Work, work work... what's the fun in that?
They didn’t eliminate mounts, simply because they never had them in the game in the first place. Crafting is fine, unless you want a particular skin/weapon/armour you really don’t have to do it. You can get through the game with exotics if you HAVE to.
I played GW1 and I know of the crafting you are talking of and tbh that was not crafting. That was gathering for a vendor, plain and simple. People wanted a more in depth crafting system for GW2 so Anet gave it. If you think about it compared to a lot of other MMOS GW1 had nothing to offer players except – combat, combat, combat. GW2 is not that much better, in fact it still suffers from that. Many players enjoy a lot of other MMOs for the various types of content they have. I would say if they addded a lot more content to this game that did not revolve around – kill, kill, kill and hey I swung my sword again and KILLED again then maybe, just maybe this game might get those extra players that they want that they think all this dumbing down of the game was meant to solve…
Then again maybe I am way off base here. :P
I actually agree with this…and I like crafting.
I think too many things force players to craft who don’t like it.
my only problem with crafting is that some mats are RNG to be acquired.
(or am i wrong?)
You’re right, but most of it is not that bad….most of it. lol
I actually agree with this…and I like crafting.
I think too many things force players to craft who don’t like it.
Well you never know, they may bring in alternatives in the future. Some people don’t like to unlock traits so they have the option to spend gold. They could do something similar in the future I guess….
I’d trade Crafting for Mounts. No joke.
Serpiously though, the major problem is that last 400 – 500 often being prohibitively expensive, and even then it’s most jsut for ascended stuff that isn’t super necessary to play the game.
But it’s just a drag to just robotically look up a guide and craft what you need to level crafting. Feel counter to GW2 general levelling experience.
Perhaps you could have little crafting quests that let you level more like the main story, getting mats and crafting specific items for a given quest giver. Seems like that suits GW2 more.
i have a character only for cooking cause there are soooooo many “second”-materials
I’d trade Crafting for Mounts. No joke.
Serpiously though, the major problem is that last 400 – 500 often being prohibitively expensive, and even then it’s most jsut for ascended stuff that isn’t super necessary to play the game.
But it’s just a drag to just robotically look up a guide and craft what you need to level crafting. Feel counter to GW2 general levelling experience.
Perhaps you could have little crafting quests that let you level more like the main story, getting mats and crafting specific items for a given quest giver. Seems like that suits GW2 more.
I never had to look up any guide to level up any craft. Funny enough if you have the mats on hand by just playing as you go along and use the discover feature of crafting you pretty much get to lvl 400 without even trying. 400-500 is much the same except it’s exotics, so you will need ectos for that.
I don’t mind the “craftception”. My only concern is some of the mats are too RNG XD
I actually agree with this…and I like crafting.
I think too many things force players to craft who don’t like it.
yes, i really dont know what made them decide that crafting your own gear should be required for best in slot. They had already started down the path with legendaries.
I generally enjoy crafting, but it should never have been something required. Why should friends who absolutely hate crafting have to grind to level 500 to get best in slot.
I make several gold a day simply by crafting gated materials. I also make gold by refining (which you think is pointless) and promoting stuff. So yes, making money when I don’t feel like killing monsters in lvl 80 maps or dungeons but want to relax in the game fits my definition of “fun”.
Also the crafting UI became a whole lot better with the new patch. And yeah, can you level an alt just by riding a mount?
And yeah, can you level an alt just by riding a mount?
You can level a mount by riding a mount. ^^ (in some other game, of course, where everything is work …)
When it comes to mounts, I’d support them so long as they do not provide any movement speed buffs at all. In other words, purely cosmetic.
I actually want crafting to be more difficult so less people do it and you can actually make some coin from doing it.
The most oddball thing about it to me:
You only “need” lvl 500 crafting if you do a lot of high level FotM.
Seems like there wouldn’t be a lot of overlap between hardcore dungeon runners and crafting enthusiasts, but I don’t make the rules :-P
Cooking discovery is a lot of fun. I agree about having to craft though. Everything should be purchasable by those who detest crafting in games.
You guys have eliminated the mounts
OMG I hate how they “eliminated” mounts from GW2! I’m soooooo mad at ANET right now!
What happened to a suggestion that anyone that uses the word ‘mounts’ gets a perma ban????
You guys have eliminated the mounts
OMG I hate how they “eliminated” mounts from GW2! I’m soooooo mad at ANET right now!
Yes they lined them up and shot them before release, probably find a smuggled video about it.
I detest the crafting system in this game.
One example: I want to craft bolts of damask. I need a freaking SPREADSHEET to determine all the materials I need to create to create the thing I want to create. This is the most kitteny kitten kitten crafting system. EVER.
Hate it. Thank you for listening to my rant.
You guys have eliminated the mounts
OMG I hate how they “eliminated” mounts from GW2! I’m soooooo mad at ANET right now!
Yes they lined them up and shot them before release, probably find a smuggled video about it.
That’s terrible! Someone call PETA!
You guys have eliminated the mounts
OMG I hate how they “eliminated” mounts from GW2! I’m soooooo mad at ANET right now!
Yes they lined them up and shot them before release, probably find a smuggled video about it.
That’s terrible! Someone call PETA!
Heard it was something about an NPC called Roy Rodgers, shouted trigger at a mount showing and an Assuri said OK, you can guess the rest. They of course will refuse to admit anything went wrong with the game.
my only problem with crafting is that some mats are RNG to be acquired.
(or am i wrong?)
You’re not wrong, but the amount of materials you can’t get from harvesting or common drops is small. Even gemstones appear at a decent rate. RNG is only really an issue with lodestones, large skulls, and giant eyes.
What does crafting and mounts (or lack thereof) have to do with each other?
You know that other game is still there for you to go play, right?
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I detest the crafting system in this game.
One example: I want to craft bolts of damask. I need a freaking SPREADSHEET to determine all the materials I need to create to create the thing I want to create. This is the most kitteny kitten kitten crafting system. EVER.
Hate it. Thank you for listening to my rant.
It’s a bit better since the last patch, since you can open the sub items you need to make the item you’re working on.
You guys have eliminated the mounts
OMG I hate how they “eliminated” mounts from GW2! I’m soooooo mad at ANET right now!
Yes they lined them up and shot them before release, probably find a smuggled video about it.
That’s terrible! Someone call PETA!
The sad thing is PETA would applaud.
I am not even joking.
You guys have eliminated the mounts
OMG I hate how they “eliminated” mounts from GW2! I’m soooooo mad at ANET right now!
Yes they lined them up and shot them before release, probably find a smuggled video about it.
That’s terrible! Someone call PETA!
The sad thing is PETA would applaud.
I am not even joking.
Why? Because even they hate the idea of mounts in GW2? :P
In reference to crafting….I feel it could definitely needs some improvement.
It seems to be easier for 0-200 as most of the mats you will more than likely have on hand just playing normally. But once you reach the higher levels it seems costlier to craft an item than it does to buy it outright on the TP.
The most oddball thing about it to me:
You only “need” lvl 500 crafting if you do a lot of high level FotM.
Seems like there wouldn’t be a lot of overlap between hardcore dungeon runners and crafting enthusiasts, but I don’t make the rules :-P
think nether and you see the problem, not everyone has time to play GW2 every single day nor does everyone see the fun in getting everything as ASAP.