(edited by Mentalhead.5721)
World XP in PVE after level 80?
While I’d like to see more people in the open world, I think it’s debatable if the game needs yet another currency. If I’ve understood your idea correctly they already have the tools to achieve this with the daily/laurels system. I share your goals though.
It’s similar to daily / laurels system, but unlike that system it will give “some” progression, since you would be able to earn skins or titles by gaining World XP levels in PVE.
It’s similar to daily / laurels system, but unlike that system it will give “some” progression, since you would be able to earn skins or titles by gaining World XP levels in PVE.
maybe call it Hero XP or something.
since World XP is for WvW ranks and abilities.
this “hero xp” would have hero ranks and abilities.
abilities that boost PvE abilities etc.
Drake Slayer – do more damage to drakes
Skelk Slayer – do more damage to skelks
etc PvE abilities
I think this game would benefit from some sort of AA (alternative advancement system) similar to what is done in AoC or Rift. The problem is most PVe is too easy now, and adding more power to a toon is only likely to make it easier.
Not sure how to deal with that. Unless the buffs you get are low magic find, low gold find buffs, which might work.
Hero XP, that sounds a lot better than World XP, that’s a great suggestion, thanks.
As for the abilities, those small advantages would be great, if they are temporary for example 10 in game hours or so.
Or as Vayne said, a small buffs to magic find, gold, karma boost or such, or chance to get more materials from certain types of enemies for certain period of time would be enough and it wouldn’t make PVE any easier that it is.
(edited by Mentalhead.5721)
Hero XP, that sounds a lot better than World XP, that’s a great suggestion, thanks.
As for the abilities, those small advantages would be great, if they are temporary for example 10 in game hours or so.
i think someone suggested something similar in the suggestions forum but did not get much attention though.
well, i thinks folks would enjoy permanent things more though.
little buffs would not hurt right?
+1% dmg to drakes
+2% dmg to drakes
I think that those little buffs would hurt. In GW1 we had similar buffs, like the lightbringer title, for example, that caused exclusion for people who didn’t want to farm for those titles. Because of that exclusion, I couldn’t find a party to fight Mallyx.
Just think about trying to find a party for Ascalonian Catacombs, but everybody is asking only for people with the Ghost Vanquisher title.
If this is ever implemented, I would prefer the same approach as the OP, and grant rewards like rare items, materiales or titles only for showing off.
We already have sigils that give us +X% against certain enemies, and eventually someone could easily max out the damage output by investing points, thus making game a bit easier. Sure, it might feel like your character is progressing by becoming stronger but I’m just not for permanent damage boost.
As for me, I wouldn’t mind seeing +15% damage against Grawl (as you progress) or any other enemy, as long as it’s temporary. In addition, you could also invest points in order to make those bonuses last longer.
Or in order not to make the game too easy, each point can give 0.25% against certain types of enemies in order not to give you too big advantage.
or remove magic find at all and make it vailable only in this way, permanent and even large scale like 1-2% mf every level gained on top of wht is alrady provided (skill point).
we can comfortably say that this would hurt noone, and would mitigate the immense pool of unluckyness of those complaining about it while making you more likely to drop somthing more than vendor, the more you play the game.
this would provide a secondary progression, an increase of rare drops, an increase of precursors drop, a win win for everybody.
good idea op.
or remove magic find at all and make it vailable only in this way, permanent and even large scale like 1-2% mf every level gained on top of wht is alrady provided (skill point).
we can comfortably say that this would hurt noone, and would mitigate the immense pool of unluckyness of those complaining about it while making you more likely to drop somthing more than vendor, the more you play the game.
this would provide a secondary progression, an increase of rare drops, an increase of precursors drop, a win win for everybody.
good idea op.
Hm…that’s not a bad idea, but gaining magic find at lvl 80 feels kinda late, wouldn’t you say?
or remove magic find at all and make it vailable only in this way, permanent and even large scale like 1-2% mf every level gained on top of wht is alrady provided (skill point).
we can comfortably say that this would hurt noone, and would mitigate the immense pool of unluckyness of those complaining about it while making you more likely to drop somthing more than vendor, the more you play the game.
this would provide a secondary progression, an increase of rare drops, an increase of precursors drop, a win win for everybody.
good idea op.Hm…that’s not a bad idea, but gaining magic find at lvl 80 feels kinda late, wouldn’t you say?
I don’t think so. Most of the gear pre 80 is disposable anyway. Up until level 68 you can’t salvage rares for ectos and most people will spend most of their time in game at 80. The leveling process being relatively fast.
I mean it takes like what, a day to go from 70-80?
i support this to bad it will never be on i would love to see magic and gold find bonuses on this statistics
There’s still one problem though, what happens when you hit max magic find? Wouldn’t you earn more money (ectos, better gear) than other players? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in for rewards, but I wouldn’t like to see Magic Find 100% that lasts forever, but as for 24h or less ingame hours, I’m all for it.
