[Wintersday Gifts] Sale Price Discussion
Does being left-handed truly impact people’s gameplay? I’m left-handed and never had a problem with any games (closer to ambidextrous than true left-handed, but still…)
I forgot hardware, it is valid, may had a d) somewhere in there too :oIt doesn’t usually come into play but if someone is right handed they’ll have a dexterity advantage over a lefty. Righties are more common (90% of people are righties) so mice tend to assume that. With that said turning the mouse for some subtle camera movement wasn’t a problem for me, so it certainly shouldn’t be a problem for most people. Camera settings (turn camera speed to max and others) are also critical.
I’m a lefty too, but I wouldn’t say that it makes any difference in movement or while operating the camera. After more than 16 years of using a mouse you either get used to it, or you could still buy a lefty mouse. I’ve even seen lefty mice for gamers.
(Using a standard one though)
I’m left-handed too, using a right-handed mouse and I’ve completed the jumping puzzle about 40 times this year, and at least once every previous year.
The only change I had to make was rebinding jump to \ because it’s more comfortable to reach that +WASD using my right hand. But I’d done that back when the game came out, not specifically for this puzzle.
(I also use the action camera so I don’t have to hold down the mouse button, but that’s more to avoid RSI than anything specifically related to being left-handed.)
You use a right handed mouse with your left hand? Man that’s tough. That’d kill me. xD Though I’m a lefty I’m using a standard mouse with my right hand, and hit space with my left thumb. Not, that it would help anyway. I can do standard JPs, but I’ve never been able to do the Clocktower or the Winterwonderland. The limited time kills me. Just like the JP in Caledon… ^^ I really hate platforms disappearing and moving stuff. My eyes are way too bad. I need to much time to figure out the way… :C
As for the bell choir… Best way to do it is to turn off the sound completely. People playing false or out of line use to distract me easily. I don’t know if it helps to play the piano at all, but I don’t think that the bells require that much left and right hand coordination. You just have to press the button once the ‘note’ hits the blue circle in the middle. You just need to watch carefully, that’s all. And then, doing it a few times you’ll know the songs already. Guitar hero is way more difficult, and it only has 4 buttons to start with.
What does the prize of the presents have to do with the jumping puzzle? You can make good amounts of presents in the bell game. The only way you earn more in the Jp is if you are really good, which has little to do with laziness.
I have spent so much time in the Jp, but because of the challenge not for the reward. For presents I’d go for bells. There the presents are guaranteed and relaxing.
a) unable to complete JP due to physical disabilities
Then how do they play the rest of the game when its just basic movement skills in JP I wonder?
They can take their time in most other places, including most other JPs. I’m betting they take fall damage traits and go with tankier stats, too.
traits don’t really help with require keypresses which is what people are trying to be argued here.
Sure there are legitimate issues for people for which I would not doubt if they contect anet directly would be helped out, but we all know what really happening here is people trying to ride their coat-tails for free passes which is pretty gross.
No, what’s gross is you assuming that is what people are doing.
You must be very cynical, because it didn’t even occur to me.
Just for that I’m tempted to sell my 2 stacks of 250 a copper each…
posts like these makes me sick…
some people are:
a) unable to complete JP due to physical disabilities
b) unable to complete JP because their hand coordination is just not on par
c) truly truly truly hate JPThey can’t create game in favor of people with disability.You have WoW for that,and see where WoW has gone after nerf-ing everything to the ground.If they start making content for people with disability,we would have nothing to play.Some people cant do content at all,due to their issues.Some people cant do Fractals or raids due to their disability…Some people cant do heart because of disability…this game is not meant to be for people with disability.
I feel sorry for those people,because i had to take care of them for one year,and i got to know lots of people in person,but that doesn’t give me for right to ask for MAJOR change,to mess up other people’s game.
People with disability have other game to play,that suits them.
I do not play JP because i do not like them.We did not have jumping in GW,so they decide to make up for big,big,big big failure.
Your comments left me unable to post a reply .. anything I wrote would be deleted and I’d get infracted.
What does the prize of the presents have to do with the jumping puzzle? You can make good amounts of presents in the bell game. The only way you earn more in the Jp is if you are really good, which has little to do with laziness.
I have spent so much time in the Jp, but because of the challenge not for the reward. For presents I’d go for bells. There the presents are guaranteed and relaxing.
Agreed, bell choir is so much easier to farm gifts.
You do realize prices are going down each day because more and more people lose interest in the shoulderpiece right?
You do realize that isn’t why prices are going down, right?
Every festival, prices for shinies start off high, as early adopters are willing to pay huge premiums to obtain them. Eventually, word spreads about how to efficiently farm (and make money) and folks start undercutting each other on prices for the bags and their contents.
So it’s not that “people” are losing interest, it’s the inevitable social dynamic of those willing to pay extra finishing their WP and the remaining demand comes those who aren’t willing to pay as much. Plus, the longer the festival goes on, the more time people have to farm more.
a) unable to complete JP due to physical disabilities
Then how do they play the rest of the game when its just basic movement skills in JP I wonder?
They can take their time in most other places, including most other JPs. I’m betting they take fall damage traits and go with tankier stats, too.
traits don’t really help with require keypresses which is what people are trying to be argued here.
Sure there are legitimate issues for people for which I would not doubt if they contect anet directly would be helped out, but we all know what really happening here is people trying to ride their coat-tails for free passes which is pretty gross.
No, what’s gross is you assuming that is what people are doing.
