Xpac two concerns

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


As many of you in the forums know, while I do state my views (whether positive or negative) strongly, my concern is primarily towards the better of gw2. My honest concern is how will they do Xpac 2???? If it only consists of a new villain, a few maps, and the basic stuff we can expect, then I am concern for the game’s longevity. Why? Because the game has figured out a content model, which is great, I mean common, there’s room for growth and the material is pretty solid, but there is a huge problem. Anet left a lot of things undone. Wvw, a useless home instance (housing), horrible methods of gathering, a basic professions system (they did add to if a lot though but they can def broaden it), and several other things that even very veryyyyyy old games got right, but Anet didn’t. What does that mean?? The game lacks detail, and I don’t mean detail in story because that is going pretty kitten good, I mean detail in thing related to what I stated. This leaves players feeling empty. Yea the game is good,but….I can’t seem to feel this or that. It’s a feeling of emptiness, as if everything is sorta hollow inside. If Anet doesn’t address this problem correctly, then players will always feel the same way, no matter how awesome this game becomes, it will continue to leave fans feeling a bit “eh” after a bit. We need a way to pass the time, we need a revamp on these things. Additionally we need fishing, crop fields to farm, boats to go fishing on, we need detail, we need to expand this and add relevance to the professions.

So due to some persistent requests, I will edit my thread and add ideas towards what I mean.

Home instance:
Basically your district! You are the noble that runs that district. Constructable and rebuildable area sort of like guild halls, but purely for personal use.
Buildings cost; wood, iron, steel, etc
Different buildings can have different uses; your personal building. A farm building, a storage building, some other buildings for decor.
People: same as now
Animals: same as now
Nodes: same as now plus the addition of farming, cooking, and current crafting professions.
Crafting; stations can be added.
Possible benefits: all in one place. A perfect way to pass the time and enjoy yourself. Not a huge gold sink, only requires gathering materials to build stuff. Fun engaging, and therapeutic.
Decorate it how you like. Put you legendarias on the wall. Maybe some art, enjoy yourself.

Gathering; gathering plants just as always with a sickle, but this time plants drop seeds, which you can take and use to plant your own crops. Very easy method, efficient, and easy to implement into game.
Where can farming take place; many crop fields around the world map. This includes in your home instance, if a crop field is made in your home instance, you can take the seeds there, plant them and care for them, and even cook up a mean potion in the kitchen of your Home instance. Easy efficient, and a perfect pass time.
How to make potions; artificer, simple. You don’t need a profession to gathers just like always, but to craft something, yes.
Does it respawn; you can plant a seed per square unit. Each grown plant can be gathered like a regular node until it runs out. Once it runs out, you have to replant them with other seeds. It wouldn’t make sense to keep the plant in the crop forever….there would be no incentive.

Where; lakes, rivers, oceans. By the shore or deeper in the waters
Requirements; Fishing rod, and a small boat if you want to fish deeper in the waters.
Usage; food, we have food consumables in game, self explanatory.
Nodes; fishing nodes that work like regular nodes. When they run out you have to change locations.

There are bars in game:
Usage; a gathering place for players.
Activities: belsure’s bluff, and whatever else Anet wants to add to it.
The game has plenty of bars, make use of them by adding small things like this. Add richness to the community, which is lacking. It’s simple, efficient, and fun. Also add daily achievements to it.

My issue with woodcutting:
It’s all baby trees. How is that realistic?? We need real trees to cut. Period.

There. So this was a bit more detailed. As you can see, it’s easy, it’s not a must, it’s for personal use, and mostly for fun. It’s meant as an option for players who want to pick up a hobby, and have a little relaxation time. It’s not there to be a shore, nor a requirement. It’s the perfect past time.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheMightyNewb.6789


I rather enjoy the crafting system and way you farm materials in this game. It simple and easy. There are very little restrictions when it comes to farming unlike other games, where you NEED to be a specific profession or whatever and in gw2 you
Got to go back to lower zones because only certain areas have certain drops, it’s rather nice. Crafting is fast and easy and rewards you greatly. You can go from 0 to 80 crafting alone. ( at least you used to. Idk if they changed it). as for your emptiness while you play, you probably need to look outside your computer to fix that issue you are having and not look to video games to try to fill that void because it won’t work.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


I rather enjoy the crafting system and way you farm materials in this game. It simple and easy. There are very little restrictions when it comes to farming unlike other games, where you NEED to be a specific profession or whatever and in gw2 you
Got to go back to lower zones because only certain areas have certain drops, it’s rather nice. Crafting is fast and easy and rewards you greatly. You can go from 0 to 80 crafting alone. ( at least you used to. Idk if they changed it). as for your emptiness while you play, you probably need to look outside your computer to fix that issue you are having and not look to video games to try to fill that void because it won’t work.

