WvW map completion is a joke
You’re creating a legendary, legends don’t “wait” for a certain keep, they join in WvW and help take it.
The legendary craft design is supposed to encompass all areas of the game, I’m of the opinion it should include more, such as some sPvP requirement, not less.
I have been still certain things that never get captured but so unless I start trying to solo never gonna get unless hopefully on the resets my server has it. Just for information I don’t want to craft a legendary just want the map completion.
I don’t think anyone likes mapping WvW for map completion but plenty of people seem to have done it. If you want the accomplishment then you’re going to have to work for it.
You can always get a tag and lead the charge.
WvW map completion is not a joke. The problem is for the PvE crowd is they wait do WvW map completion last, after getting all the PvE maps done first. It is really easy to get all the POIs and Vistas for the color that your server is currently, unless you are matched up against a server that constantly steamrolls your side during the hours you play.
My suggestion to the PvE crowd is to go into WvW, get all the POIs and Vistas for your color, and log out. Resets happen on Fridays, check then if your server has changed color. If not, wait another week.
I wish I could feel sympathy for you, but I simply cannot. There have been countless times where I have seen our server be assigned a certain color that we haven’t been for weeks, and then promptly notify guild members to suggest they pop into WvW to grab needed POIs and Vistas. The normal response? I’ll worry about WvW after I finish all the PvE maps.
Another option would be to, oh say, hop into WvW and join up with your fellow players from your server. I have seen many times a commander lead a zerg of 20+ to take a tower or keep because one person needed a POI.
I personally want Anet to add more requirements to make Legendaries, like 500,000 spvp points. Maybe for new Legendaries 2.0
with the influx of stuff and things into the sPvP world from PvE. (dungeon tracks etc)
it would not shock me if they added some kind of requirement.
personally i think they should. even if its something simple as rank 10. or even 20
dear gods the cries over having to get rank 30 in WvW was horendous.
WvW map completion is not a joke. The problem is for the PvE crowd is they wait do WvW map completion last, after getting all the PvE maps done first. It is really easy to get all the POIs and Vistas for the color that your server is currently, unless you are matched up against a server that constantly steamrolls your side during the hours you play.
My suggestion to the PvE crowd is to go into WvW, get all the POIs and Vistas for your color, and log out. Resets happen on Fridays, check then if your server has changed color. If not, wait another week.
I wish I could feel sympathy for you, but I simply cannot. There have been countless times where I have seen our server be assigned a certain color that we haven’t been for weeks, and then promptly notify guild members to suggest they pop into WvW to grab needed POIs and Vistas. The normal response? I’ll worry about WvW after I finish all the PvE maps.
Another option would be to, oh say, hop into WvW and join up with your fellow players from your server. I have seen many times a commander lead a zerg of 20+ to take a tower or keep because one person needed a POI.
VERY much this.
as a casual WvW, even i have tagged up and lead a small group of people around getting various PoI and vistas.
I have no sympathy for anyone unwilling to try. I cannot tell you how many times i have heard that exact thing. "" hey gang, i got a group in WvW taking stuff and getting pois if you want or need them"… "" ohh i will worry about it after everything else. "
Have to agree with xihorus here. If you are doing it for a Legendary and you don’t like WvW then start on it first. That will give you all that time to work on it. I’ve done it twice so far and since I don’t like WvW I run in and grab a point or two a day and consider it a good days work. If you put is off till last then it’s a major pain as you have to wait for the map to change colors and that can take weeks.
As has been said do the exploration in pieces while your server has the map. I personally don’t see the joy of wvw but have done it on 2 characters now. The vast majority of the time I meet zero people, other times I fight and win or lose no problems since if I lose I wp and try again right away or leave it for later.
WvW map completion is not a joke. The problem is for the PvE crowd is they wait do WvW map completion last, after getting all the PvE maps done first. It is really easy to get all the POIs and Vistas for the color that your server is currently, unless you are matched up against a server that constantly steamrolls your side during the hours you play.
My suggestion to the PvE crowd is to go into WvW, get all the POIs and Vistas for your color, and log out. Resets happen on Fridays, check then if your server has changed color. If not, wait another week.
Won’t happen if you are on Underworld server for example. We’ve been same colour for 3 months (?) now. It is pretty stupid that person has to change server to get his/her world completion.
