toons repeatedly went on for a few months I finally managed to get to about level 9 an things started to click into place. Now I’m hooked with two level 80 characters and membership of a fantastic guild an I’m absolutely loving this game and the community.
Takes a while to get used too it but when you do its great.
These kind of topics always bring out the bitter and angry ex-players hey.
These kind of topics always bring out the bitter and angry ex-players hey.
That’s the majority of forum threads in the general section :P One reason b2p is semi annoying. Of course in subbed games, the general section is filled with bitter people still paying for a game they dislike.
You said something about “more focus on teamwork” but this is likely why they are leaving. There’s actually no focus on teamwork to speak of, which WoW does very well.
It depends on what you mean by that. Sure, Wow has you fulfil roles like a tank, healer, etc. and with Guild Wars stripping that, players become a little more independent.
However, events and killing enemies becomes more player friendly as it gets rid of camping. You aren’t racing with another player to get the first hit on an enemy, it allows everyone to participate and get a share of the prize. Compare that to WoW, where only the first person that hits a spawn gets a reward.
But that competition is a great thing and what provides the actual social foundation to form friendships.
Here, in GW2, there’s no need to talk to other players ever. You can’t form friendships that way.
However, if you must band together in order to overcome a challenge or cooperate on an effort, that’s how friendships can start. It’s no guarantee, but without that starter it will never happen.
That’s what I mean by lack of teamwork here.
Recently, a couple of friends came back on to play, having left year right after hitting level 80.
We were in LA, and I was literally stumped on what we could do as a group. Usually I’d mix my sessions with doing dailies, world bosses, dungeons or pvp. Coincidently, all world bosses were on cooldown so I could not even show them off, and I didn’t want to throw them straight into a dungeon so soon. It then occurred to me that most content is either random PUG-oriented (world bosses, dynamic events) or hardcore party stuff (dungeons, fractals). It would be nice to have more party-focused content in the PvE world that can be accessed like the tradition ‘mission over the counter’ method.
3. expects expansion even though GW2 give them free DLC fortnightly.
Lol, calling running around pressing “f” on many things with a hashed-out story instance with broken lore not related to the GW2 I purchased at all DLC.
I’d be asking for a refund if I had to pay for that, I don’t even do the content as it’s awful.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
You said something about “more focus on teamwork” but this is likely why they are leaving. There’s actually no focus on teamwork to speak of, which WoW does very well.
It depends on what you mean by that. Sure, Wow has you fulfil roles like a tank, healer, etc. and with Guild Wars stripping that, players become a little more independent.
However, events and killing enemies becomes more player friendly as it gets rid of camping. You aren’t racing with another player to get the first hit on an enemy, it allows everyone to participate and get a share of the prize. Compare that to WoW, where only the first person that hits a spawn gets a reward.
But that competition is a great thing and what provides the actual social foundation to form friendships.
Here, in GW2, there’s no need to talk to other players ever. You can’t form friendships that way.
However, if you must band together in order to overcome a challenge or cooperate on an effort, that’s how friendships can start. It’s no guarantee, but without that starter it will never happen.
That’s what I mean by lack of teamwork here.
There’s a lack of forced teamwork, I agree, unless you do things like dungeons or fractals.
And for me, that’s the reason I do play GW2. If we had a game, like GW1, but without the heroes and henchies, I’d never play it. If I want to play, without being dependent on others, I want to be able to. I don’t like to be dependent on anybody….
Recently, a couple of friends came back on to play, having left year right after hitting level 80.
We were in LA, and I was literally stumped on what we could do as a group. Usually I’d mix my sessions with doing dailies, world bosses, dungeons or pvp. Coincidently, all world bosses were on cooldown so I could not even show them off, and I didn’t want to throw them straight into a dungeon so soon. It then occurred to me that most content is either random PUG-oriented (world bosses, dynamic events) or hardcore party stuff (dungeons, fractals). It would be nice to have more party-focused content in the PvE world that can be accessed like the tradition ‘mission over the counter’ method.
You know you could have just gone out the gate and explore together? If you’ve a group together, it’s a lot of fun to just go to a higher level area and just explore there… Find some out of the way champs, do some events nobody else does because they’re alone…
(edited by LadyRhonwyn.2501)
i play now on and off mostly,since we had a baby daughter 2 months ago,but to me i love story and lore and getting the first choices on the early levels was cool and intereting,when you reach lvl 80…thats it,no more norn,no home instance that means something,no order and no pact..if you want bits of story..wait for the right LS content which might arrive in many months given the festival ridden LS of late…theres no stor..nor living or dead otherwise..and thats sad
My buddies, former guildees and brother are the same. None play mmo anymore but one friend. He just plays wow to raid. Nothing else. Logs in for a raid and then logs out.
Not sure why gw2 never clicked with anyone else.
Same here :/