I didn’t say put restrictions on gathering, I meant add flavor and real ness to it. Meaning don’t just dump a node somewhere. I’m not speaking in terms of reward, not rashness, nor any of these points you made. This leads me to believe that you missed the point entirely. What it needs is enrichment in the act of it, not difficulty nor restrictions.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Additionally, lol I don’t feel empty, actually this thread is because I understand how other players feel. Personally I enjoy the game just fine as it is, but I’m a casual player, my life is very busy, and very rewarding as it is. Don’t get me wrong I would looooooooove for these changes to occur but I am in no need since I’m a casual.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

Its a waste of energy being concerned about an xpac we know absolutely nothing about yet imo. The expansion will have content some people love and content some people hate and vice versa. life is much less stressful if you avoid trying to scry the future or pick appart xpack info when it is released and just enjoy the ride to a new expansion when it comes – its the fun phase on a mmorpg where we get to get excited about new stuff and analysis is the excitement killer!

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Its a waste of energy being concerned about an xpac we know absolutely nothing about yet imo. The expansion will have content some people love and content some people hate and vice versa. life is much less stressful if you avoid trying to scry the future or pick appart xpack info when it is released and just enjoy the ride to a new expansion when it comes – its the fun phase on a mmorpg where we get to get excited about new stuff and analysis is the excitement killer!

Hahahaha you do have a point there, but there is a difference between stuff people like and stuff people dislike, versus nothing being there when there should be. This thread is about something this game needs but doesn’t have. This is not a thread arguing about something I dislike about the game.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Okay, I didn’t truly understand what your post is about. You mention a concern for what the next expansion will bring and for GW2’s longevity, that was clear, and then you mention something about details that never really got expanded on? Is there a clearer way of stating what you desire apart from saying

This leaves players feeling empty.

Because it’s honestly not quite clear what you mean.

Wvw, a useless home instance (housing), horrible methods of gathering, a basic professions system (they did add to if a lot though but they can def broaden it), and several other things that even very veryyyyyy old games got right, but Anet didn’t.

I want to highlight this part. I’ve seen some mention of WvW being slightly better than it was a while ago, but I do know that it still has a long way before it’s in a good state. I don’t think the home instance was really meant to be built on, and there’s certainly no need for player housing (players may want housing, but the game itself doesn’t require it to survive). “Horrible methods of gathering”. What do you mean by this? Like the actual gathering types aren’t interesting? Is it the mechanic of gathering? You’re not very clear about the meaning of this. I like the gathering system the way it is now because it’s simple and easy to understand. “Basic profession system” if you mean crafting, again I like the way the crafting system is. I’m also not sure what you can do to improve the crafting system in any way. You’re painting a GIANT stroke with that last one to the point that it’s absolutely meaningless. What do you mean? If you can give a list of all the things that Anet hasn’t done correctly that you feel is imperative, they can’t address it if you just throw a giant blanket over everything you could possibly mean. Specifics matter when giving criticism like this.

What does that mean?? The game lacks detail, and I don’t mean detail in story because that is going pretty kitten good, I mean detail in thing related to what I stated.

Again, you’re not very clear and need to clarify what’s going on.

We need a way to pass the time, we need a revamp on these things. Additionally we need fishing, crop fields to farm, boats to go fishing on, we need detail, we need to expand this and add relevance to the professions.

We do not NEED anything that you’ve mentioned. They’d be nice additions but expanding on what the game already has is probably more beneficial than anything you’ve suggested thus far. Again clarity would help your argument.

If you can simply explain your stance in a clearer manner it would greatly help your argument.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

Its a waste of energy being concerned about an xpac we know absolutely nothing about yet imo. The expansion will have content some people love and content some people hate and vice versa. life is much less stressful if you avoid trying to scry the future or pick appart xpack info when it is released and just enjoy the ride to a new expansion when it comes – its the fun phase on a mmorpg where we get to get excited about new stuff and analysis is the excitement killer!