PS. please arenanet, change Underworld’s wvw color already. Nobody cares if green is supposed to be the best server or whatever. Underworld just doesn’t have enough people to rise the ranks to get into blue/green corner of wvw…
Won’t happen if you are on Underworld server for example. We’ve been same colour for 3 months (?) now. It is pretty stupid that person has to change server to get his/her world completion.
Just looked at the history for your server. You guys could be blue next week, and are currently red. That’s 2/3 of the borderland maps, and 2/3 of EB. Granted, you haven’t been green since March, but that is likely due to your last place standing. If WvW completion is important to you, why not get yourself and others more involved in WvW?
I can tell you from personal experience that taking part in your server’s rise from last place to top of bronze league is a very rewarding experience.
EDIT: misread WvW server history for Underworld.
(edited by xihorus.2804)
WvW isn’t that important to me. Don’t need wvw completion or anything like that. I do hop on sometimes to help there, but being on low population wvw server, the zergs we meet are usually bigger than ours are. And when the same people keep getting beaten over and over, they’ll start to lose interest.
Just threw my 2 cents at the discussion and trying to make people understand the other side (low population) of the situation too.
I personally want Anet to add more requirements to make Legendaries, like 500,000 spvp points. Maybe for new Legendaries 2.0
What use is this if you can buy it on the TP anyways without ever doing something “legendary”?
Tradeable legendary weapons = huge design mistake IMO.
Almost on par with MegaServerCommunityDestroyer.
Just threw my 2 cents at the discussion and trying to make people understand the other side (low population) of the situation too.
No, I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been there… in need of some Vistas and POIs in WvW stuck on a server that is perpetually last place. Very frustrating.
But it also can be very fun. There was one point, when my server was perma-red, where I had all of WvW done except the keeps in green borderland. I had gotten to the point where I began to accept I would never actually see the inside of any green keep. Then one day, either out of bravery or sheer lunacy, a commander led an assault on a fully upgraded hills on green borderland. We got an outer wall down, but then the green mega-zerg arrived and wiped our group.
But not before my sneaky little thief self went into stealth and hid.
And I must say, that being chased everywhere by NPCs and the enemy while trying stay undetected long enough to reach the vista was an exhilarating experience. That was also the first time I found out you can’t be in combat to view a vista (thought I was gonna run up there, grab it, and jump to my death but found out the hard way lol). But when the enemy finally gave up on hunting me, and the NPCs couldn’t see me, I got that stupid vista.
And I must say that when I got my 2 greens and that paltry amount of XP for completing green borderlands weeks later, it was the best and worst loot ever.
dear gods the cries over having to get rank 30 in WvW was horendous.
oh yes I remember tears almost flooded entire tyria like thousands years before .
Let`s be serious Anet promised us esport game focused on pvp like gw1 where we can play how we want . And we recieved game friendly for noobish pve community which stands in one spot and keep pressing 11111111 and every time they try to add more hadcore content (like liadri ) , people demand nerf becasue they cant spam 1111111 and they cant get rewards for doing this content .
Come on Anet wake up relase huge DLC for around 40$ and rebalance this game from basis. People are already leaving this game because there is no challenge .PVE full zerker or die ,lets all stand in one corner and wait till boss dies . WWW zerg = full pvt or die rally bot . WWW roaming =condi tanks 4ever . Play how you want hmmm you mean play few metas or die ?
I have completed WvW maps twice by keeping an eye on my server. Youre not going to get it done in a month this way but it works. I dont like WvW PvP but I got it done. That being said I agree it is a joke. Seriously, completing the same map multiple times? That part seems pointless to me. Also this has been brought up since the beginning and it hasnt changed.
I really wish they would just rotate the colors every week at reset.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Have to agree with xihorus here. If you are doing it for a Legendary and you don’t like WvW then start on it first. That will give you all that time to work on it. I’ve done it twice so far and since I don’t like WvW I run in and grab a point or two a day and consider it a good days work. If you put is off till last then it’s a major pain as you have to wait for the map to change colors and that can take weeks.
Agreed, and as to the other half of the equation (those of us who aren’t pursuing a Legendary, but just want to map-complete), the strategy is the same.