This is a good idea OP- I don’t care for Magic find at all and my characters are all allergic to it but I would love it if we could earn cool cosmetics stuff like dyes, skins and even recipes.
I don’t know why but it looks hella boring to me. No offense OP and sorry for the poor feedback.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
This is a good idea OP- I don’t care for Magic find at all and my characters are all allergic to it but I would love it if we could earn cool cosmetics stuff like dyes, skins and even recipes.
That’s what endgame should be all about. Since we can’t earn tiers of new gear to show off to others, why not titles and weapon / armor skins? I’m glad you like it
It’s not a solid or great idea, but it’s some form of progression. Thanks for your feedback.
I don’t know why but it looks hella boring to me. No offense OP and sorry for the poor feedback.
No problem, I appreciate your honesty.
It’s similar to daily / laurels system, but unlike that system it will give “some” progression, since you would be able to earn skins or titles by gaining World XP levels in PVE.
maybe call it Hero XP or something.
since World XP is for WvW ranks and abilities.
this “hero xp” would have hero ranks and abilities.
abilities that boost PvE abilities etc.i.e.
Drake Slayer – do more damage to drakes
Skelk Slayer – do more damage to skelks
etc PvE abilities
Imagine if there’s a “Charr” Slayer skill pool :P
It also might help to get players back into the open world if they received more than 1 silver 77 copper for a completed event.
They have to remove currencies, not introduce new ones. We already gain XP after level 80, there’s just no real use for it. Extend and improve on existing systems instead of creating new ones.
We already gain XP after level 80, there’s just no real use for it.
There is. That’s a weak argument, considering it’s wrong.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Gaining levels after level 80 just earns skillpoints as far as I know, and those skillpoints just sit down and collect dust, unless you’re using them for Philosopher stones or something like that.
This a new system that won’t hurt anyone, it might bring back players into specific zones, (Orr for example) if they want to get Hero XP, or World XP as I called it at first, faster.
There is some sort of progression with new titles at specific levels, and chance for unique skins, or gear.
And with temporary buffs such as magic find, xp, gold and karma boost that last for few ingame hours this system should give some sort of progression after level 80.
As I said, it’s not a solid idea, but it gives some sort of progression after hitting max level.
There would be no new currencies, although I have similar thread that mentions event tickets that work on a similar way, you can check it here: Event Tickets
We already gain XP after level 80, there’s just no real use for it.
There is. That’s a weak argument, considering it’s wrong.
Unless I missed something, the only use is gaining skill points used to purchase some items at Miyani.
That’s no “real use”. Just like karma currently has no “real use”.
We already gain XP after level 80, there’s just no real use for it.
There is. That’s a weak argument, considering it’s wrong.
Unless I missed something, the only use is gaining skill points used to purchase some items at Miyani.
That’s no “real use”. Just like karma currently has no “real use”.
I convert my skill points to gold buy making and selling mystic weapons.
back on topic
I’m not sure about this idea. Sounds good on paper but I think in practice it will turn out to be just another stupid currency that this game doesn’t need, especially if the bonuses are temporary. You can already buy temporary bonuses using other currencies in the game. If you can unlock permanant utility buffs (MF,GF,Karma etc) then it might add some progression to your characters past lvl 80 and encourage people to play currently totally unrewarding parts of the game.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Why not post your “idea” in the suggestion forum where it belongs?
As far as making alternate currencies goes, you could honestly use the current title system simulate a something like that. With the Southsun titles, you get an item upon completion. A system could be instated that you get a token for every 1000 creatures of a certain type you slay. Those tokens could be traded in for a specialty skinned item of your choosing – one of each type of weapon and each armor piece. Upon completion of a whole set (7,000-8,000 creatures of a certain kind slain), you could have some universal buff to your character while wielding that set.
If you wanted to further that progression, you could introduce, for example, the “Gift of the Centaur” for X Centaur tokens. Getting a gift of the Centaur+Griffon+Something+Something Else could create a precursor. Or, possibly, you could create a legendary using a combination of Gift of the Monster of every type. This disables the use of the RNG and gives something a player can actually work toward.
Dunno I just want some faction grinding, loved it in GW, give the factions some special vendors at certain lvl’s(armor/weps/consumbles/dungeons/…)
I just want to point out that this idea doesn’t include any new currencies, it’s just a same progress bar like World XP, that gives you a bonus chest when you fill it up.
Regarding the progression, it’s achieved by gaining World XP levels and unlocking titles. In addition, there could be skins or even pieces of unique gear sets that can drop when hitting a “level”.
Personally, I wouldn’t like to see +150% Magic Find and +150% Gold Find or something like that as a permanent boon, because it gives a slight advantage (more money, better chance for rares and such).
I understand that people would like some sort of reward, and feel of progression, and temporary (12h boons) sound like a solution that wouldn’t give too much of advantage since it lasts for few hours.
Feel free to suggest your ideas for progression and rewards.