Hahahaha you do have a point there, but there is a difference between stuff people like and stuff people dislike, versus nothing being there when there should be. This thread is about something this game needs but doesn’t have. This is not a thread arguing about something I dislike about the game.

nah its all the same thing 1 person thinks feature xyz but not b should be there and definitely P! , another person thinks its xyzq and definitely not P! and we argue and we argue and we argue then expansion comes and we missed all the fun

My personal approach is a personal wish list and hope some get ticked off and get myself all hyped about other new doodahs when they are announced – give me suprises Anet, my life needs excitement! Guess i’m saying fearing negative things is a way to depression :P

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

(edited by vesica tempestas.1563)

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


@castlemanic wow you went ham there. My friend, the home instance in this game issss player housing. The game doesn’t need it because it already has it. The problem is that it was never touched by devs and left there to basically rot with the exception of a few things, like the current event ATM. What I mean about horrible gathering methods is that things are just kinda thrown there, nothing feels good nor realistic about it. This thread is touching on details this game has never touched on. Like expanding our gathering system with fishing, hunting and gathering, crop farming. There’s been many cries out for stuff like this. And when u think about it it’s true. A casual such as myself won’t feel these concerns to the level of a dedicated player. The lack of detail this game has leaves dedicated players and even beginners feeling empty. This game needs a pass time, a hobby of sorts that enriches this game. The game itself is great and Anet improved it to make it greater, but the lack of detail is evident.

(edited by Adry.7512)

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


@castlemanic think about it. Take SAB for example. Why do you think it has such a fan base?? It’s a silly jumper puzzle game, but it’s a past time and a nice one too. Personally I don’t care about SAB. Why? Cause I don’t give it relevance. The times I log in are just enough for me to do what I need and log off.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


You actually come off a bit vague in your original post which might be whats confusing readers. Obviously not everyone will share your concerns but with how large the population of the game is, im sure some do. What I took from it was that there are a lot of areas in the game that are lacking, that were started but not truly fleshed out? I would guess an example would be like the town mini games (shooting gallery in DR).

I do recall seeing posts about adding skinning to the game to help with the price and drop rate of leather. It also sounds from your description that youd want part of the game to resemble what Garrisons became for WoW.

This is just my opinion now, but I feel crafting is fine, even if it is material intensive, other than leather, gathering is fine. With dungeons, fractals, raids, wvw, pvp, adventures, story modes, material gathering, seasonal events, crafting, dailies, there is plenty to do in game. I’m more on the crafter side of things, so when not doing dailies, or crafting I still have world boss trains, meta events, collections and material gathering to do.

Those that read my posts would know that I usually encourage as much content in the game as possible so everyone has something they enjoy. Perhaps you could be more specific on what you want added and how it would help the community?

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


To pass the time in Guild Wars, I play the game. When I get tired of playing the game, I do something else. I don’t want it to be work, like having to farm a field, weed it, water it, I just want to go in and swing my sickle and deposit my veggies.

If they add fishing, I hope it’s the same: walk up to the fishing hole, toss a line, drag in a fish, move on. But why they would add that when they already have 3 types of gathering is beyond me. Then I gotta buy more gathering tools, or another permanent one. Yay.

“Nothing feels good nor realistic” because this is a fantasy game, meant to be fun. If you want realism there are other games out there, please leave it out of GW.

OP, you keep saying “detail” but all I hear are different variations of “I want fishing and housing and farming.” I don’t see how that is “detail.” Sounds like just more work: now I gotta hunt deer, catch fish, and farm my fields if I want to advance my character, in addition to collecting zone currency, WvW tokens, and leather (or whatever).

How is any of this needed? How does it enhance my GW playing experience?

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


@castlemanic wow you went ham there. My friend, the home instance in this game issss player housing. The game doesn’t need it because it already has it. The problem is that it was never touched by devs and left there to basically rot with the exception of a few things, like the current event ATM.

The home instance is NOT player housing by ANY definition imaginable. You really can’t work your way around it especially because the home instance is not a ‘home’. There are NPCs that are there because of your personal story choices that sit around the place like it’s their private area. Also, it’s not a house. In fact, like the human home instance, it’s actually has SEVERAL houses. None of which are customisable. So no, it’s not player housing, not in the slightest. I do agree that it was never expanded on and in a perfect world it would be, but the home instance does not NEED modification. It’s unfortunate that it’s gone to the sidelines, but ultimately it’s not important for the game.

What I mean about horrible gathering methods is that things are just kinda thrown there, nothing feels good nor realistic about it. This thread is touching on details this game has never touched on. Like expanding our gathering system with fishing, hunting and gathering, crop farming. There’s been many cries out for stuff like this. And when u think about it it’s true.