I waited till last on two characters before I figured out that’s self-inflicted punishment. Treat it as a daily achievement – mentally prepare yourself to get 2 or 3 WVW POI per day (you may find you want to get more if they’re close to one another, but set 2 or 3 as a goal so it doesn’t feel like a huge PITA), log in on Fridays to check map rotation, etc.
Had I done this while leveling, it would have been nothing but a minor inconvenience. Because I didn’t, it wound up feeling like I hit a brick wall.
EDIT: Forgot to say I am not a fan of WvW, but I don’t hate it either. Had map completion NOT included these points, I never would have joined the WvW maps at all. Even for a PVE’er, there’s value to visiting WvW – there are harvestables, the Mystic Forge in your keep (once it’s built), a guild bank in your keep (again, once it’s ready), a Trading Post within a stone’s throw of where you first zone in, a Laurel vendor steps from that, and crafting stations and regular bank access within 60 seconds’ walk.
All of those are available at no travel cost from anywhere in Tyria just from going into WvW from the UI menu. If you relog from WvW, you’re back precisely where you left PVE.
I’d never have known that had it not been for Map Exploration.
(edited by KarateKid.5648)
Play how you want hmmm you mean play few metas or die ?
I get what you’re saying, but as someone who has played WvW quite a bit I have to say that I don’t play any of the meta builds and I’m not keeling over dead.
I don’t play zerker meta in PvE either and I’ve had no problem completing all dungeon paths and fotm.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
“Play how you want”, (BTW, this misquote must be nearing it’s 1 millionth misuse by now) never refereed to obtaining a Legendary Weapon (what this complaint REALLY boils down to). The implication that you should be able to obtain the most “exclusive” items in the game by easy means is not even slightly reasonable.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I want to know why I have to do all those stupid hearts.
I’ll never get map completion I know that. I’d rather beat my head against a brick wall than do all those hearts…
I’ve heard rumours of things such as precusors.
In my two years of roaming WvW I have come upon a few who speak of such things. But I have not come face to face with one to this day.
But legendaries?! What is this nonsense you talk of?!
Won’t happen if you are on Underworld server for example. We’ve been same colour for 3 months (?) now. It is pretty stupid that person has to change server to get his/her world completion.
PS. please arenanet, change Underworld’s wvw color already. Nobody cares if green is supposed to be the best server or whatever. Underworld just doesn’t have enough people to rise the ranks to get into blue/green corner of wvw…
Nothing should be easier than WvW map-completion in T9, a 5 people party some hours in the night and you completed all 4 maps and gave your server a 695 score.
PS: Buy some rams in the AH and ask your guild to run the +5 supplies buf during the night
PPS: I guess you will not have to fight any person only doors and NPC.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I’m not against map completion being hard, I’m against WvW colors never switching. There’s really no reason for them not to switch. Here on JQ we’ve been green forever, I think we may have gotten a blue every 7-8 weeks. I’m on my third map completion and it’s just not going to happen. My last 2 POI’s are at the red keep in EB. When is that going to happen? I don’t like legendaries, I just like to have the star.
Why don’t they just rotate every week? What’s the big deal? What reason is there for this new system?
Here on JQ we’ve been green forever, I think we may have gotten a blue every 7-8 weeks.
Jade Quarry was last blue for the week of 21-28 June and red for the week of 14-21 June.
Why don’t they just rotate every week? What’s the big deal? What reason is there for this new system?
This is a bit hard to explain, but they can’t actually guarantee a red-green-blue colour rotation for any given server because only 1 server per matchup will have each colour and the matchups change from week to week. (with the exception of T1 of course) Adding this as an additional constraint in matchmaking could produce very weird (and bad) results.
- Just to clarify: both before season 2 and after your server colour is based on your server’s position after a random number roll has been applied to the server ratings (up to about +/- 75). For example, for JQ’s week 28 matchup, they are the highest ranked server. However, the RNG roll means that they had a 23% chance of drawing blue instead of green, and an 9% chance of drawing red. The fact that you do occasionally (and for servers close in rating, often) draw a different colour than the most probable one has led some people to believe that an actual rotation had been implemented. This is not the case.
If they fully randomized it, so that servers had a one third chance of drawing any given colour in each matchup, then after 4 weeks of matchups ~14/24 servers will have gotten only 2 out the 3 colours, and probably none will have got the same colour 4 times in a row. (about 4-5 for each colour) After 8 weeks of matchups, it’s still quite possible that 2 or 3 of the servers (about 1 each) will be missing one colour (by pure bad luck).