You must be very cynical, because it didn’t even occur to me.
Its adorable when people attempt to cover up their intentions XD
Perhaps its because of my profession I’m not that naive to miss the underlying intentions of others. For example when a personwith a drug abuse history walks out of the supermarket carrying a few cans of whipped cream – it’s not because “they like whipped cream”
Again I have no problem with them contacting anet to be handed the 3 jump trophy, theyll still be able to do the 10k challange. YOU on the otherhand get to do it just like everyone else. Thats pretty good right?
You do realize prices are going down each day because more and more people lose interest in the shoulderpiece right?
You do realize that isn’t why prices are going down, right?
Every festival, prices for shinies start off high, as early adopters are willing to pay huge premiums to obtain them. Eventually, word spreads about how to efficiently farm (and make money) and folks start undercutting each other on prices for the bags and their contents.
So it’s not that “people” are losing interest, it’s the inevitable social dynamic of those willing to pay extra finishing their WP and the remaining demand comes those who aren’t willing to pay as much. Plus, the longer the festival goes on, the more time people have to farm more.
Or very simply put: supply and demand shift over the course of the event.
So yeah, you keep trying to convince people to not undercut you TC, we’ll be facing reality in the meantime.
I would find this discussion funny if it were not for the posters that are being serious!
GW2 used to have a much more helpful community (not perfect) that, up until recently, liked to help it’s fellow players. Not it seems the motto of the game is “stick it to em, for they are lazy and deserve to be spit upon”. Pathetic. And all it would have taken is for their to be more than one path to completion.
I know.
It’s the inevitable outcome of the direction Anet have taken.
The game has now been taken over by the “usual suspect” MMO kids.
All you can really do, is put your case and then leave the game, if/when it becomes totally unbearable.
It’s a shame, because you may have already invested, quite heavily, in the game and it is unlikely that the teenage gamers, who play a lot and resent anyone else having alternative access to anything, will have invested even half as much.
But, what can you do?
In my case, it’s definitely once bitten, twice shy, when it comes to funding non-sub, online games.
Because, even if the new direction does happen to suit me, in parts, I don’t feel comfortable funding games that only provide content for a certain type and demographic of player.
Especially a type of player that, almost certainly, doesn’t contribute much, in terms of either money, or a nice, friendly, atmosphere.
Their own parents should be expected to pay for their “exclusive” content type games – not random people on the internet.
If they could play nice and share, fair enough.
But they can’t.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
LOL who said they had to be assessed? This is an account-bound item not real life gold. Why would they need to do that I mean according to you everyone is completely honest or is those adorable people intentions part on your mind there?
Yes they should recieve a totally free pass for the jumping portion if they can’t do it, thats not excusing them from the rest of the parts they need.
The fact that one of the items the collection requires is tied to the 3 jump achievement is releveant, all other achivement points ouside are irrelevant – thus I don’t care w/e you got them
Just farm SW for an hour, get 25 gold, buy a stack, grind jo for an hour. Than SE, than Jp. Avoids burnout, and great production output.
^ I didn’t say everyone is honest.
I said it hadn’t occurred to me, that able bodied people might be using disabled people as an excuse to avoid doing a jumping puzzle.
You’re the one who is saying everyone, including me, is doing that.
So, how can you possibly reconcile telling everyone they should suck it up, or just email Anet saying they’re disabled and (without having to provide any proof of that) get a free pass?
According to you, we would all be doing the latter, as we’re all greedy, lying, addicts, like all your (supposed) patients.
…and if you don’t care that we all could get something for absolutely nothing, via your suggestion, why are you arguing about people asking for the option to obtain it via an alternative means?
A means where they would have to actually play the game, rather than beg for freebies?
Your position makes no, logical, sense.
You just felt like calling us all cheats and liars and tried to use your, supposed, medical background as proof of that.
You failed.
This is where the fun begins – oh boy. The easiest meathod to test whether someone is telling the truth or not is to simply get them talking – Generally if they are telling something than the truth they will either come up with off the wall stories or become extremely defensive for little reason.
I have merely been asking you the question why should an abled body player recieve the same treatment that a diabled player could be able to recieve – to which you have become increasingly hostile ( pretty strange for someone that has no intentions to pursue this item) as well as begin to state that these players don’t want handouts – they just want the difficult parts cut out, that they are incapable to telling anet their issues but yet are somehow able to manage to say them in general chat pretty contradictiory.
yes abled body players should have to suck it up and disabled players have the option to contact anet for a freebie – thats prettty reasonable and fair no?
Now that we are on the same page of players not always being honest-Since anet would have issues proving their claims how in the world do you know what they are telling you is true? to which i’m sure it’d be well it was posted on the internet so it has to be true – but for your sake lets just stick to one portion of the issue.
You claim that i’m cynical for pointing out this idea – but now im rather curious, why do you continue to include yourself in the group that would email anetto get this freebie? Naturally from your statements that you don’t intend to pursue this item that you wouldn’t be included with this group….. unless of course that isn’t the full truth.
To answer your question although you seem to confused in the direction your going- I do care in regards to the issue of freebies to all the players, this game would be absolutely boring if the moment you logged in everything was unlocked, what would be the point to keep playing?
As a bonus – I purposely lagged myself by having multiple streaming videos to get a 800-1k ( that kind where you get 1-2 sec skill delay) ping while doing the jp. my music ended up not loading until a quarter of the way in and almost died laughing at the people who got blown away by snow man.
Any more excuses