I’m not even sure what this means. If you mean that the resources themselves are spread out around the map, that’s somewhere that game mechanics trump lore, and thus is better for the balance of the game than simply having mines, forests and farms. In fact there ARE farms that you can gather resources from. The game doesn’t need the extra gathering systems, it’s actually far better off without them because otherwise you’d have to either completely redo and rebalance EVERY recipe in the game to accommodate for more resource nodes, or create so many new recipes for so many new items and make sure that those balance out with the currently HUGE list of recipes that it would be impossible to accomplish. Again, I don’t understand what you mean by details, you’re not being clear. If details are missing, point out what’s wrong and point out a solution for it. As it is, you’re simply asking for more resource gathering types, which the game objectively does not need no matter how many people ask for it.

A casual such as myself won’t feel these concerns to the level of a dedicated player. The lack of detail this game has leaves dedicated players and even beginners feeling empty. This game needs a pass time, a gabby of sorts that enriches this game. The game itself is great and Anet improved it to make it greater, but the lack of detail is evident.

What lack of detail? What do you mean? Be specific and give lots of examples to make your point because you seem to be talking about a wide variety of things.

I don’t get what you mean by the game needs a pass time. The game IS a pass time. There are activities like crab toss, the trials in HoT maps, festivals, crafting, fighting, masteries, WvW, PvP, fractals, raids, dungeons, so many maps to explore, jumping puzzles, guild halls, a story to play through, skin hunting, dyes collecting, general collections, achievements, there is PLENTY to do. Some of it is higher quality than many others, that’s true, but objectively there IS a lot to do, so I don’t know what you mean by a pass time since the game IS a pass time itself.

There’s also a certain limit to how much detail can be placed in a game due to budget constrains, programming limitations, time constraints, balancing issues, team sizes and a couple more things I can’t think of. At our current technological level, there’s a limit to how realistic a digital world can be, so you have to be specific about what you mean by details. Give examples. So far you’ve only mentioned adding more resource nodes (yes i’m repeating because apparently I didn’t make myself clear last time), that’s not ‘detail’, that’s just additional gameplay. Yes people DO fish in this world, people hunt, people farm, but none of that is necessary for the player to do and the current crafting system would need to be entirely rebalanced in order to accommodate for the new resource types (unless you just create new recipes and ignore the old ones, which is definitely NOT a wise thing to do). So what else other than adding unnecessary resource gathering types? What other details would you like to see?

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


“There’s also a certain limit to how much detail can be placed in a game due to budget constrains, programming limitations, time constraints, balancing issues, team sizes and a couple more things I can’t think of. At our current technological level, there’s a limit to how realistic a digital world can be, so you have to be specific about what you mean by details. "

I was actually thinking this too after I posted. Id rather have resources targeted towards profession balancing (i hear you laughing lol), new story chapters, some NEW items during holiday events from vendors, the rest of the gen 2 legendary weapons, finishing legendary armors, adjusting crafting recipes, leather drop rates, creation of new fractals, new armor skins (not gem shop) and really the list goes on and on.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


You actually come off a bit vague in your original post which might be whats confusing readers. Obviously not everyone will share your concerns but with how large the population of the game is, im sure some do. What I took from it was that there are a lot of areas in the game that are lacking, that were started but not truly fleshed out? I would guess an example would be like the town mini games (shooting gallery in DR).

I do recall seeing posts about adding skinning to the game to help with the price and drop rate of leather. It also sounds from your description that youd want part of the game to resemble what Garrisons became for WoW.

This is just my opinion now, but I feel crafting is fine, even if it is material intensive, other than leather, gathering is fine. With dungeons, fractals, raids, wvw, pvp, adventures, story modes, material gathering, seasonal events, crafting, dailies, there is plenty to do in game. I’m more on the crafter side of things, so when not doing dailies, or crafting I still have world boss trains, meta events, collections and material gathering to do.

Those that read my posts would know that I usually encourage as much content in the game as possible so everyone has something they enjoy. Perhaps you could be more specific on what you want added and how it would help the community?

You seem to get it quite well, but personally I do feel a revamp of a few things and the addition of professions would greatly help gw2

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


To pass the time in Guild Wars, I play the game. When I get tired of playing the game, I do something else. I don’t want it to be work, like having to farm a field, weed it, water it, I just want to go in and swing my sickle and deposit my veggies.

If they add fishing, I hope it’s the same: walk up to the fishing hole, toss a line, drag in a fish, move on. But why they would add that when they already have 3 types of gathering is beyond me. Then I gotta buy more gathering tools, or another permanent one. Yay.