The current system is actually better than full randomization for most servers, except for those that are locked in a given tier (ie. all three T1 servers). Otherwise, a server that is being placed green will on average tend to win and therefore move up into a tier where they will tend to draw red.
Northern Shiverpeaks – NSP Pride!
I’m not against map completion being hard, I’m against WvW colors never switching. There’s really no reason for them not to switch. Here on JQ we’ve been green forever, I think we may have gotten a blue every 7-8 weeks. I’m on my third map completion and it’s just not going to happen. My last 2 POI’s are at the red keep in EB. When is that going to happen? I don’t like legendaries, I just like to have the star.
Why don’t they just rotate every week? What’s the big deal? What reason is there for this new system?
You can click on live view and watch the maps. Though if something is flipping, like a keep, the map may have a queue. You can go into EB earlier in the day for NA and ask to flip OL. You’d be surprised how many times someone has asked and we said, “What the heck?” and did it.
For the OP, yes I feel that Map complete should have been left out of WvW. Last year we (JQ) had a very long stretch as green. A lot of players complained and simply transferred to other servers to get the map complete. Anet should have done something about it then.
Ask anet for Chicken Mode! now with added clucks.
How to QQ after being beat. Asatria Legend -Daddelgreis - Sixtymac
WvW isn’t that important to me.
Don’t need wvw completion or anything like that. I do hop on sometimes to help there, but being on low population wvw server, the zergs we meet are usually bigger than ours are. And when the same people keep getting beaten over and over, they’ll start to lose interest.
Just threw my 2 cents at the discussion and trying to make people understand the other side (low population) of the situation too.
All servers in T9 are low pop. UW has been the underdog for a while but recently the numbers are somewhat equal, you can see that from ppt during prime hours. I think map completition is easier in T9, a very small party can capture anything during night hours.
The wvw map completition requirement brings new people to wvw, most just get the completition but some stay. They would probably never go to wvw otherwise.
I’d like to see the color not based on overall score but based on the previous week, that alone would make it much more reasonable. My server has been stuck on blue for 4 weeks now, even winning a week didn’t change us.
And the idea of “tag up and lead the charge”. . . I don’t think any of the WvW diehards would be happy with my inexperience trying to lead a charge. Though I guess if I did it long enough I could get us bumped down to red Troll the WvWers to get a color change, that’s what ANet wants right?
My server (bronze t7 eu) does special events from time to time, where we just try to destroy enemy waypoints. This usually ends with a lot of golems, fun and some keeps. What I’m trying to say is:
- Get in touch with your servers WvW community. There might be similar events or you could organize one yourself / ask one of the more experienced commanders to host one. Believe it or not most WvW players love to smash enemy (t3) keeps and won’t complain
WvW map completion is not a joke. The problem is for the PvE crowd is they wait do WvW map completion last, after getting all the PvE maps done first. It is really easy to get all the POIs and Vistas for the color that your server is currently, unless you are matched up against a server that constantly steamrolls your side during the hours you play.
My suggestion to the PvE crowd is to go into WvW, get all the POIs and Vistas for your color, and log out. Resets happen on Fridays, check then if your server has changed color. If not, wait another week.
I wish I could feel sympathy for you, but I simply cannot. There have been countless times where I have seen our server be assigned a certain color that we haven’t been for weeks, and then promptly notify guild members to suggest they pop into WvW to grab needed POIs and Vistas. The normal response? I’ll worry about WvW after I finish all the PvE maps.
Another option would be to, oh say, hop into WvW and join up with your fellow players from your server. I have seen many times a commander lead a zerg of 20+ to take a tower or keep because one person needed a POI.
Word. What I been saying for the longest time. Eeeeeeeeeveryone waits until it’s the LAST THING. Yup, frustrating time you will have alright.
it is only called gift, but you actually need to work for it…
trying to do map completion in WvW is the stupidest thing it should be removed so you can get the achievement and gifts because waiting for a certain keep or other things is beyond a joke.
Thats funny considering that Other then map completion INCLUDING WvW, the whole legendary process is a joke and should be removed. Especially the RNG, farming and jumping puzzles.
O and they should have included SPVP in there too, something that would demonstrate at least a basic level of competence in the game mode.
