As many of you in the forums know, while I do state my views (whether positive or negative) strongly, my concern is primarily towards the better of gw2. My honest concern is how will they do Xpac 2???? If it only consists of a new villain, a few maps, and the basic stuff we can expect, then I am concern for the game’s longevity. Why? Because the game has figured out a content model, which is great, I mean common, there’s room for growth and the material is pretty solid, but there is a huge problem. Anet left a lot of things undone. Wvw, a useless home instance (housing), horrible methods of gathering, a basic professions system (they did add to if a lot though but they can def broaden it), and several other things that even very veryyyyyy old games got right, but Anet didn’t. What does that mean?? The game lacks detail, and I don’t mean detail in story because that is going pretty kitten good, I mean detail in thing related to what I stated. This leaves players feeling empty. Yea the game is good,but….I can’t seem to feel this or that. It’s a feeling of emptiness, as if everything is sorta hollow inside. If Anet doesn’t address this problem correctly, then players will always feel the same way, no matter how awesome this game becomes, it will continue to leave fans feeling a bit “eh” after a bit. We need a way to pass the time, we need a revamp on these things. Additionally we need fishing, crop fields to farm, boats to go fishing on, we need detail, we need to expand this and add relevance to the professions.
So due to some persistent requests, I will edit my thread and add ideas towards what I mean.
Home instance:
Basically your district! You are the noble that runs that district. Constructable and rebuildable area sort of like guild halls, but purely for personal use.
Buildings cost; wood, iron, steel, etc
Different buildings can have different uses; your personal building. A farm building, a storage building, some other buildings for decor.
People: same as now
Animals: same as now
Nodes: same as now plus the addition of farming, cooking, and current crafting professions.
Crafting; stations can be added.
Possible benefits: all in one place. A perfect way to pass the time and enjoy yourself. Not a huge gold sink, only requires gathering materials to build stuff. Fun engaging, and therapeutic.
Decorate it how you like. Put you legendarias on the wall. Maybe some art, enjoy yourself.
Gathering; gathering plants just as always with a sickle, but this time plants drop seeds, which you can take and use to plant your own crops. Very easy method, efficient, and easy to implement into game.
Where can farming take place; many crop fields around the world map. This includes in your home instance, if a crop field is made in your home instance, you can take the seeds there, plant them and care for them, and even cook up a mean potion in the kitchen of your Home instance. Easy efficient, and a perfect pass time.
How to make potions; artificer, simple. You don’t need a profession to gathers just like always, but to craft something, yes.
Does it respawn; you can plant a seed per square unit. Each grown plant can be gathered like a regular node until it runs out. Once it runs out, you have to replant them with other seeds. It wouldn’t make sense to keep the plant in the crop forever….there would be no incentive.
Where; lakes, rivers, oceans. By the shore or deeper in the waters
Requirements; Fishing rod, and a small boat if you want to fish deeper in the waters.
Usage; food, we have food consumables in game, self explanatory.
Nodes; fishing nodes that work like regular nodes. When they run out you have to change locations.
There are bars in game:
Usage; a gathering place for players.
Activities: belsure’s bluff, and whatever else Anet wants to add to it.
The game has plenty of bars, make use of them by adding small things like this. Add richness to the community, which is lacking. It’s simple, efficient, and fun. Also add daily achievements to it.
My issue with woodcutting:
It’s all baby trees. How is that realistic?? We need real trees to cut. Period.
There. So this was a bit more detailed. As you can see, it’s easy, it’s not a must, it’s for personal use, and mostly for fun. It’s meant as an option for players who want to pick up a hobby, and have a little relaxation time. It’s not there to be a shore, nor a requirement. It’s the perfect past time.
(edited by Adry.7512)