“Nothing feels good nor realistic” because this is a fantasy game, meant to be fun. If you want realism there are other games out there, please leave it out of GW.

OP, you keep saying “detail” but all I hear are different variations of “I want fishing and housing and farming.” I don’t see how that is “detail.” Sounds like just more work: now I gotta hunt deer, catch fish, and farm my fields if I want to advance my character, in addition to collecting zone currency, WvW tokens, and leather (or whatever).

How is any of this needed? How does it enhance my GW playing experience?

You wouldn’t have to do anything at all. The addition of culture and richness to a game doesn’t involve work. A past time isn’t a job, it’s the complete opposite. You didn’t get it.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


@castlemanic You sincerely dont get the idea of anything that i have said. everything you stated has nothing or very little to do with what i said. I wont respond to every statement you made individually for the reason that i would just spend that time correcting you on everything you misunderstood about anything i said. I read everything, and you arent really saying anything that meets the gist of my thread/comments.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


Lets not forget this gem, because Arenanet definitely forgot about it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Modus_Sceleris

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Lets not forget this gem, because Arenanet definitely forgot about it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Modus_Sceleris

YES YES you get it. its LOST GEMS, or things that were never expanded, things that are missing or abandoned in the game. thank you.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


@castlemanic You sincerely dont get the idea of anything that i have said. everything you stated has nothing or very little to do with what i said. I wont respond to every statement you made individually for the reason that i would just spend that time correcting you on everything you misunderstood about anything i said. I read everything, and you arent really saying anything that meets the gist of my thread/comments.

Then explain. Explain what you mean in detail. If you legitimately have concerns about the development of this game, being vague about it won’t help. We need specifics, we need an understanding of where you’re coming from. If you further into detail and truly lay the ground work for what you mean, then I might be able to comment on your true meaning instead of commenting on what I (apparently) misunderstand.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


@castlemanic You sincerely dont get the idea of anything that i have said. everything you stated has nothing or very little to do with what i said. I wont respond to every statement you made individually for the reason that i would just spend that time correcting you on everything you misunderstood about anything i said. I read everything, and you arent really saying anything that meets the gist of my thread/comments.

Then explain. Explain what you mean in detail. If you legitimately have concerns about the development of this game, being vague about it won’t help. We need specifics, we need an understanding of where you’re coming from. If you further into detail and truly lay the ground work for what you mean, then I might be able to comment on your true meaning instead of commenting on what I (apparently) misunderstand.

sir what you require is a floor plan of it. What i am stating is a concern, with soooooome reference of ideas on how to improve it. I wont create an entire plan, title it “operation GW2” and send you a 20 page document PDF format. If you didnt get the meaning behind it, then im sorry, but thats as far as ill go.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


sir what you require is a floor plan of it. What i am stating is a concern, with soooooome reference of ideas on how to improve it. I wont create an entire plan, title it “operation GW2” and send you a 20 page document PDF format. If you didnt get the meaning behind it, then im sorry, but thats as far as ill go.

What I want are EXAMPLES, don’t strawman, don’t tell me I don’t understand my own words. I want examples, solid examples of what you mean. The most you’ve alluded to is expanding the gathering system and wanting extra details.

If you’re not willing to provide examples of details that you want in the game, then it’s your failure at explaining things properly, not mine for misunderstanding. If you’re genuinely concerned with the state of the game, then it’s both to YOUR benefit AND the benefit of ArenaNet to provide specific examples of what you mean by details.

So far, you fail to provide any true meaning to your argument.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


sir what you require is a floor plan of it. What i am stating is a concern, with soooooome reference of ideas on how to improve it. I wont create an entire plan, title it “operation GW2” and send you a 20 page document PDF format. If you didnt get the meaning behind it, then im sorry, but thats as far as ill go.

What I want are EXAMPLES, don’t strawman, don’t tell me I don’t understand my own words. I want examples, solid examples of what you mean. The most you’ve alluded to is expanding the gathering system and wanting extra details.

If you’re not willing to provide examples of details that you want in the game, then it’s your failure at explaining things properly, not mine for misunderstanding. If you’re genuinely concerned with the state of the game, then it’s both to YOUR benefit AND the benefit of ArenaNet to provide specific examples of what you mean by details.

So far, you fail to provide any true meaning to your argument.

A lot of people got the idea, but fine ill broaden it later tonight. At the moment im busy, but ill get back to this thread and expand it with what i mean.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


My #1 concern will be Engineer’s 2nd Elite Specialization and hope it turns out good for a Condition Damage build.