It is kindfa a joke….I have been playing WvW just to get the map completion and it turned into me just following the zerg cause all the skill points and Vistas are in Enemy territory that never flips over to where I can get them. I have been playing for weeks for things to flip so I cann get them and we have been the same color everytime. Since I have been playing it has been somewhat fun but it is frustrating to try and get things when there is no way to get them. plus some of the skill points are no where near where Commanders and the zerg run so never get to get them and as was pointed out…zergs will not help me go get it. So it is kinda a joke to even have it in wvw. What it looks like is that it was put there to try and drag pvers into wvw to try it….well with the frustration of it some of us might leave wvw just cause of it.
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”
Lot of peeps have done it. It should be hard. Thats the whole point of calling it an “achievement”.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
I’ve completed the world map with my main character during the famous “weeks of hell” match ups with SF and FC. ET was rolled by SF day after day, all 4 maps usually had only one color: green; and even against all those odds, even when there was a high chance to be killed as soon as got out of citadel because they didnt just capped our things and would go somewhere else, they would stay there and fight, kill, defend and siege our own stuff, I still got 100% of WvW map.
Perhaps things were different back then or different for us as a community and guild, but I remember very well the shouts in map asking for bodies for a SMC attempt or even Lowlands Keep and that was enough to gather players on the tag for the assault. I also remember the shouts in the guild chat saying we were trying this or that and many would volunteer because they needed the POIs and Vistas for map completion. Besides that we would announce which towers and keeps we had in map and players/members would start a run against the clock to reach those destinations before the other server could recap their stuff.
Under those conditions, took me 2 full months just to map the green side, playing wvw for 2-4h every day. Yes, if you think about it, 2 months is a long time but if I look back, I will remember that I had fun doing that, even with the small frustration of being roflstomped everyday.
My advice is for you to try to involve more with your community and with the guilds and will see that many things can be accomplished when you are not there on your own just waiting for people take what you need.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
(edited by azyume.6321)
trying to do map completion in WvW is the stupidest thing it should be removed so you can get the achievement and gifts because waiting for a certain keep or other things is beyond a joke.
I had everything for my legendary dreamer but map completion done. The lover was waiting for close to a year to be changed into a majestic unicorn shooting bow. Only the pve maps I needed. It was torture to engage in pve it took double the time as everything else. But the wvw map completion that was pretty much the first thing I did at lvl 80, you’re playing this game wrong PERIOD
Check out Hello kitty island adventure Kappa
It’s hilarious seeing all these people playing the most casual MMO out there calling others “scrubs”. WvW is a joke, whoever has the biggest zerg wins.
OP, I suggest switching servers to JQ or BG if you want an easy time getting completion. Might take a few days, but you just have to follow the blob.
If you get in a match where your side holds most of everything, run ALL your characters through even if you do not know if you will bother to do map completion on all of them.
It is kindfa a joke….I have been playing WvW just to get the map completion and it turned into me just following the zerg cause all the skill points and Vistas are in Enemy territory that never flips over to where I can get them. I have been playing for weeks for things to flip so I cann get them and we have been the same color everytime. Since I have been playing it has been somewhat fun but it is frustrating to try and get things when there is no way to get them. plus some of the skill points are no where near where Commanders and the zerg run so never get to get them and as was pointed out…zergs will not help me go get it. So it is kinda a joke to even have it in wvw. What it looks like is that it was put there to try and drag pvers into wvw to try it….well with the frustration of it some of us might leave wvw just cause of it.
If you get frustrated by that then maybe you should play farmville instead. Come on, those skill points zerg never goes to are usually guarded by few mobs. You don’t need an army to get them.
The worst thing that can happen is that you bump into enemy zerg or some pesky thief on your way there.
It’s not that difficult to get WvW map completion. I got it under a week. You just have to play the game and don’t be annoying in the team chat by trying to force others to capture a certain keep/tower.
Don’t be selfish because nobody cares about your map completion. People just want to play the game without someone spamming on map chat on how he wants to capture X Keep. These are the same people who will go back to PvE and never go back to WvW. Just play the game and you will eventually get your map completion, but you have to be patient. Try to have fun meanwhile.
Like people here said earlier, during the night it’s a lot easier to capture towers and keeps, just get a good group going and you’re done.
(edited by Davey.7029)