We got the Power type Elite Specualization with Scrapper and a melee Power weapon but now Engineer is missing a melee Condition Weapon.

Though i’m good if they can get creative with thing like Focus, sword, greatsword, or staff for engineer.

mace is at the bottom of my list because we already gotten a Hammer theme Elite Spec with Scrapper.

(edited by EdwinLi.1284)

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


@castlemanic there you go. I broadened it up. Now players can have a clear idea of what I was saying.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


My #1 concern will be Engineer’s 2nd Elite Specialization and hope it turns out good for a Condition Damage build.

We got the Power type Elite Specualization with Scrapper and a melee Power weapon but now Engineer is missing a melee Condition Weapon.

Though i’m good if they can get creative with thing like Focus, sword, greatsword, or staff for engineer.

mace is at the bottom of my list because we already gotten a Hammer theme Elite Spec with Scrapper.

Oh my sure that eventually engi is gonna have a condi elite.

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


My #1 concern will be Engineer’s 2nd Elite Specialization and hope it turns out good for a Condition Damage build.

We got the Power type Elite Specualization with Scrapper and a melee Power weapon but now Engineer is missing a melee Condition Weapon.

Though i’m good if they can get creative with thing like Focus, sword, greatsword, or staff for engineer.

mace is at the bottom of my list because we already gotten a Hammer theme Elite Spec with Scrapper.

Oh my sure that eventually engi is gonna have a condi elite.

Honestly a Melee Condition Elite Spec for Engineer is on my top 3 things I am waiting for in GW2.

So far Engineer has pistol for Range Condition Damage, Rifle for Range Power damage, and Hammer for Melee Power Damage.

There are plenty of options on what they can use for a Condition Melee Weapon from Sword, Greatsword, Staff, Mace, and maybe even Focus as a Main-hand weapon by modification that use energy.

Though Mace I would prefer that they release as a Elite Specialzation later maybe in 3rd expansion or 4th expansion because Hammer already provided the Builder type weapon and certain people only want Mace because of that one wrench skin that Mace has already.

The other weapons have their potential because as Engineers they can put on weapon modifications for the weapons to perform in ways that people would normally only expect to be possible with the use of Magic such as adding a Heat Modification on Greatsword for a type of Fire/Heat theme Elite Specialization or even a Energy modification on Staff or Sword for a Energy user Elite Specialization.

Or maybe put Energy Elite Specialization on Focus weapon Elite Spec with the mechanic of that Elite Spec to be the “Scarlet” Elite Spec involving use of abilities similar to Scarlet’s powers over her holo-clones and even allow focus to Manifest Holo-fists and claws to attack enemies in melee range.

(edited by EdwinLi.1284)

Xpac two concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


My #1 concern will be Engineer’s 2nd Elite Specialization and hope it turns out good for a Condition Damage build.

We got the Power type Elite Specualization with Scrapper and a melee Power weapon but now Engineer is missing a melee Condition Weapon.

Though i’m good if they can get creative with thing like Focus, sword, greatsword, or staff for engineer.

mace is at the bottom of my list because we already gotten a Hammer theme Elite Spec with Scrapper.

Oh my sure that eventually engi is gonna have a condi elite.

Honestly a Melee Condition Elite Spec for Engineer is on my top 3 things I am waiting for in GW2.

So far Engineer has pistol for Range Condition Damage, Rifle for Range Power damage, and Hammer for Melee Power Damage.

There are plenty of options on what they can use for a Condition Melee Weapon from Sword, Greatsword, Staff, Mace, and maybe even Focus as a Main-hand weapon by modification that use energy.

Though Mace I would prefer that they release as a Elite Specialzation later maybe in 3rd expansion or 4th expansion because Hammer already provided the Builder type weapon and certain people only want Mace because of that one wrench skin that Mace has already.

The other weapons have their potential because as Engineers they can put on weapon modifications for the weapons to perform in ways that people would normally only expect to be possible with the use of Magic such as adding a Heat Modification on Greatsword for a type of Fire/Heat theme Elite Specialization or even a Energy modification on Staff or Sword for a Energy user Elite Specialization.

Or maybe put Energy Elite Specialization on Focus weapon Elite Spec with the mechanic of that Elite Spec to be the “Scarlet” Elite Spec involving use of abilities similar to Scarlet’s powers over her holo-clones and even allow focus to Manifest Holo-fists and claws to attack enemies in melee range.

I imagine engi elite that focuses on poison will have a bunch of poisonous gas weapons. Flying robots that spray poison and poison coated weapons.